Read Storm Shades Online

Authors: Olivia Stephens

Tags: #Paranormal, #Alpha, #Wolf, #Werewolf, #Shifter, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica Romance, #Fiction

Storm Shades (13 page)

BOOK: Storm Shades
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“Darwin said that you had quite a party last night.” Luke looks at Sofie and flicks his gaze over her shoulder at Ashton, his implication clear.

Sofie finds her voice again. “Yeah, we all needed to let off some steam. But I guess I’m not much of a party animal anymore. I fell asleep after a couple of drinks.” Sofie forces a laugh at her own expense. “Ashton was kind enough to give me a lift back this morning.”

“Isn’t that neighborly of him?” The sarcasm in Luke’s voice is palatable, but Sofie doesn’t entertain it.

“I should go and get ready for the survey, wouldn’t want to hold the team up.” She sidesteps her boss and tries very hard not to run for the entrance of the motel. As she reaches the doors, she hears an engine rev. When she looks over her shoulder, she sees Ashton driving away, and Luke staring hard after him. She couldn’t shake the feeling that this day was about to get a whole lot more complicated.

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