Stay Forever (11 page)

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Authors: Eva Corona

BOOK: Stay Forever
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Ether and Smokey purple petals.  High success. Petals and the texture of petals.  Never lost, eternal.  Colors and shades.   Shades of petals.  Scents and fragrance, also eternal, pure.  Pure virgin white snow.  Energy and matter and liberation.  Creation and liberation.



Under the sun, they sat and sharpened crystals and polished metals and stones.  The glistening light from the sun reflected on the crystals seemed like magic in itself.  “At the quantum level, things which exist in name in fact only exist as possibilities of consciousness.  When penetrated, such as cloth, we find only thread. Creation is the manifestation of pure consciousness.  Due to the power of cosmic illusion that which appears divisible and changing is reality, which is eternally one and the same.  We are alive and there is no limitation!  All science until now claims to be objective.  The world is completely mathematical. 

Juan insists to Fatima that it be up to humanity to accept responsibility for the creative forces of nature.  They are in the remote areas of the earth.  Unbeknown to most they work endlessly to maintain the sanctity of the earth.  The treasures found forever in nature.

“Let us eat.” Said Juan.  The rice and fresh vegetables tasted so good Fatima could not concentrate on anything but the flavor.  The meals were always very plain yet always tasted so delicious.



Early the next morning Fatima awoke to voices downstairs.  When she came into the kitchen she saw Juan and another man outside chatting and laughing.  Saying good morning to Juan she said she would go to the farmer down the road to get the eggs.  She was curious as to who the man was that was so friendly with Juan and Juan did not introduce her.

The walk to the farmers was about half an hour and she set off. It was quiet. 

When she arrived at the farmers he was sitting out on the grass.  He did not look pleased to see her. 

“What are you looking for?” he asked.

“A dozen eggs.” Said Fatima.

She never asked for anything different.  Juan did not eat meat, so neither did she and that was the all farmer sold. 

The farmer went out to the back shed and came back with a dozen eggs that he placed in a wooden box. 

“Bring the box back.” He said.

Fatima took the box from the farmer and set off across the field back to the town of Safi.


“Just leave it there.” He grunted.

Fatima walked back to Juan’s.  “Senora, senora.” Asked a young boy.  “Yes.’ said Fatima.  She stopped.  The boy sat in the road.  “What do you want?” asked Fatima.  “I am homeless.” Replied the boy.  “I just want someone to talk to, no one talks to me.”  Fatima sat down beside him.  “How long have you been homeless?” asked Fatima.  “Five years.” Replied the boy.  His eyes looked alive, hopeful and sad at the same time.  “Do you want some food? Asked Fatima.  “Thanks.” Replied the boy as he took an apple.   They stayed sitting by the side of the road for hours until the sun started to set.  The boy smiled sadly and Fatima said goodbye. When Fatima returned to Juan’s house the other man had left.  Juan did not tell her who he was. She prepared the lunch and made a drink from the almond nuts and took the drink out to Juan.


Our life is so short we must cherish every moment without expectation.  The peace and love is present in every moment.  Fatima sat under the tree by the garden enjoying the silence.  She mused and thought about the teachings.  Delicately she picked a flower and examined its beauty, the perfection in the way the petals softly clung together, separate and individual yet so needing of each one for the flowers intricate detailed beauty. Dusk light was setting over the patio.   Slowly Juan had started to stop working completely.  He no longer made sculptures, yet there remained many left over that could be sold and that he continued to sell.  Although he taught her simple maths, and spelling, Juan told Fatima he was more interested in teaching her things that she would not have learnt in school. He was teaching her a language called Sanskrit.  He told her that ancient traditions were more fine and subtle in perception. Introducing her to the language, he stated he felt it was important for her to learn, as it would teach her the truly necessary words to use.   Sanskrit exists of vibrating levels as well as written speech and sound.  Modern day languages do not take vibration into account so this is the most powerful language she could learn he told her.  The root words used are capable of carrying the meaning to be conveyed.  Languages evolve yet evolve further away from meaning, he laughed.  He sadly sighed that today our perception is gross and focused in matter.  When Juan spoke this way Fatima felt a yearning in her heart to be with him.  His words resonated with her.  She wished she had the expression belonging to him, just to be able to impact him with the feeling she felt.  To learn everything he could teach and move away from the focus of matter. Suddenly Juan stopped and sat up straight and stared deeply into her eyes.“Stop!” he said.  “Paul Claudel said open your eyes! The world is still intact, it is as pristine as it was on the very first day, as fresh as milk!” The wind softly caressed their skin and there was a warm glow from the dusk light as the sun set. Taking out a notebook and paper with symbols on it he continued to explain to her that Sanskrit is to the science of language what mathematics is to astronomy.  It presents us with an abundance of terms to express the most abstract ideas. Love is the essence of the language and what it seeks to portray with the most vivid description, the deepest sense with the strongest force to the highest receptors of understanding. “Wait perhaps I can see it. When music expresses sadness, I see a tear, not in my eye, in another, I feel sad.” Juan said slowly.



The baroque era was an era where it seemed that they believed that in fact, music was not a creation, it was a gateway to creation, perhaps a medium, from which they as individuals could create. They could express their emotions, perhaps they might dance?

That evening Fatima felt very sad.  She missed her brothers and felt lonely.  She felt so alone.  There is the Goddess of compassion, she told herself.  Tara is born from the tears of her mate.  The rivers flow from the tears of her compassionate love.  Fatima looked out at the moon.  It was full moon tonight.  It shone its intense silvery milky rays.  Its transcendence seemed so close.  Full moon increases vision and insight.  The moon stands on the far side of the earth

leaving a direct relationship with the moon and the sun.  The intense golden orb, which is the source of all our energy and life.  The ebb and flow of the heart of the sun is indicated by the cyclical nature of the moon. 

Mind is psychedelic.  Psychedelic means have or producing hallucinations.  Every experience or dream we ever have is psychedelic.  All is an illusion.  Nothing is real.  The universe can be expounded and expanded, contracted to the size of an infinitesimal molecule, with time space and distance unable to notice the difference for their entire reality depends on their relativity inside the whole.  Vast and empty yet inside every spectrum a minimum of infinite possibilities.   If we argue against the irrationality then we only enforce it.  Irrational beliefs form the basis of illusion, and all illusions seek to make themselves believable.  Illusion can be dispelled.  Illusion is dispelled when time exists no more time without the reality of existence, or is that just a desperate search of infinity not to find itself and shed its own illusion.  If eternity had an illusion it would be time. Eternity holds illusions.  One illusion is time.   Eternity is real, time is unreal.  Time only exists in eternity. Eternity is being measured, a year, a moment; a decade is still only one infinitesimal shimmering fraction of eternity.  A moment is the most precious present eternity can offer. A glimpse of time.  A vanishing piece of eternity.  Every chance is an opportunity every opportunity is a chance. Wisdom is the ability to know when to speak and when not to.



The next afternoon they sat outside in the garden.  They drank nutritious nourishing milk and bittersweet grapefruit. , Feeling the warm embrace of the sun.  Fatima looked at Michael as if it were the first time she was seeing him.  The colors of his skin and eyes looked like a beautiful painting of the Gods.  “A life that is self disciplined mentally emotionally and physically can be depended on by the soul.”  Juan said.  “Time is precious, more precious than anything, what you invest in time defines your energy, give others what you will yet never give your time. whatever you lack or possess depends on time. Time time time.”  In the seed of a flower are the petals and leaves

“I wish for you to go on a journey Fatima.” Said Juan.

“You have been with me for many years now.” He continued.  “You are of an age now when you need to experience the world on your own.  You need to make your own discoveries.  Learn your own truths.”

Fatima did not know what to say.  She had grown accustomed to her way of life and cherished it.  She had known that at someday she would have to leave though she had never imagined it to be so soon.

Juan continued.

“I will give you money to begin your travels.  You are free to go where you wish and there you will have to learn to look after yourself.  I want to see you again Fatima.  I have grown to love you, which is why I bid you leave.  I wish to see you again.  I myself am going to a lady I know who lives in the Red Wood forests of America.  She has a temple there.  When you are ready I wish you to come there also.  Yet now you are not ready.  Perhaps in a year, maybe more.  Now you must leave.”









A group of musicians sat in the medina of the palm-lined streets, red earth walls surrounding the flat roofed red houses, a dramatic backdrop to the city formed by the high mountains.

Fatima was making her way to the mystical red city of Marrakech, known for even the least qualified finding work of some kind. It was not far from the town of Safi.



On the road as she walked a man stepped out from the roadside.  He was wearing a hood. 

“I am Robin Hood.” Came the hushed tone.  I have come to give you a message.  He paused.  The dark night whispered.  His face could not be seen and the wind blew stronger. Law equals nature equals truth.


That is the single universal truth.


There is male.


There is female.


One plus one equals three.


That is the coalescent law of synergy.


Synergy equals creation.


Awareness of creation equals love.


Creation behaves exponentially.




Infinity = Eternity = Time.


Thought at t1 equals Time at t1


Awareness of Thought at t1 at Time t2 equals Negation.


Time does not exist.


Thought does exist.


Memory is thought in relation too Time.


Thought exists without Memory.


Memory is contingent on the Mind.


Mind = Consciousness = Thought.


Mind and Consciousness do exist.


Continuation of Awareness of Thought equals Time


Time may exist.


Continuation of Thought equals Time.


Memory is a tool that allows us to understand Nature.



Awareness of Mind equals love.


Mind behaves exponentially.


Love understands Life.


Life shows Unconditional Love.


Control Mind; Control Life.


If one were to always act Purely the law of Karma would still exist.


Purity equals Unconditional Love.




As there is a source of all thought there is a destination for all thought.


The Ego controls the destination.


The Mind must become aware of the destination; of the Ego


Awareness of the destination of Thought equals Negation.


The Ego does not exist.


The Mind thinks. The Mind exists. The Thought; from a source, destination; ego.


There is Pure and Impure. No in-between.


The man with the deep voice underneath the cloak paused.  Before he disappeared into the night, he continued.

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