Sugar Valley (Hollywood's Darkest Secret) (70 page)

Read Sugar Valley (Hollywood's Darkest Secret) Online

Authors: Stephen Andrew Salamon

Tags: #hollywood, #thriller, #friendship, #karma, #hope, #conspiracy, #struggle, #famous, #nightmare, #movie star

BOOK: Sugar Valley (Hollywood's Darkest Secret)
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“To the director and my agent, I’m only
sixteen. But to Darell, I’m twenty-one,” she slurred as laughter

“Oh, really?” Julienne then got up from the
couch and headed toward the door to the trailer.

“Yeah.” Becky suddenly passed out; falling to
the floor, she was knocked out cold from her liquor.

Julienne smiled at her, like Satan would
smile at innocence giving into temptation. “Thank you for that
information.” She walked out of Becky’s trailer, with laughter to
her tone, to her voice, chuckling as the door slammed shut.

Darell and Jose returned to the top of the
hill that held the trailers which made up their little town. Jose
said goodbye to him and went inside his trailer. That’s when he
heard, “So, what did you get out of him?”

Jose turned around, jumped back, and saw
Julienne with a mud mask over her beauty. He shouted, “Oh, you
scared the shit out of me, Julienne.”

“Come on, what happened when he talked to

“Well, you were right, Julienne. Damen did
tell Darell about the drug lie, and Darell’s gonna talk to Dennis
tomorrow and find out who told the lie,” he answered in a nervous
manner. “I still don’t know why you made me tell Darell the number
to the café?”

She whispered, “Listen to me, Jose, I did
that to show you I was right. I told you he would do it.”

“Yeah, but now my career’s going to be over
tomorrow when Darell finds out the truth from Dennis,” he yelled
with anger.

She sat down on the couch, looked at Jose in
a gazing way, and spoke, “That’s why I wanted you to find out if
Darell’s sleeping with Becky. So, is he screwing her or not?”

“Well, before I tell you anything, I want you
to promise me that you are not going to tell Darell that I was
involved in this little plan of yours. Do you promise?” asked Jose,
grabbing a beer from the silver refrigerator.

“Listen, I’m going to tell Darell that you
didn’t know, and that you’re not going to ever know. So, I

“Alright. Yes, he’s sleeping with her

She took Jose’s beer, and sipped it once,
asking, “So, did he tell you if he had any sort of ritual sleeping
times with her?”

“Yeah, every night at 12:00 a.m.,” he

“Great, this is perfect.”

Jose then stated with nervousness, “Yeah, but
that means you’re going to have to do this tonight. Well, actually,
you’re gonna have to do this in an hour, it’s already 11:00

“I know that. Don’t worry, Jose, I got
everything under control. Just explain to me one more time what
Darell talked to Damen about. Tell me word for word.”

Jose explained everything that he heard from
Darell’s lips. The anger built up inside of Julienne, as well as
the fear that her plan for fame would be lost.

Julienne explained while Jose took a drag
from his cigarette, “If Darell tells Dennis tomorrow, then your
career is over with, and all because of Darell.”

“Wait a second, your career will be over
too,” Jose mentioned.

“No, it won’t. I’ve been in Hollywood for a
long time, everyone loves me and trusts me there.” Julienne knew,
in her mind, that her career and plan of making a brand-new one
would be over with too, but her plan was to not let Jose ever know
that. “But, if you follow my plan, then you might have a

“Julienne, I’ll do anything,” Jose said in a
serious and wild manner. “But, what are our chances of this plan
actually being successful?”

Jose started to rub his temples, feeling the
pressure of all these plans, evil acts, tormenting his conscience,
afflicting his soul with evil remorse.

She answered, “Very slim, that’s why we’re
gonna have to do this thing tonight.”

“So, what are we gonna do to make this plan
work?” he asked in a sincere way.

She sat back on the couch, took another sip
of his beer, and explained with pure menace, “Well, like I told you
before, the plan begins with a simple flash of the camera.”

Chapter Fifty-Seven

Night fell, the miniature village was sound
asleep, with Darell prancing his silhouette through the cold wind,
in search of passionate exile, rapture within his mind, wanting to
please his cravings for Becky’s young, innocent, and illegal body.
He tiptoed, toward Becky’s trailer, looking around and about,
making sure no one was seeing him through the night, and then
knocked on Becky’s door. He knocked again and again, wanting to get
in there as fast as possible, with his cravings ready to explode,
and his testosterone making his knuckles pound faster and harder on
her door. “Hey, Becky, open up.”

Becky’s eyes awoke, feeling her half drunken
mind, pounding pain of anguish, agony against her temples, feeling
sharp pains striking at her forehead and eyes, and then closed them
again; the pain was too unbearable. She heard the knocking once
more, this time with more force and rage, opening her eyes up for
the last time, shouting, “I’ll be right there.” She crawled her way
to the door, opening it barely, and showing Darell her drunken

He laughed at her, “Boy, it looks like you
had too much to drink.”

He entered into her trailer, helped her up
from the ground, and then sat down on the couch, smiling toward her
in a lecherous, erotic, and seductive sense. She smiled back,
grabbing his thighs, pulling her body and loins close to him, and
questioned while showing her tongue and wiggling it, “Do you got
any coke?”

Darell got up, and walked over to her
bedroom, while waving his finger for her to follow him. He jumped
on her bed, filled with stuffed animals of all sizes and natures,
and then patted the bed’s body, signaling to Becky that he wants
her to join him. As soon as she jumped on the bed, Darell pulled
out a bag of cocaine from his pocket, and answered, “Hell yeah, of
course I do, I’m always prepared.”

Darell made the first line of cocaine with a
credit card, and smiled at it like it was candy of some kind. He
took the first sniff, the line of cocaine went directly into his
left nostril, when abruptly he noticed a flash coming from the
window. He looked at the window’s glass, then toward Becky’s drunk,
horny body, and spoke, “Becky, you should close your window, I
think there’s going to be a storm coming.”

“Who cares, just give me my medicine,” she

After they finished inducing the drugs into
their bodies, they began the most favorite part of Darell’s
evening: intercourse. As they proceeded with this massively, large
temptation, lustful moment, Darell noticed more flashes of light
coming from the window. He jumped out of bed, and pulled up his
pants, but Becky still crawled up against him, wanting only thing
in her high mind. She crawled up his body, but noticed him not
showing any signs of wanting her anymore. That’s when she stopped
her mating ritual, and asked with disappointment, “What’s

Darell ran up to the window, explaining with
suspicion, “Listen, it’s the middle of February, and I don’t hear
any rain falling or thunder striking.”

“So, come back to bed.”

Darell closed the drapes to the window,
examined Becky with anger to his eyes, and yelled, “So? Becky,
didn’t you notice the flashes of light? I think someone’s outside
taking pictures.”

“You’re just paranoid, baby, now come back to

Knock, tap, knock, tap.

Noises came to the trailer’s front door,
sounding like knocks to Darell’s paranoid sense of hearing. He ran
to the door, leaving Becky’s horny body alone, and asked, “Who is

Julienne stood outside of the door, placing
eye-drops in her eyes, to build fake tears of pain, and said in a
phony, frantic fashion, “It’s Julienne, could you let me in, me and
Jose got in a fight.”

Darell opened the door, allowed Julienne’s
fake, sad image to step in, and sincerely questioned, “What

Before Julienne could answer, she saw Becky
exiting a bedroom, and walking up behind Darell. Julienne gave her
an evil stare, feeling angry that Becky was nosey. So, Julienne
turned her face toward Darell’s and asked, “Darell, could we talk
in your trailer, it’s very private?”

“Sure, I’ll be right there.” He got his shirt
on, and coat, zipped it up tightly, and added to her, “Becky, I’ll
be right back.”

“Where you going?”

Becky stood in her bedroom, while Darell was
still putting on some garments to keep him warm. After he was all
bundled up, Darell walked back to where Julienne was standing, and
replied, “I’m going for a walk with Julienne, her and Jose got in a

“Well, hurry up,” said Becky before she went
back and lay on her bed.

Julienne and Darell both walked outside and
sat down on a picnic bench that was underneath a green canvas.
Darell turned on a lantern to give them some light and said, “I’m
sorry we can’t go back to my trailer, but Mr. Fryer’s in

Julienne looked at him, and spoke with
sadness, “Oh, it’s alright.”

Darell grabbed Julienne’s hand, caressing it
in a sincere rhythm, and questioned, “Now, what happened?”

“Well, Jose told me about what happened with
Damen. He told me about the lie that has been spread about Damen.
He said you were going to ask Dennis about who told him that Damen
was on drugs,” Julienne replied in a phony, fake fashion, wanting
to sound like she was really upset at the situation; she began to
tell the lie that Jose didn’t know about. “The thing is, Jose was
the one who said that to Dennis.”

“What? Why would he do that?” he asked in
confusion, pointing his face toward Jose’s trailer.

“Because, he’s jealous of Damen. I don’t know
why he is, but he is. Listen to me, if you talk to Dennis about the
lie, then he will tell you that Jose told him it. After that, you
will go back and tell Damen, and Jose’s lie will come out. Jose
knows his career will be over if this lie ever comes out,” Julienne

Darell jumped up from the cold picnic table,
started walking away from her, and screamed, “You’re damn right it
will be over!” Darell yelled as he began walking away. “Jose’s
frickin’ career will be finished.”

She began running after him, shouting, “Where
are you going?”

“I’m going to Dennis’ trailer right now, and
I’m gonna tell him that it was all a lie. I don’t want Damen to get
screwed over, I know he’s not a drug addict.”

She stood in back of him, smiling away,
loving every moment of her own plan, working out like she wanted it
to, like she predicted. Julienne then went in front of him and
caused him to stop, showing a face of seriousness to Darell,
saying, “Yeah, but if you tell Dennis that, you’re the one that’s
going to be screwed over.”

She took eight Polaroid photos from her
pocket, and showed them to Darell. “What’s this?” Darell saw
himself having sex with Becky in the photos, adding again, “What
the hell is this?”

“Jose took these pictures, and he wanted me
to show them to you. Listen, if you tell anyone about the lie, then
Jose will give these photos to magazines, the media, and the
police,” she explained as they slowly walked back to the picnic
table once again.

Darell sat down at the table, looked at her
with frivolous but very serious eyes, and questioned, “Why would he
give them to the police?”

“Because Becky’s only sixteen years old.
That’s statutory rape. You’ll go to jail, and your career will be
finished.” Julienne pretended to be just as upset about the photos
as he was, but in her mind, she was laughing away.

Panic struck Darell’s mind, widening his
eyes, confusing his own thoughts, rapping his nerves inside of his
body, striking his fear with all of its might. “What? She’s only

“Yes, but listen to me, Darell, I was just as
upset as you are now when I saw these photos. But, you have to
understand that Jose has changed a lot. He will show these photos,
plus the other photos he took of you. Now, Jose doesn’t know I’m
showing you these pictures, and if he ever found out, he would take
these photos directly to the police. He just wanted to take these
pictures for insurance. You can call it blackmail, or whatever you
want, but you can’t tell anyone about the lie. You can’t even tell
Dennis,” Julienne explained.

Darell noticed there was a photo of him doing
drugs. A terrified shock came over his mind, like a black, dirty
blanket, coming over a white, innocent bed sheet. Pressure came to
his veins, and torment came to his heart, feeling it pumping faster
as more of his terrified thoughts, of what would happen if these
photos ever circulated beyond his own eyes, and what the world
would think of him. Out of all this, the pressure and agony of
fear, allowed a single tear to fall from his left eyes, showing
itself to Julienne, making itself known to Darell as he felt its
warm, slippery, transparent body. “Why is he doing this,

“Listen to me, Darell, if you don’t tell
anyone about the lie, then these photos will never leave Jose’s
hands. I told you before, he’s changed, all he thinks about now is
fame and that’s it. The only reason why I’m showing you these
photos is because I like you, Darell. I think you’re an okay guy.
But, you can’t let Jose know you know about the photos. Just
pretend you never knew about the drug lie,” she warned in earnest,
seeing Darell dropping the photos on the cold ground.

“Yeah, but Damen is my good friend,” Darell
said as Julienne picked up the photos and put them in her coat

She picked up the photos from the ground, put
them in her pocket, and stated with seriousness, “Well, Darell,
it’s either your friend, or your career plus jail time. Which will
it be?”

After an hour, Julienne ran back to Jose’s
trailer and saw him sitting on the couch, waiting for her. She
walked throughout the smoke-filled room and stared at him, gawking
at his cigarette, and how it was almost finished and smoked up.

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