Stronghold (Stronghold 1) (40 page)

BOOK: Stronghold (Stronghold 1)
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Her face felt so red, she had to
be blushing all the way to her roots.  "You're the Dom, aren't you
supposed to decide that?"

"That far, huh?"

Damn him for being able to read
her so well.  If she could have punched him for chuckling, she would
have... but he'd already leaned down for another kiss and she supposed she
could have bit him, but why bother?  

Then his mouth pulled away again
and she let out a little sound of protest. 

"That's now how this works
Angel, I'm not just going to take over and do whatever I want without some kind
of acquiesce from you."

"Why not?"

Adam brushed his lips over hers
again, but this time it truly was just a brush, leaving her straining upwards
for more.  Tease.  Jerkface.

"If that's how you want to
play it... tell me we can go as far as I want to."

"We can go as far as you
want to," she repeated obediently, a shiver of excitement zipping through
her as she spoke the words.  

He leaned closer, his thigh
pressing hard between hers and her hips jerked upwards, grinding her clit
against that long muscle.  When he spoke, it was in a low voice, directly
in her ear and her insides clenched.  "Tell me I can do whatever I
want to your body."

"You can do whatever you
want to my body."  Her voice was breathy, wispy.  Then some
semblance of self-preservation reared up again.  "Within my hard

This time his chuckle didn't
bother her in the least.


God he loved that snippy little
side of her that would come out when he least expected it.  She'd gone
boneless beneath him, only to remember herself and set down the ground rules
again.  It was those quick changes that kept him on his toes, kept him
guessing - made him wonder what it would take for her to lose control
completely when she was here, alone in his house with him rather than in the
safety of the club.  That kind of letting go would mean a great deal of
trust on her part.

He sort of rolled off the couch
while standing up at the same time, taking her with him so that he could flip
her up over his shoulder.  

Kind of a caveman move, but he
liked it.  And there was no way their first time together was going to be
on his couch when his bed was just a couple floors away.  Besides, he'd
been fantasizing about having Angel in his bed, not on his couch.
 Although the reality of her on his couch was quite nice too.

"Hey!  What are you

Adam smacked her ass as he turned
towards the stairs.  Dammit.  The bling had dug into his hand,
although it didn't hurt that much it was still annoying.  When he got
those pants off of her he was going to spank her for wearing them.
 "Whatever I want, remember?"

"Yeah, I just thought you
were going to do it down here..."  The sexual frustration in her
voice was obvious, and if he hadn't already been as hard as a rock that would
have definitely done it to him.  Well, that and the fact that her
delectable ass was right next to his face and his hand was wrapped around her
thigh with his fingers between her legs.

He took a deep breath, grinning
as he caught the faintest whiff of sweet, musky feminine arousal.
 Considering that she was wearing jeans, her panties must be soaked for
him to even get that hint of scent.  He picked up the pace a little bit,
ignoring her protests as she was bounced on his shoulder.  Sure he felt a
little caveman, but he kind of liked the Neanderthal scenario.  

Capture woman, drag her back to
his cave, and don't let her out or near any other Neanderthals.  It was
pretty safe to say that Angel raised all of his most possessive instincts, and
it didn't help that she was such a guys' girl.

But he wasn't going to think
about that right now.  No, he was just going to think about how cute she
was when she was grumbling and calling him names under her breath, and about
how red her ass was going to be once he'd spanked her for it, and how fantastic
she was going to look tied down to his bed.  

When he reached his room, he
kicked the door closed behind him.  The muttering immediately stopped and
she pressed her hands against his butt as her body shifted; obviously doing her
best to look around the room.  Like the rest of his house it was neat as a
pin, the complete opposite of the messy chaos of her room, because he hated clutter.
 There were a couple of bookshelves filled with his guilty pleasures,
namely a lot of young adult science fiction and fantasy that the other guys
would probably tease him about.  The more respectable authors who wrote
for adults were on a bookshelf in a room downstairs.  

His bedroom was pretty sparsely
decorated.  There was a desk with a laptop, all the furniture was dark
wood and bare, the quilt on his bed was the only really colorful thing in the
room.  A gift from his mother before she'd left for England; she'd started
it when he was in high school and finished it just before she'd married Samuel.
 The bright and cheerful red, orange and ivory colors were like a splash
of warmth in an otherwise fairly utilitarian room. 

When he set Angel down on her feet
she was already done protesting, her eyes flashing around the room as she
frowned.  Inwardly he sighed.  He was still hard and ready to go but
obviously his curious kitten wanted a moment to look around.  As she
turned around the room, taking it all in, she stripped the sweater from her
arms but the movement wasn't at all sexual.

"Is this a guest room?"

His mouth quirked.
 "No, this is my bedroom."

"But there's nothing

"Bed, dresser, desk,
bookshelves... what more do I need?"

"Oh I don't know, pictures,
 to personalize the space a little!"
 She walked over to the bed, her fingers trailing across the quilt
pattern.  "This is beautiful.  Why don't you have more things
like this here?"

"My mother made that for
me."  Yeah, because talking about his mom wasn't going to further
kill the mood.  "And because I don't like clutter."

"You can have something on
the walls without it being clutter," she said, shaking her head.  A
little smirk crossed her face as she turned back to look at him.  "My
room must have driven you nuts."

"You have no idea," he
murmured, stepping closer.  He really wasn't interested in examining his
room - why would he be?  It wasn't that interesting and he lived in it.
 "But I didn't bring you up here so that you could tell me how to
decorate my bedroom."  The only decoration he really wanted at the
moment was Angel herself - and how pretty would she look secured to one of his

Just like that, with that one
step towards her, Angel's eyes flared with heat and they were right back where
he wanted them to be.  Her tongue flicked out against her lower lip.
 Shit, he loved her mouth.  Adam had always been an ass man; although
he enjoyed oral sex of course, it had never been one of his preferences.  With
Angel, he constantly fantasized about sliding his cock between those bow-shaped
lips, even after he'd fulfilled that particular fantasy.  He just wanted
to do it again.

So why shouldn't he?

"On your knees."
 His voice was harsh, deep, demanding.  Angel dropped like a stone,
almost looking surprised at how quickly she'd gone down.  If he'd still
doubted whether or not she was a true submissive, that would have told him
right there.  She'd obeyed without thinking about it, without having been
trained for it.  Some submissives still might have argued, but Angel
already trusted him, already accepted his dominance of her, and she reacted
accordingly.  "Put your hands behind your back, I want you to hold
onto your elbows."

The position thrust her breasts
out.  The bra she was wearing was nothing special, purple like her sweater
and with a little heart dangling in the center between her breasts.  He
kind of wished that he'd told her to take it off, but at the same time denying
himself the sight was kind of a delightful tease.

Keeping his eyes trained on hers,
he began to unbutton his shirt.  She started off by looking directly at
him, but as he undid one button after another her eyes drifted down to his


The man should work for
Chippendales.  Hellooooo hot body.  Although wasn't she supposed to
be doing a sexy strip show for him?  Not the other way around?

Not that she was really going to
complain if he wanted to strip down for her, but it did seem sort of backwards.
 Then again, she was going off based of what she thought a Dom would
want... and she was demonstrably not a dominant.  The whole point was that
Adam wanted her to kneel and watch him while he unbuttoned his shirt.

Maybe he really was a sadist.

She wanted to run her tongue all
over his stomach.  Rub her face in his chest hair.  Really wrap
herself around him and touch every inch of him that she could with every part
of her body that could reach him.  And instead she had to kneel here and
watch him undress for her.  She was proud of herself for not drooling.

He had a fantastic body.
 Muscular, defined, but not so cut that his muscles looked like they'd
been too hard to cuddle with.  Fair hair, slightly darker than that on his
head, centered on his chest, although there was also a thin line of it heading
down from his belly button into the Promised Land.  Angel had read that in
a book, and the author had been talking about a woman, but she figured it was
apt enough for Adam.  

"You look hungry,
Angel," he said softly, stepping closer as he shucked off his shirt and
began undoing his belt.  Her eyes raised back up to his, which were a
bright, glittering blue.  "Would you like something to fill your

"Yes please, Sir."

Her mouth actually watered, her
fingers tightening on her arms.  Kneeling here in front of him like this,
with her hands behind her backs, it should have felt wrong.  Every
feminist bone in her body felt that way.  But they'd also all completely
melted under the heat.  She liked being on her knees like this for him,
liked the way his eyes slid over her face and down to her breasts, liked the
approval that she saw in his expression.  

Would she do this for any man?
 Absolutely not.  But Adam made her feel special.  He made her
feel like she could submit to him and he would only respect her more because of
it, not less.  They'd gotten off to a rocky start, but she knew, right
now, that she was glad he'd been the one to do her Introduction Scene.
 Glad that they'd been paired up right from the beginning.  Because
she didn't think she would have felt this with any of the other Doms.
 None of them held the same level of attraction.  None of them had
even guessed at Chained that she wasn't what she seemed to be.

But Adam saw right through her.
 He'd taken the time to get to know her even though her initial lie had
offended him on some basic level.  And she wanted him to see her, to know
her.  For the first time, she felt like maybe this was a man that she
could have a real future with.  As scary as it was to be thinking that
already - but hadn't he said he wanted exclusivity?  

And right now, in his bedroom,
she'd felt like this was the most intimate, most
 thing she'd
ever done - and she was still wearing most of her clothing.  It wasn't
about the physical stuff, although that was part of it, it was about the
connection between them.  

So when he pulled that beautiful
cock out of his pants, she didn't just give him head.  She worshiped him
with her mouth.  Her tongue.  Licking up and down the sides of his
length, she put her whole body into it.  And then she sucked him in
between her lips and took him deep.

The groans, the fingers that were
now sliding through her hair, only encouraged her.  She felt fuzzy, warm,
as all of her focus centered on the pleasure that she was giving him.

"Hands back where they
belong."  His voice snapped out as he pulled away, leaving her lips
open, panting.  Angel blinked and then almost jumped as she realized that
her hands had moved of their own volition.  She hadn't even noticed, she'd
been so wrapped up in wanting to take him in.  

Immediately she put them back
behind her, wrapping her fingers tightly around her elbows to keep them in
place, before looking back up at him.  The expression on her face, her
slightly swollen, open lips were a silent entreaty.  And he answered, smoothly
stepping back into place.

The slick length of his cock slid
easily back between her lips and she hummed her pleasure.  He groaned
again, obviously enjoying the vibrations of her mouth around him.
 Flicking her tongue against the underside, she explored the veins along
his shaft as she moved her head back and forth, trying to take him a little bit
deeper each time.

After a few moments she managed
to get back into the rhythm she'd had before, into that same head space where
everything seemed to melt away except for pleasuring him.  It was almost
hypnotic, the sucking, the moving, the taking... her jaw ached and yet she
wanted to go on like this for hours.  She loved the way his fingers felt,
running through her hair, touching her forehead, her cheeks, in an almost
reverent manner.  

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