Stepbrother: Clubbed

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Authors: Sybil Ling

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Stepbrother: Clubbed


© 2015 Sybil Ling



All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are all products of the author’s imagination.


Please note that this work is intended only for adults over the age of 18. All characters represented as 18 or older. All sexual relationships depicted are between adults who are not blood relatives.


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Kane closed the gap between us, taking my head and pushing it towards his own. Our mouths clashed together in a rough blaze of desire. It was a slow, gentle kiss, testing the waters. Kane’s warm familiar breathe sent me ecstatic, sending a sharp jolt right throughout my core.

“My second kiss,” I whispered out, lost in Kane’s gorgeous hazel eyes.

“Second? That means…the first was back at the club. Damn!” he grunted, with a look of astonishment in his eyes. “Are you…Heather, are you a virgin?”

I stared idly into his eyes, too scared to answer. I didn’t want to scare him off with my inexperience. Kane gave off a warm, familiar smile, reassuring me that he will be fine with whatever I say.

“Y…yes. I’ve been saving myself!”

“I just can’t believe it! A pretty thing like you, untouched? I thought the guys at your college would’ve gone crazy,” he said with a little smile. “Here I was, angry at guys that didn’t exist!”


Stepbrother: Clubbed




“Casey!” I moaned out. “I feel like a tramp in this dress!”

“That’s the point Heather,” my best friend said back to me. I was glancing at the bathroom mirror, absolutely disgusted with myself. I was wearing a one piece dress black dress that showed off way too much skin, high heels that hurt like a bitch and to top it all off, I was plastered with makeup. If it is any consolation, at least Casey hasn’t touched my hair. It was long, dark, flowing down freely, just the way I like it.

“I…I don’t think I can do this Casey,” I said, quickly thinking of a lie. “I have, umm, more packing to do!”

“But we boxed up all your stuff yesterday! Did you forget that I live here or something?” she said seeing right through it. “Sorry Heather, no getting out of this one!”

“But, I don’t think I am ready! You know, emotionally.”

“Pfft!” she snorted out. “Do I have to go through the whole spiel again? Jeez Heather, you have to come! For once in your life, just let go! Live a little!” These were all phrases she has said many times in the past. Casey has a habit of always trying to coax me out to parties, which proved to be quite annoying during my finals. “You have no reason not to come! School is finished! You’re about to be whisked off to another college! Besides, you probably won’t have any time for partying or guys or anything during your medical degree.”

Bah! She was right. Casey is always right about these things. In two days, I will be flying off to the other side of the country. Through sheer willpower (or as Casey calls it, ignoring my sexuality) I have managed to attain a really high GPA in my Bachelor of Science degree. And by high, I mean high enough that I was offered a scholarship into an MBBS. Fully paid, no further student loans! It will take a lifetime to pay off my undergraduate anyway. Still, the opportunity is way too good for me to pass off, even if I have to leave my friends and family behind.

“Besides, you seriously need to get over
guy. I mean, I understand you being too chicken to do anything despite all my prodding, but you can’t just do nothing about the guy then cry woe is me for nothing happening!” she said while priming up her dress. “You just need a little something, something in your life!”

“Yeah, being screwed by a stranger will solve all my problems,” I snarled back at her.

“Yep! That’s the spirit!” she chirped back, my sarcasm brushing right over her. “Plenty of fish in the sea. Most of them flop around like fish too in the sack, but you’ll soon learn how to weed the duds out!”

“I hate that analogy. Fish are
not hot!”

“No fish? OK then!
There are plenty of octopuses in the sea!
” Casey said with a chuckle. I shuddered at the thought of tentacles while making an exaggerated fake barfing sound.

“Careful! You look hotter without the vomit stains! Speaking of which, damn you look good!”

“Eh, not as good as you Casey!”

“Oh shush! Now, we better head off soon, don’t want to hit the clubs too late!”

“Yes, I suppose so,” I said. “Oh Kane, it was never meant to be…” I mumbled on, thinking out loud.

“Oi! Don’t you even think about him! You know he is a bit of a player anyway! Judging from the pics online. You’ve said it yourself, he is a stud that can get any girl he wants. Usually young ones with long brunette hair just like…” she stopped eyeing me. Casey was right, Kane does have a type. Girls that look just like me. And that is not just my imagination tricking me into false hope! I think…“Look, just don’t think about your stepbrother while we are out dancing, OK?”



Kane is my stepbrother. Yeah, I know,
great job there Heather, you’ve fallen for your brother.
The thing is, it was sort of impossible for me not to fall for him. The two of us used to be like two peas in a pod back during our school days. As a kid, Kane was quite unlike the other boys. Kane’s aversion to sports and love of reading brought the two of us together as friends. We spent our lunch times discussing our favorite fantasy books, getting lost in a whole new world together. It really helped that the two of us were into the same things. Our favorite series by far was the Matrix. We must’ve watched the movies a dozen times, examining each and every line, deciphering through the double meanings. It was around that time our parents became a couple. Funny thing now that I think about it, our parents actually hooked up because of us. Happened during a sleepover at Kane’s place actually. My mom came to make sure that I was being a good girl and not up to anything naughty. Then she did something very naughty with Kane’s father. The moaning haunts me to this day…

Sometime during our high school years, Kane discovered the, err, I suppose joy of hitting the gym. He grew up into a smolderingly handsome young man, developing a body to
for. High cheekbones, a thick jaw, short rough hair that had a bad boy charm to it, Kane was fucking hot. A pure hunk. Despite turning into a hunk, Kane never really went after girls, to their disappointment. And they tried to snag him up, real hard. They would just butt into our conversations at lunch with lame lines about how hot it is and how they wish they could strip their shirts off. It was rather pathetic and got into the way of our debating! The two of us just wanted to discuss the hidden symbolism in the Matrix movies, damn it!

Then college happened. Girls started to notice Kane, soon sapping away all his attention. Slowly over the years we drifted apart, little by little. We still talk and text and hang out, but not nearly as often as before. I stayed shut, studying my ass off in a vain attempt to distract myself from the pain I felt inside. Every single picture I see online with Kane and some random girl of the week just makes me so damn angry. Yet, I can’t help but stalk my brother online, keeping my eyes on him.

It doesn’t matter though. Soon I will be far away, severing any chance we have of being together. I will simply settle down, hopefully finding a nice handsome guy who is preferably not my stepbrother.




“Hey big boy, nice to see you again,” Casey said as the bouncer waved us through to the club. We walked down the stairs, the thumping sound of techno music filling the air. It was the same crummy beat repeat, again and again and again.

“NOW WHAT?” I yelled out to Casey as we made our way around the glowing dance floor.

“Strut your stuff girl!”

“What?” I said, unable to hear my friend. She just laughed, making her way to the dance floor. Within minutes she had two guys sort of…I wouldn’t call it dancing. More like dry humping her in public. I on the other hand retreated to an empty table a little out of the way.

A man started walking up to me. A chiseled handsome face, gorgeous hazel eyes and a smile to die for. Maybe I should take Casey’s advice and…borrow some of that magical man luring mojo she has.

“Heather! Sis! Knew you’d be here!”

“Kane? Is that…crap! I didn’t recognize you!”

A surge of excitement and fear overtook me. I haven’t seen Kane in weeks, and his presence always warms my heart. On the other hand, I’m supposed to be strutting my stuff and fucking a stranger tonight.
So I can forget about Kane.
Bah! His presence alone has sort of ruined the plan.

“Glad you’re here Sis! Didn’t think you’d come! I know this place is so not your thing!”

“What?” I yelled out, as the generic techno beat repeated in the background for about the millionth time.

“See, your ears aren’t even used to the noise,” he said.


“Err, come with me. The corner over there is a little quieter. I think we need to talk,” he said. I almost said
again, but shut my tongue instead as Kane grabbed my hand, leading me through the crowd. His warm touch was flaring up every single nerve ending in my body. My brain was flooding my body with dopamine. Just his touch, making me feel on top of the world.
How pathetic…

“Good that you came. Casey kept her word!”

“Casey? But…she told me to come her so we can pick up!” I said. I couldn’t help but notice Kane twitch as I said those words.

“You haven’t been answering my texts. Or my calls. Hell, even my emails!”

“To be fair, I haven’t answered anyone’s anything lately/” It was the truth. I glanced at my phone, staring at the number of unread messages. Twenty of them from Kane, and one from Casey telling me to not wait up for her dated a week back.

“So you are leaving me?”


“You are leaving the city Sis…Didn’t it even cross your mind to say goodbye?”

“It is just, umm,” I said, unable to come up with a decent lie. Luckily the music shifted in my favor, changing to something very familiar.

“No freaking way!” Kane said. “What are the odds?”

Blaring in the background was a remix of Rob Dougan’s Clubbed to Death. The remix used in the first Matrix movie. It has sort of become
song. Catchy, snazzy strings, a pumped up melody, this song was awesome! Heck, Kane and I used to study to this song! The song is catchy and electronic, but a little more down tempo and less chirpy than the usual DOOF, DOOF crap that this club played. It wasn’t exactly a dancing song, but damn it, it was putting me in the mood. A song that immediately made me think of the guy sitting next to me. This was way too perfect to be just a coincidence. I wouldn’t be surprised if Casey had her hand in it, or more likely, down the DJ’s pants.

“OK, look don’t worry about it. How about we dance in celebration of your scholarship?” he said with a cheeky smile. His voice seemed energetic again. “Come on!”

Kane yanked at my hands, dragging me to the center of the club. I stood there frozen, unsure exactly what to do. My brother started to move in synch to the somewhat melancholic tune.

Arms moving like crazy, in synch to the rad violin solo. Kane was sort of dancing close, almost grinding on me. He just kept looking into my eyes, smiling right into my face. The dance floor was emptied of the high action dancers, except for a few stragglers who started to sway slowly like zombies.

The two of us danced, getting nice and close to each other. People were watching, some smirking at our lame moves, but I didn’t care. I was dancing with my brother, his warm hot body inching ever so close to my own. I could feel his breathe down my neck, intoxicating my every move. As the song ended, inhibition took over. I grabbed hold of Kane and kissed him gently on the lips.
My first kiss…

“Heather?” he whispered, blushing greatly. “What was that?”


Kane’s response wasn’t one of adoration. He didn’t kiss me back. He looked shell shocked.
I just kissed my brother…he did not reciprocate
. The sting of rejection overwhelmed me. My eyes watered up. I was standing on the dance floor, feeling like an utter fool.


“I’ve got to go,” I blurted out, pushing past him, up the stairs, out. Only one thing was on my mind.
Get away! Run! Don’t look back!

I heard Casey and Kane yell out my name. I assume they were chasing me. I ducked into a phone booth, eluding the two of them. Within minutes, I had summoned a taxi, zooming off back to the safety of my nearly emptied out apartment.

What the fuck was I thinking? What kind of first kiss was that? I should’ve just listened to Casey’s fake plan. Get myself plowed by some random douchebag who couldn’t put together two words. I should’ve just acted like a normal young adult, getting laid by any stud I want.

But no, that was not Casey’s intentions. She wanted me and Kane to talk it out, perhaps under some false idea that the two of us would just fall for each other at the very sight. Her intentions were good, but it was a foolish idea. It was a fantasy, one that I no longer believe in.

I suppose it isn’t too bad. I’ll be gone from this city soon enough, and won’t see Kane until Thanksgiving. Enough time for me to simply try and forget…

Not just about the kiss, but forget about my feelings. He is out of bounds, inaccessible…This is just infatuation, and I can never be with him. I have to learn to forget about him. Yet why can’t I stop crying?



“Heather! Please open up!” Kane yelled out, knocking on my door.

“I’m not home,” I said back.

“Common, I’m not able to realize the truth that there is no door.” The comment took me back to better days. I unhooked the lock, letting Kane in.

“I see you’ve been busy,” he said, being careful not to knock over any boxes. I lead him to the bedroom as the kitchen table and lounge was cluttered with boxes.

“As I said before you, umm, yeah,” he said. “We need to talk.” I sat down, remaining silent.

“OK, guess I will do the talking then. Why did you cut contact with me?”

“Pardon? I haven’t cut contact!” I said quickly breaking my silence. I was ignoring the fact that I have twenty ignored texts from the guy on my phone.

“Oh really? It feels like I never hear from you anymore Sis! Ever since college started, you’ve just backed away from me! And then I find out from
that you are moving away? What the hell?”

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