Steel Dominance (28 page)

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Authors: Cari Silverwood

Tags: #Fantasy, #Erotic Romance, #bdsm, #Steampunk

BOOK: Steel Dominance
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She felt him sit up, though he still straddled her body with his thighs. When she kept intermittently giggling, he slapped the upper slope of her backside, once, twice. The sharp pain made her cease for all of two seconds. Tears were running down her cheeks. She snorted and nearly choked from suppressing the laughter.

“Okay. Explain, or I may throw you to the crocodile myself.” Dankyo fumbled at the drawstring and took off the bag.

“I’m sorry.” She blinked and turned her head, and saw him looking back at her, bemused yet patient.

But, she giggled again. “A bag over my head? Really? A bag! And you said fuck and whore. You never say those.” The grin stayed on her face. “I’m sorry, but my fantasy just isn’t working for me. Not today anyway.”

He was still clothed, and seeing that thick white shirt and his black trousers and belt, and with him sitting on her while she remained bound…oh yes, now she was getting hot. Then she added softly. “I think, with you, I don’t need it anymore.”

“No?” He rubbed the light bristles on his chin. “All that effort, and you giggle? Tansu looked night and day for that bag.”

He was joking, wasn’t he? She searched his face. Maybe. Half yes, half no. She squirmed. “Get off me.”

“No.” He leaned down, pinned her head in place with both hands, then bit her earlobe hard enough make her squeak and try to shake him off. She couldn’t.

“You’re too”—she tried to roll her shoulders—“too fat.” A giggle erupted.
Oh my, am I going to get it.

“Are you attempting to anger me?” he murmured.

“Um.” She blinked. With him only inches away, staring back, with his large hand wrapped in her hair and the other one grasping her jaw, she lost her words. This was flirting with danger. That frisson of realization hit her, like it always seemed to when she was at his mercy.

He put his fingers into her mouth. “Suck. Keep your eyes open. I want to see you.”

That didn’t make sense, but she understood. He wanted to see her soul. The eyes were the mirror… He didn’t blink and slowly, quietly, she surrendered, felt the intimate threads of herself unravel and bow down to him and his desires. She licked at his fingers, then closed her mouth on them.

“Suck on me, Sofia,” he said quietly. “And your eyes stay open.”

Moisture trickled from her cleft. As easily as that, he had her. Her pussy clenched. The warmth of arousal seeped into her groin, then drifted through her as subtly as the dusting of pollen on the breeze.

As she sucked and licked at him, she struggled not to lower her eyelids, imagining his cock on her tongue instead of his thick fingers. Her toes curled, and she shivered.

“Good girl.” He took his wet fingers out, traced them over her lips and then up her cheek. While he ran them gently around inside the whorl of her ear, he continued, “So, the rape fantasy didn’t work. But I’m not done with you. Not at all.” His words settled on her.

She stayed silent, ensorcelled, playing with her lip with her tongue, tasting him again.

What do I need with a fantasy when I have this man?
She didn’t need to pretend. He was more than her match and could overpower her in an instant.

He shifted and reached back, his hand brushing past her buttocks, then her thighs. Then he wiggled the plug, pulling on it and almost, but not quite, taking it out past the ring of her muscle. She whimpered. If done too quickly, that could be so excruciating.

“Can you move, Sofia?” His gaze was as relentless as the sun in the sky. “Can you?”

What a question. His grip on her hair would spike her with pain if she moved her head too far. His weight on her pelvis and his thighs pressed either side of her buttocks meant she couldn’t move there either. Only her legs were free. He knew the answer. He wanted her to acknowledge that she was trapped. Her clit pulsed.

She inhaled, once, breathing in his weight and the dominating presence of his body. “No. I can’t.”

“Am I fat?” He tweaked her hair.


The curve at one corner of his mouth gave away his amusement, but she didn’t dare say anything insulting.


“Better. Now I’m going to string you up and do what I like to you.”

String you up
. The words avalanched through her. The blood fled her veins. But, she wanted this so much. Scary sexiness, thy name is Dankyo.

Without fuss, he tied her ankles together, picked her up, took her to the bed, and laid her on it facedown. A bundle of white ropes lay near her nose. He showed her four black leather cuffs, then placed them on the bed. Now and then, as he buckled them onto her wrists and ankles, he’d stop and play with the plug in her nether hole. She protested once. But he punished that with a slap on her rear. The slap jarred the plug.
Ouch. So not fair.

Her ass stung. Yet the indignity and the punishment had made her so swollen and wet. She wriggled her clit against the quilt, dying for relief.

“Now.” He’d gotten off the bed and was staring upward at a chain hanging from the ceiling. “They tell me this is sufficient to hold a monstrous weight. And I seem to recall you’re my mermaid, not a monster. My wriggly, soft mermaid.”

He picked her up and carried her to the middle of the room.

Once he had her standing beneath the chain, he untied her hands and feet, fastened her wrist cuffs together, and did as he’d threatened, strung her from the ceiling. She blinked.

Naked. With her arms stretched above her head, she was so exposed. This seemed surreal.

“How is that?” As he walked around her, the light touch of his hand slowly spiraling from her back to her belly sent out ripples of heat.


“Good? Since you giggled at the rape, I shall try other things, my lady. Dark things.” He smiled, then unthreaded the belt from the loops on his trousers. After tossing the belt onto the bed, he draped several pieces of the rope across one shoulder, then moved in on her, flatfooted, stalking—a man with a target in his sight.

She swallowed and watched him, unblinking, craning her neck to keep him in view. What were dark things? Or was he only teasing her? Feeling a rising ache, she tensed her thighs, pressing them onto her clit.

Though she could stand on the soles of her feet, there was no way to escape. Even if she could escape, he’d run her to earth in this room. That fleeting idea made her shiver. The tiled floor was cold. As his gaze travelled over her body, her nipples bunched tight. Like a slave at an auction, she was on display and helpless.

“Do you like this?” Dankyo circled her. When he was behind her, the end of a rope snapped at her side and then her buttocks.

“Ow!” The whip and slap echoed in her flesh. Had he knotted the rope?

Another, two, three, four, hits stung her.

Ducking was impossible. The spits of pain spun like embers blown by a high wind. Heat gathered, licking at her, making her cleft swell, taunting her. She arched, presenting her bottom to the rope.

“Answer me.”

Sofia squirmed, twisting her feet. “Yes,” she said thickly. Lust clogged her throat. “Mmm.”

“You want me to keep going?”

“Yes. Please.”


He draped a rope over the back of her neck, took it down between her breasts, then proceeded to wrap and tie it about her upper body, drawing the rope tight until her breasts were firmly caged. Blood filled them with each pulse, and each throb beat further, deeper, making her pant. She looked down—her breasts were like fruit bursting with ripeness.

“Gorgeous, my lady.” He put both hands on her at once, holding her breasts, then bent to lightly kiss each nipple. The sensation buried her. A moan broke from her mouth.


“Yes?” Hands still on her breasts, he caressed her as he waited.

“Please, touch me.” She dragged in air through her nose, groaned again while grasping the rope above to stop herself collapsing. If he kept doing that, she’d come. She tried to thrust herself onto his thigh, but he moved.

“Soon. Not yet.”

This time her groan was one of frustration.

Another rope he took between her legs, bypassing her clit. When the rope was tied at her back, a knot slid between her plump labia, and another slid right over her clit. So wet. Her thighs felt the spill of moisture. Her legs weakened. She closed her eyes, imagining how she must look to him.

“Much much better.” Dankyo came up behind her and tightened the rope at her back. “Lovely. You look like you’ll split in two if this goes tighter.” He put his hand over her mound and wiggled one finger down along the moist rope, exploring, arousing her, dipping into her cleft, then out. “This rope goes so far up into your pussy that your lips meet over the top of it.”

She squeaked and quivered. Controlled. Subject to his will.

I want. I want so much.

Do something! Bite me. Spank me. Put yourself inside me
. She gasped and spread her legs as his fingers thrust into her vagina.

“I love this—being able to do what I want to you.”

Standing behind her, with his chin above her ear, he cradled a breast in his palm, rolling the nipple to and fro with finger and thumb. He pinched a path down to her cleavage and up the other side. Though he was dressed, his cock prodded at her back, sometimes bumping the anal plug. And all the while, his fingers kept on pinching and scoring and tracing over every part of her belly, thighs, and breasts.

Small bites of pain, small nibbles of pleasure, and they rolled together into one, until every beat of her heart seemed to lift her skin from her body.

She sagged against him, gasping. Her thighs were wet. Everywhere throbbed. Her mind hazed.

“You give me evil ideas,” he whispered.

He did something that tightened the rope at her back. If she relaxed onto the flats of her feet, the rope went even higher into her pussy.

“Don’t come,” he added. “Don’t come, or I will punish you so badly.”

“Nooo.” She knew she wailed but couldn’t help it. “I need to!”


The rope was sodden with her juices already. Now…now it became a part of her torture. She went onto her toes but couldn’t stay there for long. Her clit throbbed in time with her skin where he’d marked it. He began again, holding her while he conducted his strange experiment of pain and pleasure on every square inch of the front of her body, pinching her hard, then soft, then denting her skin with his nails.

He stopped and felt her wrists. “Are you numb, hurting in your arms?”

She focused, dredged up logical thought from the depths of her mind. “No.”

“Don’t come,” he reminded her. “Tell me if you want to.”

Don’t come. Throb throb
. The words and her clit and her skin pulsed in perfect rhythm with her heart. Fascinated, she listened to her body. It took the first strike of his belt to shock her back into clarity.

Pain streaked across her buttock. Heat flared. The rope squashed into her groin. She went up on her toes again. But the belt kept smacking at her, and then her toes started to hurt. After fifteen…or was it ten strokes—she lost count—she cried out.

He paused.

Mouth gaping open, sweat dribbling down her forehead, she gasped a few times. “Stop. Stop. I’m going to come.”

Head down, staring at her distant feet, she tried to forget the incredible tension in her groin, to forget that incredible perfect moment waiting, waiting for a last touch.

“Good.” Dankyo ran both hands down her sides, then wiggled the plug and slowly drew it from her. When the biggest part of it was on the verge of leaving her, she gasped, then jumped as he popped it out.

She listened with her eyes shut as he undressed. Heard the slick sounds of lubrication being applied.


The way he studied her as he approached made her wonder what he planned. His erection fascinated her. It glistened with moisture, and she imagined herself impaled on there.
God. Yes, please
. Her clit and the rope and the way he’d made her skin feel all tumbled together.

He stopped before her and stroked her cheek. The hard yet speculative look made her wonder at his thoughts. “You make a delicious victim, Sofia.”

She swallowed.
I’m standing here all tied up and aching
. The ropes, and how they held her, made her body clamor for attention. Begging was so undignified. “I want to come.” That was nearly a whine.
Don’t care. Do. Not. Care.

“I know.” His mouth quirked.

You bastard
. “Pleeese?” She wiggled back up on her toes, only to feel the knot of the rope stir her clit.

“Are these okay?” He indicated the ropes but didn’t touch her.

. She inhaled deep while looking at the floor. “Yes.”

“This is my fantasy.”

He clicked his fingers. “Come in!”

Her gaze snapped upward.

The door opened, and Tansu entered. She shed her red skirt and tunic as she walked. By the time she reached the bed, she was naked.

. Sofia looked at Dankyo.

“I want to see you come with a woman’s mouth on you.”

She rested her tongue on her upper lip. Tansu stared back, blatantly studying Sofia’s body. Tingles spread like wildfire through her, reawakening the need.
Dare I?

“If you’re wondering,” he added, “I’m not making her do this. She wants to. But this will be once only. I’m not going to touch Tansu, only you, unless both of you want otherwise.” He came to her, put his palm on her chin, and tilted her face so she must look into his eyes. “Either way, I am making love to you how I want to. Unless you use your word.”

Chapter Twenty-Six

She’d seen Tansu many times, but never naked. And she’d never seen another woman in this way—sexually. Not truly—not when the sex was imminent, and not when she hung in ropes, exposed, and dying to be allowed to orgasm. For a fragment of a second, Tansu wore a bold look on her face that said she too regarded Sofia as a most delicious victim.

Where was the subservient slave girl?

As the woman sauntered forward, it was impossible not to look at her luscious carmine-tinted lips, at the feminine curves of her full breasts and hips, and on her bare mound, at the tantalizing line marking the opening of her sex.

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