Surviving Him (11 page)

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Authors: Dawn Keane

BOOK: Surviving Him
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Wearing next to nothing, I’m lapping up the Spanish rays and lying on the sunbed right by the pool.

“This is heaven.”

The kids have inflatable toys and water guns. They stay in the water for hours, and have as much ice cream as they want. Most importantly we have drinks on tap.

The topless women take some getting used to. I would be scared to whip off my bikini top in case I burnt my nipples. I just don’t have the balls to do it.

“Drinks all round, I will get them in,” Logan declares to the rest of us with a huge smile on his face. He winks before turning and heads to the bar. The rest of us find ourselves a seat near the bar and poolside.

Feeling a bit self-conscious and melting in only my bikini, I catch Logan staring at me. The sun-kissed, hot-headed hunk is in front of me, looking me up and down, scanning my body top to toe, his eyes undressing the little clothing I have on. What else is he thinking?

His beautiful blue eyes burn into my body and soul, then his gaze shifts to my eyes, burning brightly as pools of desire shoot straight between my legs. I am wet from just his heated eyes on me. He waits for me to meet his gaze and my train of thought heats my face. I wish I could read his mind.

“San Antonio bay is just stunning. Look at the view, it’s so beautiful.”

The sight before us is of white sandy beaches, the light blue waves crashing slowly off the rocks. I think about how lucky people are living in such an amazing place.

We have an excellent view of the town. I’m in my own little heaven.

“It is beautiful like you, baby.”

His eyes flash with something I can’t read. My cheeks blush; they feel hotter than the Ibiza sun. Why do I always feel embarrassed? I can’t take a compliment from anyone.

I take a large drink of my vodka and coke in an attempt to cool me down.

“The pool looks so good.”

I am so hot with the heat I’m not accustomed to. I’m burning with desire, feeling so horny this man; I have to cool myself down. Standing at the edge of the pool looking down at the blue water, I go for it and dive into the cool water.

“Oh it feels so good.”

Wow this is tremendous.

“Mum’s in the pool!” the girls scream.

I catch my breath when my head is above the water, and my eyes fix onto the sight of Logan as he jumps in. He swims up in front of me and kisses my lips, his soaking wet face looking even hotter close up.

“I want to fuck you right now, baby.”

My core clenches, my face heats.

One of his hands runs through his hair and down over his face. Then he plants another kiss right on my lips, soft, warm and wet brushing against mine.

“Oh my god.”

His powerful arms wrap around my waist and I stifle a loud moan.

I put my arms around his shoulders, my legs hang around his most impressive waist and I push against his chest.

“Where are you going, baby? Come back here, I want you in this pool.”

I try to escape and cool my ever-growing need; I am so aroused. I walk toward the pool.

“I want you here, right now, I had to cool myself down.”

He’s in a very playful mood; he smiles that beautiful cheeky knowing smile at me.

“I want you more. I want to fuck you against the side of this pool,” he whispers in my ear, and leaves a trail of kisses along the length of my ear down to my neck.

“Now that’s just impossible.”

That is impossible. I want to pinch myself in case I am imagining the whole thing and not really here in this beautiful hot country with my amazingly hot hunk of a man (Who isn’t my man) and his beautiful family, it could all be just a dream “seriously.” This shit doesn’t happen, not to me anyway!

Even my dreams aren’t ever this fucking good. I shit you not, it’s definitely happening; this cannot be all in my head. I’m definitely here with all of the people that I love the most.


Logan is wearing crisp white swim shorts. Damn he’s so hot I want to strip them off him with my teeth.

“I’m jumping in the shower to get all the sun cream off me. The girls have gone for dinner with your mum and dad.”

“No worries, babe. I will give you hand with getting the sun screen off.”

I step into the warm spray and lather on the shower gel.

Logan slips in behind me and massages my breasts, whilst kissing my neck. My head automatically falls back into his shoulders, my core tingling with pure and sweet ecstasy. I feel his hard cock pressing in between my legs, sliding back and forth, teasing me.

“Holy mother fuck.”

I can hardly stand up. I press my hands against the slippery wet tiles in a dodgy attempt to hold myself up. The thick end of his cock presses into me, slowly teasing me to death, and then he slams into me. My hands slip down the tiles to the top of the bath as he pushes hard, gliding in and out,
delicious deep thrusts.

I am bent right over trying to keep myself upright.

"Do you trust me, baby?"

I completely do trust him more than anything in the sex department.

"I trust you with everything I am, Logan.”

Wow what did he have for breakfast? I push all thoughts of Logan’s breakfast out of my head. because the warm spray coming from the shower head is situated right between my legs

"Oh my god, what are you doing?"

“That's it, baby. I've got you.”

The powerful spray is a warm tingling sensation. Those not so strange muscles in my belly clench
sweet and tight again.

He holds onto my hips.

“I’m just ensuring you don't lose it, and fall flat on your face. I know my Dana.”

He knows me all right; what I need and who I am. He knows me more than anyone I have ever met in my life. Logan is the opposite of me: cool, calm and not clumsy in the least.

My heart pounds through my chest at the contact of the water hitting my clit and shooting up inside me. The sensation is nothing like I have ever felt before, an intense, sinful, sweet as fuck feeling. I think they should really make showerhead vibrators. Some companies would make an absolute freaking fortune. Of course, I don’t think it’s the right time to share this wisdom with him.

He slams into me again, sliding in and out, my body rocking against the hard ridge of his length.

“Logan,” I moan as my body trembles. He slams into me, pushing me higher over and over again, my orgasm building against his own. My knees shake as my legs go completely weak.

He pulls out of me and I feel the force of the spray of water between my legs again; it takes my feet from under me as though I am no longer in control of my own actions. I’m
control, not one bit. Logan catches me, wrapping his arm around my waist, the showerhead continuing to shoot water over my clit.

“Logan!” I call out trying to hold on. He slams his cock deep inside me, driving us both higher and higher, and I explode around his hard cock. He pushes in and out of me to reach his own release whilst my orgasm lasts for what seems like an age. I wince and moan at the pleasure. He explodes into me, groaning that sexy deep alpha growl.


I can’t wait to wake up every day to see Logan; he has started to be my first thought in the morning and last thing at night. I can’t wait to see what he is wearing, to see his already sun-kissed body, his biceps and his six-pack begging me to touch them, his shorts wrapping nicely around him, hanging off his hips. Perfectly panty melting hot!

His arm brushes passed mine as I get up to make coffee; the electricity runs through me like an electric current, like he has never touched me in my life.

“I’d better wake the girls up.”

This is not happening; I simply can’t let him get under my skin more than he already is. No, I really can’t!

“In a minute, baby. Come here,” he whispers as he plants soft kisses on my lips.

I pull myself away, launching myself out of bed and go to wake the girls.

I rub sun cream on them once they have gotten in their swimming costumes. I’m very generous with my application, and I cover Logan, too. This
takes me a bit longer; I love my hands on him. I give my head a wobble and ge
t myself ready for the day’s events.

I could gaze at this beautiful creature all day. I feel his hands on me. I’ll never tired of this sensation. But we wouldn’t ever get anything done or even get out of bed. I give myself another shake to take me out of my Logan daydream.

We meet Papa George and Granny Susan at the poolside after breakfast. The music is already booming out of the speaker. ‘Gentleman’ comes on and the girls shoot up to dance with the other kids.

Susan and George are in stiches laughing. “See that? The wife locked me out on the balcony, she forgot all about me,” George informs us as we approach their table.

“It was an accident I didn’t mean to. It was getting a bit chilly last night so I shut it for a bit, but I fell asleep,” Susan snapped.

“I woke up this morning face doon on the balcony floor, and I’ve put a dint in my sunglasses,” George snaps back.

“Only you George, you nutter.”

I couldn’t help but laugh; typical George.

We get our packed lunches ready and head to the bus stop.

“Cala Bassa beach today people,” I announce to no one in particular. The girls can’t wait; they’ve wanted to go to the beach as soon as we arrived at the airport.

“Yay, I can’t wait, Mum,” Amy shouts.

When we arrive we find a lovely spot by the rocks. The white sand slips between my toes. I take off my flip-flops and slide out of my shorts and top, and strip down to my bikini.

“Wow, there are more topless women on this beach. They must have so much confidence to walk about like that all day. I’m so grateful there are no bottomless men while I have my girls with me.”

Logan throws his head back in laughter, full on booming laughter. I don’t find it funny at all.

“We would be on the first bus back to the hotel if there was.”

Kayleigh and Amy set about making sandcastles and looking for shells, while we draw their names in the sand with pebbles. Afterwards, I rest on my towel to catch some rays.

“This is a stunning beach. This is so amazing, I love it here.”

Logan takes my hand in his and pulls me up towards him. He starts walking us toward the stunning looking water.

“You coming in, babe?”

I follow him into the light blue sea that is the colour of Logan’s eyes. I feel the soft, wet sand beneath my feet and I take off for a swim. I don’t have the energy to go too far into the water. The heat seems to take all the energy right out of me.

My self-doubt drifts away with the cool, salt water. I start to get used to the topless model type creatures around me. I realise that the whole beach is full of beautiful people, just all different, including us.

I take a walk with Logan along the sand.

“Hey, Logan, thanks for this. It really is beautiful here.”

“Anything for my babes.” He smiles and takes my hand. We walk along the shoreline, the water splashing against our legs. His eyes lock with mine as we saunter, the warmness in his eyes giving me butterflies in my belly. “Oh my god he’s hot,” I tell myself.

Shirtless and shoeless he is totally relaxed as we stroll along the beach. We come to the high rocks, where there are a few people standing on the edge looking down into the sea.

Curious, we walk across and beneath our feet are little rock pools. Beneath the water there are tiny crabs and fish.

“Totally breathtaking.” I tell him.

At the edge there is a lagoon; people jump off it into the sea.

"How brave are they?" Logan says.

As we stand watching these mad people jump off the edge, Logan smiles at me with a cheeky mischievous look in his eyes.

"Just as brave as us when we do it.”

He then leaps off the edge into the sea.

"Oh my god, what are you doing?” I screech at the top of my voice. My head sings to me ‘don't do it girl you will cause yourself yet another injury’. But my heart screams at my head ‘go for it girl, you can do this shit’.

I take a massive deep breath in, hold my nose and take the huge leap, surprising myself at my bravery. The water bubbles around my ears. “Swim,” I tell myself as I emerge
the blue bubbly water.

“Oh my god, I fucking did it. I did this shit. Whoop, whoop,” I splutter and screech, trying to catch my breath as I swim to the edge of the lowest part of the rocks to get out again. Logan is standing waiting for me, smiling his amazing white knock out smile. Extending his arm he takes my hand and helps me up onto the rocks.

"Babe, you’re amazing. You’re really facing those fears of yours.”

He draws me into his soaking wet chest, his body glistening in the sunlight. I hold onto his biceps and smile into him, never in my life would I have thought I would ever do that He helps me back across the rock pools.

We walk back up to the edge of the lagoon where the girls, Susan and George are waiting for us.

“My turn,” George beams a smile.

Logan and George walk around the edge of the rocks up to the highest point.

“That wouldn't be me up there,” Susan says looking at me and starts biting her nails.

“It sure as hell wouldn't be me either. I’m not that brave.”

With a run and a leap, Logan jumped off the edge followed by George. My heart jumps into my belly and hides.

“Awesome.” Kayleigh shouts.

The girls think it’s fantastic and giggle.

"Mum, this is so going on Facebook. No one will believe me otherwise.”

Kayleigh clicks away at her phone, taking as many shots as she can. Amy giggles nervously, amazed at what I’ve just done and what her dad and papa George are doing right now.


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