Surrender to Temptation Part III: Tempted to Obey (4 page)

BOOK: Surrender to Temptation Part III: Tempted to Obey
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“That wasn’t a joke.” Clearly—finally—feeling threatened, Tom stood. Next to Zach he looked almost like a child, weak and immature.

“I didn’t think it was.” Zach held out his hand for me. Instead of grabbing my arm like Tom had done, he gave me the choice to put my hand in his. Though I was stunned at the intensity of his reaction to the strange situation I had found myself in, I didn’t have to think for even a fraction of a second.

I took his hand, and allowed myself to be drawn to his side.

Tom smiled nastily, and I shuddered. I had almost moved in with this man—if I hadn’t walked into that apartment right when I had, I likely would have married him.

“I see how things are.” My ex had the nerve to size up Zach as if they were equals. I bit my tongue, though I wanted to tell him that they weren’t even playing in the same game.

Tom was television in black and white. Zach was high-definition, big screen, surround sound.

“Watch how you talk to her.” Zach’s voice was quiet, and I was sure that I alone heard the threatening undercurrents running through it. I reached out, placed a hand on his bicep and squeezed in warning.

This didn’t need to become violent.

Tom ignored Zach, and I bit my lip, afraid of what was to come.

“You have some nerve, walking away because I was with someone else when you’ve been doing the exact same.” Tom’s eyes flicked from Zach to me and back again, as if trying to understand how the two of us could possibly be together.

If I had had any lingering feelings for the man, they would have died then and there. How could I—why
I—be with a man who didn’t believe that I was worthy of the world?

Tom moved to grab me again—for a lawyer, he was not very bright. Zach grabbed his hand in midair, his massive palm swallowing Tom’s smaller one as he squeezed slowly.

“It takes a lot to make me lose control, Mr. Cambridge-Neilson.” I watched, dumbfounded, as he slowly increased the pressure that he had on the other man’s hand. I was somehow not surprised that Zach knew my former boyfriend’s name. Tom howled like he was being beaten. The others in the cafe were silent, watching the spectacle as intently as if they were part of it. “But I find myself dangerously close right at this moment. Now, listen carefully. You do not touch Devon. You do not speak to her. No calls, no text messages. Nothing. In fact, don’t even come into this city if she is in it.”

Ron and another of the guards came up behind Zach, but they stayed back, waiting for their boss to give them the signal. Tom took in their approach, had to know that he was beaten.

He just wouldn’t back down.

“You’re messing with the wrong person, pal.” How had I never noticed how nasal his voice was? Trying to yank his hand from Zach’s grip, he grew red in the face as Zach held on just a moment too long, proving that he was the one in control. “I’m a lawyer. I’m going to sue you for laying hands on me.”

Tom didn’t even look at me. His campaign to get me to return home had ended, overtaken with thoughts of himself and his own fragile ego.

“You’re going to be sorry.” Tom stalked forward, assuming, it seemed, that Zach would move out of his way. He didn’t, and Tom had to skulk around Zach inelegantly. “Does your boss know that you treat people this way on his property?”

Turning with an almost lazy air, Zach finally nodded at Ron. The two security guards immediately flanked Tom, who squawked, and began to hustle him out of the coffee shop.

“Who the hell do you think you are?” Zach didn’t bother to reply, instead watching as Tom was escorted to the front doors of Phyrefly. Just before ejecting him from the building, I saw Ron shake his head, and heard his comment.

“That’s Zachariah St. Brenton, numb nuts. He owns this company, this building, and half of the freaking country. Ever heard of him?”

My last view of Tom was one that I would remember, as he stared with wide eyes and an open mouth, silent for the first time since I had met him. As he left, I felt lighter, as if he was taking some of my baggage with him.

That lightness vanished as I slowly became aware again of my surroundings. I looked around and found that Higher Grounds was still silent, everyone to a man staring agog at the spectacle that was Zach and me.

Zach looked down at me, and I read barely banked fury on his face.

“Come with me.” The words were bitten out from between clenched teeth.


Chapter Three

The elevators at Phyrefly were designed to hold twenty people at a time, comfortably.

As I followed Zach into the sleek interior, however, it felt very small. Too small to hold the two of us, especially if all of our issues were going to come along for the ride.

The silence was heavy, and I felt like I was going to choke if I had to breathe this weighted air in for even a moment longer.

“You didn’t get your coffee.” I blurted this out as I stood beside Zach, my arms crossed tightly over my chest. The inches between us seemed like miles. Were we never going to figure out how to manage this thing between us?

He looked at me as if I were speaking in tongues.

“I didn’t come for a coffee, Devon.” The emphasis that he put on the word
went a long way to giving me an insight into his thoughts.

He had come for me.

But how had he known that I was with Tom?

“How—” I stopped before the words left my lips. Phyrefly Aviation was ripe with security cameras.

I may not have known Zach very well, but I did know that he was far too controlling not to have access to those cameras 24/7.

I wasn’t sure if I should feel flattered or angry that he had been watching me without my knowledge.

I looked up to find his eyes trained on me, his expression daring me to make an issue of it.

“I keep a very tight hold on what I consider mine, Devon.” His words tipped me over that last edge into anger.

All of my life, I had had very precise expectations placed on me, and I had always felt that I had fallen just a bit short. I had thought that Zach might be different, for he seemed to like me just the way I was. And yet here we were, my billionaire lover furious at me for breaking rules that I hadn’t even known were in place.

“I’m not your property, Zach.” I shivered with both lust and fury when he stepped closer to me, his pupils dilating until his eyes were pools of black. “All I did was have coffee with an ex. Now, because of that meeting, I have some closure.”

“You’re too good for that asshole.” Reaching out, he pressed his hand over the place where my heart had begun to beat triple time.

My eyes widened, and I arched into his touch, closing my eyes, savoring the sensations that besieged me.

He pulled his hand away as if I had burnt his fingers, settling that mask of distance over his features again.

“Anyone is too good for him, actually. I can’t believe he’s ever had a girlfriend.”

My heart sank at the casual words.

For a moment . . . for just a moment, I had felt special. As if Zach was angry at Tom because Tom had once had me.

His words made me wonder all over again if I meant anything to him at all—or if all he wanted was the comfort he found between my thighs.

“Don’t think you can control me like you do everyone else.” I muttered the words below my breath, certain that he wasn’t even listening.

I gasped when I was pushed against the wall of the elevator with just enough force to get my attention. Zach’s hand cupped my throat, just under my jaw, and pressed gently.

“No, I can’t control you, Devon.” His powerful touch was calculated with just enough force to make me work harder to have to draw in a deep breath. “But I can impose consequences when I don’t care for your behavior.”

I should have shoved at him, told him to get away, broken things off then and there. I was getting tired of his hot-and-cold behavior toward me. Instead I found slickness pooling between my legs, my clit heating with anticipation.

In that moment I discovered that I trusted him implicitly—with my body, at least. And I couldn’t resist the surge of passion that ran through me as I saw how he looked at me, touched me with such strong desire.

A siren sounded as Zach removed the heated touch from my throat and slammed his palm against the red emergency button on the panel. The elevator ground to a halt, and, after he retrieved a key card from his pocket and waved it in front of the sensor, the siren halted, the air ringing in its aftermath.

I barely had time to register that he had halted the elevator between floors and seemingly locked it in place. When Zach spun me to face the wall of the elevator, I nearly lost my balance. I pressed my cheek against the cool chrome of the wall, the flush of my skin warming the metal.

My hands were pulled gently but firmly behind my back as Zach whispered my name seductively in my ear. Something soft and lacy was wrapped tightly around my wrists, binding them together at the small of my back.

“Your skin looks lovely against black lace.” Zach’s voice was rough, silk over gravel, as he whirled me around yet again. I leaned back against the wall, my arched back thrusting my breasts and their erect nipples forward, an offering for him.

Black lace. Oh, Lord.

He had tied me up with my own panties.

“Does this turn you on?” His voice was matter-of-fact, as though he already knew the answer. And as I pulled at my bonds, examined the anxiety that being tied gave me, I saw that he was right.

My anger at him had nothing to do with the way in which he was touching me now—in fact, the uncertainty and anxiousness brought about by his physical demands made me want him with an abandon that I hadn’t been aware I possessed.

I trusted that he wasn’t going to push me further than I wanted to go, physically.

Emotionally . . . well, I was still figuring that one out.

My pulse exploded when Zach—big, gorgeous Zachariah St. Brenton—dropped to his knees in front of me. Hooking his fingers into the cloth of my skirt, he impatiently tugged it up until it was bunched around my waist. His hands cupped the backs of my knees, then slowly slid up until my buttocks were grasped, and he kneaded with firm fingers.

“Open your legs.” I wanted to obey. Heaven knew it was to my benefit to do so. But I found myself so overwhelmed with sensation that I couldn’t move, frozen in place against the wall.

“Consequences, Devon.” Then those strong hands slid forward, over my hips and between my thighs, shoving my legs apart with a roughness that I knew would leave a bruise.

I thrilled to the edge of violence in his handling of me. I was wet, my skin hot, my body trembling.

“I’m going to have your pussy.” With his thumbs he delved between the lips of my labia, opening me to the world. I shivered when the cool air hit my clit.

Zach lowered his head, blowing heated air over my tender flesh. I cried out, my hips bucking forward, and earned a sharp smack on my hip for my impatience.

“This isn’t for your benefit.” I couldn’t imagine how it could be for the benefit of anyone else when he closed his lips over the extended bud of my clit. A wail escaped me when, without warning, he closed his lips and his teeth over the sensitive nub and began to work me with the skill of a confident lover.

Though he was clearly upset with me, I thought I saw the ghost of a smile whisper over his lips at my heated reaction to his touch.

I struggled against the fabric that held my arms behind me. I wanted to fist my hands in the wealth of his dark hair, wanted to pull his face even closer. Not being able to touch the gorgeous creature who was tonguing my pussy was torture.

The thumbs that had been holding me open slipped inside me, just enough to stretch the tender flesh and make me buck my hips forward. I felt release circling like a hungry shark, so close to its prey.

Zach took me to the very edge, right to the moment before my flesh began to spasm with pleasure, and slid his thumbs out of my slick heat in the same moment in which he removed his lips from my clit.

“No!” Frantic, I stepped away from the wall and pressed myself against him shamelessly. I wanted—needed—his heat, his fire. I almost sobbed, my legs shaking, when he pushed me away, again turning me so that I faced the wall.

Fisting one hand in my ponytail, he tugged until I leaned back against his chest. I resisted, furious at what he had just done.

“You have to understand.” Releasing my hair, he pressed his palm to the flat of my back, pushing me into the hard wall. I could feel the chill through the thin material of my blouse and my bra, and squeezed my eyes shut in defense against whatever was to come next.

I heard the sound of his belt buckle, then the harsh rasp of a zipper being lowered, rending the air in two. The naked length of his erect cock nestled against my buttocks as the swish of leather through cloth told me that he was removing his belt.

“Three blows.” He paused, waiting for my reaction.

“No.” My heart pounded, but I couldn’t quite tell if it was in fear or desire. “No. I don’t want that.”

“Are you using your safe word, Devon?” My breath hitched in and out roughly as my mind whirled.

“No.” I forced the word out. I was scared, but at the same time I wanted this, though I still didn’t know why. “No, I’m not.”

I screamed in a mix of desire and frustration when the leather of the belt hit the flesh of my right cheek. The sharp sting spread outward from the site of the blow like heat radiating from the sun. Tears sprang from my eyes as I fisted my hands and struggled against my bonds.

He was holding back. I knew he was holding back, because the first lash, and the next when it came on my left cheek, didn’t hurt nearly as much as the spanking he had administered to me the week earlier. Still, I felt more raw, closer to a breaking point when that third blow came glancing over the flesh between my legs.

“You’re a fucking bastard.” The skin of my ass was on fire, and the flesh beneath felt swollen. And still I was aroused to the point of pain, aching for the feeling of his cock inside of me.

“You know your safe word, Devon.” Craning my neck, I saw him kneel behind me again. With those strong hands he positioned my legs tightly together before the leather of the belt was looped just above my knees. He threaded the length through the buckle and cinched it snugly.

I felt myself begin to shake uncontrollably. Yes, I knew my safe word. I also knew that I wasn’t going to say it. If I used it, I would never see him again.

I couldn’t stand the thought. There was a flame inside of me, one that he had ignited, one that craved the feelings that he was pulling from my very core.

Whatever he chose to give me, it was what I wanted.

I closed my eyes. Behind me Zach stood up. I felt his grip at my hips, pulling me so that I was bent at the waist, hands still bound, thighs tied together, ass naked and presented to him.

I felt the head of his cock slide between the cheeks of my ass. As soon as he found my entrance he shoved inside of me, pushing until his balls swung heavily, tapping the sensitive skin of my labia.

Bound as I was, I had no choice but to bend further. His fingers digging relentlessly into my hips, he pulled back and drove deep again, fucking into me with an animal ferocity.

I loved it. He satisfied a need deep inside of me that even I didn’t understand.

My legs were bound so tightly together that the friction was nearly unbearable. My ass was still on fire from the blows, the skin burning every time the jut of his hip bones slammed forward into the delicate flesh.

Though I could flex my fingers, I couldn’t otherwise move. I was helpless, completely vulnerable to him.

It was the best thing I had ever felt in my life.

He moved faster, his pelvis slapping against the mounds of my buttocks. This time when I felt pleasure spiraling low and deep in my belly, I fought to stave it off.

I didn’t want to come yet. Not until he was done with me.

As if sensing my thoughts, Zach seated himself to the hilt one final time and then, with a strangled groan, pulled his cock free of the tight channel of my flesh. I whimpered as he smacked my ass with the flat of his palm.

“It would be so easy to come inside of you right now.” Grasping my ass cheeks in both hands, he caressed my flesh. “Deep inside of your pussy. Or, even better, inside your hot little ass. You’d like that, wouldn’t you, my little minx?” Those hands smoothed over my cheeks, opening me so that he could look his fill.

Excitement bloomed deep inside of me at his crude comments, even as nerves flared. Was that to be my punishment—was he going to push himself inside of my ass, inside the tight heat that had never before been breached?

I was turned-on and terrified in a thrilling way. Could I do it?

“I think you like that idea.” One finger traced over the stripe of my spine. Then he closed his grip over my bound wrists, tugging until I turned awkwardly. Before he could forbid me not to, I eagerly looked him over, my eyes drinking their fill of the man who was slowly, steadily driving me wild.

His hair was messy, standing in sexy black spikes as if he had run his fingers through it. His tie had been loosened and was askew. His skin was flushed, the sexy hue of arousal painted over his features.

Best of all, his suit pants were hanging loosely on his lean hips. I could now see that he wore nothing beneath them—there was nothing keeping me from the thick, incredibly hard length that jutted forward from its nest of dark curls.

“On your knees.” My eyes widened, and I bent, trying to do as I was commanded. With my legs bent, it was a nearly impossible task. Zach clasped me on either side of my rib cage, biceps beneath his dress shirt rippling as he lifted me off my feet and dropped me on my knees in front of him.

“I didn’t like seeing his hand on you.” The wild look in Zach’s eyes pulled my own dormant grief from the depths of my soul. I wanted so badly to heal this beautiful, damaged man.

If only he would let me.

“Zach . . .” I squeezed my thighs together, trying to assuage the deep ache that had bloomed from his caresses. I was scared that he would never give me release, that he would keep me here, bound and at his mercy, forever.

“I don’t like how he makes you feel.” Lacing his fingers behind my head, Zach brought me toward him.

I thought I sensed a new warmth in his demeanor toward me, and then I remembered my earlier disappointment in thinking he cared for me.

I was suddenly so, so tired. I was a train wreck of emotions. I wanted to be done with games.

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