Stuffed by Two (BBW Steamy FMM Menage Romance)

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Stuffed by Two

(BBW Steamy FMM Menage Romance)

Copyright 2014 by Piper

Design by Piper Fae



Individuals pictured on the cover are models and used for
illustrative purposes only.


This is a work of fiction intended for mature audiences only. All
names, places, events, and incidents are the product of the author’s
imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely
coincidental. The characters represented are 
consenting adults
the age of eighteen and 
 blood related
. Please do not
reproduce this work illegally. 




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I notice my breaths becoming rapid,
my heart fluttering hard against my ribcage. My mind is teeming with indecent
thoughts about Brent. The lust between my legs is burning away my inhibitions,
like liquid fire rising up from my core, stealing away my instinct to get out.
Am I blushing?


“So, what’s it gonna be, Kat?” Or
are you going to stay a virgin your whole life?”


How the fuck did she know?


Her lips curl into that judgmental
smirk again. “It’s obvious, isn’t it? I bet you’ve never even had a cock inside
your mouth.”


She nods at Brent and, by the time
I look over at him, he’s already shirtless. The sweat sheen of his torso
catches the light of the small room, carving out each defined muscle. His giant
arms flex and ripple as he works at the zipper of his jeans.


And there it is, in full view. My
eyes gleam at the sight of his massive cock springing forth from the crotch of
his blue denim. Madeline wasn’t lying about his size. Brent is


I can’t help staring, watching it
grow in his hand while he strokes the shaft. The guy next to him seems totally
oblivious to any of this—he’s still standing the same way as when I came


My teeth nibble at the tip of my
manicured thumb nail, eyes fixed on Brent’s engorged cock. Just watching it
throb and pulse in his palm has me practically salivating. I wonder what he
tastes like…


“Go on, suck his cock,” Madeline
says with a condescending nod of encouragement. “That is, if you aren’t a


Who the fuck does she think she is?
I might be a virgin, but I’ve watched enough porn to know how to suck cock.


My body starts to move almost on
its own, toward Brent. His eyes lock with mine as I approach. There’s something
in them—a smoldering desire, beckoning me to come closer. His penetrating
gaze raises the tiny hairs of my neck.


My legs cross with each slow,
advancing step. Somehow they’ve found their own confident stride. Somehow, I
know that I


My tight skirt rides up my ass as I
squat down in front of Brent, eyes locked on his erect dick. My tongue sweeps
across salivating lips. I want to know… I
to know what Brent tastes


He lets out a low grunt went my
thumb and forefinger wrap lightly around the neck of his shaft. Crimson lips
part, a silver string of saliva snaps between them. Hot breath spills from my
moist cavern, filling the air around his cock. My mouth is
watery—drooling with anticipation. Warm spit drizzles from my lower lip
and rolls down his twitching head. 


“Go on,” Madeline says, “show me
what you can do.” But I’m not doing this to prove anything to her. I’m doing
this because I want to show Brent what I can do for


As I lean in, my dark hair falls on
either side of his throbbing dick. I look up just in time to watch Brent’s eyes
roll back when I press the flat of my tongue against the base.


I guess he
want this.


I relish the sound of his deep
groaning as my tongue makes its way up the long shaft. My tongue leaves a
shimmering wet sheen of saliva as it glides up his dick.


When I reach the top, I flick at
the head and tug down hard on his jeans and briefs and watch him squirm in


Soft, pillowy lips hover over his
hard dick, inching closer. They form a tight seal around the shaft and my
eyelids flutter at the taste of him. My tongue swirls around in my mouth,
dancing around the head, lapping up his sweet precum.


Brent groans and lurches. I don’t
think he was expecting it to feel so good.


“I want to see you deepthroat him,”
Madeline says, still casually playing with her hair on the bed next to us.

Stuffed by Two


I don’t even want to be a sorority
girl. I could never imagine myself as one of those prissy bitches, strutting
around campus with a designer bag paid for by Daddy’s trust fund.


I’ve got too many curves, for one
thing. It’s not like I’d ever fit into any of those high fashion brands for
super skinny chicks. Hell, I can’t even remember the last time I liked what I
was wearing.


And they’re always so damn
That fake kind of nice, where they pretend to like you then talk all kinds of
crap about you behind your back.


They can go and on about the most
mundane shit, totally content with endless conversation about the most recent
gossip. It’s nauseating. I never cared about any of that. I’m way too focused
on my studies right now to waste my time with that stuff.


But here I am, on my way to
interview with Triple Pi. You could say I’ve lost all sense of
self-respect—except, I’m not doing it for me.


The truth is I’m doing it because
of Brent—because he asked me to.


But then, I’d have my legs spread
eagle faster than he could say, “Can I fuck you?” if he ever did. Not that he
would, I’m just saying.


And that’s because Brent is the man
I want to marry one day. I mean, we only just met, but I really hope we do.


He’s actually the first and only
guy who has talked to me since I moved into the dorms last week. I wish it were
because he
to, but really it’s just that he
to. Brent
is the dorm supervisor, so he was the one to show me around when I first got


And when I first saw him, it was an
instant crush. Like getting hit with a sledgehammer. I couldn’t even form words
when he introduced himself. Like I forgot how to speak English all of a sudden.


He extended his hand and his gaze
held me in a state of suspension. I couldn’t believe those eyes; dark hazel
swimming around pupils that bore through to my soul.


“I’m Brent,” he said.


“I’m—hello, you—I mean,
I’m Brent—no, I am Kat.”


“Hi Kat,” he said with a genuine
smile, showing his perfect teeth. It sure looked genuine, anyway.


His presence was dominating.
Standing there in the tiny dorm hallway, he could have been a giant. His
massive bicep flexed ever so slightly at the extension of his arm, leading up
to broad shoulders so wide he barely fit between the narrow walls. His white
V-neck shirt was tight against the muscle mounds of his torso. I’d never felt
so much wetness between my legs.


My thoughts were lost in a fog.
Basic motor functions were foreign to me.


He held his hand there for a long
time, then looked puzzled as to why I hadn’t shaken it yet. He shrugged and
retreated the hand to brush back a thread of black hair. It was s smooth, fluid
motion that escaped the awkwardness of the moment. Unlike me.


“How do you like your room?” He
said. My room? It was a total mess of unpacked boxes and still is. There’s no
hot water and it’s smaller than an office cubicle. A complete shitwreck.


“I—I really like it,” I said,
still staring at him. I must have looked like a complete psycho. I hadn’t even
showered or brushed my hair that morning. Of course, I wasn’t exactly expecting
I’d meet the man of my dreams.


“Really? A lot of people get pissed
about getting stuck in the West building.”


“Do—do they?”


“Yeah, it’s in serious need of a
renovation. Place it totally falling apart.”


“Oh I guess it is—does,” I
say, followed by an awkward giggle. My weight shifts to one leg. I couldn’t
believe how flustered I was in front of Brent. It’s like I was suddenly back in
high school, giddy and crushing hard on a guy I just met.


“So, have you looked over the dorm
rules yet?” About twenty times already. They’re plastered on pretty much every
surface area of the entire building.


“Just once or twice—a couple
times—I think.”


“Good,” he flashes another cool
smile, his eyes glinting in the dim light, “just remember no visitors after
nine. Come on, let me show you around.”


And so the rest of the tour
continued in this fashion; me staring at him like a lunatic, blubbering
incoherently each time I spoke. I found myself mesmerized by every word, every
syllable from his mouth about dorm policy and how the toilets tend to clog.


Actually, I wasn’t paying much
attention to what he was saying.


And so it hit me like a ton of
bricks when he asked me, “Are you doing anything tonight?”


I think my throat hit the floor
when he said it.


Was he asking
out? Like,
on a
? My cheeks went flush—I forgot how to breathe.


“Because I’m supposed to tell girls
in the West building about joining Triple Pi.”
, I guess not. I
exhaled a long disappointed sigh and he sort of looked at me funny, then
continued. “They like to meet freshmen to find out if they’d be a good fit for
their sorority.”


I can’t believe I even let myself
think for a moment that he was interested in me. I felt like such an idiot.


But then my eyes lit up at what he
said next.


“I’ll be there.”


I think my head would have fallen
off if I nodded any faster. I made an affirmative squeak that sounded like my
lungs had given out. My face was glowing neon red by that point.


“Okay then. Tonight at eight.” His
arm came out halfway for a handshake then paused. He studied me for a brief
second, then brought the hand back to his side. “Well… see you then.”


Then he turned opposite from me and
went on down the hallway. I just stood there, frozen in place for a good minute
or two. My knees were all jittery and barely supported my weight. The heat
between my legs was slick with desire for Brent. My pussy throbbed and ached
with a new kind of passion.


I don’t know what the heck a male
would be doing at sorority house, but I sure as hell know that I don’t care.
All that matters is that Brent is going to be there.



I crane my neck to read the Greek
letters above the big white sorority house, whispering them aloud. “Triple Pi.”
It sounds exactly like the kind of club I swore I’d never belong to when I went
to college.


But none of that matters now,
is inside.


I gather my courage and step along
the narrow brick pathway lined on either side with purple poppies. It’s obvious
they had the money to pay for a professional landscaper.


My black heels click on the brick
tiles leading up to the steps of the porch, and I can’t help feeling


I had on my favorite white blouse
and a black skirt that I thought made my ass look pretty hot. Thankfully my
hair was cooperative after about an hour of curling and primping, and fell
elegantly over my shoulders. I was feeling pretty confident in front of the
mirror before I left, but my self-esteem has completely betrayed me at this


The truth is I really don’t care so
much about making an impression on the sorority girls as I do Brent.


As I approach the double doors of
the house, one of the ornate brass handles turns on its own.


The door cracks open and a petite
head comes out of it. She’s got pigtails tied with red and white polka dot
ribbons and thick-framed glasses. A lot more bookish than I was expecting.
Certainly not the fashionista I thought would greet me.


,” she
says, looking me up and down. Her eyes are dismissive, her expression
standoffish. She glares at my blouse like I’ve committed some sort of fashion
sin. “Come on, Madeline is waiting for you.” Her attention remains fixed on my
cleavage as her head retreats back through the crack. I don’t think she looked
at my face even once. What a bitch.


She leaves the door cracked so I
have to open it the rest of the way to enter.


Immediately I’m hit with a waft of
heavy perfume. The air is dense with an intoxicating mix of floral scents worse
than my grandmother’s retirement home. It’s enough to make my eyes water.


As I step inside, trying my best
not to gag, I notice the boisterous sounds I heard from outside falling silent.


The ten or so girls in the common
room have all stopped, frozen in time, halting in whatever activity they were
doing just to judge me with superficial eyes. They’ve all got that same snooty
demeanor as the first chick.


Two of them sitting on a velvet
couch in the corner snicker under their breath, exchanging glances as I walk
by. Heads turn as I cross the plush red carpet, following the pig-tailed bitch
to a set of spiraling stairs.


Their whispered conversations pick
up again as we ascend to the second floor. She leads me down a hallway to a
lime green door with a gold frame. “Madeline is waiting for you,” she says,
repeating it in the same snarky monotone as before.


Fuck this place. I don’t know why I
am even here.


Oh yeah—Brent.


And when I open the door, there he
is, like salvation for my battered self-esteem. He’s standing up straight,
hands clasped behind his back like he had just been standing there, patiently
waiting. There’s another guy, same height and build as Brent, standing the
exact same way. It’s almost eerie.


Only, they aren’t alone. A girl I
can only assume to be Madeline is reclining on a bed next to him. She’s got on
pink fluffy dress, kind of like a six-year-old would wear for a tea party with
stuffed animals, and there’s a plethora of those neatly arranged at the head of
the king size bed.


In fact, it looks just like a kid’s
room. The walls are painted hot pink, plastered all over with rainbow stickers,
happy cartoon clouds and the like.


What the hell


Madeline is twirling a finger
around a silk blond strand, smirking at me as the door closes behind.


“Hi, I’m—“


“Kat, I know. Brent here has told
about you.” All about me? The guy hardly knows me.


She throws her legs over the edge
of the bed and sits upright. “Let’s do away with silly formalities and just get
?” She cocks her head at that last part in a way that
really irks me. The high pitch and condescending tone makes me want to cringe.


“Hey Brent,” I say, giving him a
little wave. But he doesn’t so much as blink. I may as well be invisible.


“Come now, don’t be so rude,”
Madeline says, “tell her hello.”


“Hello,” he says. Why is Brent
acting so strange?


“So, you’re interested in joining
Triple Pi, are you?”


“Actually, Brent said I


“Well, listen” she says in the
patronizing tone again, “there’s something about our little sorority you need
to know.” I raise an impatient eyebrow at her. ”We only admit the most…
ladies here.” Her face takes on that same dismissive expression as the first
girl. “And quite frankly, I’m afraid you’re already quite


“Excuse me?” I can’t believe this
chick. I don’t have to take this shit.


“But don't worry. There is still
plenty of opportunity to prove yourself.” She is playing with her curls again.
Her eyes are fixed on the ends of her perfect locks. “Call it a
, if
you will.”

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