Summer School & After School: The Ponygirl Omnibus Edition (30 page)

BOOK: Summer School & After School: The Ponygirl Omnibus Edition
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Fabian continued, “on the other hand, have been a slow and carefully planned
investment, mostly because I felt that you should pay in months for each minute
and each hour that you frustrated and ignored me. Oddly enough, now that you’re
here, I’ll be able to fuck and bugger you at will, as often as I like, as long
as I like and you, dear Lucy, will have nothing to say about it. How’s that for
payback for all the dinners and cocktails and bottles of Krug Champagne and
fancy hotel rooms you squeezed from me?”

shuddered and closed her eyes. Fabian went on with his description.

he said, turning back to the hanging girl displayed in front of him and poking
her teasingly in the ribs. “From the tits to the neck is a short distance and
this collar is a work of art, fully adjustable and attached, as you will note,
in the back to the ULT, the Upper Limb Triangle, as I call it. Yet another
ingenious device of my creation. The collar fits snuggly, but is well padded to
prevent any damage to the sensitive neck area. Once in place, the ULT hangs
across the back and allows the wrists and arms to be locked into any one of
several convenient and stressful positions. In Ellie’s case, her arms are
crossed with the wrists held high up above the shoulder blades and the elbows
cuffed to the lower corners of the triangle. The light chains at the corners
are pulled around under the arms and fastened, in Ellie’s case, to the nipple
rings, which happen to be useful in this case. At other times, the ULT can be
fastened to nose, clit or tongue rings as necessary. In any case, it keeps the
arms from flailing around, doesn’t it, Ellie? The motionless girl uttered a
nearly unheard moan.

yes, of course. I almost forgot in my anxiousness to get to the brank. I should
point out that the collar has noise-sensitive electrodes imbedded in it so if
you are inclined to complain, do so silently because any sound from your throat
will elicit a shocking response from the collar. It inspires silence, I suppose
and a silent plant is a happy plant. Improves growth, I’m sure.

now a brief discussion of head,” Fabian continued. “Not giving head, but
enclosing heads. This steel contraption has been reworked many times, but it
just keeps on getting better. Ellie and the girls all have Model VI, which came
on the line about a year ago. We all liked it so much that we have put off
revisions, although you might, if you are very good, get a chance to try some
new concepts beyond Model VI.

brank incorporates the following important features and priced at five thousand
Euros, is one of our best sellers. We move a lot of these to the Middle East,
often customized, which effectively triples the price. Imagine the thrill of
wearing such a thing, custom made for your head alone. I can make it in silver,
Titanium, (with another two hundred percent premium), or even gold alloy.”

couldn’t believe her ears. She was hearing an actual sales pitch for expensive
BDSM equipment made by Fabian’s company. Fabian, as she knew, was a very well
off executive in a business of some sort, and she also knew that he was in a
metals fabrication industry, but she had never considered what sort of metal
fabrication he was into. Now, unfortunately, she knew.

model feeds the wearer through nearly invisible tubes that can go either into
just the mouth or, as in Ellie’s case, all the way into the stomach for
carefree feeding of any liquid or semi-liquid substance. The small belt pack
here,” he pointed to a plastic box mounted at the base of Ellie’s spine on the
waist belt, “is easily changed and can carry a few days of nutrition and
hydration. The mouthpiece/gag is variable and can be changed to fit the needs.
Some are permanent. Others can be interchanged with bits, combination exciters,
and disciplinary gags. Very versatile, as you will see.

blinder portion is also variable and can be set up to keep the eyes open all
the time for enforced observation of films or training videos, or they can, of
course, seal out any light or sight. The small ear inserts can provide white
noise, training lectures or total silence. There are some accessories,
available at additional cost, that can bring considerable discomfort, (shall we
say, real pain), in the ears if needed.

entire brank unit can be connected and locked to the central post or used
independently as I might desire. I can only add that I get very few complaints
from wearers of this outfit, so we must conclude that it has the desired
effects. Your IP and its accompanying brank, collar, etc, Lucy, has been
ordered and will arrive from my Munich factory shortly. I already have one
which was made from measurements taken while you were at school, but your
figure has changed a bit since then and I will change it again, so a new outfit
is on the way”

Lucky me
, Lucy thought, unable to avoid
the sarcasm.

Fabian summarized happily, “that’s what you have to look forward to, Lucy, my
dear. Welcome to Plant City. You stay there for a while and contemplate your
fate. I have things to do.” Fabian turned and left the greenhouse while Lucy
tried to make eye contact with any of the hanging girls. This was impossible
for they all had the eye pads of their
and the gag pieces fixed in place. Lucy closed her eyes, tried to find a more
comfortable way to endure the hogtie and waited.




eased himself
up to the broken window of the shed and looked out carefully.
Another rifle shot echoed outside and
the round hissed as it came through the window, just above where
head had been.

I guess they didn’t leave,” he said quietly, backing away from the shattered
window and putting his back against the wall.

wouldn’t stay there,”
offered. “That wall is just
sheet metal and they’re using a rifle that will probably shoot right through
it…and you.”

right. Dumb of me,” said
. He eased himself
across the floor, sliding on his belly, the
his side. “Any ideas?”

. “Well, first of all, if the dark guy got
away in your car, he may bring back reinforcements, so we need to think this
out and move quickly. Second, I suspect the shooter is the broad or possibly
man number four, both of whom were due back here about now. If there are two of
them, one probably is already circling around and is going to pop up sooner or
later and surprise us. We don’t want that.”

. “Is there any other entrance?”

may be a hidden door in the cellar,”
said. “I’m
not sure as they kept me tied up and blindfolded most of the time, but I
thought I heard someone come and go other than on the stairs. I’m going to go
back down there, beat the guy in the box some more and see if I can find a way
out. I suggest you might want to get over to the stairs with me where you’ll be
below the line of fire and then wait to see if anyone tries to get in up here.

Good infantry tactics,” said
. They both
crawled to the stairway,
turning around and
facing the front door, his
resting on his
cupped left hand, which was on the floor at the top of the stairs. Another
round came through the wall right where
been sitting a moment before. He glanced at
, who
was already half way down the stairs.

I were them, I’d try to rush us,” he said. “You go look for another way out.
I’ve got about thirty rounds here, so I can hold them off for a while.”

nodded and went down the stairs. A few seconds later,
heard her berating the man in the box and then he
heard him scream. Then silence. The people outside were making noises like
wolves surrounding sheep. The doorknob rattled briefly and
put three fast rounds through the top, center and bottom of the door. Someone
grunted and there was a shuffling sound by the door.


Twist & Shout


tried in vain to find a position, any position, to ease the pain in her various
clamped, cuffed and impaled body parts. The swinging cage allowed almost no
movement and even her fingers and toes were now immobilized, her tongue was
horribly pierced and held out by a thick steel pin that was linked to the
brank’s frame. The eye pads permitted eye movement, but there was no positive
benefit because they allowed no sight. She wondered how Fabian had managed to
elude her father’s elaborate household security and take Brenda prisoner, but
she also had to admit that her sister was even more stubborn and independent
than she was, so it was not especially hard to imagine anyone kidnapping her. The
other interesting information about Brenda’s interest in bondage did not
surprise her. On several occasions during their late teenage years, as soon as
they could legally drive, Lucy and Brenda experimented with tying each other
up, sometimes in bed and other times at various locations around the estate.
Lucy thought it was fun and only later realized that she got some mildly erotic
sensations while bound, but she was certain that Brenda found it far more

Brenda was swinging in a metal cage like hers, only a few feet away, but
seemingly unaware or uncaring that they were both prisoners of this foul
character whom Lucy had played with for several months before her capture. Lucy
considered for a moment how Brenda became involved in this nightmare and
decided that she had certainly mentioned her younger sister to Fabian at one
time or another during their lengthy relationship.




while traveling with Fabian, Lucy met other young women she found interesting
and attractive. One night in a small, noisy bar in the Post Hotel in
, she was standing behind Fabian as he tried to
order their drinks when a tall blond with a magnificent figure came up behind
her and literally poked Lucy’s upper arm with her more than adequate tits,
several times. The blond, who wore a white turtleneck sweater that snugly
displayed her excellent rack and tiny waist, excused herself but continued to
rub against Lucy as they were jostled about by the crowd. She held out her hand
and introduced herself in German, but with an accent that Lucy was sure was

Glenda,” she shouted into Lucy’s ear. “From Helsinki,” she added, laughing.
Lucy thought that she looked to be about 24 or 25 and was obviously well
educated and not worried about where her next Swiss Franc was coming from. The
ICW watch on her right wrist could have easily cost the price of a small
apartment back in Helsinki and the rest of her clothes said Avenue
, Fifth Avenue or tony shops in Geneva. Her face was
lightly made up, with a natural touch of color from being outside in the cold
winter weather

Lucy shouted back, surveying the beautiful girl who looked about her age and
had just the right suntan, clothes and jewelry to say that she had money and
plenty of it.

two then carried on a loud conversation while Fabian became annoyed at the
girls’ banter and more annoyed that the bar man was apparently ignoring him.

go outside and get some fresh air,” Glenda suggested, taking hold of Lucy’s
hand and pulling her away from the bar. Astonished, but entranced, Lucy
followed. Fabian didn’t even see them leave.

in the cold night air, Lucy realized that she was very much turned on by this
tall Finnish beauty. However, she was totally at a loss as to why or what drove
this sudden attraction. Maybe, she thought, it was because she was bored with
Fabian and his endless attempts to grope or seduce her. And maybe it was just
Glenda’s good looks and charm. Past encounters with her own sister convinced
Lucy that liaisons with other women could be both memorable and fraught with
problems, but in a matter of minutes, she was in the girl’s luxurious white
Range Rover and they were off down the street towards Glenda’s villa. Lucy
studied the array of electronics in the vehicle, noting that this woman had
more gadgets than Lucy’s father had in his huge Mercedes: a satellite
telephone, full internet connection capabilities, DVD and CD players with
luxury sound system, a fingerprint security system for entrance and ignition,
and other devices that Lucy neither understood nor could comprehend. Seeing her
interest, Glenda casually said that she used the Rover as a traveling office
when she was away from home in Helsinki or her other properties.

properties,” Lucy mimicked, realizing that the von Holts were, of course, not
the only wealthy family with multiple dwellings throughout Europe.

sort of commute between here and Monaco,” Glenda said lightly. “Finland is
really too cold in winter and…well, you probably know this, but there’s not
much to do there anyway.”

love to visit there though,” Lucy said.

take you whenever you want to go. The Gulfstream is sitting out at the airport
hanger and all I need is an hour or so to get the crew together. Want to go up

said Lucy, a bit breathlessly. “Not tomorrow.” As she said this, they pulled up
at a gate and Glenda punched in a code on a remote panel on the Rover’s dash.
The gate swung open.

modern house was tucked into a quiet enclave on the mountainside, behind a
high, decorated, masonry wall, not far from where the Winter Olympics had been
held before either girl was born. The all white Range Rover with its deep piled
white carpet and white sheepskin seat covers was a mini image of Glenda’s
villa. It was astonishingly lush and yet low key.

quickly built a hardwood fire, showed Lucy a huge teak-
fridge well stocked with several styles and brands of champagne as well as
snacks and ice cream and suggested that they get more comfortable. The real
polar bear hide stretched out in front of the fireplace became a natural warm
spot for both girls to settle in and they chatted and exchanged short versions
of their life story while debating the virtues of sparkling wines from Reims
and Epernay.

old American boyfriend, Jack,” Glenda said with a conspiratorial glimmer in her
eye, “thought that Dom
was the ultimate
champagne. He had no exposure at all to German or Austrian sparkling wines,
poor boy.”

Lucy said. “I suppose that’s normal for Americans. They really have no
opportunity to try the other brands and most have never even heard of
. Not that it’s my choice, but there are worse things
to drink. And your favorite is…?

this one isn’t bad,” Glenda offered, holding up her Baccarat tulip glass of
Brut Rose. “I assume you have plenty at home to
choose from?”

yes, I agree completely,” said Lucy, contemplating the millions of tiny bubbles
rising in the glass. “But my father counts the cases and bottles in his cellar
and we have to suffer with the
, I’m afraid.”

you,” said Glenda, drawing closer, her lips slightly parted and her warm hand
slipping under the hem of Lucy’s sweater.

was only a matter of another half glass of
until both young women were naked on the bear rug, their legs and arms entwined
and Lucy wondering why she would ever want to do this with a man when it was so
much sweeter with someone like Glenda.

she returned to her hotel the next morning, she ignored Fabian’s calls and pled
illness and hangover. She wrote a quick email to her sister, telling her that
all was well and that she was skiing with a new friend. She packed her bags,
summoned a hotel clerk to her room and paid her part of the bill, tipped the
man well and then left secretly to meet Glenda, who was waiting in her Rover at
a side entrance to the hotel.

dined at a tiny restaurant that knew Glenda. The owners spared no effort to
make sure that the two beauties were well cared for and protected from the
roaming après ski hoards of males on the prowl in the town. Then the two
cruised several bars, carefully watching what they drank, keeping an eye out
for Fabian and finally going back to Glenda’s villa for the night. A major
snowstorm was coming in the next twenty-four hours and Glenda offered Lucy a
couple of interesting options.

number one,” she said, sipping coffee and lounging in a big leather chair near
the fireplace with just a terry robe barely covering her body. “Up on the
there’s an old hotel,
built into the rock on the south face of the glacier. It was constructed in
1930 and after the war, provided basic ski hotel services for the American
military on leave. It was also a base and safe shelter for the people who
worked on the railway. Now it’s officially an environmental research station.
During the day, they carry out weather and climate research. At night, they
still do tunnel and rail maintenance. But secretly, part of the old hotel is
now private. We own it. Actually, we lease it from the German government. It’s
a wonderful place to spend a few days. A bit eerie, but you can walk out the
front door and pick your runs down the glacier to Austria or Germany. We could go
up there in the morning if it’s not snowing too hard and stay for a few days.
No one would find us there. Not even your goofy boyfriend.”

will go nuts,” said Lucy, cuddling in the bear rug with nothing else on but a
silk shirt that was unbuttoned all the way down the front. “What about skis and
boots? I have nothing here.”

shall be provided. I checked your shoe size while you were in the shower and
all the stuff you’ll need is in the ski room there,” Glenda said with a wink.
“If it snows tonight, the train may not be running, but we can check on it
before we leave. There’s also a cable car on the other side of the mountain and
we can always use that.”

never done the cog train, but have always wanted to. So, okay. I should pack a
few things though,” Lucy said.

take anything but skiwear, stuff to keep you warm and toiletries. Do you want a
back pack?”

that would be great. Thanks,” Lucy said. “And what’s the other option? You said
there were two.”

second option, my dear, is to stay here. If the storm comes tonight, it might
last a day or two and we’ll be snowed in. Aside from the obvious
entertainments, this house has, shall I say, other attractions in the

Lucy was not surprised that Glenda suggested
that they inspect what she called her “special cellar” and she had no illusions
about this being a place to store wine. What her friend showed her under the
house was a well and beautifully equipped dungeon like Lucy had only seen in
the videos she and Brenda bought at the sex shops. The range of equipment was
overwhelming. There was everything anyone would ever need to carry out
consensual or non-consensual bondage and discipline in any fashion they wanted,
hard or soft, mild or extreme. As Lucy looked around the stone chamber, Glenda
presented the third option.

my really important option,” said Glenda, putting her arm around Lucy and
hugging her lightly. “Let me make it simple. Why don’t you move in with me for
a while? Dump the Dutchman and we’ll spend some quality time together. As you
probably have figured out, I’m AC/DC,
or sub and
with you I can be your slave or, if you wish, you can be mine, but we can have
a really great time together. If you want, we can even live down here for
weeks. There are excellent provisions in the adjacent rooms and I can simply
close up the house, put the Rover in the garage and we’ll just disappear.”

don’t know what to say,” Lucy said, wandering about the stone walled rooms,
inspecting and touching the many intriguing instruments of torture and
restraint. “You offer too many good choices.”

can think about it for a few days while we ski. I don’t want to pressure you in
any way.”

people be looking for us?” Lucy asked, considering the possibilities. She
imagined Glenda in chains, stretched on the vertical rack, her magnificent tits
pointed at the domed ceiling, a massive gag in her mouth and her legs chained
wide apart while Lucy, playing the Dom, handled the whips and crops displayed
on the walls. The mere thought of this got her wet between her legs.

can take care of that,” Glenda said. “Garmisch-Partenkirchen is my town. What
my family doesn’t own here they still control, so if it is said that you and I
went to Kenya for a month on the company Gulfstream, it will be made so. I’ve
handled this before when I wanted to get away and it works….usually

said Lucy. “Okay. Let’s do it. But for now, can we play here a bit? Do you
think we can get up early enough to catch the train to the peak?”

My dungeon is your dungeon. I’ll make a call about the train. If it’s
operating, they will call me. Otherwise, we stay here. You want top or bottom?”

said Lucy laughing and peeling off her shirt.

she stripped and watched Glenda do the same, Lucy looked at her new friend with
a different perspective than she had looked at anyone, male or female, ever
before. On the surface, the proposal was perfect for her. She could get rid of
Fabian by just not showing up at the hotel, leaving him a cryptic note about
having to go home at once and moving in with Glenda right away. She would tell
her parents that she was visiting friends and would come up with some excuse
for this. Her mother would not worry too long because she was about to embark
once again on yet another world cruise, (her fifth) and was madly planning the
ship’s itinerary since she, in fact, owned the ship and the cruise line. Her
father? Well, she’d have to soft talk him again and probably buy him off by
telling him that she was going to visit one of his old and dear chef friends
who owned and operated a high class, Michelin Three Star restaurant in a tiny
Bavarian town near the Austrian border. For now, that plan would probably work.
Fabian would perhaps become a problem later, but she’d handle that. If the
worst case happened, she would get Glenda to help her with him and she was sure
that Fabian was just as inclined to yearn after the tall, blond Finn as he was
for her.

BOOK: Summer School & After School: The Ponygirl Omnibus Edition
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