Stronger With Her (15 page)

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Authors: JA Hensley

Tags: #Romantic, #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Stronger With Her
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This is as good as it’s going to get. I think I sound like I’m begging, but at this point I’m not above that. I hope that my brothers never see it because they’d never let me hear the end of it. I fold the note and put it in an envelope, sealing it so nobody can easily read what’s inside. I give it to Simone on my way out for lunch. I hope this works because I’m not letting Stephanie go without a fight.


m almost done for the day. Thankfully there weren’t any more distractions and everything went smoothly with the patches. I’m setting the updates to run overnight so I can get a jumpstart on things tomorrow when there’s a knock on my door. I hesitate to answer it and the person on the other side doesn’t wait for me. I look up sharply, expecting an argument, but I see Simone.

“Hey, Stephanie. Are you doing okay?”

“Come in, Simone. I’m fine. Is something going on?” I smile at the woman as she closes the door behind her.

“No, I’m just headed out for the night but, I thought I’d make sure you have everything you need and the boys are treating you well. Sometimes this place gets overrun by testosterone and they forget that there are women working here too,” she smiles and shakes her head.

“I understand how that goes. Most people in my field are men so I get it.”

“I know you’re trying to finish everything up and the guys are anxious to have it done. So, if you need anything at all this week, please let me know. Even though my name isn’t on the door, I pretty much keep it running,” she says as she winks at me.

“Yeah, women run the world, we just don’t get the credit,” I nod.

“It’s not that bad here. James and his brothers are great guys to work for. They’ve put everything they have into this business and it’s going well, despite what they’ve been through. You being here is just one more thing that will help them grow.”

“Oh, well, I’m happy I could help.” I’m not sure how to respond to her.

“All right, well, I’m going home. I’ll see you in the morning, and don’t forget that I’m upstairs if you need a break from the male posturing and grunting down here,” she laughs as she leaves.

I chuckle too and turn back to the monitor. That’s when I see the envelope on my desk. My name is on the front, but there’s no other indication as to what it could be. I start to open it, but an alert pops up on my screen at the same time. I groan when I see what it is. This is not going to help my day end any faster. I stash the envelope in my purse and turn my full attention back to the task at hand.

It’s almost seven before I finish getting things going to a point where I feel like I can leave it. The office is empty when I emerge from my space, but the lights are still on. I have no idea if they are on timers or not so I leave it the way I find it, making my way to the elevator. Before I go out the front doors of the building, I reach into my purse to get my keys so I can walk to my car with them in my hand. It’s one of the few self-defense things I remember from a talk in college that I still do every day. My fingers touch paper and I pull it out of the bag.

I’d forgotten about the envelope that was in my office so I sit on the bench in the lobby and open it. There’s a note from James inside. I read it through twice before the message sinks in. He wants to get to know me? Has that ever happened before? Most guys just want to fuck and leave, which is fine with me. It’s a means to an end and it’s not messy. James has the potential to make my life a complete and utter disaster.
But he could also make it better than it’s ever been.
I internally scowl at that voice in my head. I’m supposed to be getting my shit together and my company off the ground.

I shake my head and stand up, making a vow to myself as I exit the building that I’m going to be logical and methodical about this thing with James. It’s the best way to get something done efficiently and has been how I’ve approached my adult life. It’s worked so far so I have no reason to believe it won’t work this time.

uesday morning finds me hauling in five different flower arrangements at seven in the morning. Simone told me to have them on Stephanie’s desk before she got to work so she’d walk into the surprise. I’m quite certain the lady at the store thought I was crazy when I bought them. I noticed silver wrappers all over the place yesterday so I also purchased a small bag of the chocolate mints.

I arrange everything around the monitors and leave the candy on the keyboard. There’s a little note in one of the arrangements that will hopefully get a positive response. I turn and leave the room hoping that nobody else is here yet.

“What’re you doing, Runt?” I hear Joe ask.
Fuck me.
I really don’t need his shit right now.

“Going to get some work done. What are you doing, Joseph? Shouldn’t you be at your desk?” I cross my arms over my chest and wait for the smart ass answer I know is coming.

“Actually, Jason asked me to come check some specs for him. So, I guess I’m still being productive even if I’m not in my office. What is your problem? You’ve been a dick since Sunday.”

I sigh, knowing he’s right. “I’ve got a lot on my mind and until we get the system secure I can’t do anything with this contract.”

“You’ve got to be shitting me. You’re a horrible liar, Runt. I know that you’re all tied in knots over our little computer expert. It doesn’t take a genius to see it. To be honest, I’m glad. You’ve been a monk since Danielle and I, for one, am relieved to know you’re not dead inside.” He punches me on the arm as he says the last part.

“I don’t know what it is, but I want to see where it goes,” I admit to my brother. He’s the one guy I know I can count on no matter what. He’s always got my back.

“Well, you know I’ll do what I can but you’re going to have to be careful. What was it that Dad always said?” he scratches is chin. “Don’t dip your pen in the company ink?”

I laugh out loud. My father was always telling us boys to keep our dicks in our pants, no matter what the situation was. I guess raising five sons will do that to a man.

“Yeah, that’s what he said. You’d be wise to consider that too,” I wink at him knowing how he feels about Simone.

“Well, I haven’t done anything so far. She’s a tough cookie, you know?”

“I do know, that’s why I hired her. Don’t fuck that up, okay?” I smile knowing he wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize our company.

“Got it. Now, get to work, boss. We’ve got a business to run here,” he says slapping me on the back and walking away. I shake my head as I press the call button for the elevator to take me up to my floor.


m running almost ten minutes late today and it’s pissing me off. Fucking road construction. It seems like there’s no rhyme or reason to what streets they block off and they make it impossible to get where you’re going. I rush into the building and impatiently wait for the elevator to get me to the third floor. Once I arrive there is a flurry of activity in front of me. People are talking loudly, balls of paper are flying across the room and I think someone is singing. I pause and take in the scene, then look back at the elevator wall to make sure I’m on the right floor.

“Good morning, Stephanie,” I hear from the back of the room. I stand on my tiptoes, trying to see who it is, but I’m much too short to see over all the people. I raise my arm and wave, hoping that he sees me.

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