Steel 6: Blackthorne MC #6 (4 page)

Read Steel 6: Blackthorne MC #6 Online

Authors: Carrie Cox

Tags: #billionaire, #Romance, #billionaire brothers, #alpha male, #serials

BOOK: Steel 6: Blackthorne MC #6
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Jackson hesitated then gave me a single nod.

We separated, Jackson going wide to surprise him from the front, and I circled round behind him.

The guy didn’t know what hit him. I snuck up behind him and grabbed him in a headlock, pressing my arm against his windpipe for good measure.

Jackson hurried up to us and looked over his shoulder anxious to make sure that nobody could see us.

“Tell me what you’ve done with the girl,” I demanded, tightening my grip on the man’s neck.

“What? What girl? I don’t know what you mean,” the man spluttered.

His face was screwed up and the neon lights gave his sweaty face a grotesque look.

My stomach clenched in fear. He
to know. She had to be here. If she wasn’t, I didn’t know where to start looking for her. If anything happened to Ella, it would be my fault, and I would never forgive myself.

“Ella” I said her name, and my voice was raw and gritty. “A member of your nasty little MC took her this afternoon from the sheriff’s office. And
are going to tell me exactly where she is.”

“Go to hell,” the guy managed to spit out, and he tried to use his body weight to send me off balance and make me release my hold.

It didn’t work. There was no way I was letting this bastard get away if he had information that would lead me to Ella.

I punched him low in the back just below the kidneys, and he grunted in pain.

Jackson had been silent so far, but now he stepped forward, leaned down and pulled a knife from a strap around his leg. He held it up, and it shone in the neon lights from the sign.

Jackson’s face was blank, but the threat was very clear. He held up the knife to the man’s face and pressed it against the plump skin of the man’s cheek.

The guy’s eyes grew wide and panicked. But he still insisted he didn’t know who we were talking about.

Then Jackson spoke for the first time, “If you don’t tell us where she is right now, I will kill you.”

His voice was quiet but menacing. I had to hand it to him, for a cop, Jackson made a very convincing biker outlaw.

The man’s lip began to wobble, and I felt him stop struggling against my hold. “All right. She’s in a room at the back with the other girl.”

I frowned.
The other girl?

But I didn’t have time to think about that right now.

“Which room?” I demanded, squeezing his neck a little tighter.

“Round the back, third window,” he grunted out.

I released my hold and let go of his neck, and he staggered forward, rubbing his throat, which was red from where my arm had been gripping him.

Before he could recover, though, Jackson slammed a fist into the side of the man’s face, and he went down like a ton of bricks.

I looked at Jackson, surprised. I hadn’t expected that. I was planning to take him with us, maybe extract a little revenge on the way.

I shook my head at Jackson, and as I started to walk off towards the back of the bar to get Ella, I said to him over my shoulder, “I didn’t think cops were meant to do things like that.”

“It was better than what you were planning to do with him, Steel,” Jackson said cooly.

I shrugged, I didn’t care about the fate of a foot soldier in the Venom MC. I’d already forgotten about him as I started to run off towards the back of the club.

“Wait!” Jackson called after me. “We have to hide him otherwise someone’s going to realize something is wrong.”

“You do it,” I said and then turned my back on him and ran towards where they were keeping Ella.



I listened as Claire told me how awful her time with the Venom MC had been. I realized I’d been lucky in comparison.

I had no idea what they were going to do to us now. We were witnesses to a murder, and so we were a thorn in the side of both the Venom
the Blackthorn MC.

My throat was so dry. I really needed a drink, but I was trying to refrain from drinking from Claire’s bottle of water.

Claire was already succumbing to the effects of whatever they had put in her water, and her head dropped down to rest on my shoulder.

“Sorry,” she mumbled with her eyes shut. “I’m just so tired.”

“It’s fine,” I said. “Get some sleep. We’ll figure out our plan in the morning,”

But Claire never got to sleep. A second after she’d rested her head against my shoulder, the door burst open.

I felt a coil of terror building inside me. I was shaking.

It was the huge biker from earlier, the same one who’d taken me from the sheriff’s office.

Claire jumped as he entered and whimpered beside me, clearly just as terrified as I was. I used my heels to push myself as far back on the bed as I could.

The smile he gave us made my stomach clench.

I knew instinctively, this man was evil.

He licked his lips. “I promised you I’d come back, didn’t I?” He asked smirking at me. “I thought I’d see if you lived up to my expectations.”

He took a step forward, and I gasped, pushing myself back against the wall.

“Leave us alone,” I shouted, trying to sound more confident than I felt.

Don’t let him see you’re scared, Ella, I told myself.
He likes it

My heart was thundering in my chest as he swaggered towards us. He smiled down at both of us. “Two for the price of one.”

He reached across the bed and shoved his hand beneath Claire’s top, fondling her breasts. His face was slack with lust as he groped her.

I watched him in horror, and then reacted by trying to yank his arm away. “Get off her!”

Claire curled up in a fetal position on the bed, shaking, and he turned to me.

His eyes glinted evilly. “Don’t be jealous, baby. There’s plenty of me to go around.”

He reached out, pulling me towards him, and I realized just how strong he was and how helpless I was in comparison.

He grabbed my hand and held it against his crotch. The bulge of his pants jerked as he rubbed my hand back and forth over him.

Horrified, I tried to pull away, but he held me too firmly.

He reached under my top to grab a handful of my breasts and pinched my nipple painfully.

I knew it excited him more, but I couldn’t help struggling. I just wanted him to stop touching me. I tried to smack his hands away.

“Yeah, baby. That’s the way I like it.”

Claire was fighting back, too. Her legs kicked out at him as she tried to push against his chest to get him away from me, but if anything, that just seemed to turn him on more.

He let my hand drop and then reached for the buckle on his belt, looking down at us both and licking his lips.

“I’m going to enjoy this,” he said as he unfastened his belt and popped the first button of his jeans.



I found the room easily. It was the only one with a light on. I could see Ella on the bed along with another girl. There was a huge biker, wearing a bandana, standing in front of them. He was talking, but I couldn’t hear what he was saying.

I fought against the overwhelming urge to just burst through the window right now and take her away, but I knew it was more sensible to wait until the biker left the room. If the Venom MC were alerted to the fact Jackson and I were here, we were all as good as dead.

The biker couldn’t stay there all night surely. I just had to wait until he left the room, I told myself, clenching my fists at my sides. At least Ella looked unhurt.

I tried to hold myself back and wait for Jackson before I made my move. But then something happened that made me forget Jackson.

It made me forget that there was a whole club load of bikers less than fifty yards away. The fucker reached down and started to undo his belt.

Afterwards, it was hard to remember what order things happened in, but I knew my fist closed around a rock, which I used to smash the window.

The broken glass cut my arms as I reached inside, but I barely noticed.

The window was tiny, but somehow I managed to shove myself through the jagged glass and growl, “Get your goddamn hands off her now!”



I blinked in disbelief as there was the sound of shattering glass, and Nick suddenly launched himself through the window.

The look on my attacker’s face, as he stood there with his pants open, was almost comical. I would have laughed if I hadn’t been so scared.

Claire screamed as Nick threw himself across the room, grabbing the man by the throat, and they both crashed to the floor in a melee of flying fists.

I looked around wildly for something I could use as a weapon to help him.

Claire screamed again, and I saw she was looking at the window. It was Jackson. He quickly pushed his large frame through the small window and immediately set about helping Nick.

Not that Nick needed much help. The guy with the bandana was laying out cold on the floor with blood pouring from a cut above his eyebrow.

Jackson growled. “Christ, Steel. Would it have killed you to have waited?”

Nick looked up, and his eyes were wild as they found mine.

“Yes, it would. I couldn’t wait,” he said simply and then pulled me into his arms, crushing me against his broad chest.

I threw my arms around Nick’s neck. I’d never been so glad to see anyone in my life.

Yes, it was crazy, and yes, I needed a psych evaluation, but I knew I wanted to be with him.

Claire was rigid by my side. Her eyes were wide as she stared at Nick and Jackson.

I reached over to try and reassure her, but Nick wouldn’t let me go.

“It’s okay,” I said to Claire. “It’s Jackson and Nick. I know them, and they won’t hurt us.” I stopped short of saying she could trust them.

Jackson pulled on Nick’s shoulder and shook him. “Get it together,” he said. “They would have heard that, and they’ll be coming for us. We need to go

Claire looked at me and hesitated, but then she stood up and nodded.

Jackson climbed out of the window first and then helped Claire and I out, carefully protecting us from the broken glass. Nick climbed out and grabbed my hand, pulling me along as we ran away from the club.

“Wait!” I panted. “Surely we can’t
away. Where are the bikes?” I had assumed they would be in the parking lot.

“Not far.” Nick pulled my hand, urging me along.

I looked across and saw Jackson scooping Claire up in his arms. She was still out of it from whatever the bikers had used to drug the water.

My chest was screaming out for air by the time we reached the bikes, and I could hear a commotion back at the club.

I slid onto the back of Nick’s bike. It felt so good to wrap my arms around him and feel my body pressed tight against his.

“Back to Blackthorne?” Jackson asked as he turned his bike around.

Nick shook his head. “Not yet. We need to go somewhere neutral.”

Jackson nodded. “Follow me. I know just the place.”



We rode along the deserted desert road for around an hour. I hugged Nick tightly, so glad he had arrived when he did.

Jackson led us to a small motel. It looked well cared for, and nothing like the places we’d been staying in. There was no loud music booming, and no scantily clad women strolling about.

Nick pulled up his bike beside Jackson’s and switched the engine off.

“I’ll check us in,” Nick said, climbing off the bike.

He hesitated before he went, then leaned in to kiss me tenderly on the cheek. “I’m so sorry, Ella.”

I didn’t know what to say as I watched him walk off to the reception.

Jackson was watching me carefully.

I walked across to Claire to make sure she was okay. Despite everything that had happened, she smiled at me and pulled me in for a hug. “We’re going to be okay, aren’t we?”

I nodded. “I think so.”

Jackson narrowed his eyes as he looked at us. “Have you taken something?” he asked Claire.

“They drugged her water,” I said. “To keep her quiet.”

Jackson’s normally cool, impassive face took on a horrified expression. “Assholes,” he muttered fiercely.

He cupped her face in his hands, looking into her eyes and then smoothed her hair back from her face. The way his huge hands tenderly and delicately touched her made me smile. He was a good guy.

“I’m actually starting to feel much better,” Claire said, looking slightly dazed. “I think the effects are wearing off.”

Claire shivered, and Jackson shrugged off his jacket and held it out to her. “Here.”

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