Stormy Weather (3 page)

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Authors: Marie Rochelle

BOOK: Stormy Weather
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Reaching into his jacket pocket, Cash went to grab his wallet but it wasn’t there.

“What in the hell?” he uttered underneath his breath. He was positive he had placed it in there right before he got on the bus; however, he could be wrong and it was inside his pants.

Reaching around, he patted his back pocket a couple of times but his wallet wasn’t there either. “I can’t believe this.” His wallet, along with all of his identification and credit cards, was gone. Where was it?

What was he going to do now?

If he didn’t have any money to pay for a room, where was he going to spend the night?



Chapter Three



Staring at the man in front of her, Rachelle shook away the warning bells in her head. Month after month, she dealt with attractive men checking into
, but Cash Garon’s handsomeness put all of them to shame.

She noticed him as soon as he walked through the front door. An appearance of self-command surrounded the air around him. She tried to stay professional while informing him about
. But, it was hard for her not to get lost in his striking gray eyes and the firm set of his jaw.

Furthermore, she
tall men and Cash stood over six feet with a beautifully proportioned body. He could make any woman stop what she was doing and take another look at him, especially with how his shoulders strained against the fabric of his shirt.

Slowly, she dropped her eyes down to his hands. His long, strong fingers looked capable of handling. Rachelle couldn’t help but fantasize about how his fingertips would feel as the stroked over her skin.

A lock of his thick black hair fell across his forehead, giving him a slightly unruffled appearance. She was highly tempted to reach out and brush it back with the tips of her fingers, but she fought down the temptation to touch a total stranger. What the devil was wrong with her? She knew
about Cash Garon, so placing her hands on his body was absolutely out of the question.

God, she was becoming like her baby sisters. This wasn’t a good thing in her eyes… not at all. She considered them very impulsive.

“Shit, I can’t believe this,” Cash cursed as he continued searching though his pockets.

“Is there a problem?” Rachelle asked.

”You won’t believe this, but I can’t find my wallet. It could have fallen out of my pocket or gotten stolen,” Cash confessed, looking at her.

“You’re serious, aren’t you?” Rachelle asked, concerned. “Do you think your wallet might have fallen out in your car? I can wait while you go and check.”

“I didn’t drive here.”

“How did you get here then?”

“I took the Greyhound because I wasn’t in the mood to drive. I thought a bus ride would be relaxing. I know when I got on my wallet was in the front pocket of my jacket. I never moved from my seat once I sat down until the driver stopped and let me off to come here.”

What was he trying to pull on her? She was trying to run a successful business and wasn’t in the mood for a drifter. Had she made a mistake by thinking Cash looked like an upstanding guy who would be able to pay for whatever room he wanted?

If her sisters Sasha, Akisha, and Genise were here instead of her, they would have thrown Cash out on his ass without listening to another word coming out of his mouth.

“How do I know you aren’t trying to pull something over on me?” Rachelle asked. “I don’t mean to come off as mean, but you aren’t the first person to try to pull this scam on me. A woman came in here with a similar story and I let her stay here. She ended up destroying the room and sneaking out during the night. We never found her and ended up paying for the damages. People tell sad story all the times and some of them end up being complete lies. How can I be sure you aren’t trying to feed me one right now?”

A momentary look of embarrassment crossed Cash’s face. “Rachelle…Ms. Williams, I swear I’m not lying to get a free room. My wallet did get stolen or is lost. Everything I needed for this trip was in that wallet. However, without any forms of ID or credit cards, I can’t prove
to you. ”

Stepping back from the desk, Rachelle’s gaze darted down at the phone underneath it debating if she should call someone for help, maybe the cops or her sisters. What if he was telling her the truth? She didn’t want to let one bad experience tarnish her view of people, but the stories were just so similar. It was hard for her to determine if Cash was being honest with her. She had truly believed the woman and look where it got her.

“Mr. Garon, I won’t be able to help you. You can walk back to the station and wait for a city bus. One should be by in about forty-five minutes to an hour and it will take you to the police station in town so you can file a report. I wish you luck.”

A defeated look passed over Cash’s face. “I seriously doubt the police will find my wallet. I’m beginning to think the guy who sat down next to me on the bus stole it while I was asleep. It’s my fault for falling asleep on a bus ride. I should have known better.”

“Well, I’m sorry about your luck, but you ought to go talk to the police,” Rachelle replied, watching Cash closely.

He must have caught her look because he sighed softly. “Look, Ms. Williams. I swear you don’t have to worry about me. I promise I’m not going to do anything to hurt you. Can’t you just let me stay here for tonight? I promise I’ll leave first thing in the morning. Better yet, I can clear everything up with one phone call, but I can’t call him until the morning because he’s out of town. My brother’s flight doesn’t land until midnight. He’s the only person I can call.”

She shook her head. “I’m sorry. I can’t let you stay here. I don’t know you. I can’t be sure if you’re telling me the truth.” No matter how attracted she was to Cash, there was no way she could give in on this. She couldn’t fall for another con twice in one year because her sisters wouldn’t let her hear the end of it.

“You already know my name is Cash Garon. I’m the host of a television show. If you stay let me stay for the night I can prove who I am to you first thing tomorrow,” he pleaded.

“My producer will be back in the office at five o’clock in the morning. He will corroborate my story. Also, he can wire me some money through Western Union for the room. Can’t I please stay here for the night? I have no other place to go if you kick me out. I’ll be out on the highway since the next town is several miles from here.”

Standing her ground, Rachelle folded her arms underneath her breasts. “I’m sorry, Mr. Garon. My sisters and I are running a business here. We can’t afford to let anyone else have a free ride, not even for one night.”

She watched as Cash’s expression changed from one of hope to despair. She didn’t want to feel guilty for tossing him out, but she couldn’t let him stay. “I understand,” Cash replied as he picked up his bag. “It was very nice to meet you. I wish you all of the best with your business. It looks like a breathtaking hotel.” He gave her a slight nod before spinning around on his heel and heading for the front door.

Watching Cash walk away defeated, Rachelle felt her guilt meter rise to another level. She couldn’t help but remember when kind people gave her mother a helping hand when they had needed it. Tamaron Williams had always been
grateful for even the tiniest bit of assistance she received from the community while her daddy was stationed overseas. Now, years later, she would be so disappointed if her oldest child forced a man in need out into the streets.

What if he
telling the truth about someone stealing his wallet on the bus? What would it hurt if she allowed him to stay until morning?

She could be sending an innocent man out into the unknown. She never heard of anyone walking all the way back to town from here, especially at night. Besides, it wasn’t like her sisters would ever find out about this unless she told them. Hell, she sure as hell wasn’t about to confess anything to the three of them.

Pulling herself away from her thoughts, Rachelle glanced toward the front door just as it closed behind Cash’s wide, retreating back. She hurried around the side of the desk and raced after him. She hoped she wasn’t making a bad decision that could come back and haunt her later.



Chapter Four



Battling with the anger still racing through his body, Cash continued walking toward the bus station. How could he have done something so stupid like fall asleep on the bus with a bunch of strangers?

Maybe he could hitchhike and get a ride back into town if a city bus didn’t show, if he was lucky enough to get someone to stop. Hopefully, he could get a ride to the police station soon. “Cash, wait! I think I might be able to help you.”

Tormented by thoughts of where he was going to sleep tonight, Cash almost missed hearing his name being yelled.

Spinning around, he was shocked to see Rachelle coming towards him. A tiny glimmer of hope made his heart catch in his chest. Did she change her mind?

Was she going to let him stay after all
? No, he wasn’t going to get too excited because she might want something entirely different from him.

“Yes,” he answered. “Did I forget something, and that’s the reason why you came rushing after me?”

“No,” she said. “You didn’t forget anything. I decided to let you stay here for the night. I couldn’t let you back on the highway. You don’t have a way to take care of yourself and the thought of anyone hitchhiking doesn’t sit well with me. Are you sure you will be able to pay me?”

“I swear, you will have your money tomorrow.”

A bottomless sense of peace took over Cash’s body as he realized how lucky he had gotten tonight with Rachelle. He had never been more appreciative of another person’s kindness than he was right now. He couldn’t think of one place in California that would allow him stay the night without paying.

“I really want to thank you again for doing this for me,” he said, staring at her. “I didn’t have a clue where I was going to end up tonight. I’m not familiar with anything or anyone in this town. The only reason I ended up here was because I wanted to get away from it all. I closed my eyes and literally touched a place on the map, then bought a ticket.”

Rachelle eyed him closely like she was still trying to figure him out. “Sounds like a strange thing to do to me, but I guess you’re a risk taker. I’m hoping I don’t regret my decision to help you out.”

“Thank you again for doing this for me. I promise I will give you the money I owe. Truthfully, I thought I might have to sleep on the streets tonight,” Cash confessed.

She gave him a small smile. “You’re welcome. Let’s get back inside so I can get your room ready. After you have settled in why you don’t come back downstairs and we can find you something in the kitchen? Ron, our chef, always has leftovers in the refrigerator for the staff to take home.”

Turning on her heel, Rachelle walked away from him and went the short distance to
Cash didn’t waste a second hurrying behind her. Back at the front desk, he watched Rachelle as she grabbed an electronic room key. She looked down at it and then back over her shoulder and at him.

“I think this is pretty funny after the night you have been having.” She held the card out, waiting for him to take it.

He glanced down at the card, noticing the number thirteen in black. “Despite the night that I have been having, I don’t believe in bad luck,” Cash said, taking the keycard from Rachelle.

“Room Thirteen will be perfect. How can I be picky when you are doing something so nice for me? All I want to do is get something to eat because I’m starving, take a hot shower, then hit the bed and sleep for hours.” Cash didn’t realize how worn out he was until now. He wasn’t in the mood to do anything else but get his basic needs taken care of.

Rachelle nodded. “Wonderful. There are two conferences next week and all of the rooms are booked then except for two...”

Suddenly, the intrusive ringing of the telephone prevented Rachelle from finishing her conversation with him. “Let me get this and I’ll be right with you,” she told him, reaching for the phone.

“Not a problem. Take your time. I’ll give you some privacy,” Cash said, moving away.





Before answering the phone, she peeked at Cash’s retreating figure from the corner of her eye. She couldn’t help it as her gaze wandered over the fabric of his slacks and how it cupped his tight ass.

How could she be attracted to a man who got robbed on the Greyhound bus?

He didn’t have any money to pay for a room. Hell, she needed to get her act together fast! She wasn’t the impulsive sibling and she never allowed a handsome face to sway her mind when it came to

Had it really been that long since a hot guy had come within twenty feet of her?

The phone rang again, but she wasn’t in any hurry to answer it. She already knew who was on the other end because her sisters called at the same time every night she worked. She swore her baby sisters acted like they were older.

“Hello?” she answered on the fourth ring.

“Hey, big sister, how are you doing?” Sasha asked cheerfully. “What took you so long to pick up? Were you doing something that you shouldn’t be? I knew you were ready to strip that good girl image away and become one of us.”

She laughed. “I could work at it for a lifetime and never become like the three of you. I need a manual to follow the half of the activities my little sisters do on a daily basis. Do you have me on speaker phone with Akisha and Genise?”

She hated when Sasha did that because when her sisters, who were triplets, all started talking at once it was hard to keep up with them.

“You know that we do it all the time,” Genise replied, interrupting the conversation. “Why do you constantly ask that? We aren’t
going to change because we know that you love us just the way we are.”

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