Sweet Harmony (14 page)

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Authors: Luann McLane

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Sweet Harmony
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“Why would you do such a thing to Jeff?”

“To let Jeff feel like he is truly better off with Cat than without her. He will be feeling the impact of the lyrics when Cat starts singing her part. I’m going to text Colin and tell him what I need him to do. Are you with me?”

“Of course.”

“And I need you to go out there and introduce Jeff.”

“The audience is going to be totally confused.”

“And what’s going to happen will knock them naked,” Maria said.

“If you say ‘naked’ again I might have to take you into my office and get you that way.”

Maria laughed. “Wow, you’re frisky tonight. I guess I should wear these boots more often.” She leaned in and gave Pete a kiss that held more than a hint of promise. “Now go and get the crowd stirred up. I’ve got to get to Cat before she heads out there to join Jeff.”

“You don’t think he’s going to be pissed not knowing what’s going on?”

“Yeah, but he’ll get glad again.” She grinned. “Now go! Hurry!”

“Okay.” Pete shook his head, but he was willing to do anything Maria asked of him. And he just bet that whatever she had up her sleeve was going to be amazing. But he couldn’t wait to find out just what that was.


If I Fell

AIT.” CAT PUT A HAND ON MARIA’S ARM. “JEFF HAS NO clue what’s going on? I . . . I think we should tell him.”

“The element of surprise will be better. I just came up with this on the spur of the moment. Only Colin and Pete know—not even Rick. I simply think the song is perfect for this little bit of drama. I know the concept will make an awesome music video. Are you ready for this?”

Cat nodded, but her stomach churned with an odd mixture of nervousness and excitement. Maria was right. This entrance could be really dramatic. Hopefully, the crowd would do as predicted and part, giving her the opportunity to sing her way over to Jeff. Otherwise the performance could turn into one hot mess.

Cat took the cordless mic from Maria and stood in the shadows while Pete introduced Jeff. Since the stage was raised a couple feet off the floor, Cat could see Jeff from where she stood. He appeared a little bit confused as he sat down on the stool, but he remained professional and
smiled at the cheering crowd. Did he think that she’d dipped out on him? Cat really didn’t like the thought of disappointing him even for a minute and she had to wonder whether this was part of Maria’s plan as well. Emotion was so much a part of singing, of performing and selling the lyrics. It wasn’t just about entertaining but having the audience connect to the song rather than just listen. Cat put a hand to her chest and closed her eyes. A moment later, Cat heard Pete’s booming voice and the noise suddenly died down. Oh boy . . .

“Hey, y’all, I wanna thank you for comin’ out to Sully’s tonight to support our very own Jeff Greenfield. We also have the amazing Rick Ruleman from My Way Records in the house!” he said, making the crowd erupt with applause. Rick stood up and waved. “And thanks to y’all chillin’ outside too! Is this exciting or what?”

Cat felt her heart start beating rapidly when she spotted the slight frown on Jeff’s face. She saw him try to get Colin’s attention but Colin refused to even glance his way.

“I think we can get Jeff to sing ‘Outta My Mind with Lovin’ You’ in a bit, but he’s got a current single getting some airplay called ‘Second Chances.’ Jeff, you ready to play your new song?”

Jeff nodded and then glanced over at the empty stool. A bit of buzz rippled through the crowd. Rick and Maggie bent their heads together, making Cat look over at Maria, who gave her a thumbs-up that was meant to be reassuring but wasn’t. A moment later Jeff strummed the first chord of the song and started singing: “All I want is a second chance. I’ll even settle for a second glance.”

Cat stepped into the room and sang: “But you left me crying when I needed you. Why should I believe that your heart is true?”

Jeff sang the next two lines while scanning the crowd for her. At first she was hidden from him but as predicted people parted, giving Cat a direct path to the stage. And
then he spotted her. Jeff homed in on her progress and she could tell that he was angry at being kept in the dark and he poured his emotion into the lyrics.

Cat lifted her chin and gave it right back. “When I needed love you turned me away. So tell me why I should come back to stay?” The crowd ate up the drama, the emotion that hung thickly in the air. Heads turned, craning to watch Cat approach Jeff. She paused halfway, bent forward, and belted out the heart-wrenching lyrics. “I had to leave you, couldn’t read you!”

“I said I’m sorry, but it wasn’t enough. I’m on my knees begging you, please. Give me a second chance,” Jeff countered. “I’ll even settle for a second glance.”

Cat started walking but kept her eyes on Jeff. They bantered back and forth and when Cat stepped up onto the stage Colin piped in the instrumental track so Jeff could put the guitar down. He grabbed the mic and faced Cat. “Show me you need me. Give me a second chance. Just get me started with a second glance.”

Singing the lyrics, Cat turned her back on Jeff, refusing to look at him. The audience was eating it up, waiting for the next line, the reconciliation that might not come. Jeff’s voice became gruff with emotion, begging her to give in, but she remained with her back to him while she sang her heart out.

They drew out the last note. Cat bowed her head and raised her fist skyward but just before the song ended she turned and gave Jeff the second glance he’d been begging for the entire song.

The crowd erupted with applause. Jeff was right. The song was about hope, about having tomorrow to make things right. Cat felt sudden emotion well up in her throat and when she turned all the way around she could see some of the same in Jeff’s eyes. He’d felt the power of the music too.

And so did the audience.

Cat glanced over to where Pete stood near the stage
and she saw him swipe at the corner of his eye with the heel of his hand. He looked over to where Maria sat and Cat saw them exchange a look filled with meaning.
Love is worth a second chance
. After a deep breath Cat let the applause die down and then said, “That song was written by Jeff Greenfield and Colin Walker.” She pointed to Colin, who inclined his head, and then she extended her arm toward Jeff. “It is an honor to sing it.”

Jeff gave her a nod and a smile but Cat could see that he was still a bit miffed at not knowing what was going on. She couldn’t blame him really, but he needed to get over it and go on with the set. He leaned in close and gave her a kiss on the cheek but said in her ear, “Don’t ever do that to me again.”

“‘Outta My Mind with Lovin’ You’!” someone shouted, and Jeff nodded. “You got it. Cat, want to sing along?”

Cat knew the song well and jumped in with the harmony. The edge to Jeff’s voice spoke volumes but Cat gave it right back to him. They ended the song face-to-face. A muscle jumped in his jaw but Cat didn’t back down and raised her chin. She was done with bowing down, holding back, and being told what she could or couldn’t do.

“‘Sail-Away Summer’!” shouted someone else.

Jeff gave her a nod and sat back. It irked Cat that he either wouldn’t or maybe couldn’t harmonize because he didn’t know the words. Or was it beneath him to sing one of her beach-themed hits? With a huge smile Cat reached behind her and picked up her guitar and started singing. Before long the audience was singing along and she forgot all about sulky Jeff Greenfield. He needed to get over himself. Seriously. No, she needed to get over him. She shot him a look hoping she’d feel pissed off and nothing else, but of course she felt a hot shiver of attraction.
. . .

Cat looked over at Maria. They were supposed to do only a few songs, but the crowd was clamoring for more.

Jeff leaned closer to her. “You know any Johnny Cash?” he asked with the arch of an eyebrow.

“Of course.”

“You know ‘Jackson’?”

“Absolutely.” Cat nodded. “I love me some Johnny Cash. Let’s do it.” She’d show him!

Jeff jumped right into the song and Cat jumped right with him. He even stood up and did some classic Johnny Cash moves that had the audience eating it up with a spoon. Cat tossed some sass right back at him and at the end of the song the audience jumped to their feet, giving them a standing ovation.

Cat looked over and Maria gave them the cutoff sign. Cat understood. That performance was great and she knew Maria wanted everybody to be talking about it. Leaving them wanting more could be a very good thing.

A moment later Pete stepped up onto the stage and swung his big hands in Cat and Jeff’s direction. “Let’s give Cat Carson and Jeff Greenfield a big round of applause,” he shouted, although he didn’t need to because the whistles and clapping seemed to go on forever without any need for encouragement. Pete finally had to raise his palms for silence. “Would y’all like to see these two out on the outdoor stage sometime soon?” Pete looked at Cat and Jeff and grinned. “I think they want y’all back,” he shouted into the mic. “And I just bet South Street Riot will join them,” he added, to the delight of the crowd.

With one last wave to the crowd Cat picked up her guitar and stepped down from the stage. As she walked over to the hallway leading to the offices and dressing room, she could feel tension radiating from Jeff. Even the heels of his boots sounded angry. Cat opened the door to what was considered the greenroom at Sully’s. After carefully placing her guitar in her case she picked up a bottle of water and took a swig, bracing herself for whatever was to come. She wondered whether Maria
and Rick were going to join them to critique the performance and hoped that they would, to put a buffer between her and Jeff.

“Just what the hell was that all about?” Jeff wanted to know.

“My delayed entrance was Maria’s brainchild, Jeff. I was only following orders.”

“Don’t you think it would have been nice for me to have a heads-up instead of sitting up there next to an empty stool feeling like a complete jackass?”

Cat sat her water bottle down so hard that liquid sloshed out of the opening. “Take it up with Maria, not me.”

“You knew, Cat. You could have clued me in.”

“The element of surprise enhanced the emotion. You have to agree.”

“So you would be cool with this happening to you?” He angled his head to the side and waited. “Come on, this was bullshit. Admit it.”

Cat would have agreed if he wasn’t forcing her to. “I don’t answer to you.”

“No, you don’t, and I don’t answer to you either, which is why I don’t want to be a damned duo. Because of this kind of crap! And I wasn’t about to sing—” he began, but then caught himself.

Cat saw red. She walked—no,
over and in her boots stood only a couple of inches shorter than him. She stopped directly in front of Jeff and tilted her head up in challenge. “Oh, let me guess, my shitty beach song that everyone in the audience could sing along to but . . .
.” She poked him in the chest. “Because you’re better than that?”

“Don’t poke me again,” he warned.

So of course she did. Harder.

Jeff nodded slowly. “See, this is where your having siblings would have warned you that you really shouldn’t have poked me in the chest again.”

Her gaze clashed with his. She slowly pulled her hand away and widened her eyes as if in fear. And then she poked him, twisting her finger around for good measure.

Jeff inhaled a deep breath, making his nostrils flare. He swallowed calmly and then said in a low tone, “You’re really going to regret that.”

“Not in this lifetime.” Cat felt a ripple of nervous excitement that had nothing to do with fear and stood her ground. “Do I look scared?”

“Yes.” He took a step closer.

“I’m not.”

“You should be.” He stepped even closer until she could feel the heat from his body. The top three mother-of-pearl buttons on his dark blue shirt were undone, giving Cat a glimpse of tanned skin. She longed to reach up and tug, making the remaining buttons pop open so she could splay her hands on his bare skin. “I’m just giving you fair warning.” He arched one dark eyebrow and licked his bottom lip as if in anticipation.

“I could take you with one hand tied behind my back,” she boasted, but the thought of being tied up sent a hot shiver down her spine. Cat’s chest rose and fell while she contemplated poking him once more. . . .

Or pulling his head down for a much needed, much wanted, oh so hot

Cat opted for a quick poke and pivoted on the heel of her boot in hope of a hasty retreat followed by a quick escape. But before Cat could turn away Jeff grabbed her and spun her back around. The whole spinning thing made Cat wobble and she teetered into the buffet table behind her, causing a plate of chocolate chip cookies she had been eyeing earlier to slide to the opposite edge before stopping. Water bottles fell to the floor with loud smacks and rolled away as if trying to escape.

“That was a mistake.” Jeff stood between Cat and the table, trapping her. He reached over and picked up her braid, wrapped it around his fist, and then tugged her
forward with just enough force to have her fall against him.

And then he crushed his mouth to hers in a hot, hard kiss.

Cat kissed him back, leaning against him. When his tongue touched her, a flash of heat traveled through her body with enough intensity to make her gasp. Never in her life had she wanted a man more than she wanted Jeff Greenfield. She reached in and tugged at his shirt, loving the sound of the snaps popping open. She splayed her palms on his chest, exploring smooth skin, silky hair, and sexy contours. His mouth found her neck and he kissed, nibbled, and licked until she felt as if she were melting from the inside out.

When he suddenly let go and walked away, Cat felt slightly stunned but before disappointment could settle in she realized that he was locking the door. With long strides he crossed the room and pulled her back into his arms and a moment later they were lying on the leather sofa. He kissed her deeply and when his hand cupped her breast Cat wrapped her legs around him and urged him on. She arched her back wanting more and when he tugged the peasant blouse over her shoulders she didn’t protest. His mouth found her shoulders and he rose up to begin a trail of light kisses over her bare skin to the top of her lacy demi-bra.

“God, I want you.”

“What about just being friends?”

“A moment of insanity.”

She laughed.

“I want to make love to you, Cat. But not here. I want you in my bed, where I can do this right. Where I can do this all night long.”

“I . . . like that plan,” she answered in a voice so breathless that she almost laughed at herself.

“We can escape out the side entrance, where my truck is parked, okay?” He rubbed his thumb over the swell of
her breasts, making her forget what he’d asked, but she nodded—at this point she would agree to make love to him on the roof of the building. He stood up and reached for her, tugging her to her feet. Of course, true to form, she stumbled against him and suddenly they were kissing and kissing . . .

And kissing.

Cat could feel the beat of his heart beneath his smooth, warm skin. She pulled her mouth from his and then pressed her lips against his bare chest. “I want to lick you like you’re one giant ice cream cone.”

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