Supernatural Believing Christ Conscious (10 page)

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Authors: Emerson Ferrell

Tags: #Conscience, #insane, #Conversion, #faith confessions, #Pharmakeia, #Discovering, #Reality, #Test, #false information, #Unites, #Sin Conscious, #Sanctification, #Medicine, #Believing Heaven, #belief system, #religious faith, #firm faith, #Prophetic, #Muslims, #Divine Health, #lawlessness, #Believe, #sin, #Charismatic circles, #body, #Training, #Substance, #to credit with authenticity, #Transformed, #sickness, #Spirit, #Terror, #Messages, #confidence, #Soul, #proclamations, #death, #opinion, #trust, #Force, #Bow, #accept as true, #pride, #Love, #Consciousness, #Source, #Baptism, #Jesus, #Visible, #Living Well, #Supernatural, #True Christianity, #Worship, #Centers of Man

BOOK: Supernatural Believing Christ Conscious
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Each member of the Body of Christ must demonstrate the supernatural in every area of his or her life. Living free from sickness and disease is a significant result of the power of believing the finished work of the cross. Do you feel a fresh wind of the Spirit blowing through your consciousness? Do you hear that still, small voice encouraging you to believe in the supernatural? That voice will become louder and louder as your belief changes into faith.

The devil will know your faith in Christ is not a philosophy but a total transformation in spirit, soul and body when you no longer respond to symptoms. The illusions once used by the enemy to afflict your body and capture your mind will no longer be affective.

The Lord will test all of us to prove whom He can trust with the riches of His kingdom. Sickness and disease may be examples of such tests. The severity and duration of each test is dependent upon our level of trust.
I am not telling you God will make

you sick,
I am saying He uses the devil to test those who say one thing with their lips but have not been completely converted in their souls and body. In other words, God will use the devil’s attacks for our personal Damascus experience.

The miracle you have been asking God to perform in your life is within your reach. The reality of Christ in your life is changing what and how you believe. Beloved, your greatest victories are yours for the believing. Once Christ is the only reality in your spirit, soul and body nothing will be impossible.



The following section will address two groups of people. The first group knows from a personal revelation, Christ as their Lord and desire to please Him above all else. The second group has not experienced a personal revelation of Jesus, even though they identify themselves Christians.

Most people are conditioned to trust physicians for their healing and health. If those who profess to be a Christian pray or have someone pray for their healing without physical relief the next choice is a physician. Trusting in a physician is common among believers and non-believers alike.

The truth is, most “Christians” trust more in doctors than Christ’s authority over disease. Believing in the mind without true faith has produced a life that is no different from those without any “church” affiliations.

Most of us have heard, from well-meaning men of God, the Lord uses physicians to heal Christians. That statement applies to those who have not experienced Jesus as a reality in all of their being.

Physicians are for the unbelievers not those who are united in Him with their spirit, soul and body. In fact, if a symptom does appear in a real believer he or she will not succumb to the mind’s threats and fears.

The Lord desires for every human being to experience His love and majesty. Therefore, He will use anyone or anything to prolong a life, including physicians. But the ultimate goal of Christ is for each of us to depend on our Savior for everything, especially our health.

If we depend on anyone else than Jesus, for our health, He is not our Lord, at least not over our bodies.

The difference between believing with the mind and having faith is never more vivid than during an encounter with your physician.

For example, if you see a physician because of a symptom or problem in your body the first thing he does is ask you questions and taking your vital signs.

Once the physician makes a diagnosis your belief in the doctor’s words as your solution becomes united with your trust or faith in his “perceived” authority in your mind.

Faith releases a temporary healing in your body and crowns the doctors as the Lord of your body.

It will be temporary because faith in the solutions of man will never solve the spiritual problem of sickness and disease created from man’s original trust in the devil.

One day, while reading the book of Daniel, the Lord spoke to me. He asked if I could be as bold as Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were in their belief? Before I answered, I turned to Daniel and studied their response to the king.

Nebuchadnezzar said to them, “Is it true, O Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, that you do not serve my gods and you do not worship the golden statue that I have set up?

Now if you are ready when you hear the sound of the horn, pipe, lyre, trigon, harp, drum, and entire musical ensemble to fall down and worship the statue that I have made, well and good.

But if you do not worship, you shall immediately be thrown into a furnace of blazing fire, and
who is the god that will deliver you out of my hands?”

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar,
we have no need to present a defense to you in this matter.

If our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire and out of your hand, O king, let him deliver us.

But if not, be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods and we will not worship the golden statue that you have set up.”

Daniel 3:14–18 NRSV

My immediate response was, “Of course, Jesus, I am ready to die for you.” Then He asked, “Then why do you take medications and drugs?” I was shocked. It was something I had done all my life without even the slightest consideration that it was offending the Holy Ghost.

The Holy Spirit said, “If you trust me to save your soul, am I not more than able to heal your body?” I used those exact words when praying for the sick.

However, it was not until the truth of that statement penetrated my spirit that I made the decision never to use prescription drugs or medications again.

My wife experienced a similar miracle. Like most people, she grew up believing taking antibiotics and medications was not an offense to the Lord. My example convicted her and she destroyed all of her medication and has never used them again.

She determined, as well whether we lived or died was in the hands of God not a physician and certainly not the devil. Since that day, we have enjoyed the most marvelous supernatural health one can imagine.

In fact, not only has her health improved but her stamina and vitality as well.

The truth is, there is not an antibiotic, chemotherapy or any other pill stronger than the blood of our Savior. The power of His blood destroyed all disease, sickness or death. If you know Him, you experience that same health.

Your breakthrough will never occur if you are unable to answer the way the Hebrews did in Daniel 3:17–18.

Settle it now and forever. Regardless of what the devil does, your knee will not bow nor your lips confess to any other God but Jesus.

If that is the foundation upon which your confidence and trust rests, the devil will flee. I did not say you would not be tested or go through the furnace of fire, You will.

But on the other side of your victory, a new consciousness will materialize in you. The knowledge that makes you the overcomer the devil fears will surface.

The instant you recognize sickness or disease as an opportunity to punish the devil for the years he made you suffer, the quicker he will leave.

In addition, the power to believe supernaturally will arise to make your life a sign and a wonder. Your faith will withstand every assault the devil can mount against you. You will begin to exercise your faith in the lives of those suffering round about you.



I am convinced in every cell of my being Jesus is able to deliver me, but even if He did not, I was not going to bow to Pharmakeia or any man made solution for my healing.

Pharmakeia (far-mak-i΄-ah) is the Greek word that means medication (“pharmacy”), (by extension) magic (literally or figuratively), sorcery or witchcraft.

The root word is
(far-mak-yoos), from
(a drug, spell-giving potion); a druggist (“pharmacist”) or poisoner, i.e. (by extension), a magician: — sorcerer.

Pharmaceuticals work the same as witchcraft.

The drug provides relief from a symptom but corrupts the ability of the body’s immune system to defend itself.

The purpose of witchcraft is to change our illusion from sickness to health, while corrupting our souls ability to trust God.

Today, physicians use a symbol of serpents on a pole constructed from the myth of the Greek god Asklepios. Satan is unable to create anything but division so he copies the only one capable of creating, God. Moses obeyed God’s instructions to reproduce a serpent on a pole to save the Israelites bitten by the wilderness by snakes (Numbers 21:9).

The symbol Moses displayed illustrated the sin and death Christ was to bear, in order for all men to be set free from sin, sickness and death. The emblem of medicine empowers the curse Jesus bore.
Those who trust medicine are binding themselves to the curse and rebellion of the cross.

I am not condemning those whose bodies are filled with pain and suffering leaving you powerless to fight. You must start at the level of your faith.

Study the scriptures until the living Word, Jesus becomes the faith of your believing. Then rise up and become the Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego of your family.

Israel lived 450 years free of disease through the covenant of divine healing established in Exodus 15:26.

And he said, If with all your heart you will give attention to the voice of the Lord your God, and do what is right in his eyes, giving ear to his orders and keeping his laws, I will not put on you any of the diseases which I put on the Egyptians: for I am the Lord your life-giver.

No other culture in the world possessed the healing power of Israel. There is no record of this power in Egypt, India or China. The Hebrews alone received this privilege from Abraham to Asa, who broke the covenant by trusting in physicians.

In the thirty-ninth year of his reign, Asa got a foot disease that became progressively worse. Instead of asking the Lord for help, he went to doctors.

2 Chronicles 16:1 GW

You may be in the battle of your life right now. Perhaps, physicians have told you your life will be over if you do not take this or that medication. The decision is yours, but Jesus said,
“All Things Are Possible To Him Who Believes.”

The word
is very significant in that statement. It implies continually, ongoing. You must win the battle each day over your mind and emotions.

The reason the devil uses symptoms are to make us believe a lie and lose the battle.
Symptoms are an illusion.
The way a magician uses illusions to deceive us is the same method used by the devil.

Without the mind of Christ,
we will believe the lie because our minds and spirits are not in agreement to believe with faith.

The devil, on occasions, creates symptoms for me in order to measure my response. The louder I laugh, the more humiliated he becomes. You should know something about your enemy. He is full of pride and does not like to be embarrassed in front of his demons.

The areas in your being most vulnerable to the devil are the ones you have surrendered to man instead of the Holy Spirit.

The body of man was created to house the Holy Ghost. The devil knows that and has directed his assault to the weakest points of man, which are the soul and body.

The purpose for healing is health, abiding health for our bodies, souls and spirits.

One of the goals of this book is to train true believers in spirit, soul and body. My prayer is for this clarion call to provoke a holy anger in my fellow servants to resist the devil in sickness the same way that we resist sin.

Healing is in three planes: spirit healing, soul healing and body healing. The person sick in his body is sick in his spirit first. Sickness then travels through the soul and finally manifests in the body.

My greatest successes in healings occurred when I finally understood the connection between my spirit and body.

The truth of that statement was made reality a few years ago when I was sick.

A man of God came to visit me. This man had a victorious spirit that was contagious. He began to talk about the Lord in a way I tangibly felt like a cold drink of water. My spirit was dry and thirsty and began to respond to the living water coming from this man.

The way the woman at the well drank from Jesus is the same way I drank. Before this man left, my body was healed.

This man carried a consciousness of divine health, and my spirit drank the substance of faith from his spirit. His spirit’s connection with the Holy Spirit fed my spirit, which in turn neutralized my unbelieving mind to allow divine health to enter my body.




Divine healing is the removal of the disease in the body by the power of God.
It is the life of God transmitted into our beings either from heaven or through another man of faith.

Divine health is to live day-by-day and hour-by-hour in touch with God, so that the life of God flows into the body just as it flows into the mind or spirit.


A miracle is the creative action by the Spirit of God.
The salvation of souls is a divine miracle of God. All organs were created from the mind of God, or spiritual realm. God made man from His image and used the material of the earth to hold His glory.

After His Spirit was deposited into Adam, he became a living being. Sin disrupts man, beginning with his spirit and passing through the soul into the bodily organs.

In order to release healing and miracles into these clay vessels, the Holy Ghost breathes life into the lifeless areas.
The more we believe the invisible, the greater the result.

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God, and that you are not your own?

For you were bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body.

1 Corinthians 6:19–20 KJ

People are sick for the same reason that they sin. They surrender to the suggestion of the thing that is evil and it takes possession of the heart.

When the suggestion of sickness approaches in any form, cast it away as evil.

For example, how would you feel if when you arrived at your new home, which cost thousands of dollars, greeted you with the horrible smell of rotting dead animals?

This is an analogy of our bodies if we allow unclean thoughts, to not only inhabit, but also to die and decay. Cancer, heart, liver, blood disease and death are all results of unclean thoughts or a corrupted mindset. This is our mental and spiritual condition built through fear, mental structures, guilt, iniquity, curses, and unbelief.

Every thought that is not aligned with God’s mind is defiled.


Our action towards God releases His virtue and determines our healing. Once salvation begins in our spirits nothing, and I mean nothing, has the power to stop His virtue except our refusal to believe.

It does not matter how beautiful our lamps are if they do not produce light. If the fuse is blown, and there is no electricity passing through the wires, the result will be no light.

Our spirits work the same way as fuses. The Holy Ghost is the power from heaven enabling us with virtue and faith. Unbelief is the result of “blown fuses.”

The essence of the Christ consciousness is the joining together of mind and spirit to believe in one accord.

Our heart, soul and mind connected with our spirit enjoined by the Holy Ghost, create an explosion throughout our beings.

The Holy Ghost connected to our spirits is equal to converting our electricity from 110 volts to 220. The power does not just double but exponentially increases in speed, frequency and amount.

The faith that permeates your whole being feels like lightning inside your body. I have experienced this sensation on several occasions, and each time my faith has no limits. I feel as though I could believe for anything and it would happen.

This is the connection of the Spirit of God with our whole being. Jesus maintained this power because of His oneness with His Father and the Holy Ghost.

One of the most powerful realizations we must have in Christ is once we are free from iniquity and sin, our bodies are free from sickness.

Sin is defined as actions and thoughts not birthed from faith.

[Whatever is not of faith is sin; Romans 14:23 (b)]

The proof is in the scripture below.

When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee.

But there was certain of the scribes sitting there, and reasoning in their hearts,

Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies? who can forgive sins but God only?

And immediately when Jesus perceived in his spirit that they so reasoned within themselves, he said unto them, Why reason ye these things in your hearts?

Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk?

But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick of the palsy,)

I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house.

And immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went forth before them all; insomuch that they were all amazed, and glorified God, saying, We never saw it on this fashion.

Mark 2:5–12 KJ

The same faith that saved this man healed his body.
The Church today, for the most part, understands the authority God has over sin for salvation, but the same people have little experience in the power of God.

One thing, which has discredited the healing ministries, is the numbers of people who do not receive their miracles after prayer.

Generally, if they pray for ten people maybe only one or two receive their healing. The rest will receive perhaps a portion of the power of God necessary for recovery.

This did not occur with Jesus, of course, Jesus contained the Holy Spirit without measure. Nevertheless, if these same ministries would remain and not stop praying, the level of faith will grow in the people and I believe the miracles would dramatically increase.

The same is true in salvation.
Perhaps two out of ten persons may have a revelation of Christ in their souls. That revelation can open heaven temporarily for him to experience God as his Father. The only hindrance is unbelief and sin blocking man’s consciousness.

Real healing has a progressive path.
Once the spirit of man is touched with the virtue of God, our responsibility begins in earnest. At that point, our spirits must not rest until the Holy Ghost consumes our every thought.

We have said it so many times throughout this book, but it is worth repeating:

We must be just like Jesus in spirit, soul and body. In other words, we must possess His consciousness — all of it.

The answers to the following questions will expose your level of His consciousness. Do you take medication? Are you fearful? Are you pursuing money? Are you offended easily?

Do you trust anyone or anything more than the word of God?

If your answer is yes to any of these questions, your spirit will have little if any authority over illness. I have good news, though. You do not have to remain powerless over sin, sickness and disease. After you begin to order your priorities to consume His word, the sooner your spirit will begin to empower you.

My life changed dramatically when I realized my soul and body were spiritually anemic. I began to fast from solid food and feed on spiritual food all day and sometimes into the early morning hours.

The first thing I did was reread the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. My encounters with the Holy Spirit went from occasional to constant. His voice became louder and louder until the voices of doubt and unbelief in my soul were hardly noticeable.

Within weeks, the parables of the Bible were being lived in my consciousness. I saw myself walking down the path with Jesus when He cursed the fig tree. I could see Lazarus wrapped in grave clothes hopping out of the cave and so on.

My spirit was regaining the authority over my mind and body. I replaced images I once had of fear and skepticism with knowledge not describable by words. The invisible became visible as I spoke.

There was a time when my son was suffering with an ear infection and high temperature. I saw myself standing in his room but I looked much larger than my natural appearance.

As I walked into the room, the spirit of sickness hovering over my son began to shake as if terrified. I said, “you filthy devil leave his body at once.” Before I finished that statement the spirit left and my son’s temperature became normal immediately.

From that day until now, I have been diligent in practicing several things.

• First, each day I spend time in the word of God. Spiritual food is vital for stamina and revelation, which
is the greatest proof that you are in contact with the Holy Ghost.

• Second, it is important to have communion in the form of prayer, the Lord’s Supper and quiet meditation.
Becoming one with Him is done in the secret place where there is no distraction. The secret place is secret because it must be discovered each time you enter.

• Third, it is imperative to talk to real believers and share the goodness of the Lord in your life.
The Spirit needs a human voice to tell others of His nature and character. Therefore, if you make yourself a living, speaking testimony of His wonders, faith will grow in your life and inspire others.

The point I am making is that our healing is as certain as our salvation.
However, we will not receive what Jesus purchased for us if our belief systems have become unbelief and doubt. It would be like someone having one billion dollars in a bank but unable to withdraw it because of unbelief.

Information is necessary in the beginning to point someone to the cross, however after that,
believing is the tool of the Holy Ghost to keep us connected to Him.

If your spirit has no appetite for spiritual things, you are an easy target for the devil. You will never get physical healing until you receive a spiritual one. That is why so many Christians go to doctors. They would rather put their faith and trust in a physician instead of Jesus.

Nevertheless, if you get your healing by the Spirit and keep your connection fresh and vibrant through the steps we spoke about, you will live in divine health and never need doctors again.

Once you have become truly one with Christ, in spirit, soul and body, disease will fall off your body like the scales did from Paul’s eyes. The consciousness of Christ will not allow anything unholy to prosper in your life.

In fact, nothing from that realm will come within miles of you. How close do you think evil could get to Jesus? Nothing will approach you unless your spirit becomes weak. Keep your spirit strong, and your soul and body will live in divine health.

The proof that your spirit and soul are in Christ is Divine health.

The final step is ours. Jesus has done everything necessary to provide it. Will you be like the father of the epileptic who cried, “I believe but help my unbelief?” Believing Jesus will change the reality you are now living.

This my prayer for you:

Jesus, it is my heart’s desire that you touch each person who reads this book with a visible miracle manifestation. If they are sick, heal them. If they are depressed, deliver them. If they are broke, send finances.

Whatever their need, I am asking you by your mercy and grace to honor my request with a miracle in their lives. Not to glorify me, God forbid, but to honor your word that you have given me to deliver. Jesus, I give you the glory and honor for everything you have done and will do through these revelations.


The substances of all things are in and of Christ. Those who live outside this knowledge will continually be at the mercy of the devil. Christ is the kingdom of God and those who enter His kingdom must be immersed in His Spirit and consciousness.

The reality we are living is the result of the kingdom in which we believe.
We may say one thing with our mouths, but live completely different. This is the result of the substance inside our souls.

The Holy Spirit designed this book to open the eyes of those who are tired of saying one thing and experiencing something else
. Our belief system will change after the Spirit consumes our substance with His.

There are no shortcuts to living in the Spirit. Those who want power over sin, sickness and disease must possess the mind of the one who overcame everything.

I have said all these things to you so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have trouble: but take heart! I have overcome the world.

John 16:33 BEE

Becoming Christ conscious is not a fancy phrase meant to sound ethereal. It is the reality of becoming one with God.

One of the greatest lessons I learned was changing my trials into training. The day I learned God was using the devil as His personal whipping boy to train those He loves, my understanding began to change.

I purposed to use the power of love to bring my soul and mind under submission.
I no longer fought to preserve my reality but submitted to learn His. His substance began to grow in me
and allowed me to supernaturally believe for all things.

Today, the consciousness of Christ is growing in me proportionate to my submission to the sanctification of the Holy Ghost.

I am able to connect my spirit with my soul to believe and witness amazing breakthroughs.

If you are not experiencing the righteousness, joy and peace of Christ in your spirit, soul and body, you have not entered the invisible and powerful kingdom of God.

The way to enter is to drink the living water Jesus is offering right now. Allow that water to transform you, beginning with your spirit and working through your soul.

“You must be born of water and Spirit,” Jesus told Nicodemus. Baptism by the Spirit occurs only when washed in the water of the word.

Now ye are clean through the word, which I have spoken unto you.

John 15:3 KJ

After this occurs, our believing is attached to our spirit, which is joined to the Holy Spirit. Doubt and unbelief, or the sin consciousness, is replaced with the Christ consciousness.

The reality we are currently experiencing is altered by heavenly experiences. Heaven contains no sickness, disease, death or devil.
The life you are living today does not have to be the life you live tomorrow.
Make a decision to change your belief systems.

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