Strong Enough

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Authors: Teresa Hill

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #erotica, #texas, #relationships, #adult, #college, #new adult

BOOK: Strong Enough
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Book One
A Novel Series
By Alexis Alexander

Copyright © 2013 Alexis Alexander
Smashwords Edition

Published by Alexis Alexander

Copyright © Alexis Alexander, 2013

Cover Photo(s) by: FuriousFotog

Cover Model: Mike Crowson

Cover Design by: Sarah Hansen at Okay Creations

Edited by Kathy Krick

e-book formatting by Paul Salvette

Characters, events and storylines are works of
fiction from the author. Similarities or resemblance to any person,
living or dead, any place, event or occurrence is strictly

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material
protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and
Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is
prohibited. No part of this book by be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and
retrieval system without the expressed written permission from the

All rights reserved

People cross paths in life, their
purpose unknown but with reason

Because of you:

Mike Crowson, thank you for all the
relentless support, encouragement, trust and pure friendship.
Couldn’t see my life without you in it, you’re family

Stacey Corkum, my ABA (Awesomenes
Behind the Author) what can I say sista of mine, you were there for
the happy, sad, tears and laughs and I can’t say thank you

And to M, you cared when few did
and for that thank you.

Additional Thanks:

To my Editor – without you well, the book would have
serious issues

Hazel St James – for talking me off many a ledge in
this process

Kris Adams – Because you are a huge support (pimp
queen) and great friend

Alvin Wallace – Because you saw something I had a
hard time seeing and the enthusiasm you always have when talking
about the book.

And to the countless others that have been supportive
and patient in the process of this book release. I sincerely hope
you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing.

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Zane Bauer

Chapter 1

eaning across the rail, it
was easy to see the path of green in front of me. Nothing was
blocking my view.
Oh this is too
I thought to myself, these guys won’t even know
what hit them.

“Hey sweetheart, you gonna take the shot or

Pausing for a moment, I let my blue eyes
drift upward, my long auburn hair fell over my shoulders as I
hovered above the table green, knowing full well I was exposing my
super cute Victoria Secrets soft pink bra under my black V-neck
fitted sweater to the group of frat boys leaning against the wall
from the table. I knew what I was doing. Tight Miss Me jeans that
fit me like a glove, fitted V-necks, low enough to show the tops of
my cleavage when standing but give a little more of a peep show
when leaning forward and my athletic 5’9 frame always throw my
opponents off their game.

How should I play
I thought to myself.
chick who doesn’t know a cue stick from a hole in her ass? Or maybe
confused “how do I hold the stick” college bimbo?

Well, since neither of them are me, and it
would make me physically sick to think that I would have to act
like one of these dumb ass girls that hangs out at the local
college pool hall to hit on guys, I suppose I better stick with
being me.

Glancing over at the blond haired, green
eyed, semi built “You know you want me” frat boy, I took a shallow
breath and smiled and batted my baby blues at him.

“9 ball bank off the center rail to the side

Not missing the look of surprise on “wanna
be stud” and the smirk that showed up on my best friend Jodi’s
face, I knew this was going to be fun.

Leaning a little closer to the green, I take
a deep breath. Focusing on the cue ball, my attention is suddenly
shaken by a voice that sends shivers down my back. “
Dear god who is that talking?”
I whispered to
myself. The voice was dripping sexy and confident. His southern
drawl caught me and wouldn’t let me go. I stood straight up looking
for the person who matched the voice.
Come on,
say something again…dammit don’t stop talking.
course, no such luck. The voice was gone. But the chills it left on
me were still very evident.

“Can we get back to the game sweetheart?”
Wanna be stud said. Of course his voice caused no reaction but
irritation out of me. These frat boys are all alike.

Dragging my eyes and body back to the table,
I line up my shot, and close my eyes briefly to steady myself.
Pulling the stick back, I take aim at the cue ball and released it
with a bit of controlled force. As expected, the cue slams into the
9 ball with enough top spin to slightly pull the ball back after
striking the 9. The 9 banks off the center rail and quickly slides
into the side pocket just as I knew it would, solidifying my

“You have got to be kidding me, you hustled
me?” Wanna be stud questioned.

“Hun, I don’t know what you mean? You guys
stopped at my table and asked me if I wanted to play for a small
wager. You offered a round of drinks if I won. Never did you ask if
I knew how to play. So how exactly is that me hustling you?” I
stated with a little slight upturned smirk knowing damn well my
initial response to them asking to play was something along the
lines of
oh I don’t know if it’s a fair

Ok so, I was referring to myself playing
them. It wasn’t a fair fight. I knew that, Jodi knew that, the four
guys at the table next to us knew that, hell the bartenders and the
bouncers knew that. I am a three time state billiards champ for
petes sake. It never fails that guys come into this pool hall,
looking to drink, play pool and hit on the girls. They never expect
me to know how to play. I think that’s what makes this so fun for

I have been coming to this pool hall since
before I could drive. My dad use to play pretty frequently and
since his buddy Danny bought the place when he retired from the Air
Force; it was never an issue when I tagged along. I practically
grew up in this place. When my dad died, I felt more of a pull to
be here, to play the game, his game and even more to be just as
good at it as he was. It is as if when I’m here, when I’m playing,
my dad is right here with me. It’s been five years since he died,
and Danny never said no when I walked in. I think he has always
known it was the only way I could keep my dad with me. The only
rule was, no drinking until I turn 21, and ALL the bartenders knew
it. Unfortunately I was only 17.

“Ok Ok, you worked me this time, but it’s
cool, I would play this or any game with you if you continue to
wear shirts like that and bend over the table,” he said with a
wicked grin and that all too familiar twinkle in his eye.

“Keep your eyes in your socket jackass,
she’s spoken for.”

What? Excuse me? Who the hell? I thought as
I quickly turned around.

“ADAM!!” I leaped from the table I was
leaning against and flung myself at him, wrapping my arms around
his neck so hard trying to pull him into me. God I missed this

“Oh my god, what are you doing here? When
did you get back? Where are you staying? How long will you be

“Wwooohhh Reece slow down sweetheart.”

Adam Snow was my heart. I knew, but he
didn’t. Adam was three years older than me and had graduated two
years ago. I have known and loved Adam since the first time I saw
him. We had just moved to West Texas and were moving into base
housing. I was walking up to the front door of our new house as the
movers pulled up. It was then that I first laid eyes on Adam. He
was tall, lean and athletic with spiked dirty blond hair. He was
wearing board shorts and flip flops in the hot Texas heat. He was
the cutest boy I had ever seen. He glanced at me standing on the
stoop and waved. I turned around behind me to see if he was waving
at someone else, only to find a brick wall. I blushed and waved
back. That was my first memory of Adam. We quickly became close,
but I was always just his “little Reece.” I could never say he
acted like a big brother to me, because there was something between
us, I just could never tell what. We spent most of our time
together when we could. The whole school wondered what was up
between us, but it never stopped the girls from coming after

Yes, he was handsome; actually, he was more
than handsome. With saucer size brown eyes and a smile that would
melt any heart, Adam Snow was a hottie. Even more so, he had a
heart of gold and a personality that could win awards. He was what
most would call a total package.

I was devastated when he told me he had
joined the Army after graduation. I was in complete shock. Adam
knew, he knew about my dad, he knew that I loved him even if he
didn’t know what kind of love it was. I couldn’t understand how he
could just leave me like that. Before I could even wrap my mind
around what was happening Adam had left for basic training and I
haven’t seen him in eighteen months and two days. Ok, so yes I have
been counting.

“Sweetheart, I can’t breathe.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I just, well I just can’t
believe you’re standing here,” I said with a slight hang of my head
and releasing my hold around his neck.

Taking my chin in his hand and tilting it
upwards, Adam slowly lowered his lips to my forehead and kissed it
softly. “God I’ve missed you,” he said before wrapping his arms
around me again.

“Wait a minute,” I said looking at him
puzzled. “We just talked this morning and you said you were heading
out to the field. How… when… why… I don’t understand.”

Chuckling, he leaned into my ear and
whispered, “I wanted to see the look on your face when I surprised
you, and by that welcome, I am so glad I did.”

A slight blush crept up on my cheeks as I
looked into those brown eyes. The eyes that have seen me in every
way a person can. Every way except romantically.

“Aaahhhhheeeemmmmmm, hate to break up your
little welcome home party you are having here but I want a
rematch,” wanna be stud said with a bit of irritation.

“Now that I know you can play, I won’t go so
easy on you,” he continued.

By this time, Jodi had already snuck over
and said a quick hi to Adam and was standing next to him.

“Um, excuse me, go easy on her? You have GOT
to be kidding me jackoff. My girl Reece can play you every which
way under the sun and you STILL won’t beat her.”

Yep that’s my best friend Jodi for you, open
mouth and God knows what will come out of it. Gotta love her

“Listen bitch, I wasn’t talking to you.”

OOHH bad choice of words, before anyone knew
what was going on, Adam had wanna be stud, up against the wall with
his forearm, his rather large and recently tattooed forearm I
notice (note to self, ask about the wording on his forearm), across
his neck and leaning very close to him.

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