Summer Solace (3 page)

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Authors: Maggie Ryan

BOOK: Summer Solace
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Chapter 2


Joanna forced herself to think about Gabe’s sister. She said, “She’s lucky to have a brother that cares about her. I don’t remember her, but she seems like a great young woman. It’s amazing that as an adult, she’d agree to get a sp…well, you know. You must have a very special relationship.”  

He grinned seeing her face flush. Though he had never once imagined her in this scenario, she was just so cute in her ranger’s hat and uniform. He had watched as she looked him over. Her eyes were emerald green though she was having an extremely hard time keeping her eyes on his face. Her face looked devoid of makeup and even lovelier than before. She had freckles scattered all across her nose and cheeks. She had gained some much needed weight. Where she had been too thin, now there was a softness to her that made him want to hold her. What almost undid him were her lips. They were full and red, the type that just beckoned to be kissed. He felt himself stir as his thoughts led him down that path. He found his eyes dropping to the neckline of her uniform shirt. Her breasts were fuller and rounder and filled out the uniform very nicely.

She looked up to see him watching her and their eyes met again. She felt she could drop into his eyes and stay forever in their depths, but knew the depth would consume all of her.

“No, I don’t think you ever met,” Gabe conceded. “She would have been what, about thirteen or fourteen?  As for our relationship, yeah, it’s pretty special to me. My family means the world to me and Amber is the baby, the surprise last child. With our folks finally fulfilling their lifelong dream of traveling around Europe for the summer, I’m taking my responsibility quite seriously.” 

Joanna had no doubt he meant every word. He certainly looked competent enough to bear the burden of heavy responsibility. She wondered if he was responsible for anyone else. Did he have a wife, girlfriend or even a steady playmate?   She felt her face flush and knew her thoughts were a long way from her duties as a park ranger.

Gabe’s eyes had never strayed from her. He watched as her face suffused with a lovely shade of pink. He remembered how he had adored watching her skin flush and change colors as he led her through different scenes. He had enough of this small talk.

“Jo, I don’t mind talking about my family, but how about we discuss the huge elephant in the room?” Gabe suggested.

Joanna immediately tried to pull her hand from where he had been covering it. Gabe only tightened his grip.

“Let me go,” she said, her voice barely audible. When he didn’t, in fact he began to stroke the palm of her hand with the tip of one finger, she shuddered almost violently. She wasn’t aware that she was whimpering, the sound tearing at Gabe’s heart.

“Jo, talk to me,” Gabe said softly. “Honey, what the hell happened that night? Why did you lie about…” 

Joanna tore her hand from his and practically fell over as she tried to get her legs out from under the stone table and stand up.

She had taken two steps backwards before Gabe could also stand. She put her hands out in front of her, palms out. “Please…please, just let it go. I can’t…I won’t…” she started, but was interrupted by a sound coming from behind Gabe.

   “I need to go to the latrine, Gabe….can you….” Amber broke off seeing the two of them standing across from each other, Joanna looking terrified for some reason. “Gabe?  Joanna, are you okay?  What’s going on?” Concern was evident in her voice. It had been quiet for a while and she thought that the ranger had left. Gabe managed to pull himself together. He started to step towards her, but Joanna moved past him to Amber’s side.

“I’ll be glad to walk you down,” Joanna volunteered, desperate to get away from both the situation and the man that was stirring up feelings she had suppressed for years. “I need to visit the ladies room myself and then I’ve got to get going.” 

Gabe started to protest but she continued, “Thanks again for the coffee. Please make sure the fire is out.” 

He understood her desperate need to get away from him even as he realized she had no desire to upset his sister. He cleared his throat to make sure he could actually speak. “I’ll take care of it now, Joanna. Take a flashlight, Amber.” 

Amber ducked back into her tent and quickly emerged with a big flashlight as well as a drawstring bag. It was all Joanna could do not to bolt instead of waiting for the girl.

“I’d like to shower and change as well, if that’s okay, Gabe?” Amber asked. “I’d rather do it now then have to get up early before we go rafting.” 

Gabe looked at his watch and then nodded. “Okay, but don’t be too long. I’ll walk down to get you in thirty minutes.” 

“Gabe!  I’m a big girl and don’t need…” Amber began.

Gabe’s voice was firm, “Don’t push me. Half–an–hour, Amber. You are to wait right there for me, understand?” 

Both women shivered when they heard his tone. Joanna watched as Amber gave her brother a quick hug.

“Thanks, that will be perfect,” Amber answered, not wanting to add to the tension that she felt surrounding them. Amber turned to join Joanna and then giggled as she reached out and picked the paddle up off the table. “Miss Ranger, ma’am…how do you feel about a little search and seizure?” 

Joanna gasped and then found herself relaxing from her earlier fight or flight response. “As much as I’d like to slap your brother into jail, I’m pretty sure it would be an illegal search as I have no probable cause,” Joanna said, looking towards Gabe. “It would be an unfair arrest unless they have concrete rules about paddles.” 

Gabe’s lips compressed as he wondered what the hell she was inferring. However, hearing his sister giggle at the thought, he held out his hand to his sister. Two could play this game. “Even if she seizes your paddle, young lady, don’t think for a moment that God hasn’t provided the necessary implements to take care of any naughty girl’s bottom.” 

Amber looked confused even as she handed him the paddle. She also realized that he wasn’t looking at her, his eyes were glued on Joanna’s.

“There are thousands of trees around, and I’m sure plenty of switches are available to be cut.”

His voice had lowered significantly. Joanna gasped as another memory seared through her even as Gabe’s eyes burned into her own. Amber seemed to be busy peering up at the towering trees.

“Yes, big brother, but these are pine trees, so good luck finding switches,” she teased. Gabe reached out and gave her a quick swat with the paddle he had taken from her. She yelped and quickly rubbed her bottom.

“Even if we were in the desert, little sister, don’t forget God gave man his own paddle, two of them in fact.”  He completed his demonstration with a quick swat to her other cheek with the palm of his hand.

Amber yelped again and then giggled as she darted away. “Okay, okay…stop swatting me,” Amber capitulated. “You are just a big old meanie. Come on, Joanna before he takes the skin right off my hide.” 

Joanna felt she should have been stunned, but found the entire situation confusing. It seemed to have layers of meaning that she couldn’t find her way through. She simply turned to follow Amber as she stepped onto the faint trail.

Gabe watched as the two women stepped into the trees. He turned the paddle over in his hands as his gaze dropped to the round and full bottom of the ranger. Just as he figured, she filled out the uniform just as nicely from the back as well.

The two women walked in silence through the trees. The bathrooms were scattered all over the camping area for convenience, but the further up the mountain one camped, the farther away even the simplest conveniences were. Amber’s flashlight led the way and the path was quickly found.

“Thanks for coming with me. It really is isolated up here,” Amber said as she stepped along the trail. “It always surprises me how dark it is without city lights.” 

Joanna looked up at the stars blazing across the night sky. It was absolutely breathtaking and one of the reasons she loved being a ranger. She knew that people rarely could see nature’s beauty much less took the time to simply allow the world to impress them. Turning her eyes to the heavens caused Joanna’s heart to stop its rapid beat and her pulse to calm. The outdoors had saved her and she would always be thankful for that gift. Amber turned her head and saw Joanna looking up. She followed her gaze, and with a gasp, shut off her flashlight. The darkness swallowed them but the view was magnificent.

“They are gorgeous!” Amber exclaimed, seeing the stars sparkle like diamonds. Joanna grinned and raised her hand. She pointed out both the dippers and then Cassiopeia. Amber’s gaze settled across a large swath of stars that she had never truly seen before. “What are those?” she asked pointing to them.

“That is the Milky Way. You can’t see them in the city, too much artificial light,” Joanna explained. “They are seldom this clear even out here, but, God, they are fantastic, aren’t they?”  Amber agreed and they spent another moment just drinking it in.

Amber remembered the time and flicked her light back on. She smiled brightly. “I will definitely spend more time star gazing, but if I don’t hurry, I won’t be ready when Gabe comes to get me, and my butt is already plenty sore.” 

They hurried down the trail and were soon in the rustic bathroom. Joanna was stepping out of the stall and came up sharply. Amber stood, her back to the murky mirror above the sinks, her head turned over her shoulder as she ran one hand over her bottom. Joanna flushed but said nothing as the young woman continued her inspection.

“Guess it’s not too bad. I don’t think anyone will be able to tell I got a spanking by tomorrow, do you?” Amber asked.

Joanna was surprised but tried to hide it when Amber turned to look at her. She was standing totally nude and not the least bit self conscious. She grinned as she rubbed her bottom.

“I have this really cute bikini to wear and hope there won’t be bruises. What do you think?”  The young woman turned so that her back was facing Joanna.

Without a thought, Joanna found her eyes roving over the young girl’s backside. She was surprised to see that there was no real evidence that the girl had just gotten a hard paddling. From the sounds of the paddle slapping into her bottom, Joanna would have expected the girl’s bottom to be crimson. Instead, the color was barely pink. She felt a stirring in her stomach and refused to think about what that might mean.

“It looks good, Gabe is pretty good about - ” Joanna stopped the instant she realized what she was saying. Amber gazed at her intently. Joanna blushed, which Amber noticed but ignored.

“Great!  It always feels like he is stripping my skin off with that paddle, but it’s not bad and I’ll be fine tomorrow.” Amber grinned, satisfied she’d be fine by the morning.

Joanna was grateful that her slip hadn’t been noticed. She watched the young girl grab her soap, shampoo and razor and head towards the curtained off shower stall. Amber stepped into the stall and then turned back.

“Thanks for not making a big deal out of this, Joanna,” Amber said. “I know you probably don’t run into people getting their butts spanked on a regular basis, but well, thanks.” 

Joanna grinned and then impulsively stepped forward and hugged the girl. “You are welcome, honey. I really enjoyed meeting you, regardless of the situation. I’ve got to run, and you,” she said as she glanced at her watch, “have got about fifteen minutes before the big mean paddler comes to get you.” 

Amber stood for a moment and then said, “Joanna, I know it isn’t any of my business but -”

“You’re right, it’s not,” Joanna interrupted.

Amber felt a moment of guilt but her true nature won out. “I just wanted to say that Gabe is a really nice guy…even though he spanks.”

Joanna turned her face away, not wanting Amber to see her confusion. “I know, Amber, but, well, it’s complicated,” she admitted.

Amber nodded. It was easy to see that whatever had happened when she was just a young teen had affected these two deeply, and still was. Amber loved her brother and wanted him to find happiness. She also had instinctively liked Joanna.

She smiled, and before stepping into the shower, she said softly, “Constellations are very complicated, Joanna, and yet they are truly wonderful. Before modern electricity, people had to discover if they were brave enough to step into the darkness and face their questions and fears. Not knowing what is ahead or even sometimes behind, is a scary proposition. I believe it is even scarier not to take the chance of discovery. The reward is you discover that the darkness won’t swallow you, it rewards you with beauty and the light of the stars to guide you.” 

She gave Joanna another smile and then pulled the shower curtain closed.

Joanna stared at the closed curtain for a long moment. After washing her hands, she took Amber’s towel from the sink and laid it on the bench outside the curtain. She had been surprised at the girl’s wisdom, her words causing Joanna to realize she had some decisions to make. It was obvious Amber truly adored her brother.

Joanna looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes looked huge, and, she admitted, sad. She had managed not to feel so much in such a very long time. The dark had never frightened her. It was where she felt safe. Could she step out of its cover and walk into the rest of her life?  She had no idea what would happen if she began to bring all her fears, questions and even her dreams back into the light. Sighing, she left the bathroom and saw Gabe walking towards her. She didn’t want to fight with him. No matter what had happened, he had always been kind to her. She waited for him to get closer.

“She’s almost done,” she said quietly.

He nodded and was glad to see that Joanna had not yet left. “Do you want us to walk you back?” he asked, not wanting her to leave. He had a sense that there was so much more buried inside her. He wanted nothing more than to discover what had changed her. What had caused her to offer him so much only for him to discover that it wasn’t hers to give? 

She was watching him closely. His eyes seemed to smolder and she again felt a deep physical pull towards him. She forced herself to pull her mind away from where her libido was trying to take her. She definitely needed to step away, far away until she could think about all of this. She shook her head.

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