Read Subculture Online

Authors: Sarah Veitch

Tags: #chimera, #palmprint, #sarah veitch, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

Subculture (30 page)

BOOK: Subculture
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‘No more,' she pleaded in a somewhat theatrical tone. ‘Please, sir, no more - I can't bear it!' Then her stretched-open mouth snapped shut with shock and disbelief as the surgery door burst open and Reece rushed in.

Chapter Nineteen


‘What the...!' Reece dashed into the room as he heard his fiancee's urgent pleas for clemency. Then he stopped as he took in the sadistic scene. ‘Get off her,' he yelled, crossing the room in a few quick strides, homing in on the tyrant. The other man stayed the arm holding the belt then let the leather strap fall silently to the floor.

Now his face was completely unprotected, a shocked white target. Reece balled his right hand into a fist and pulled it back.

He was bringing that same fist smartly forward to connect with the stranger's jaw when someone or something grabbed his arm and pulled at it wildly. Only half aware of what he was doing, he tried to brush the intrusion away.

‘No!' yelled Lisa's voice. ‘Reece, don't hurt him!'

Belatedly he realised that his fiancee was the one clinging strongly to his nearest jacket sleeve. ‘But Lisa.' He turned to stare at her blouse-clad but otherwise naked body. ‘The bastard was hurting you. If I hadn't arrived...'

‘He...' He saw more colour come into her face, but couldn't tell which emotion had caused it. ‘He wasn't... that is, I wanted him to.'

I wanted him to. Reece tried the words out in his head. She wanted the man to strip her below the waist, to beat her? She wanted her beautiful golden flesh to be whipped bright red? He stared down at her white knuckled fingers still gripping tremulously at his clothes.

The poor girl wasn't thinking straight. She must still be traumatised by the ordeal that this savage had put her through.

‘You're safe now,' he said softly. ‘This brute can't hurt you any more. You can tell me what happened.' He put his arms around her waist in a gesture of comfort, but she stiffened and started to pull away. Reece looked over at the suited man who'd remained surprisingly implacable. ‘You'd better get out of here,' he said. ‘Before I lose my temper and knock you into the middle of next week.'

‘This is my surgery. It's not what you think,' the man replied.

Reece stared from one impassioned face to the other. Lisa was staring up at him, still holding onto his arm as if she feared that he'd attack the sadistic man again. ‘Get dressed,' he told her gently. ‘I've come to take you home. My project finished early. We can catch a flight within the hour or find a hotel room here on Malta for tonight.'

Lisa bit her lip. She flushed. He watched as she inhaled hard then obviously gathered her thoughts together. ‘I don't want to go,' she said softly. ‘Reece - I'm so sorry. I want to stay here with Michael. We're in love.'

‘You love...?' He looked over at the older man, and the older man stared back concernedly. ‘But I just saw him beat you,' Reece said dully. ‘You were begging for help.'

‘He was... it was foreplay. It's what I wanted.' Lisa whispered, obviously meeting his gaze with some difficulty.

A few weeks ago she'd wanted him, Reece thought. She'd said so in her postcards and her short but friendly notes. ‘How can you want a violent man?' he asked dazedly. Again he could see the struggle for composure taking place on his fiancee's normally serene wide-eyed face.

‘He's not violent - just dominant,' she murmured softly.

‘Dominant with his bloody belt,' Reece said.

‘It's not... in a way I asked him to. It's complex.'

Reece felt his brain flood with increasing loss and disappointment. ‘It sounds totally bizarre to me!'

He tried to get his head in order. He couldn't just give up on their relationship like this. He'd had such plans for them.

‘Look, something strange has being going on here. Maybe you've been brainwashed by this bastard. Come back to Scarborough and have a few weeks off work and then...'

‘My life and work is here now,' Lisa countered quickly.

‘But you only flew out on a three month contract,' Reece said.

‘And I intended to return home after it,' Lisa muttered, reaching for her floor-based skirt and kicking her panties under the examination couch, ‘until I fell in love.'

‘You fell in love with this... thing? A man who thrashes you until you beg for mercy?'

‘The begging was a bit of play acting. I wanted him to do what he did,' Lisa said. She turned to the man she'd referred to as Michael. ‘Can you leave us for a while? Yes, honest, I'll be fine here. I owe Reece an explanation at the very least.' Muttering that he'd be next door if he was needed, the man looked from one to the other then reluctantly left the room.

Reece watched as Lisa pulled on her skirt. She winced as it rubbed against her presumably sore bare buttocks.

‘I used to fantasize about this,' she muttered, indicating the carpet-based belt. ‘Though I tried hard not to.' She paused. ‘But when I found out that Michael was into the same thing I just couldn't resist...'

With a lurch of understanding, Reece remembered the spanking photo, and how quickly he'd dismissed it. He'd been such a fool. ‘That photo you sent. You hoped that you and I could...?' he queried.

Lisa nodded. ‘I was trying to find a compromise at that stage, I guess.'

Reece thought of pulling a woman across his knee, of actively hurting her. He shook his head. ‘I could never do that.' He watched as his fiancee - his ex-fiancee - leaned back against the surgical couch.

‘I know that now, I should have written to you or phoned you,' she admitted haltingly. ‘But it's only been in the past couple of days that Michael and I have fully become lov... that the relationship's reached a more serious phase.'

‘Him whipping you like you're a dog looked pretty serious!' Reece said, glaring. He heard the grating tone in his voice, and wished that he could be man enough to walk away with his integrity intact. But he wanted to make her feel worse than she obviously did already, to hurt her just a fraction of the way she'd wounded him.

‘You're sick, do you know that, Lisa? Really deviant,' he said coldly, before walking out of the room and the Clinic, and out of her life.

Chapter Twenty


A percentage of the world would always see her desires as being deviant, Lisa admitted to herself as the days turned into weeks and she came to terms with what Reece thought of her sexual preference. Some people based their judgement on tabloid headlines. They mocked or ran from everything they didn't understand. How could it be wrong to do something which gave you and your partner equal pleasure? A dominant and a submissive made for a sexual whole, like yin and yang.

She waved her final patient of the morning out then smiled as Michael walked smartly in.

‘Got time for a restaurant lunch?' he asked, setting down some folders on her cabinet.

Lisa looked at her watch. ‘Has Carmen's cooking fallen into disrepute, then? I was just going to ask her to make me an omelette so I could dine out on the balcony.'

‘She's nursing a sore bum for leaving yesterday's party barbecue unattended,' Michael said shaking his head sadly. ‘It set the bushes alight.'

Lisa felt the familiar flicker of excitement thrill through her mons at his disparaging words and the accompanying bare bottomed image. But her brain registered jealousy and disapproval at the thought of his palms on Carmen's rump. ‘Now that we're... an item I don't want you correcting other woman,' she said with hard won honestly. She watched as Michael fingered his leather belt.

‘I've always kept strict discipline here. It's what my staff expect. They'd be mutinous without it.'

‘And I'm mutinous knowing that you touch them intimately,' Lisa said.

‘You don't have the right to...' Michael started.

‘Yes I do. I gave up Reece,' Lisa retorted, glaring at him across the desk.

‘Mr Conventional? By the looks of things that wasn't much of a hardship,' her employer said.

She didn't want to lose this man, but she had her own moral standards. Lisa stared down at her notes as she searched for a solution which would suit both of them. Sex with Michael was exquisite, but she wanted to be special, not one of the many women he was sleeping with.

‘I feel so jealous when I think of you entering someone else,' she muttered disconsolately.

Michael stared at her as he perched on the edge of her desk. He pursed his lips together, then absentmindedly ran his fingers through his hair and across his jaw. ‘I'm not a saint and I've always been a free spirit,' he said slowly. ‘But I can promise that after I've chastened them I'll only please them with my fingers or by using a multi-headed vibrator on their sexual parts.'

‘And what'll they do for you, doc?' Lisa prompted, imagining Jamilla on her knees licking Michael's manhood.

Her employer thought some more. ‘And they'll only grant me the exact same pleasures back.'

Lisa nibbled her pen as she envisaged the scene. She quite liked seeing the other girls being chastised and enjoyed hearing their orgasmic groaning afterwards. Michael's suggestion made for a fair compromise. She could live with that.

‘But will that be enough for them?' she asked, knowing how much a woman could miss a man's skilful thrusting.

Michael pursed his lips. ‘If it isn't, I'm sure they'll find a use for our rampant friend Bakar. And I can strongly suggest that they use their tongues to please each other. Most women I've met have Sapphic tendencies.'

‘Not me,' Lisa cut in quickly.

Her employer smiled. ‘That remains to be seen, my dear.' He looked at the clock. ‘But for now I have a luncheon reservation at two.'

‘Bon appetit,' Lisa said.

Michael leaned closer. ‘Will you help me honour it? I can have you back here for your next patient's appointment at four.'

She'd wanted to catch up on some work-related research, but how could she resist the offer of his excellent company and equally enticing food?

The restaurant was busy, their corner quiet. ‘By the way,' she said after the waiter poured the wine, ‘if you're getting to finger the female staff then I have the right to do the same to Bakar, if he desires it.'

‘You'll be too busy nursing a scarlet bottom,' Michael replied.

Lisa blushed at his words and at the helpless picture they created, but tried to hide her lustful shame. ‘Promises, promises,' she murmured, then looked covertly at her ringless hands on the white-clothed table. ‘I'm a free agent, my love, so you can't stop me from sleeping with someone else.'

‘That's why I brought you here,' Michael said gently. ‘To ensnare you.' Her heartbeat quickened as he pulled out a small black velvet box. ‘Would you consider the most loving kind of captivity?' he continued. He opened the lid to reveal both an emerald engagement and a gold engraved wedding ring. ‘Two rings - if you accept, that puts you doubly in my bondage,' he said.

‘I love you,' Lisa murmured softly. She could tell that her eyes were shining.

‘I love you too, you temptress,' Michael murmured. ‘Does that mean yes?'

‘As long as I don't have to use the word obey in my wedding vows,' Lisa replied, smiling.

‘Your obedience goes without saying,' her employer said.


The ceremony was small. He gave her a silver-handled cane as a wedding present. She promised him access to her derriere for an hour for refusing to take the more traditional vows.

‘Wonder why they call it a honeymoon?' she murmured, as he carried her over the threshold in a Parisian hotel suite.

‘Because a bride tastes as sweet as the finest honey,' Michael said, kissing her soft lips, ‘and because I'm about to pull your pants down to see the very full moon.' He laid her down on the bed on her tummy, then walked towards the leather luggage near the door.

‘What makes you so sure I'm wearing pants? Should a diagnostic doctor be so assumptive?' Lisa murmured, kicking off her shoes then rolling insolently onto her back. She watched as Michael unzipped one of the suitcases that they'd had sent ahead of them, then she licked her lips as he brought out the long thin silver-handled rattan. Why had she offered her hindquarters for a full hour? Even allowing for verbal sparring, he'd get in numerous strokes...

‘Oh dear, I put you on your tummy and you've moved without permission,' the doctor said softly, approaching the King Size. ‘A wife must do as her husband bids,' he added confidently.

‘A Victorian wife, maybe. Not a modern one,' Lisa shot back. She shivered as his large hands spanned her waist and he rolled her firmly over onto her belly. She trembled as he started to peel off her short-sleeved white satin jacket and matching pencil skirt.

‘This modern wife is still due a whipping,' Michael laughed, pulling down her white silk panties.

BOOK: Subculture
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