Sugar Creek (27 page)

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Authors: Toni Blake

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance

BOOK: Sugar Creek
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After pouring the wine and setting the plates and glasses in their respective spots, he looked around and thought, what else? Then he noticed a couple of candles in holders in the living room and went to get them. Finding some matches in a drawer, he lit them on the table, then turned out the lights.

Not bad, he thought.

What the hell am I doing?

And then he remembered—Rachel wanted to be wined and dined. And he didn’t know much about doing that, actually, but he found himself wanting to…try. To show her he respected her and enjoyed being with her. Or maybe he just hoped to somehow compare with guys she knew in the city—he didn’t want to come off like some country bumpkin. Hell, he just wanted to give her a nice evening. Or at least as nice as he could, with his limited resources.

When Rachel walked into the kitchen, still wearing only his T-shirt, the glow of candlelight made her skin appear luminescent. When she saw the table, she looked at him with a pretty smile. “What’s all this?”

“I’ll wine and dine you soon,” he said, “but this’ll have to do for now.”

And when they sat down across from each other, he
damn, I want her again already
. All he could think about was that she didn’t have on any panties.

They made small talk then, about the lasagna from Grandma Romo, about his parents’ visit, about his job. About her high rise condo in Chicago, about her memories of growing up in Destiny, about where her various relatives had all moved to upon leaving town. They talked about Rachel’s worries over Edna’s loneliness, and about the orchard itself. He told her, when she asked about the house, that he’d grown up here and had bought it from his mom and dad when they left.

But the whole time, Mike wanted her, and he stayed aware of the way her nipples jutted against the cotton tee, of how her eyes lit up when she smiled. Even with her hair no longer in its chic style—just shoved back behind her ears after the rain—she looked…good enough to eat. Which reminded him of his promise to her.

“Listen,” he said, “I’m sorry if I made you feel like I just wanted sex from you. I mean, I do”—he flashed a wicked grin, unable to help it—“but this is nice, too. And, uh, as soon as I can figure out where the hell in Destiny I can properly wine and dine you, I will.”

Yet to his surprise, she smiled and told him, “No. No, this, right here, right now, is perfect. It’s all the wining and dining I need.”

He lowered his chin and cast a doubtful look. “Then you’re easier to please than I thought.”

She just shrugged flirtatiously. “Maybe I am.” But then she grew more serious. “Maybe I…didn’t really
I wanted to be wined and dined exactly. Maybe I just meant…it would be nice to think you didn’t mind spending time with me, more than just the time it takes to have sex. Like last week with your family—that was nice.”

“I get it,” he said. “I thought you didn’t want that stuff, but…I don’t mind that you do.”
do.” I’m even glad you do. Because I like it, too, despite my better judg
Yet then his gaze dropped back to her chest and his hard-on got even harder. “Damn,” he muttered without meaning to.


Another wolfish expression escaped him. “Just noticing how much better you make that shirt look than I do.”

She lowered her chin, playful and sexy. “Is that so, Officer Romeo?”

“Damn straight, but don’t call me Romeo.”

“What if I do—
? Are you going to punish me?”

He flashed a teasing look of warning. “I might. And you’re just askin’ for it, Farris.”

“Asking for what?”

“Well, Grandma Romo’s lasagna was good,” he said, lowering his chin, locking his gaze demandingly on hers, “but I’m still kinda hungry. So I think I might just have to make you my dessert.” And with that, he stood up, stepped to her chair, and hoisted her onto his shoulder—and with her pretty ass bared toward the ceiling, he headed for the bedroom.

Many a morning hath he there been seen, With tears augmenting the fresh morning dew.

William Shakespeare,
Romeo & Juliet


ike tossed her on the bed, towering over her, and said, “Take that shirt off.”

shirt off,” she commanded in return.

They both stripped them off over their heads and tossed them aside. And damn, she was gorgeous. Her taut nipples looked like hard pink beads just begging to be kissed, and her smooth, slender legs stretched forever.

“Shorts, too,” she said, pointing, so he gladly dropped them and let her see he was already excited. He went even harder when she glanced between his legs and got that dreamy, ready look on her face.

“Lay back and get comfortable, honey,” he said, watching her sprawl prettily across his bed. Then he hit a button on his iHome and Mazzy Star’s “Fade into You” filled the room with slow passion.

Next Mike was bending over her, sinking his mouth to one breast, then dipping two fingers between her thighs.
Beneath him, she gasped, whimpered. Within moments, he wondered how he was going to keep from plunging his erection inside her until after he was completely done pleasuring her with his hands and mouth—but he was determined to hold back, because her body was beautiful and needed to be touched and kissed and licked by him, and because her unfettered responses made him wild. He was back to being Tarzan again, but he was damn well done trying to fight it.
Me Tarzan. You Jane. Sex good.

She lay back into his pillows, arms flung carelessly above her head, eyes shut—yet then she opened them and met his gaze. He could see all the yearning and heat inside her and wondered if his own eyes revealed as much, if his desire was just as transparent.

“Watch me touch you,” he said, and they both looked to where he now firmly molded and massaged her breasts; she thrust them upward and, mmm, he loved that—loved when Rachel gave herself to him so willingly.

She was the only woman he’d ever met who could give as good as she got with him, verbally and in other ways, too—but now that they were getting to know each other, he was seeing more and more gentleness inside her, more tenderness, and he realized she was…
. She was tough and capable, she was smart and funny, she was feminine and sensual, and she could even be docile and sweet.

After thoroughly caressing her breasts, he slid his palms downward, over her slender torso, then peered down into her eyes and said, “Watch me kiss you.”

She bit her lower lip, and again, complied—both of them glanced downward as he rained tiny kisses across her breasts and below, sprinkling them across her sexy stomach, over her navel, across her bare hips. The lower he went, the harder she breathed, and the more he wanted her. All of her. In every way.

And yeah, she was still reckless in his book, but he’d
learned that she wasn’t reckless in
way—like financially, for instance. And so, when she
reckless, maybe it was for a reason. Maybe it was because she was carrying a huge weight on her shoulders—this concern for being able to provide for her family, this need to label her success—and maybe being reckless was her way of letting off steam.

And right now she wasn’t reckless at all—right now she was simply…his to pleasure.

Finally, he used both hands to slowly re-part her thighs. “Watch me lick you, honey.”

The sounds that echoed from her throat were like a hot, erotic symphony, drowning out all other noise—the softly playing music, the steadily falling rain outside. He peered up at her and their eyes met. And…damn. His chest constricted. He’d never felt so…close to a woman. Simply close. More than just the physical part. His scalp tingled and his hard-on intensified. She was all he knew in that moment. Everything else fell away.

Soon Rachel was biting her lower lip, her eyes falling half shut. Her fingers dug into the bedcovers beside her. Mike watched, his whole body tensed and rippling with as much sensation as if
were the one being pleasured. He wanted to make her come. But more than that. In that moment, he wanted to make her feel…everything
felt. That this was more than just physical, more than just the casual sex they kept discussing, that with every tug of his mouth on her sensitive flesh they were growing closer.

“Oh God!” she cried out, and Mike could have sworn he felt the orgasm pumping through her. When her body went still, her breath remained shaky, heavy, audible.

He slid up to angle his body across hers, cupping the nape of her neck, his fingers threading through her hair. He stayed almost painfully aware of his aching erection, pressed against her thigh now, as he brought their faces
close, felt her breath on his lips, let their foreheads touch for a long, lingering moment.

“You were right,” she whispered.


“What you can do with your tongue.” She smiled—soft, sexy.

He returned a small grin, her words sending a hot spasm through his already aching cock.

She touched his hair, looked up into his eyes. “Guess you just showed me outrageous again.”

“And I’m not done yet, honey.”

With that, he lowered a tender kiss to her still perfectly rigid nipple before he eased himself back between her thighs, upright, on his knees. And then he finally took his
pleasure, thrusting deep. She cried out, and he moaned at the warm entry. And he couldn’t go slowly.

Closing splayed hands over her hips, he drove into her over and over in powerful strokes he felt at his very core. He clenched his teeth, but his groans leaked through at each warm plunge. The longer they moved together, the faster his strokes became, and she looked almost anguished with pleasure as she met each thrust. His heartbeat pounded in his head, and in his arousal, until…“Aw—aw, shit, honey—now.”

The climax rushed through every molecule of his body, swallowing him, drenching him in sensation. And when finally it passed…damn. Two rounds of sex, after three full ball games—he was exhausted and collapsed gently onto her body.

“Was that outrageous enough for ya?” he rasped near her ear.


Rachel’s whole body tingled as she watched him sleeping beside her. But she wasn’t tired. She was…energized. Somehow the sex with Mike just kept getting better. And it had started off freaking

Glancing to the bedside clock, she could see it was nearly ten. And it had been a long time since she’d had to account to anyone for where she was at night, but it dawned on her that she should call Edna so she wouldn’t worry.

She was pretty sure—even if she
left her purse in Mike’s truck—that there was no cell reception here anyway, and she didn’t see a phone in the room, so she decided to ease away from him to go in search of one. Leaving the bed, she quietly snatched up Mike’s loaner tee and slid it over her head.

Candles still burned in the kitchen, so she blew them out and switched on an overhead light, soon spotting an old wall phone with an old-fashioned dial. She didn’t know anyone even had those anymore except for Edna. She put in Edna’s number and waited as it rang.


“It’s me. Did I wake you?”

On the other end of the line, Edna sighed. “I’m old, not dead. It’s not even ten o’clock.”

Good point. She’d been living with Edna long enough to know her grandmother wasn’t in the habit of dropping into bed until after the late news.

“Talk fast,” Edna said, “’cause I’m busy watching this here Bret Michaels
Rock of Love

Bret Michaels? Oh brother. So it was VH1 instead of MTV—close enough. But Rachel tried not to think about the things Edna was learning from
Rock of Love
and said, “I’m just calling to tell you…I don’t think I’ll be coming home tonight.”

“Figured that.”

“Why?” She’d stayed out this late with Tessa and Amy before and still come home. And on the night of the donkey ball game, too.

“’Cause why on God’s green earth would ya wanna sleep alone when you can sleep with Mike Romo?”

Rachel’s jaw dropped. But she decided not to admit to anything just yet. “What makes you think I’m with Mike?”

“’Cause I have caller ID, dummy.”

Rachel just sighed. “You shun all other forms of modern technology, but you have caller ID?” Edna’s old kitchen phone was the only one Rachel had used, so she’d apparently missed seeing a much newer one.

“Yep. Like to know who’s callin’ me. Especially when it’s my granddaughter thinkin’ she’s about to put one over on me.”

Bret Michaels and caller ID—who’d have thought?

After hanging up with Edna—who’d informed her the commercial was over and she had to go—Rachel moved wet clothes from the washer to the dryer, and experienced an odd thrill that bordered somewhere between erotic and domestic just from handling Mike’s clothes. She felt the same way about wearing his T-shirt—it turned her on a little just to think of it being
, being close to his skin.
Good God, get hold of yourself, woman.

Next, she went to the bathroom, and a glance in the mirror revealed…crazy hair. Especially now that it had dried while she’d been rolling around on a pillow during sex. She hadn’t bothered washing it in the shower, thinking maybe it would retain some of its usual style if she left it alone, but clearly she’d been mistaken. And yet…the way Mike had looked at her, she’d have thought she was a beauty queen. She sighed, trying to fluff it a little, but then gave up. Because…apparently how her hair looked wasn’t important to Mike. She usually paid so much attention to her appearance—only…maybe she was learning it didn’t matter so much, at least not in Destiny, at least not with a guy who really liked you.

And he did. Like her. She knew that now, for sure. It was sex, but it was…more than that, too—whether or not she was mentally equipped to deal with it.

She next went about clearing the kitchen table and recorking the wine bottle, remembering how she’d felt when she’d first walked out to see the makeshift dinner he’d put together. All she’d really wanted was to know this was more than a wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am arrangement—and when she’d seen the candles and tablecloth, her heart had fluttered in her chest and it had been better than any five-star restaurant.

Walking through the living room to see if they’d left any other messes behind, she straightened some throw pillows on the couch, and now that the lights were on—shining in from the kitchen—she looked around the room. It was typical—typical furniture, typical widescreen TV, typical
Sports Illustrated
on the coffee table next to some unopened mail. But it only took a few seconds before Rachel realized the one thing in the room that really stood out. The pictures.

They were on the mantel, and on bookshelves. They hung on walls. And it wasn’t the number of them—maybe a dozen total—that struck her; it was the subject matter. His sister.

She didn’t remember what Anna Romo had looked like, but she knew this was her. In some, the little dark-haired girl was alone—in others Rachel got to see Mike and his brother, Lucky, as kids with Anna, and their parents, too. In one, a younger Grandma Romo held Anna on her lap. But there were no
pictures. None of, say, Mike in his police officer’s uniform, or more recent pictures of Mike or his parents. It was like the room was stuck in time, more than twenty years ago. Stuck in time—and in mourning.

As Rachel walked around studying each picture, her stomach went hollow. Because this was Mike’s house. Mike’s world. Strong, tough, brusque, capable Mike Romo. And sure, Amy had blamed his personality flaws on his past, but Rachel had just never dreamed he was…stuck there.

Padding on bare feet over the hardwood floor, Rachel stopped at the bedroom door and peeked in. Mike still appeared fast asleep. A dim lamp had lit the room during their sex and it still did now. And part of her wanted to turn out that lamp and crawl back into bed next to the man who’d just rocked her body into oblivion…but first—she couldn’t help it, and she knew it was nosy and he’d probably want to kill her, yet she suffered the urge to look around a little more.

After all, he wasn’t exactly a guy who went around pouring his heart out to anyone. If she wanted to know anything about Mike, she’d have to glean it on her own. And she felt she’d learned more about him tonight, since coming into this house, than ever before. Besides the pictures, there was just something about seeing a man’s home, how he chose to live. With Mike, tonight, she’d learned that he liked things simple, utilitarian—but clean and even sort of homey. She’d learned he didn’t place much stock in changing things. And she’d learned he was still heartbroken over Anna.

And to discover more, she found herself wandering back to the entryway, and glancing up the old, polished wooden stairs that led to the second floor. A wall switch turned on a light that invited her upward, and even though it officially felt like snooping now—something Rachel usually liked to think herself too mature to do—she slowly climbed the steps.

At the top, she found a short, wide hallway with five doors. Three were shut.

Walking to the first open one, to the left of the stairs, she looked in to find a simple bedroom with a double bed, dresser, and chest of drawers—clearly the spare bedroom where Mike had told her his parents sometimes stayed when they came home. He’d mentioned over dinner that it had been
room growing up. Now that she was here, she was a little sorry no remnants of
Mike’s boyhood remained to give her more insights into her lover.

The other open door, directly across the hall, led to another bathroom.

Which left the closed doors.

And…it was
snoopy to go through someone’s house opening doors, but…well, she wasn’t planning to steal anything or trying to uncover any big secrets—so she decided to just think of it as self-guided tour.

The first closed door, at one end of the hall, turned out to be a linen closet filled with towels and cleaning supplies. Simple enough.

But when she opened the second closed door, to the right of the stairwell, she flipped on a light—and then let out a sigh. It was…Lucky’s room. She’d barely known Lucky Romo, even though he’d been only a year ahead of her at Destiny High, yet it was easy to tell. Posters of motorcycles and rock bands and scantily clad girls papered the walls—no one had ever taken them down. Apparently, no one had ever changed
. Atop an old desk in one corner lay a couple of magazines with fast-looking cars on the cover. In front of an old TV rested a black Harley-Davidson beanbag chair.

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