Supreme Commander (25 page)

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Authors: Jr. Seymour Morris

BOOK: Supreme Commander
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And rein in the “bunco man.”


“We've Been Using More of a Roundish One”


in the Japanese calendar as the Year of the Mouse. Leading the charge was the army secretary, Kenneth Royall. On January 6, 1948, he gave a speech saying that “the men who were most active in building up and running Japan's war machine” were the ones most qualified to “contribute to the economic recovery of Japan.” He went on to argue in favor of building up Japan to “serve as a deterrent against any other totalitarian war threat which might hereafter arise in the Far East.”

A month later the barrage continued. This time it was from the State Department's George Kennan: “We should cease to talk about vague and—for the Far East—unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of living standards, and democratization. The day is not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are hampered by idealistic slogans, the better.”

Needless to say, disparaging idealism was not a good way to win the supreme commander's good graces. He was delighted when one of his friends in the office of the Assistant Secretary of State for Occupied Areas responded that seeking to contain Soviet expansionism by abandoning democracy and economic reform was like arguing that “democracy must be abandoned in order to be defended.”

In March, George Marshall, now secretary of state, sent Kennan to Japan. Before you leave, said Marshall to Kennan, let me give you some advice: You are going to meet a very difficult man with a colossal ego. So please do not get into an argument. The man is supersmart, probably even smarter than you are. Listen carefully, be sure to flatter him, and ignore his satraps—military officers, political advisors, and flunkies.

MacArthur, in the meantime, was not thrilled about Kennan's forthcoming visit. He knew that Kennan, called “America's Global Planner” by the
New York Times
correspondent Brooks Atkinson, was the author of the famous “X” article published in a recent issue of
Foreign Affairs
, urging containment of Communism and the Soviet Union. MacArthur felt he was doing just fine in that area. If Kennan wanted a briefing, muttered MacArthur to his staff, “I'll have him briefed until it comes out of his ears!”

It would be a meeting of two of the sharpest minds in the American government, two men who couldn't have been more dissimilar, coming at a problem from different perspectives. No sooner had Kennan gotten off the plane than he was taken to lunch with MacArthur. Totally worn out after forty-eight hours without sleep on a freezing cold slowpoke propeller plane, Kennan viewed himself as “a civilian David” taking on “a military Goliath.” For two hours the supreme commander conducted one of his nonstop monologues, this one comparing his occupation of Japan to Caesar's occupation of Gaul, “the only other historical example of a productive military occupation.” He claimed the great events of the next thousand years were to take place in the Orient—not Europe—and that by planting the seeds of Christianity and democracy in Japan, America had a unique opportunity to “fundamentally alter the course of world history.” The Japanese, MacArthur assured his visitor, were “thirsting for guidance and inspiration.” The two hours, thought Kennan, reminded him of what Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida had said after emerging from MacArthur's office for the first time: It was like hearing a lecture inside a lion's cage with a pacing lion. As Kennan stared at MacArthur, a quite different animal came to mind: a horse. A wild, strong horse that needed to be tethered.

And he, George Kennan, would have to be the one to do it. In his memoirs he would describe his mission to Japan as like being “an envoy charged with opening up communications and establishing diplomatic relations with a hostile and suspicious foreign government.” He wasn't talking about Japan, he was talking about the MacArthur regime. The next day Kennan was treated to a lengthy briefing by two SCAP officers, which he regarded as bordering on an insult for a man in his senior position. He kept his cool, however, and following Marshall's advice to use flattery, sat down and wrote a letter. He reminded the supreme commander that he had come to Japan “to inquire—and to carry back to Gen. Marshall—your view of the broad framework of concepts which ought to underlie the decisions we shall soon have to take concerning our future course in Japan, and to give you any information that may be useful to you on the pattern of our over-all foreign policy problems, as we see them in Washington.”

While MacArthur was digesting this sweet pabulum, one of Kennan's aides, who had served in the Tokyo Embassy before the war, met with one of his former colleagues now working at SCAP and arranged for Kennan to give a briefing on the Soviet Union for senior SCAP officers. Kennan delivered a stellar performance. General Willoughby immediately relayed his impressions to MacArthur, and the next day Kennan was summoned for a private dinner with the big man himself. In a congenial evening thoroughly enjoyed by both men, MacArthur informed Kennan that he had toned down some of the more radical democratization requests coming out of Foggy Bottom [the State Department]. He agreed with Kennan to ignore objections by the Allies and do his best to rehabilitate Japan's economy so the country could contribute constructively to the stability and prosperity of the Far Eastern region. The visiting diplomat noted that no proper provision had been made for Japan's defense, and that for America to sign a peace treaty and pull out, leaving Japan defenseless, would be premature. There was still a lot more work to do, especially in completing the land reform program (only one-seventh finished) and the strengthening of economic enterprises. MacArthur did not disagree.

There were still some occupation problems that had to be dealt with, such as the increase in gambling, prostitution, and narcotics traffic. Also troublesome was the booming black market, where the U.S. armed forces were getting favorable exchange rates for their dollars, enabling them to remit to America every month eight million dollars more than their total pay. Observed Kennan wryly: “The personal enrichment of members of the Occupation was not always absent.”

They talked about Communism. MacArthur, of course, knew all about the “X” article and Kennan's position on the subject. He told Kennan he valued civil liberties more than the possible threat of subversives, leftists, and even Communists. “We have probably got some of them. The War Department has some. So does the State Department. It doesn't mean very much.”

Then Kennan pulled off a clever move. Knowing how the supreme commander detested the Far Eastern Commission and its Russian veto power—a feeling shared by Kennan—he pointed out that the FEC's scope was more limited than anyone had originally realized. The way Kennan interpreted the FEC's mandate, it applied only to supervising the surrender terms and not to determining Japan's postwar future—meaning that henceforth MacArthur need not worry about having to deal with the FEC. This was a revelation. MacArthur got so excited he slapped his thigh, as if to say, Well done, George! “From that moment,” wrote Kennan, “things went very well.”

Before leaving, Kennan praised MacArthur and his generals for using their great power responsibly and humanely. In a magnificent piece of rhapsody that surely must have thrilled the supreme commander, Kennan stated:

They deserved the respect which must be paid in general to benevolent despotism wherever encountered. I am merely pointing out that these commanders enjoyed something of the same sympathies which I suppose were once addressed to Belisarius by itinerant Byzantines visiting the Italy that rested under his command, enjoying his hospitality, and listening to his complaints about the inept and ignorant interference he had to endure from the imperial court at Constantinople.

“We parted,” concluded Kennan, “having reached a general meeting of the minds.”

And MacArthur went to bed, no doubt imagining himself as a Belisarius coping with the imperial court at Washington.

Kennan was a man who had not only shaped American foreign policy with his “X” article, he had written the first draft of the Marshall Plan. Second to the Marshall Plan, he said, his handling of MacArthur was “the most significant constructive contribution I was ever able to make in government.” Years later, however, after seeing how MacArthur responded and cooperated—“on no other occasion did my recommendations meet with such wide, indeed almost complete acceptance”—he downplayed his contribution. In his 1989 book
Sketches from a Life
, there was no mention at all of MacArthur or the trip to Japan.

Kennan's report to Marshall and the National Security Council became the basis for the formal policy statement NSC 13/2, on October 7, 1948, addressing the change of emphasis from political and social reform to economic revitalization. But the reforms did not die. The constitution stayed in place, women strengthened their newfound rights, the push to promote democracy and demilitarization continued as before. The emperor's status as symbolic ruler remained the same.

But here we run into one of the oddities of history, where a particular phrase takes on a life of its own, gets picked up by numerous historians, and contributes to a misleading and oversimplistic impression of what actually happened. That phrase—“reverse course”—is now so commonly used it has become a cliché. Yet it would have puzzled George Kennan, Kenneth Royall, and William Draper.

The term never appeared during the time of the occupation. Search all the government documents and memorandums of the MacArthur era; it doesn't exist. It was invented by Japanese scholars in the mid-1950s as a means of denigrating the occupation and asserting Japan's independence. Subsequently, in the late 1960s and early 1970s, the phrase got picked up by revisionist American historians critical of U.S. foreign policy in Asia.

Just because a phrase is pithy does not mean it's correct. In his choice of words in trying to change the focus of SCAP's efforts, Kennan was extremely precise: He called it a “shift.” He did this numerous times verbally and twice in writing, first in his draft paper, “U.S. Policy Toward a Peace Settlement with Japan” talking about “a major shift in U.S. policy,” and again in his report to the secretary of state: “The emphasis should shift from reform to economic recovery.” The same for William Draper: when he sent MacArthur a directive announcing economic recovery as a primary objective of the United States, he called it an “immediate shift in emphasis.” Likewise for the Department of the Army in its November 1947 “Statement of U.S. Policy,” which spoke of an “appropriate shift of emphasis so as to facilitate the early revival of the Japanese economy.” Even softer was Draper's substitution of “more emphasis” for “shift of emphasis” in the January 21, 1948, statement given by the U.S. representative to the FEC. Last and most explicit of all was the NSC 13/2 directive of October 1948, signed off by President Truman: “SCAP was to shift responsibilities to the Japanese.”

That it was a shift rather than a reverse course was stated as such by Kennan: “The effect of the decisions in Japan was probably a gradual and to many an almost imperceptible one.” There was no car screeching down the road, slamming on the brakes, and backing up, as a reverse course would imply: the change in policy was more like a car veering off to the right at a fork in the road.

Kennan had made seven specific recommendations: Revive the economy, stop reform legislation, reduce the number of purges, reduce occupation costs, halt the reparations, cease seeking a peace treaty, and strengthen Japan's police force. In agreeing with all but the last of these recommendations, the supreme commander surprised even his adversaries. In his subsequent New Year's message, he stressed the need for occupation “control of the Japanese economy.” The disagreement with Washington, such as it was, was not about goals, it was about means.


A Shift in Emphasis

twenty days after Kennan, in March 1948, was the second of a one-two punch, Kennan's strong ally, Undersecretary of the Army William Draper. A Wall Street investment banker who had served as economics advisor to Gen. Lucius Clay in Germany, Draper was now the army's economics advisor for Japan. The hope was that a way could be found to make Japan self-sufficient without incurring the expense of an Asian “Marshall Plan.” This was Draper's second visit to Japan—a country he admitted he knew nothing about. On his first visit the previous autumn, he had become alarmed at the stagnation of the Japanese economy and the power of the labor unions. Upon returning to Washington he instructed his staff to draw up a position paper, “The Economic Recovery of Japan,” calling for “the necessary shift of emphasis to accomplish economic recovery.” He also ordered MacArthur to take it easy in his efforts to dissolve the
. MacArthur, in his second act of insubordination as supreme commander (after banning photographers from war crimes executions), flatly refused. Instead of responding gracefully he caused a tempest by sending Draper a ten-page radiogram accusing the
of advocating “socialism in private hands.”

Thus the two sides engaged in a mud fight: Washington was accusing SCAP reformers of promoting political socialism, and MacArthur accused Washington of promoting big-business socialism. Each side accused the other of tampering with the development of so-called free enterprise.

were huge business combines that controlled hundreds of companies through holdings of stock, somewhat like the conglomerates of the 1970s in the United States. The major difference was that the
owners were families. The ten top
controlled nearly three-fourths of Japan's industrial, commercial, and financial resources. The two largest, Mitsui and Mitsubishi, had almost four million employees. SCAP's specialist on the
, Eleanor M. Hadley, compared a
enterprise to a hypothetical company in the United States that owned General Motors, United States Steel, Allis Chalmers, Western Electric, AT&T, RCA, U.S. Rubber, Douglas Aircraft, Dole Pineapple, the United States Lines, Grace Lines, the Woolworth stores, the Statler hotel chain, Westinghouse, National City Bank (now Citibank), Alcoa, DuPont, and Metropolitan Life.

Any company this size in America would violate every principle of American antitrust law and free trade. Particularly insidious was the close interaction between the
and the Japanese government. In 1946 President Truman had sent Edwin W. Pauley to Japan to help MacArthur with the issue of reparations. Pauley, a former treasurer of the Democratic National Committee, knew the
from firsthand experience, having sold oil to Japan while amassing a fortune in the 1930s as head of an oil company. He had strong words for the supreme commander: “Not only were the
as responsible for Japan's militarism as the militarists themselves, but they profited immensely by it.”

In response to the Kauffman article in
accusing him of causing the “virtual destruction of Japanese business,” MacArthur came out firing his big guns: The Japanese system “permitted the family groups . . . to control, directly or indirectly, every phase of commerce and industry; all media of transportation, both internal and external; all domestic raw materials; and all coal and other power resources. . . . The record is thus one of economic oppression and exploitation at home, aggression and spoliation abroad.”

MacArthur's views on the
were based largely on the 1945 “U.S. Initial Post-Surrender Policy for Japan,” which directed him to start dissolving them, and reinforced by the lengthy study prepared by Professor Corwin Edwards urging that several of them be broken up. But he couldn't execute Edwards's recommendations without Japanese cooperation: The
were simply too big and complex. Here the Japanese used the time-honored technique of resistance: Admit the need to make changes, appoint a committee to study the problem and recommend cosmetic changes, and stall it to death, just as they had tried to do with the constitution.

By early 1948 the economy was still in the doldrums, and inflation was rampant. Something had to be done, even though MacArthur's original directive from the Joint Chiefs had stated very emphatically that the supreme commander would “not assume any responsibility for the economic rehabilitation of Japan or for the strengthening of the Japanese economy.” MacArthur was not happy to see Draper, the Wall Street investment banker who had an accommodating view of huge corporate enterprises. But he knew he had no choice. He had managed to get along fine with Kennan; at least they both were intellectuals. Draper, on the other hand, was not given to big ideas; he was a nuts-and-bolts doer, and very opinionated and forceful. Being the point man for the army in making funding requests to Congress, he also had a lot of power.

Kennan stayed over in Japan to join Draper for his meeting with the supreme commander. MacArthur, one step ahead of Washington in his thinking, told them flat out that reparations had to go. A thousand industrial factories had been earmarked for removal to Asia, he said, and only twenty such transfers had begun, due to the difficulty of disassembly, the lack of ships, and lack of proper personnel, spare parts, and infrastructure at the receiving end. It would take twenty years to complete the process, and in the meantime metal parts were rusting and cement was hardening just sitting on the dock exposed to the elements. “Decision should be made now to abandon entirely the thought of future reparations,” he urged. In keeping with what he had told the Chinese three months earlier, he justified this drastic move as a correction of an original policy gone awry: Reparations now had become “merely a camouflage method of subsidizing other nations from the U.S.” Whatever was going out of Japan was being made up only by the largesse of the American taxpayer—clearly not the intent of the program.

The Japanese economy was a more contentious issue. The dilemma facing both MacArthur and the Washington policy makers was that the industries most likely to lead the resurrection of Japan's economy were militarist related and controlled by the
: steel, shipbuilding, construction, and heavy manufacturing. No matter, said Secretary of the Army Royall. The “conflict between the original concept of broad demilitarization and the new purpose of building a self-supporting nation” was “inevitable.” Japan could not support itself as a nation of shopkeepers, craftsmen, and small artisans any more than it could as an agricultural nation. Added Gen. Frank McCoy, the U.S. representative to the FEC and a close friend of the supreme commander: New conditions required that “more emphasis be placed on such a program . . . to bring about the early revival of the Japanese economy.” No matter what happened, something had to be done. Even George Marshall got involved: “Japan is costing us a great deal of money; that cannot go on indefinitely . . . what we have to be on our guard against is that we don't weaken ourselves economically so that the whole structure collapses.”

On April 28, 1948, the day after he got Draper's formal report on reparations, MacArthur reacted quickly. Once again demonstrating his “flealike agility,” he announced that the War Department—at his request (naturally)—had appointed a board of five Americans to oversee application of the report's recommendations. Since several congressmen were complaining about occupation costs and the drain on the U.S. Treasury, MacArthur had to cooperate, especially after the Wisconsin presidential primary earlier that month where his hopes of becoming a Republican candidate were dashed. His enemies rejoiced at his humiliation, and wondered if there might be an opportunity to drive a stake through his heart.

The Harvard Club of New York City is hardly a place where conspiracies are hatched, but June 28, 1948, was an exception. On that hot summer day several men met in the lobby and proceeded to make themselves comfortable in the magnificent Harvard Hall on the north side of the clubhouse. They lit their cigars and exchanged pleasantries while waiting for the rest of the group to arrive. Within a half hour all eighteen men were present, and the meeting was called to order. Assembled by Harry Kern,
's foreign affairs editor, the group consisted of leading diplomats, journalists, investment bankers, and corporate CEOs unhappy with the perceived liberalism of Douglas MacArthur. Prominent members included Kenneth Royall, William Draper, James Lee Kauffman, and Joseph Grew, the ex-ambassador who had told President Truman in May 1945, “Democracy in Japan will never work.” With democracy on the march under MacArthur, Grew missed the old Japan he used to know, and welcomed this new association of like-minded individuals. As their cigar smoke wafted up to the ceiling forty feet above, and basking in the stern gaze of trustbuster Theodore Roosevelt's portrait at the other end of the huge room, the men plotted how to minimize the power and influence of MacArthur and start making some serious money. Kauffman, who before the war had counted every major American corporation in Japan as a legal client, wanted back in on all the action. Draper, once again at Dillon Read (the former Wall Street firm of Royall and Secretary of Defense Forrestal), would soon return to Japan hunting for Japanese utilities in need of bond financing. Conspicuously absent was the world's leading authority on the
, SCAP's Eleanor M. Hadley, whose lengthy article “Trust Busting in Japan” would appear in the July 1948 issue of the
Harvard Business Review.
Hadley had returned to Radcliffe to get her doctorate, aided by the support of Douglas MacArthur and Courtney Whitney, who had personally petitioned Harvard/Radcliffe to give her an extension so she could stay longer in Japan and continue working for them during 1947.

All the men could speak freely: The room was so big no one could possibly overhear them. They would name their association the American Council on Japan, a lobbying group. There is no transcript of the meeting, but one can safely assume they readily agreed on their first mode of attack: a feature story in
. “Two Billion Dollar Failure in Japan” would appear in April of the following year, at a time when two billion dollars wasted by the federal government was a lot of money.

Strikingly enough, just months earlier at the MacArthur-Kennan dinner in Tokyo, MacArthur had dropped an interesting phrase, little knowing how prescient it would be. In denouncing the
executives he was purging, he called them “elderly incompetents,” very much like “the most effete New York club men.”

While the New York clubmen licked their chops contemplating his demise, the supreme commander regained his footing. Having lost much of his political aura and heft, he had no choice but to heed the new political winds. But he would do so gradually. Like FDR, who once said his policy was to have no policy, MacArthur operated on the premise that “major shifts in policy should be undertaken with the greatest caution.” The original dissolution plan called for 325 companies to be liquidated. Edward Walsh, chief of the SCAP Anti-Trust and Cartels Division, recommended dropping 33 companies from the list developed by Eleanor Hadley. Gen. William Marquat, acting on MacArthur's orders, jacked up the exclusions to 300, leaving only 25 to be dissolved. By late 1948 the supreme commander had dissolved only 11, making sure to put a good face on the whole episode. He announced a victory: “It has always been my firm intention to implement the deconcentration program in such manner as will preclude any disruption of Japan's going economy and will insure rigorous limitation of the number of companies required to be subject to reorganization.” In more ways than one the supreme commander was a man who rarely—if ever—knew defeat. He would simply announce a victory.

Meanwhile the American Council for Japan landed a big fish: Robert Eichelberger. On the “outs” with MacArthur, General Eichelberger had quickly found himself a new home as Draper's assistant, thus proving the adage that a leader need not fear his enemies but rather his closest friends. Eichelberger, using his military connections, would prove to be a most useful conduit of information and scuttlebutt about what was going on inside MacArthur's impenetrable GHQ.

In December 1948 the National Security Council issued NSC 13/2, announcing once and for all a shift in U.S. occupation policy from social reform to economic reconstruction. The supreme commander forwarded instructions from Washington to Prime Minister Yoshida: “Stop inflation, balance your budget, halt tax evasion, limit your credit facilities, stabilize wages and prices, and tighten your foreign exchange control.” In early 1949 President Truman, rejecting a “Marshall Plan” for Japan, sent the banker Joseph Dodge to Japan, giving him ambassadorial rank so he could have direct access to MacArthur. Dodge, a self-made man from the Midwest who never went to college, was an enormously successful entrepreneur who had taken over a bank and grown it tenfold in twelve years. A former president of the American Banking Association and chairman of the U.S. War Contracts Board, he had acquired such a reputation that when the German monetary system collapsed after the war, General Eisenhower ordered: “Get Dodge to Germany fast!” Now President Truman was sending Dodge to Japan to pull off a second miracle.

Accompanying Dodge were Gen. Albert Wedemeyer and Army Secretary Kenneth Royall, the man who had such withering words about MacArthur and the Japanese economy. Here Royall got an object lesson on how not to conduct international diplomacy. In an unofficial press conference, he announced that America's major interest lay in Europe and the United States was fully prepared to withdraw its line of defense to the West Coast of the United States. This immediately sent shock waves throughout Japan, and made many Japanese, fearful they could not depend on the United States, wonder if it might not be wise to start exploring an amicable deal with the Russians. The Russians couldn't believe their good luck.

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