Stay At Home Dad 03-Father Knows Death (17 page)

Read Stay At Home Dad 03-Father Knows Death Online

Authors: Jeffrey Allen

Tags: #Misc. Cozy Mysteries

BOOK: Stay At Home Dad 03-Father Knows Death
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“You were right about George,” I said. “He did know some things.”

Scarecrow nodded and Dorothy muttered, “Told you.”

“And he was going to do the right thing,” I said. “At least, I think he was. But I just thought you both should know that.”

They looked at each other, unsure what to say. They shuffled their feet and looked around for a moment.

“We miss George,” Dorothy finally said. “We’re going to make him proud.”

“Make him proud?”

She pursed her lips and both of them began backing up toward their float.

“You’ll see,” she said. “You’ll see.”


The roar of motorcycles filled the air behind the 4-H float and it took me a moment to realize it was the Petal Dawgs in the ready stall behind ours. I walked past our float and Butch waved a hand at me from atop his massive bike.

He flipped up his goggles. “Hey, Deuce. Looks like we’re following you today.”

“Looks like it.”

“We’ll try not to run you over,” he said, chuckling. Then he gestured at the float. “Those things on your float? They look like . . .”

“Cucumbers,” I said. “They’re cucumbers and carrots.”

He stared for a long moment. “Ohhhhhhh. Okay. Sure.”

A clattering and scraping drew our attention to the other side of the street. A motorcycle was on its side and a guy was squirming beneath it like a trapped snake.

“Be right back,” Butch said, jumping off his bike, jamming the stand down, and hustling over to help.

A group gathered around the trapped man and helped to lift the bike off of him. He stood and brushed off his jeans, looking embarrassed. He adjusted the bright red bandanna on his head, tugged on the leather vest with the dog paw on the back and nodded all around.

Butch walked back over. “Some of these guys, the bikes are still new to them.”

“You don’t say.”

“Archie there, the guy that took the spill, he’s a doctor over in Argyle,” he said. “He bought the bike a few months ago, but hasn’t been able to ride it much. He’s usually in surgery when we go out riding.”


“We encourage everyone to take safety courses, but sometimes they don’t have the time,” Butch said, frowning. “And some of these guys, they just don’t understand how heavy these things can be.”

“You’ve had yours awhile?”

“Oh, I’ve been riding since I was a kid,” he said, smiling. “My pop was a mechanic and used to buy ’em, fix ’em up, and sell ’em. I’d take ’em on test runs before we gave ’em back. One of the reasons I became an accountant was so I’d have enough money to indulge.” He patted the bike. “I’ve got a couple more at home in the garage.”

“Cool,” I said. “I’ve never ridden.”

“I’d be happy to take you out if you’re ever interested,” he said. “Of course, not on a group ride. That’s against the rules.”

I looked around at the Petal Dawgs. They were white collar guys living out their weekend fantasies. Most of them moved awkwardly around their bikes, more comfortable looking at them and showing them off than actually sitting on them.

“Maybe,” I said. “Thanks for the offer.” I gestured at his group. “You mentioned the other night that you were planning something? In George’s honor?”

Butch’s face grew serious. “Right. We are.”

“Can I ask what it is?”

“Sorry. It’s a surprise,” he said. “Nothing disruptive. But we want everyone to remember George.”

“Fair enough,” I said.

“You learn anything new?”

I thought for a moment. “I think I’ve got some pieces of the puzzle. Just not sure how they all fit together.”

He lowered his head. “You need any muscle, you can count on us.”


“Yeah, muscle. In getting whoever did that to George.” He took a look around at his fellow members. “We’ve vowed to not rest until his killer is brought to justice. Legally or illegally.”

Behind him, Archie’s bike started to tip again and several others wearing the same vests helped him keep it upright. I was not looking forward to seeing him attempt to ride it and hoped we could keep at a safe distance.

“Thanks,” I said. “But I think we’ve got it covered.”

He fixed me with a hard stare, then nodded. “You can call on us if you need to. Offer will always be there.”

Before I could respond, someone from near the 4-H float was calling my name.

I turned to see Susan waving at me.

“I need someone tall,” she said. “Can you come over here for a moment?”

“Yep, one second,” I said.

I turned back to Butch and his expression had changed. He looked as if he’d swallowed a lemon. Several of them.

“You know her?” he asked.

“Who? Susan?”

He nodded.

“She’s our 4-H leader.”

“I’d find a new 4-H group if I were you,” he said, narrowing his eyes. “That woman is a menace.”

“My wife feels the same way,” I said, smiling. “We aren’t her biggest fans.”

“I’m serious,” he said. “That woman ever steps in front of my bike, I’m hitting the throttle and I’ll keep on riding.”

“Bad experience with her?” I asked.

He rolled his eyes. “I wanted to throw tomatoes at her last night, Deuce. With pieces of glass in them.”

“Sounds bad.”

“She’s the worst kind of woman,” he said. “Controlling. Manipulative. Fake. Ugly.”

I was surprised at his vitriol and I wasn’t sure how to respond. I didn’t know Susan well enough to confirm any of those things, but I didn’t have a hard time believing they were true. Susan was a pain in the rear. Julianne wasn’t the only one in town who couldn’t stand her. I just hadn’t known that Butch was in that line, too.

“Poison,” Butch continued. “She’s just poison.”

“You used to date her or something?” I asked, curiosity finally getting the better of me.

He frowned at me like I’d spit on him. “Hell no. I’d never date that viper.”

“Oh, sorry. It just sounded like you were talking from experience,” I said, backtracking.

He shook his head. “No way. Not ever.” He sighed. “We tried to get him away from her. But he had the hardest time cutting her loose. I think she just guilted the crap out of him.”

“Who? A friend? Someone in the Petal Dawgs?”

“Remember when I told you George was way better off with Matilda?”


“Never mind, Deuce!” Susan yelled. “We got it since you were taking so long!”

Butch shook his head and narrowed his eyes. “Susan was the one that broke George.”

I blinked several times. “Susan and George? Used to be together?”

He nodded solemnly. “Until he finally got his head screwed on right and dumped her butt.”


“I have to call Victor,” I whispered to Julianne.

“So call him,” she said, sitting on the edge of the flatbed. “And why are you whispering?”

I pulled my cell from my pocket. “I don’t know.”

“Well, don’t. It’s creepy.”

I started to say something, but Susan materialized next to us. “Problem?”

I fumbled with my phone. “What? No. Why?”

She glanced at Julianne sitting on the flatbed. “I saw you sitting. Wondered if maybe you were going to have to leave. Maybe the heat was getting to you or something.” She smiled.

Julianne smiled back. “I’m fine, Susan. But thanks for your concern.”

“We have extra water bottles,” she said. “And I could probably arrange for a wheelchair.”

It was like I could hear the talons spring from Julianne’s fingers. “Only if you think you might need one, Susan.”

Susan tried to smile, but her face just scrunched up. “Oh, I’m fine. Okay. Toodle-oo.”

She scurried around the back of the trailer.

Julianne looked at me. “What is the matter with you? You looked like you saw a ghost when she came around the corner.”

“Did you know Susan and George used to be together?” I asked, lowering my voice again.

“George Spellman? The dead guy?”


“No.” She thought for a moment. “Well, that explains those looks Susan and Matilda exchanged last night.”

“Yeah, it does.”

Julianne rubbed her stomach and shifted on the trailer. “I would’ve yelled louder for Matilda last night if I’d known that.”

“I gotta call Victor,” I said.

She started to say something, but her words caught and she rubbed her stomach.

I held the phone in my hand. “What’s the matter?”

She rolled her eyes. “I think I’ve overdone it on all the junk food and spicy stuff. My stomach feels rotten.”

“You wanna go home?”

She frowned at me. “Uh, no. I won’t give that woman the pleasure of leaving.”

“Jules. Be real here. If you don’t feel great, the last thing you should be doing is riding a float in a parade in this heat,” I said.

“I’m fine,” she said, rubbing her belly. “I just need to burp or something.”

“You are so sexy.”

“Shut up.”

“We’ll be moving soon!” Susan called out from the sidewalk. “Everyone please be ready!”

Julianne pushed herself off the trailer. “You better call Victor now. I don’t think she’ll be happy about you using a phone in the middle of the parade. I gotta go find Carly and make sure she doesn’t get run over.” She waddled around the back end of the trailer.

I punched in Victor’s number, but got his voice mail. I left him a quick message and told him to call me back immediately. I shoved the phone back in my pocket.

I could see some of the floats ahead of us moving. The C.A.K.E. people were assembling in front of us and the Petal Dawgs were warming up their engines and trying to stay upright behind us.

Susan was at the front of the float, getting kids in place and prancing around.

I hoped she wouldn’t mind me walking near her in the parade.


The floats all started crawling forward. Half of the kids were on the float, the other half walking in the street, armed with bags of candy to toss to the people lining the route The adults were interspersed throughout, keeping the kids in line and making sure they weren’t eating all the candy that was meant for the spectators.

Susan was walking off to the side, in a spot where she could supervise everyone. I sidled up next to her.

She smiled at me. “Is your wife still here, Deuce, or did she give up?”

“Still here,” I said. “She’s on the other side with Carly.”

She glanced over the float, as if she didn’t believe me. “Ah, yes. She’s hard to miss, isn’t she?”

“Yes, easily the most beautiful woman on the parade route,” I said, growing tired of her remarks about Julianne.

Apparently, my frustration was evident in my words, as Susan replied, “Absolutely, she is! Pregnant women have that glow, don’t they?”


“Or maybe that’s a sunburn,” she said, grinning at me, her words meant as a joke.

“Right,” I said. “Hey, I didn’t know that you knew George Spellman so well.”

Her grin flickered. “What?”

I’d wanted to wait to hear from Victor. I was always unsure of myself when I was starting to put things together and, as much as I didn’t like to admit it, I sometimes needed his input to tell me if I was doing the right thing or not. But he hadn’t answered his phone, Susan was making fun of my wife, and I was irritated.

“George? Spellman?” I said. “I didn’t know you knew him so well.”

She moved her eyes about, scanning the 4-H’ers as we walked. “Where did you hear that?”

“You used to date him?” I asked, ignoring her question.

“Oh, well, that was . . . I don’t know. Ages ago, I think I’d say.”

“Was it? Way I heard it, it wasn’t that long ago.”

Her smile was fading by the second. “Opinions vary, I suppose.”

“So you did used to date him, though, right?”

She hesitated, then nodded. “Yes, we dated.”

“For a long time?”

“I honestly don’t remember,” she said, shooting me a smile that contained more glare than smile.

“You don’t remember dating him? Or you don’t remember how long?”

“Deuce, I really need to focus on the parade,” she said. “And I’m not sure why my dating life is any concern of yours. Unless, of course, you’re looking . . .” She gave me what I guessed was supposed to be a flirtatious smile.

“I assure you I am not looking, Susan,” I said. “I haven’t looked at anyone but Julianne since the day I laid eyes on her. But I don’t think it’s too much to ask you to walk and talk at the same time. Is it?”

She didn’t answer.

The entire parade line was still crawling. I knew it would take awhile for us to get moving at a true walking speed. I glanced over the float. Julianne was walking with Carly, holding her hand, but she had a weird expression on her face. Almost a grimace. I really wished she wouldn’t push herself just to make a point to everyone else in the world.

“About six months,” Susan said. “We dated for about six months.”

“Was it serious?”

“Why are you being so nosy?”

“Because it’s sort of my job,” I replied. “I’m trying to find out what happened to him, so I need to find out more about him. Who his friends were. What was going on in his life. I didn’t realize you had a relationship with him or I would’ve asked you about him sooner.”

She nodded, accepting that that made sense. “I guess it was serious. I mean, we weren’t going to get married or anything, but we were . . . together.”

“How’d you meet?”

“Actually, here at the fairgrounds,” she said, still refusing to make eye contact with me. “I don’t remember exactly how, but I think I was here for a 4-H activity and he was here because he was always here. I probably needed something fixed in the food stand.”

The pace of the parade started to increase just a bit and we were actually walking at nearly a full, comfortable stride now.

“He asked me out,” she said, glancing at me. “He was very flattering. I couldn’t say no.”

“And you said yes? Right away?”

“Yes. I did. I thought he was nice. Somewhat handsome. I wasn’t involved with anyone. And he had a good sense of humor. I like that in a man.”

“So why’d you break up?”

Her face bunched up. “I’m not sure how that’s any of your business, Deuce. I’m really not.”

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