StrangersWithCandyGP (3 page)

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Authors: KikiWellington

BOOK: StrangersWithCandyGP
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I grabbed my purse and started looking for a handkerchief. An awkward silence cut through the cool, night air and we all kind of looked at each other. Despite the brazen sexual bravado they displayed the whole time I was on the roof, Mark and Maggie started acting shy all of a sudden. I wiped fluids off my hands and face, and as I started to put my clothes back on, no one said a word. I got up and walked toward the door, still feeling a little wobbly from the intensity of it all. I giddily skipped down the steps thinking about how things like this could never happen at any other kind of job.




Soon after my rooftop escapade, I took a position at another hotel. It was a managerial job, the kind that I'd spend years working toward, and it meant a lot more responsibility and a lot more money. It also meant a lot more opportunities for watching, and engaging in, hot hotel sex—an unofficial fringe benefit that I couldn't wait to take advantage of. The sex was everywhere—in conference rooms during professional meetings, in the pool, in the elevator. I even walked in on a couple who snuck into the kitchen pantry, and somehow managed to have sex in a tiny space that housed the condiments.


I saw a lot of sex at my new job, but I hadn't gotten the opportunity to participate yet. I was longing for it—it had been way too long since I had been fucked by a stranger in a hotel. I got my chance, during at all things, a confectioners' conference that was being held at the hotel during Halloween weekend.


I wandered around the front desk that first day, watching candy company executives file into the hotel to check in one by one by one.


"Don't you think it's a little cliche to have a confectioners' conference during Halloween weekend?" one of my employees asked me.


"Pretty much," I said, thinking about all the calories that conference was going to cost me. "I'm beginning to wonder if I got into the wrong profession though. Think of all the chocolate you could have if you worked for one of those companies."


I could see her thinking about it and she smiled as the wheels spun in her head. We had the same idea—chocolate all day, every day, and you get paid for being around it. Then she shook her head and mumbled something about how hard it was getting off her baby weight, even though her daughter was a toddler.


"These conferences are the hotel's bread-and-butter, cliche though they may be," I said, still thinking about the candy executives and all the treats they would be bringing with them. "As far as conferences go, it could be a lot worse. Accountants don't bring pounds of chocolate with them when they have their professional meetings here."


Wasn't that the truth. The room where the confectioners' mixer was going to be held that night looked like some place sugar would go to die. And since it was my job to make sure the businessmen were happy throughout the weekend, I had every intention of sampling as much of that sweet stuff as I could.


Then my eyes caught a glimpse of some goodies that looked even more delicious. I saw him checking in from across the room, carrying two briefcases and a large bag. I didn't know what kind of candy he brought with him, but I knew he looked yummy enough to eat. I had to attend to his needs anyway—I take hospitality very seriously after all—so I decided to make it my personal mission to get a taste of all his sweetness...and to give him a taste of mine.


My eyes earnestly followed his ass as he walked to the elevator. I was tempted to go up to his room, but I couldn't think of a good pretense to get him to let me in, let alone one that would give me the chance to seduce him. I felt my pussy juices build up between my legs as I disappointedly went to my office and shut the door. I sat at my desk, legs spread and skirt hiked up, and started ferociously rubbing my clit, thinking about this stranger with candy and how good it would be to sample everything he had. I plunged two fingers into my pussy and rocked back and forth in my chair. I closed my eyes, fantasizing about how good it would feel for him to stick a big candy bar inside of me, pull it out, and savor every lick of my sugary pussy juices. It was such a delicious thought that consumed my mind until I felt the contractions of my cunt against my fingers. I sat still for a moment, wondering what I could do about this infatuation I'd developed in the blink of an eye.


Then I knew what I had to do.


I spent so much time at my new job that I kept some clothes in my office closet—workout clothes, casual outfits that I could slip into after hours, and sexy, going out clothes for nights out on the town. I had a cocktail dress, fresh from the dry cleaners, in the unlikely event I ever actually had time to go dancing with my girlfriends or out on a date.


I washed the pussy pleasures off of my hand and slipped into my little black dress just in time for the beginning of the confectioners' mixer. The conference was booked solid, with people from the candy industry all over the world coming to get in some work, and some play, for the Halloween weekend. I wasn't sure how I was going to pull this off, or if I would even run into my front desk hottie with so many people there, but I was determined to try. Besides, I couldn't think of a better way to get in some sexcapades at my new job. My previous positions had been a smorgasbord of sex, so I didn't see any reason for my hot streak to end.


I figured if I just walked into the huge conference room—which my staff had filled with Halloween decorations and candy from every company at the conference—and I acted like I belonged there, no one would notice me.


At least, that's what I told myself as I walked through the large doors. I scanned the room for Mr. Candyman, when I heard someone calling out "Miss? Miss?" behind me.


"Shit, I am
busted and I just got here," I thought.


"Miss?" the man called out to me again, tapping me on the shoulder before I turned around. I thought about excuses as to why I was crashing their sweet, little party. I did work there after all...I had a million reasons to be in the conference room that night.




"Miss, you forgot to sign in and get your candy badge," he said, pointing at the registration table.


"Oh, right! I'm sorry...I guess I'm a little out of know, jet lag and all."


If nothing else, I do think fast on my feet when I have to.


"Don't worry," he said with a smile. "You're not the only one who's said that tonight."


"I'm sure."


"What's your name?" he asked me.


I was so distracted by fantasies of my sweet stud that it didn't even occur to me I would have to come up with a name.


"Jennifer," I said, knowing that my name is so generic there had to be at least five Jennifers at such a huge conference.


"Which Jennifer?" the man asked, picking up his clipboard and scanning through a long list of names. "Jennifer Logan? Jennifer MacDoughal? Jennifer Zeigler?"


"Shit!" I thought. I had no idea which Jen to pick.


"Jennifer Lafferty?"


My mind went blank.


"Jennifer Brown?"


"Yes, that's me!" I said excitedly at a really generic sounding name. "I'm Jennifer Brown!"


"Wow, you must really be jet-lagged if you have to think about what your last name is," he laughed, handing me a name tag, which had a jelly bean background, and a black marker.


"Yeah, you know how it is with these business trips," I said, quickly scribbling my newly-christened name on top of the bright, candy-colored sticker.


"I certainly do," he said as he reached his hand out to collect the marker. "But I'm sure you'll have a great time."


"Thanks," I said, as I considered my next move. I looked around for this hot specimen of a man, going from table to table and trying a piece of candy at each one. I was impressed: These weren't the kind of sweets you were likely to find at your local supermarket. These were high-end candies that probably had high-end calories attached to them. As I munched on chocolate and kissed my calorie count good-bye, I grabbed a glass of wine and made the rounds to find my man candy.


"He has to show up eventually," I thought. "This boring conference is the whole reason he's at the hotel in the first place."


After thirty more minutes of eating goodies, drinking wine, and making small talk with candy executives, I finally saw my conquest signing in. I knew I had to play it cool and come up with a game plan—he would think I was a crazy person if I just rushed him as soon as he walked through the door. So I continued to make the rounds, and keep my eye on him until the right moment.


I devoured more chocolate—I probably had more chocolate that night than I had in my entire life—and admired how delicately crafted every single piece was.


"They are delicious, aren't they?" I heard someone next to me ask as I took another bite. "My company makes those...we're very proud of them."


"They are fantastic," I said, savoring the last bite, nearly forgetting what I was there to do.


"I'm John," the man said.


"I'm Jennifer," I responded, finally taking my eyes off the chocolate treats long enough to find out I was talking to him, my front desk man. This night was about to get a hell of a lot sweeter.


I shook his hand and he carefully examined my badge. His eyes got wide and interested. My heart sank as I considered an embarrassing possibility: What if, of all the Jennifers in all the candy companies in all the world, I picked one he actually knew. That was something else that hadn't occurred to me.


"Oh, Jennifer Brown," he said, enthusiastically continuing to shake my hand. "I'm so happy to run into you! I'm signed up for your seminar tomorrow."


I gulped. "My seminar?"


"Yeah, a lot of people from my company are really looking forward to it. We all need to rethink our marketing plans to capture customers in the digital age."


I nodded and sipped more wine, trying to come up with some credible sounding, bullshit corporate speak. "Yes, it's so hard to engage people on new media. The signal-to-noise ratio is challenging to break through, but I'm confident that the more modern confectioners get entrenched in the thought leadership of the future, the more they can reach their target market share."


John nodded, looking at me as if I actually knew what the fuck I was talking about. Marketing wasn't exactly new to me, but what it all meant to people who made candy was completely beyond me.


"I feel so lucky," he said. "It's like I'm getting a preview of your content! I wish you would tell me more...I can't wait until tomorrow to hear the whole thing."


"Well, I couldn't do that, now could I?" I said with a giggle and flip of my hair. It wouldn't exactly be fair to our colleagues.


"Are you sure? I promise I'll come...and I won't tell anyone what you told me."


I took another bite of yummy man's yummy chocolate creation, so he would focus on what I could do to him with my mouth. "Well, you don't think I can tell you in a roomful of people, do you? Then nobody will come see me tomorrow."


"Maybe I can get a private sneak preview then?"


"Wow, this is going to be easy," I thought as I stared at his gorgeous face.


"Gee, I don't know, John," I chuckled, tossing back another glass of wine with one hand and grabbing another chocolate with the other. "I barely got here. I should probably do some more networking or something...right?"


"Networking, schmetworking," he said. "You know how fucking boring these things are. This isn't your first rodeo."


"You're right...this isn't my first rodeo," I said, feeling the tingle between my legs get more intense by the second. "But still...I should at least pretend to be professional."


"I'll tell you what then, Jennifer," John said as he slid up next to my ear and began whispering to me. "How about you come up to my room and we have a private networking session? I'll even give you a tasting of our new line—stuff that you can't find in here. I promise to be nothing but professional."


"Well, when you put it that way, how can I refuse?"


"Good. Let's get the fuck out of here before I run into my boss and get roped into a two-hour conversation about strategy or some such thing."


John made a mad rush for the door and I followed a safe distance behind him. Although I've been working in hotels long enough to know what goes on at professional conventions—executives away on business are some of the horniest people in the world—I still didn't want to make it obvious that we were on our way to fuck each other's brains out. Plus, if I ran into one of my employees, I didn't want them to know what I was up to either.


John looked over his shoulder at me several times on the way to the elevator, flashing an evil grin, as if the fact I seemed self-conscious turned him on. He stood at the elevator, impatiently pressing the button as I sauntered toward him.


"You sure take discretion seriously," he said as a loud beep alerted us to the opening elevator doors.


"You know reputation is everything in this business," I said, following him inside.


"Fuck your reputation," John said, scooping me into his arms as soon as the elevator closed behind us. He started kissing my neck, and reaching for one of my excited tits.


I pulled away and smiled at him. "Uh-uh-uh," I said, wagging my finger. "We're not in your room yet."


"Wow, you really do take this stuff seriously."

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