Step on It: A Biker Erotic Romance (3 page)

BOOK: Step on It: A Biker Erotic Romance
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"Yeah, I've got it memorized," Helen answered. "Goodnight."


Kat and Dana quietly left the stage and headed out to the pickup truck, leaving Helen alone with Lee.


"That was a hell of a performance, Hell," Lee complimented with a disarming smirk.


"Only my friends call me 'Hell,'" Helen replied a little defensively.


"Okay, Helen. That was still a great performance you gave."


"Most of the places we perform at get smashed up," Helen mused.


"So I've heard," Lee said. "I got a call from the owner of some bar across town who told me the Harpies' fans had trashed his bar, and that he'd been 'strong armed' into paying you anyway."


"That was me, actually," Helen replied with a vicious smile even though it wasn't technically something to be proud of.


"Well, he warned me not to invite you over to play any gigs," Lee continued. "He said you were out of control, and that your fans would wreck the place."


"We were worried you might not be able to handle us," Helen said coolly as she tried to keep up a haughty, aloof exterior. "To be fair to the guy who called you up, that's what usually happens when we play."


"Well not over here," Lee replied. "Anyone who makes trouble in the Viking Bar gets booted straight out the door after getting the crap kicked out of them."


Helen couldn't imagine why on earth she'd decided to stay behind at the bar with this guy. She knew nothing about him, but his cool, confident demeanor—not to mention the way he
at her--made shivers run up and down her spine. But something about him made very strange feelings stir inside her. He was undoubtedly good looking; in fact, he was downright sexy. It was obvious he wanted her body, and if the tingling in her groin was anything to go by, she wanted his too.


The conversation had stalled, and Lee was waiting coolly for an answer.


"So, where do you live?" Helen asked the first question that popped into her head.


"Through there," Lee pointed to a door at the back of the bar. "Do you wanna see?"


There was only one reason why a guy would invite her back to his place, but she had asked, and she'd also opted to stay behind to talk to him. She had no choice but to go with him.


"Alright, show me," Helen said with an almost pretentious air. She walked straight past Lee’s proffered hand before stopping right in front of him and looking up into his eyes.


"You can look, but don't touch," Helen whispered to Lee. She said it with far more confidence than she felt, but it was far from discouraging him—she heard him inhale sharply in response. Once again, she'd challenged him, and he would almost certainly rise to it.


"Right this way," Lee gestured.


He led Helen through the back door marked "Employees Only", past the kitchen and storage units, to a set of rooms at the back.


The rooms formed a fully equipped mini-apartment with a spacious bedroom and its own attached bathroom. Biker paraphernalia decorated the room, including a framed photograph of Lee above the double bed. As Helen looked at the photo more closely, she saw that the photo was actually a police mug-shot.


"What was the charge?" Helen asked out of curiosity.


"Assault," Lee replied. "Two guys attacked me and I beat them both to a pulp."


"So which one put up more of a fight," Helen asked. "The cripple or the old guy?"


Lee laughed off the barbed question. "The old man was tough as nails," he replied smoothly.


Helen found herself in an awkward position. She was dressed in a revealing outfit, in a strange guy's bedroom, with the guy himself cornering her, blocking her escape route. But she didn't feel under threat. If anything, she felt drawn to this man. Why else would she have followed him into his bedroom?


"I want you, Helen," Lee said, taking a step towards her. "And it's obvious you want me too, or else you wouldn't be here now."


Helen had run out of options and excuses. It was obvious what he wanted from her, and she could no longer deny that the feeling was mutual. His devastatingly good looks, his powerfully muscled body, his infectious smile, and his disarmingly sharp wit—all of it combined to melt away the last of her defenses. Ever since she'd started playing in a band, all she'd lived for was the music. There was no room for sex. But her body's hunger for it was overwhelming now. It was time to give in.


Helen threw her apprehension to the winds and lunged at Lee, kissing him hungrily. He reciprocated the kiss and started to run his hands up and down her body, lifting her T-shirt up over her shoulders and dropping it on the floor. Helen reached under his shirt and ran her hands across his sculpted abdomen, feeling out the grooves that defined his six-pack. Lee pulled up his shirt and tugged it over his head, tossing it onto the floor beside her own.


Helen allowed her lover to pin her against a bedside cabinet as they kissed. She allowed his tongue to invade her mouth, and she allowed his hands to explore her body, undoing the clasp of her bra to leave her breasts exposed. He teased her nipples, eliciting a muffled moan of pleasure from her lips. It did occur to her that earlier she had specifically told him he'd never get his hands on her tits—and yet now here he was violating her wishes and nearly every boundary she'd set up. But the violation was welcome. Helen hadn't had anything resembling a love life since she, Dana, and Kat had started the Harpies. Rock music had been her love and her life. Now though, her body's long suppressed instincts were reasserting themselves. She wanted this man to take her. She wanted Lee as much as he wanted her.


Lee's kisses began to move south. He planted his lips on her neck before moving down towards her chest, expertly cupped his lips around each of her nipples before moving further down towards her belly. Lee planted his mouth on her navel piercing and used his tongue to tease the jeweled barbell and Helen giggled when it tickled her belly button. She'd never imagined anyone doing that to her, but it was pleasurable all the same.


After playing with Helen's belly piercing Lee moved his mouth even further down, beneath the hem of her skirt. Helen hesitated suddenly, sitting back on the bedside cabinet as she tried instinctively to move her pussy away from this ravenous stranger's mouth and its invading tongue. But she’d already let him go this far—there wasn't much she could do to stop him getting at her womanhood.


Lee's head reemerged from under Helen's skirt.


"You're not wearing any panties," he noted hungrily.


"I forgot to put them on this morning." Helen responded sheepishly.


With a dirty smile, Lee disappeared beneath her miniskirt again and planted his lips between her legs. Helen craned her neck backwards and spread her thighs reflexively as Lee expertly kissed and sucked at the fleshy doors of her feminine gateway. His tongue darted in and out of her cunt, passing through the holes in her fishnet stockings to get to the undefended treasure between her legs. As he repeatedly planted his lips on her sex, he also tickled and teased her clitoris with the tip of his tongue. The resulting pleasure was exquisite to say the least.


Helen was helpless. Not only to the man between her thighs, but to the pleasure that his mouth created in her. The real reason she hadn't put on any panties was to make herself feel sexy on stage. In spite of trying to sideline any place for sex in her life, Helen was perfectly happy using her body to excite the Harpies' fans. She loved nothing more than to play and perform onstage, but she also liked to tease the fans with her body. It gave her a sexually-charged sense of power to know that many of her male fans—and possibly a few female ones as well—would go to bed fantasizing about her pussy.


In all that time, Helen had never once imagined that someone would actually get at her lower regions. And yet here she was with a man between her legs, licking and lapping away at her most powerful onstage weapon. It was profoundly disempowering to have a man pleasure her most vulnerable point, and yet it was happening, and it felt so heavenly. Helen closed her thighs around Lee's ears and planted her hands on his head. She ran her fingers through his fine, blond hair, surrendering herself to the disarming pleasure growing in her cunt. At long last, the pleasure became too much to hold back, and Helen squealed aloud as an orgasm set fire to her vagina. The pleasure bloomed up from her groin through the base of her belly and she gripped Lee's hair as tightly as she could, forcing him to continue setting her pussy on fire. Her lover eagerly lapped up her pleasure and he continued to lick and suck even as her orgasm began to subside; now, his own needs demanded satisfaction.


Lee reemerged from beneath Helen's miniskirt and stood again. Still delirious with ecstasy, Helen didn't resist when he scooped her up off the bedside table and lifted her bodily into the air. Helen wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist as he carried her to the bed. He lowered her gently down onto her back and positioned himself between her stocking-clad thighs.


By this point Helen was a far cry from the tough, no-bullshit punk rocker that had walked into the Viking Bar earlier in the evening. Lee Evans had awakened feelings inside of her that she had tried to suppress for a long time. Sexual teasing had been nothing more than a tool to excite fans of the band, but sex was never supposed to hold a central place in her life. It was all about the music. The slick and handsome biker was turning all of that thinking on its head as he removed Helen's shoes and carefully rolled down her stockings. Helen lay submissively on her back as her lover pulled down his pants and kicked them off along with his shoes. Now naked, he crawled forward between Helen's naked thighs to claim the prize between them.


When Helen looked up and saw the hardened rod of masculinity moving towards her womanhood, her sexual reverie temporarily broken. Lee's cock was long and thick, and she doubted it would fit inside her. Moreover, her feisty, aggressive side started to reassert itself. She'd always been a girl who could handle herself and kick the ass of anyone and anything that got in her way. She wasn't totally prepared to surrender all of that to a complete stranger. But then Helen looked up again at the embodiment of masculine majesty looming over her, and realized it was too late to pull out now. She had taken the risk of getting herself alone with this devilishly charming man, and she had to surrender to the consequences.


When the tip of Lee's cock touched the wet lips of her womanhood, Helen's remaining layers of resistance dissolved. She bent her knees and curled her toes in response to the meeting of their sexes. Slowly and gently, her lover began to push his penis in between her nether-lips. Helen's eyes widened as his full length and girth made itself known deep inside her most sensitive passageway. She wasn't a virgin, but it had been a long time since a man had been inside her, and the fit was a tight one. Lee continued to push, slowly but surely, all the way into her until the tip of his cock kissed the sealed gateway to her womb. This was it. Helen was now the most vulnerable she had ever been to anyone, and she had willingly brought herself to this point.


Having bottomed out inside his young conquest, Lee began to thrust. His initial strokes were steady and purposeful. His hips rocked and rolled back and forth, hitting a regular beat as their mating commenced. Helen found a strange satisfaction in imagining the coupling in musical terms, and embraced her lover. Her legs went high into the air and she wrapped her arms around his powerful shoulders. The sheer size and girth of his cock inside her pussy produced mild pain, but it was alleviated by the ample juices Lee's expert oral ministrations had elicited from her. His cock slid in and out like a well-lubricated piston, thrusting into Helen's love-tunnel with surprisingly gentle grace.


The gentleness didn't last long as Helen squeezed Lee as he pushed deeper, digging her nails into the skin of his back and demanding wordlessly that he stop playing the nice guy. Her lover obliged and accelerated his thrusting to a more aggressive pace, ramming into her with virile aggression. The sudden change took Helen by surprise and she was tempted to surrender completely and let her lover have his way with her until he came. But Helen wasn't content to just lie down and receptively submit to his strokes. She began to thrust her hips back at him, teasing the fleshy intruder inside her, tempting it to spill its treasure early. Lee wasn't having it. He accelerated his fucking again, driving back aggressively against Helen's counter-attack. The poor girl was helpless. Everything she did to challenge and thwart him simply spurred him on to conquer her.

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