Succubus Tear (Triune promise) (18 page)

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Authors: Andreas Wiesemann

BOOK: Succubus Tear (Triune promise)
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Chapter 18


You will do well to remember, Taint, that I am not your slave. I was never your slave.”

—Walter Stratton


Al’bah wondered if her explanation was enough this time. Oh! How she wished she could speak to Cain in the language of the soul, and he to her. She could often feel Cain’s impatience with her as she tried and tried to explain so many things for him. The disparity between her grasp of the spiritual and his was enormous. He was less than a child in his understandings.

But he will grow, and he will surpass me by boundless measurement.

She was often tempted to use her spiritual powers to drive home her explanations, and tempted to back his absurd denial into a corner by force, using her spiritual powers to bend the fabric of his reality. Thankfully she decided against it; Cain had almost denied her even in the face of his healed hand. Oh, how significant that moment was! Even though it almost cost her everything, it was worth the price. Cain’s denial was no longer impenetrable, and Al’bah would use that tiny crack to invade and break apart his doubt. She would do everything she could to nurture and soften his potential, and allow his seed of faith to grow.

And so she instead used her power to provoke his wonderment, allowing Cain to see what was always inside of him. She was grateful beyond words to see the look of awe upon his face, but not surprised. After all, she was always in awe of him.

A subtle touch will make the skin yearn for more. A whisper is received more so than a scream. And love is desired over hate forevermore.

She felt Cain shift to come out from under her wings and sit cross-legged on the bed. A soft panic fluttered in Al’bah’s heart. Was he upset yet again? Was he still frustrated of her inadequate words?

Al’bah stared at him for a moment and sensed desire beginning to stir in Cain. She got up as well, feeling her own desire respond in kind.
He desires me still!
she thought triumphantly and smiled warmly, keeping her stare into his soft eyes.

Oh! How strange it was to be desired by a human. It was a dizzying sense of chaos. She could see all the ways and reasons Fallen Angels and Demons felt that they were superior to humanity. She felt her own burning jealousy of the favor Cain had with the Creator. That his way to heaven was spelled out, and the price already paid.

she reminded herself,
but it is not my place to be jealous. It is not my place to assume that I could dare to supersede the authority of the Creator.

Cain reached out and stopped suddenly.

“Why do you hesitate?” Al’bah breathed.

“I…well, I…is it okay for
to touch your wings?” Cain asked with a shy tone.

He wishes to touch my wings!
her mind cried out in joy.
At last! He wishes to touch my wings!
She brought her wings forward to encircle them both. “My wings are for you, Cain. My cries were due to the remembrance of existence before you,” she said quietly and waited for his touch.

It was an incredible dichotomy to how intimate her wings to her, and how unaware Cain was to the extent of this sense of intimacy. In all her memories, Al’bah had never willingly revealed her wings to another creation. In many ways, it was his ignorance of such significance that made him so worthy.

Was it was his casual fascination that allowed her to be so open and so vulnerable to his sometimes clumsy moments of affection? Or was it his place in the cosmic order? Oh, the favor that humanity enjoyed from the Creator was astounding! To think that Cain was above even the mighty Angels!

She closed her eyes as Cain’s fingertips neared the soft pink flesh of her wings. Suddenly a jolt of ecstasy raced throughout her body. Her breathing became a gasping punctuated by soft cries of pleasure, as her wings were touched by gentle hands for the first time.


“Oh! Oh, hurt? No, do not stop!” Al’bah shook her head, barely able to string together the sounds needed to form and shape words. Never in all her memories was she so consumed by desire. She felt as though her body was full of crawling insects that bit her insides. Her blood felt as though it was liquid fire. A mad itching plagued her body that was only relieved by Cain’s touch.

Al’bah cried out, wrapping her arms around Cain’s neck and shoulders. She squeezed her body as tightly to his as she could, biting his flesh, never realizing that she actually broke his skin until his blood filled her mouth. Suddenly, Cain started to push her off his body.

What? No!

“No! No! Please!” she moaned. “I am sorry! What are you doing? No! Please!” Al’bah grew afraid. Was he mad at her? Was he going to bring retribution to her? “Please forgive me, I did not mean to hurt you.”

”It’s okay,” Cain breathed. “Just be careful, your teeth are sharp.”

Al’bah sighed in relief. Cain was not mad; she could sense his emotions and realized his desire intensified in response to her own savage passion. He still kept pushing her off of him, and at last, Al’bah knew why: their positioning was too awkward to satisfy carnal desire.

 I do not care! I want his body next to mine! I want him! He is mine!

Al’bah redoubled her effort and struggled to maintain her contact with him, though she quickly lost the gentle tussle, as Cain pinned her arms above her head with one hand. Al’bah took an irrational delight in resisting the urge to free her arms, even though the force he applied to her arms was gentle, not enough to keep her pinned if she did not want to be. And he rewarded her with his kisses upon her neck and breasts. She turned her head with a show of gentle reception to his passion, allowing a more unobstructed access.

She whimpered as her desire started to become painful. Al’bah looked up to Cain with begging eyes, wet with her frustrations and passion. She pleaded to Cain with one word. “Warm.”

At last, Cain released her arms. She called out his name softly while reaching out and touching his face. Her hands moved to his body as her body reveled in his warmth pouring all over her senses—physical and otherwise.

She cried out in ecstasy as his kisses smothered her breath and as her eyes burned with tears that froze her face. She reached out with both wings and hands to grasp his hips and pulled him close, gently bringing her Bond to that which was his. 


The Beginnings of Hardship

“Mortals are weak. They abandon infatuation when the false gods they worship are found wanting.”



“You return,” Law said without looking up from his work. “I suspect that you have something more substantial to tell me? Something more than your desire to have Cain’s Al’bah returned to you?”

“Indeed,” Taint hissed. “Though I have not yet given up
claim upon
Succubus, I am here to claim that which is rightfully mine.”

“State your claim, and the right that entitles you to that claim,” Law said, now looking up and placing his quill in the inkwell.

“Everything it has, except my Succubus.”

“You do not have claim to everything that Cain possesses.”

“It named my Succubus as its Al’bah; everything else is not.” Taint pointed to Law. “This you cannot deny. You cannot deny my claim. You cannot deny my logic!”

“I do not deny your logic. I take the issue with what Cain considers to be his ‘everything.’” Law picked up a fresh scroll and started to write upon it. “Your claim is legitimate. You may take everything that Cain considers to be everything to him.”

“A small pittance, would you not say?” Purity said as he appeared with the light. “I am here to remind you, Taint, that you deal with a human born in the era of the Risen Savior. There are limits as to what you can do. There are limits to what you can take, regardless of how ignorant Cain might be of the severity of his actions.”

“I am well aware of my limitations, Angel! It would be dead if I had none! It will still die for its offense to me. You should thank me—once I am successful, you can go back to your solitude.”

“Underestimating humanity as always, then?”

“As much as you overestimate humanity! Twice it had almost rejected my Succubus.”

Purity looked over the scroll Law had finished. “Law, Taint has no legitimate claim over Cain’s health, at least not yet.”

“State the precedence for this amendment.”

“Thus Cain spoke when his physician mentioned an imbalance in his health and wished to investigate –’not unless you pay for it.’ Also the deception he had given his friend and told him not the extent of the damage to his hand.”

“The amendment is legitimate,” Law stated and drew a fresh scroll.

Purity looked up to Taint. “Does not humanity reject the Lord on many occasions? You forget too quickly that they have no firsthand insight to our world.” Purity nodded as he reread the new scroll. “This is sufficient and proper. In addition, Taint, I would like to point out that I have sealed Cain’s dreams from your influence.”

“This is not allowed! You cannot remove battlegrounds from me!” Taint said evenly.

“Then you must choose your battlefield. Do you wish to assault Cain’s dreams? Do you wish to assault him spiritually? Or do you wish to take this conflict to the material side of existence?” Purity held up his finger. “You can have one or the other; you cannot have both.”

“Very well, I choose the battleground of the material. You shall lose this battle, Angel. You have no ties to the world like I do.”

“Do not be presumptuous. Of course I do. I have the intangible, from a breath of wind, to a vision one might see in daydreaming.”

“A breath of wind? Visions? These things will not help one climb a sheer cliff!”

“True, but the vision of home and a waft of dinner waiting at the table will motivate one to surmount great odds.”

“The claim is finished. Purity, are the terms agreed upon?”

Purity reviewed the scroll and nodded. “Taint, do you accept the terms of this claim you have upon Cain Lamentson?”

Taint received the scroll and read it quickly. “Better than I expected.”

“It is odd,” Purity said. “I was about to make the same proclamation.”


Chapter 20

Cain Meets Walter Stratton

“The majority of humanity is not human; they are animals worthy of only contempt. I’ve killed plenty of animals in my lifetime—worthless, blubbering scum that preyed on the weak. I’ve only killed one man in my life, a man who never broke eye contact. I never killed a man again. They are too valuable.”

Walter Stratton


Cain gasped for air; Al’bah’s passion was as incredible as it was tiring.

“Aaah, more!” Al’bah, on the other hand, seemed to have grown stronger.

“Hold up a second,” Cain panted.

“Are you well, Cain?” she purred.

“I’m okay.” 

“You are sure? I can feel something cold within you.”

He stared at the ceiling for a moment. “I am just worried…” His voice trailed off as he shuddered slightly, remembering Taint and his threat.

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