Sweet Haven (The Sweet Series Book 2) (15 page)

Read Sweet Haven (The Sweet Series Book 2) Online

Authors: K.C. Lynn

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Sweet Haven (The Sweet Series Book 2)
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“That’s what I thought.” I fight like hell against the burning sensation in my chest. “
we can forget about it.” I walk around to my driver’s side door only to see Sam walk past my truck, heading out of the parking lot. “Where the hell are you going?”

She turns back around with tears streaming down her cheeks, the sight striking me like a stake to the fucking heart. “Home. I want to be alone right now.”

She turns her back on me again, her feet moving faster.


She doesn’t turn back around.

“Fuck!” I slam my hand against my truck before gripping my hair in frustration.

“Lover’s quarrel?”

I spin around to find Stephanie sauntering toward me with a smug smile.

“Fuck off, Stephanie. I’m not in the mood for your shit right now,” I say, reaching for my door handle.

“You had to know it wasn’t going to work out, Jase. She’s a stuck-up bitch just like the rest of her family.”

I turn back to her, my fingers gripping the door handle so tight my knuckles are white. “Say one word about her again and you’ll live to regret it.”

She crosses her arms angrily over her chest but there’s no denying the way her eyes flare nervously. I’d never hit a chick, but I swear if she fucks with Sam I’ll make her pay.

“It’s only a matter of time until Sawyer finds out.”

The mention of his name has my already hot blood pumping ruthlessly through my veins. A reminder that once again he will eventually take a girl from me. Only this time it’s one I actually care about.

“Stay the fuck away from me and stay away from Sam,” I say before getting into my truck and driving away.



walk downtown, window-shopping as I make my way to Overtime to give Zoey the four thousand dollar check I owe from the auction. It’s a big portion of my savings but worth every penny. Not only for the Center but it also bought me time with Jase that we might not have had otherwise.

Tears burn the back of my throat as I think about our fight the other night. It seems so silly now but at the time I was really hurt. What Madam Raman said really resonated with me. I’ve always felt this pull with Jase that I’ve never experienced with anyone else. That feeling of déjà vu, but the thought only seemed appalling to him. It hurt to think my feelings are possibly stronger for him than his are for me. But I shouldn’t have stormed off the way I did. I’ve missed him so much these past two days.

My plan was to call him this afternoon but then I remembered he works the night shift this evening, so I figure it’s best to wait and call him tomorrow. I pray we can move past it. I just want to go back to how things were before we went and saw Madam Raman.

I shove my turmoil aside as I come up to Overtime, focusing on the here and now. Walking in, I find the place pretty much empty, which I expected since they don’t open for another two hours. What I didn’t expect was Austin and Zoey in a heated discussion. They stand behind the bar, him crowding her against the liquor cabinet. He’s leaned in close, his arms caging her on either side. Zoey glares up at him but there is no denying the flush of her cheeks.

I consider quietly slipping out, not wanting to interrupt, but I don’t get the chance before Zoey notices me.

“Sam,” she says, surprise clear in her voice. She pushes against Austin’s chest. “Move out of my way, you bossy brute.”

He makes no effort to comply and instead leans in even closer. “This isn’t over, Zoey. I’m not giving up,” he murmurs before finally stepping out of her personal space and moving for the door.

“Hey, Austin,” I greet him awkwardly, hoping to ease some of the tension.

“Hey, Sam.”

“Not working today?” I ask.

“I’m on the night shift and headed there now. I just had to make a stop first,” he says, shooting a look Zoey’s way.

Her eyes narrow as she gives him a look of her own. The tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

“Well, have a good night and be safe,” I say.

He nods. “I always am. Take care.”

Hearing the door close behind me, I make my way over to Zoey where she sits on one of the bar stools. “What the heck was that about?”

She drops her forehead on the counter with a groan, the resounding thud making me wince. “God, Sam, I’m in serious trouble.”

Concern plagues me at the defeated sound of her voice. “Why? What happened?”

She lifts her head, pinning me with her tired eyes. “I slept with him.”

“Austin?” I screech, shock coursing through me.

She nods. “Yeah, the night of our date. And let me tell you, it was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. Not that I sleep around, but no one—and I mean no one—has ever done to my body what that man did to mine. He corrupted parts of me that I never even knew existed.”

I smile, knowing exactly what she’s talking about. “Sounds incredible.”

“Oh, it was incredible all right. Which is the problem, because it can never happen again.”

“Why not? You guys are perfect for each other.”

“I can’t. I have Chrissy to think about. When I’m not here working my butt off to pay for all the medical bills then I’m with her. I can’t let anything interfere with that. I’m all she has.”

My heart twists in my chest for both her and Chrissy. I wish she would let my family help her more, but she is so stubborn and refuses any financial assistance from us unless she’s really scrambling.

“Zoey, listen, I get it. I really do. You know how much Chrissy means to me as well but you need to have a life, too. She would want that. You can have both.”

She shakes her head, tears welling in her eyes, and it hurts me something fierce. Zoey isn’t a crier. For all the years I’ve been friends with her, I’ve only ever seen her shed a tear a time or two. She is one of the strongest women I know, but as time goes on, the responsibility of her sister is wearing her down.

I pull her in for a hug, squeezing her tight. “Just think about it, please?” I plead before leaning back to look at her. “I’ll bet Austin would not only respect your time with Chrissy but also be a part of it.”

She gives me a watery smile. “Yeah, maybe.”

is halfhearted and doesn’t give me much hope, but I don’t press, knowing that’s not what she needs right now. It will only make her back away more from the idea.

She waves a hand in front of her face before perfecting that mask of hers. “Anyway, enough about me. What’s going on with you? How are things with your sexy firefighter?”

I had planned to share with her what happened between Jase and me, wanting advice, but I decide she has enough on her plate right now without adding my problems to it. “Great.” The lie flows easily from my lips. “Actually, I came by to bring you this.” Reaching into my purse, I pull out the check and hand it to her.

Her brows bunch in confusion. “What’s this for?”

“For the auction, silly. Would you mind giving it to the fundraising committee?”

“Sam, Jase already paid for it.”

Every muscle in my body stills. “What?” I ask, swearing I misheard her.

“He paid it a few days after the auction. He didn’t tell you?”

I shake my head, shock robbing me of words.

“I was pretty surprised myself when he came in,” she says, since all I can do is stare at her like an idiot. “When I asked why he was paying for it he said the last person who should ever pay for a date is you.”

My heart melts into a giant puddle of goo, tears stinging my eyes.

“It was pretty much the same thing Austin said to me.”

“Austin paid for yours, too?” I ask past my burning throat.

She nods. “Yeah, the sweet fucker.”

A laugh explodes from me but quickly turns into a sob and now it’s me who drops my forehead on the table.

“Sam? What is it? What’s wrong,” Zoey asks, her hand rubbing soothing circles on my back.

I shake my head, not knowing how to explain what I’m feeling. About Jase and me, about moving, about everything Madam Raman said…

Lifting my head, I look at Zoey and see her eyes dark with concern. “Do me a favor, will you?”

“Of course, anything,” she says.

“Give me your hand.”

Frowning, she does as I say.

My fingers encircle her wrist as I hold her palm up next to mine. “Curl the tips of your fingers just a bit.”

She does but what I thought might happen doesn’t. There is no heart, only our lines flowing into one another.

“Uh, Sam? Are you feeling okay?” she asks slowly. Seeming to fear for my mental state.

A smile of contentment spreads across my lips as I continue to stare at our hands. “Yeah. Actually, I’m more than okay.”



oly shit, what the fuck?” Declan hollers, jumping back from his locker when he opens it and a naked inflatable chick jumps out at him, hitting him in the face.

Laughter fills the room; Cam’s being the loudest since it was his prank.

“Phillips, you asshole,” Declan yells, whipping the doll at him.

“Aw, come on, rookie. It’s a present from me to you. Look, her mouth is even open, waiting for your cock.”

Another round of chuckles fill the room. Playing pranks on rookies is a common thing, we all had to endure it at one point, but Declan gets it the worst since his uncle is the fire chief for the entire division of Colorado.

I, however, don’t find today’s prank as funny as everyone else but that’s because I’m pissed off. It’s been two days since I’ve spoken to her. I miss her like fucking crazy but I have too much pride to apologize first. However, if I don’t hear from her soon, I’m caving. I need to be with her. I don’t want to waste the rest of our time together fighting. I want to spend it with her—inside of her.

“What’s up with you?” Jake asks me as I slam my locker shut, harder than necessary.

“Nothing,” I mutter, but we all know I’m lying. These guys are my best friends and know me better than anyone else. Actually, we’re more than friends.

Here, we’re brothers.

“Trouble in paradise?” Cam asks, earning himself a glare from me. “Thought so.” He chuckles.

“Why, what happened?” Austin asks.

I drop down on the bench and let out a heavy breath. “I don’t know. We went to the street festival the other night and she wanted to see this psychic. The lady was a fucking nut job.” I tell them the whole story, right up until the moment Sam stormed away.

“Soul mates? Past lives?” Jake grunts in disbelief.

“Exactly, it’s bullshit.”

“So you think Sam’s mad because you didn’t believe this lady?” Austin asks.

I shrug. “I guess so. She said it wasn’t about that but what else could it be?”

“Depends. How much of an asshole were you?” he asks with a smirk.

“I wasn’t. Not to her anyway. Only to Madam Juju but she deserved it. You should have seen the way she messed with Sam’s head.”

It still pisses me off just thinking about it.

“Maybe Sam’s upset because you thought it was impossible to love her in another life,” Cam says, cutting back in. “Chicks are sensitive like that.”

Austin lifts a brow at me. “Never thought about that. He could be right.”

“Of course I’m right,” he shoots back. “We’ve talked about this. I know chicks. I know what they want. Why do you think I get laid so much?”

We all grunt, but I think about what he said. Could she be upset about that?

Haven’t you felt it, Jase. Like we’ve done this before? From the first moment you touched me, I swear my heart remembered it. How do you explain that?

Like I said before, we have a connection—a strong one. One I’ve never had with anyone else. But that doesn’t mean that chick is right and even if she were, it wouldn’t matter anyway.

“I don’t see why she would be mad about that when she’s the one leaving in a few weeks,” I grumble, speaking my thoughts, which only adds to the restriction in my chest. I’ve barely survived these past two days without her. How the hell am I supposed to survive when she’s gone for good?

“Is she still leaving?” Jake asks.

I shrug. “I guess so.”

“What, you guys haven’t talked about it?”

“No. I don’t like to talk about it because I don’t want her to fucking go,” I admit for the first time out loud.

“Then tell her that, you idiot,” Cam says, making it sound so easy.

I shake my head. “No. I won’t do that to her. She wants to be closer to her family, and I won’t take that from her.”

No matter how much I want to.

“Take it from me, boy, you’re better off,” the captain says, walking in with a slice of pizza in his hand. “Get a dog. They’re much less complicated than women.”

Another collection of grunts fill the room. Now this guy has merit when it comes to this shit. He’s been married three times. Part of the reason why he’s so cynical, I think. Finding a woman who will stay committed to us and our jobs is not easy and he’s proof of that.

I could see Sam doing it though—respecting it…
Stop right there, Crawford. It’s never going to happen.

Jesus, I’ve never been this messed up over a girl before. Of course it had to happen with one who is moving across the fucking country to live next to a guy I hate.

Cap’s right. I’m getting a fucking dog.

Before any of us can say more, the tone sounds, alerting us of a call and putting everyone into motion. Dispatch gives us the location as we all rush to gear up.

Attention, Fire Station Two. Two car collision located northeast of Deerbrook Road. One driver possibly intoxicated and one victim trapped inside an overturned vehicle.

The engine roars to life, sirens crying out as we all pile in and move out. Mikey stands at the overhead door, seeing us off before closing up.

That first surge of adrenaline rushes through my veins, this is what we wait for, what we train for.

Cap radios dispatch, stating that we’re en route with an ETA of four minutes. Every prior thought is eliminated as we speed through the night. The only thing that matters right now is who is waiting on the other side of this call.

Arriving at the scene we find a Dodge pickup with a dented front end sitting haphazardly in the road. The other car is wedged between a ditch and a light pole, the driver’s side a mangled mess.

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