Sweet Savage Heart (52 page)

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Authors: Janelle Taylor

BOOK: Sweet Savage Heart
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Rana squirmed as the tension built within her. She wanted to relax, but found it impossible. Her body seemed taut with anticipation of something she knew would be wild and wonderful. Passion’s flames licked over her body and seared it. The peak and canyon located in the core of her womanhood throbbed and pulsed as he delivered an erotic attack on them. She cautioned herself to remain alert and silent, but she feared she was losing her wits and would cry out in sheer bliss. Her hips began to arch madly as overpowering spasms assailed her, inspiring him to increase his endeavors to give her supreme satisfaction. While her womanhood was still quivering from the thrill of his success, he moved atop her and thrust his aching manhood deep within that tingling crevice. To his surprise, her passion and hunger returned instantly, indicating to both of them that her womanhood was extremely sensitive to whatever he chose to do there. As if insatiable, she responded feverishly to his thrusting.

His lips greedily drank from her hardened nipples as his hips repeatedly and seductively pounded his manhood into her receptive body. Her total surrender, her fiery responses, and her coaxing actions sorely strained his control. She was moaning against his lips and clinging
to him, revealing the height of her arousal. His mouth was insistent upon hers, his tongue teasing over her lips before his own hungrily fastened on hers. She matched his pace and they worked in unison toward the mutual goal looming before them. Ecstasy exploded within her again and her teeth sank almost savagely into his shoulder as she attempted to halt her outcry of rapture and victory. He felt her clinging to him as if in fear for her life. He was charged with energy and fierce cravings, and he rode her as skillfully and wildly as a wild mustang. Together they scaled the summit and experienced the power of passion’s fusion. Then slowly and dreamily they drifted back to reality.

Rana felt exhausted but totally content. This bout of lovemaking had been a journey into ecstasy beyond description or comparison. Her body felt limp and aglow; her heart was surging with love and peace. He was a skilled lover, and his sexual prowess had rewarded her greatly. He was so gentle, yet so demanding and giving. She wiped away the glistening beads of moisture from his face and smiled into his twinkling eyes. “You know many mating secrets that you must teach me,” she whispered into his ear.

The candlelight flickered over her serene face as he suppressed happy chuckles, for he knew what she was feeling at that very moment and what rapture he had given her. He tingled at the memory. Drawing her ear close to his, he murmured, “I will teach you all I know,
and we will enjoy and improve our skills together when I return. There is no spot on you that I do not love and desire. There are many exciting nights ahead for us.”

She shifted her head to stare into his eyes, beaming with love and anticipation. “Many nights, and many days, my love. Promise you will return safely to my life-circle. It cannot be complete without you.”

He hugged her fiercely and vowed, “With the guidance and love of
Wakan Tanka,
I will return to you, my love. But if I died this very night, I would meet the Great Spirit knowing you have given my life its true meaning and have brought me happiness beyond measure.”

Their lips fused and they nestled into each other’s arms, knowing and dreading what the new day would bring.

Chapter Fourteen

Shortly after dawn, Travis quietly dressed and headed for the cookhouse to meet with Mace Hunter and Cody Slade, who were awaiting his arrival and final orders. Darby and Bart Davis were standing with Mace and Cody outside the wooden structure, and all four men were drinking coffee and discussing the current situation. Before Travis reached them, Todd Raines rode up and, after securing his mount’s reins to a corral post, joined the small group. Travis eyed the five men as he walked toward them and realized how lucky the Rocking
Ranch was to have these loyal and skilled hands working on it.

After they exchanged congenial greetings, Travis told them the same false tale he had written in Clarissa’s letter. He hated to deceive these good men who were his friends, but he could not allow even the slightest chance of anyone carelessly dropping a hint about him in the wrong ear or being coerced by brutal force into revealing his daring plan. Few men could hold silent while being tortured or while watching a loved one undergo such pain, and Travis knew that Caldwell was not above obtaining information by any means necessary. If he was lucky enough to retrieve the gold—their last chance to
retain the ranch—he certainly couldn’t risk having any of Caldwell’s men ambush him and steal it.

After the Davis brothers and Todd Raines had headed off to begin their chores, Travis advised Cody Slade, “If I were you, Cody, I would settle my claim on Mary Beth Sims
Caldwell has serious sights set on her, and I know you and Mary Beth don’t want her father handing her over to that snake. If you want that girl, you’d best figure out something quick. Ask for Nate’s help; he’ll give it.”

The sandy-haired man scowled at hearing Travis’s confirmation of his suspicions. “You’re right, Trav; I’ll take care of it soon. I sure don’t want to lose her. A woman like her comes along only once.”

Cody’s hazel eyes widened in surprise when Travis handed him a sealed letter and told him to deliver it to Clarissa Caldwell that afternoon. “I’m sure you’ll find her in town for the big celebration. We don’t want her worrying over my second absence and nagging you again,” he teased devilishly and winked at his two best friends. “Mace, you decide if you want any of the boys to have time off today to go into town. I know your bunch deserves it after that long cattle drive and ride home, but this is a bad time for too many of them to be off the ranch. A holiday would be the perfect time for a surprise attack.”

“You’re right, and I’m sure the boys will understand and agree.”

“Nathan also thinks it would be best for him to stay around here. No need to let Caldwell rile him. And he doesn’t want Rana bothered.”

“How is Miss Rana? I haven’t seen her around. You must be keeping her locked up. Mace and the boys are real anxious to meet her,” Cody remarked playfully as he stuffed the letter into his pocket.

“Cody tells me Nate’s granddaughter is a real beauty,
Trav. I bet you enjoy having her all to yourself. ‘Course I would imagine Miss Clarissa Caldwell is not too happy about Miss Rana’s return. She has heard the bad news, hasn’t she?” Mace inquired with a grin. His sunny blond hair gleamed in the morning sunshine and his azure eyes glowed with undisguised curiosity. Being six feet three, Mace was at an eye level with Travis, and he studied his friend’s reaction intently.

Not wanting to inspire romantic gossip about him and Rana during his absence, Travis shrugged and sighed. “Cody took a shine to her right off; too bad he already has a sweetheart. He’s right, though; Rana Michaels is a real charmer, Mace, so you’d best be alert around Nate’s granddaughter or you’ll be following Cody’s flowery path.”

Cody laughed and wailed, “What’s so bad about love and marriage? Especially with a radiant creature who’ll inherit all this?”

“Aren’t you forgetting I’m Nate’s adopted son?” Travis teased casually, inspiring their laughter. “Besides, I’ve been working on Caldwell’s only heir for years, and a man don’t switch horses in midstream during a storm. I’ll admit Rana is the prettiest vixen I’ve seen; she looks like that picture of her mother over Nate’s mantel, and I’ve admired that beauty for years. But we all know that the most beautiful women are usually selfish and vain, and nothing but big trouble for a man.”

Cody shook his head and protested amiably, “Not Miss Rana. I’ve never met a gentler or nicer lady. She’s real smart and kind. I liked her right off, and I want her and Mary Beth to become friends.”

Travis did not want to seem mean or suspicious, so he grinned and added, “You’re right, Cody, but she’s a mite young and willful for me. She’s making Nate happy, so that’s all that matters right now. You haven’t been playing big brother to her, so you don’t know how ornery
she can be. She’s bullheaded and cocky, and she doesn’t like to be bossed. You two keep an eye on her, ‘cause she’s a wild and restless filly. I guess you can’t blame her too much, considering how she was raised. She thinks she can do anything a man can do, or better, so make sure she doesn’t interfere with our problems or get into trouble. She’s a real handful, and you two are probably the only ones who can handle her for Nate. She should be staying close to the house, ‘cause Nate’s got the schoolteacher coming over nearly every day to help her adjust to our white ways. She’ll straighten out soon, but be alert for any mischief or danger. After what happened to Marissa, Nate would be crushed if anything happened to his granddaughter.”

“Don’t worry, Trav, we’ll look after Nate and Miss Rana for you,” Mace replied seriously. “We’ll also keep a sharp eye on the herds and fences. We’ve taken too many losses. You sure you don’t want me to ride with you to look for those varmints? I feel responsible for losing that cattle money. I know what it means to you and Nate.”

Travis empathized with his friend. “It couldn’t be helped, Mace, and we don’t hold you responsible. I will need your help with the payroll. We only have enough money to hand out about a third of their June pay, and I don’t know what will happen this month. If you can get them to hold out for the rest of their money until the first of the month, I’ll give each one ten dollars extra. Any man who has a problem with waiting, like Darby with all those kids, pay him what you can and leave off his and Todd’s rent. We’re all in for some rough times, Mace, so if any of the boys need to move on, tell ‘em we understand and we’ll get their money to them as soon as we can. If we don’t recover that cattle money or get another loan, this place will be finished; then you boys will find yourselves working for Caldwell or moving on.”

“No, sir! We know Caldwell is behind this trouble, so how can you stand courting his daughter?” Mace inquired boldly. “From what I see and hear, she’s too much like her pa. She doesn’t deserve you, Trav. You need a good woman, like Cody’s sweetheart.”

Cody realized their talk was moving in a private direction, so he bid Travis farewell and dismissed himself. Travis and Mace walked a short distance for privacy. The foreman inhaled deeply, then slowly released the spent air. “Listen to me, Mace. I’m not going to search for those bandits; I’m sure you and the boys didn’t overlook any clues, and I’m not riding to St. Louis to seek a new loan. I have another plan in mind, but it’s dangerous and it might not work. Even if it does, it’ll take me a month to check it over. I told the boys that false story because I can’t risk anyone dropping clues about my whereabouts and business. Time’s short, so I’ll fill you in after I get back.” When Travis revealed who and what Wes Monroe and Jackson Hayes were, Mace realized why Travis had to keep his impending journey a secret.

“You mean they’re the ones who tried to kill you years ago?”

“That’s right, but it doesn’t seem as if they remember me or, if they do, they can’t place me. When I return, I’m going to settle up with them. I’m telling you these things because I know you’re one of the few men who would die before loosening his tongue and betraying a friend. Cody told you what happened over at the McFarland place, so you know Wes and Jackson have ways of making men talk. Watch out for those two gunslingers, Mace. I’ve got scars to prove bastards don’t come any worse than them. As for Clarissa, that letter is only a trick to entice her to keep Caldwell off Nate’s back while I’m gone. I’d bet she’s as deep in this mud as her father is.” He unflinchingly revealed the letter’s contents to his best
friend. “And as for Rana Michaels, between you and me, I plan to marry that little minx when I return.”

Mace laughed heartily. “So I wasn’t wrong about that sparkle in your eye. Is she willing to go along with your plans for her?”

Travis smiled and nodded. “It’s strange, Mace, but the minute we met, it was like we had been waiting for each other all our lives and nothing could have stopped us from meeting. I can’t explain how deeply that woman touches me. If any two people belong together and are perfect for each other, it’s Rana Michaels and Travis Kincade. Lordy, I never thought I would be saying or thinking such things and surely not feeling them, but it’s mighty nice,” he admitted cheerfully. A worried look crossed Travis’s face then, and he speculated, “You know the Caldwells think they might get this ranch through Clarissa and me marrying, so I don’t want them viewing Rana as a snag in their plans. I detest that Caldwell bitch, but I’ll do whatever’s necessary to guard Rana and Nate from her and her father. Rana has enough problems as it is. Leaving the Indian camp to return home was hard on her, so do what you can to protect her and to help her adjust.”

“I sure am glad you see through that wicked harlot. What happens if the Caldwells don’t fall for your letter and deception? Miss Rana could be in real danger.”

Travis mulled over that possibility. “If they get one look at her, they’ll know I would never pick Clarissa over Rana. Unless Rana’s really mean to me or she prefers another…” Travis’s eyes brightened. “That’s it: if she prefers another man, like the handsome and charming Mace Hunter,” he suggested with a sly grin.

“You’re joshing, aren’t you?” Mace inquired.

“No, I’m not, old friend. If she can go along with my pretense with Clarissa, I can go along with her pretense with you.” Travis related how they were planning to deal
with Clarissa. “Until Rana and I can openly express our feelings, you pretend to be her sweetheart to keep her safe. Will you do this for us, Mace?”

“You know I’ll do whatever you ask, Trav, but isn’t this a mite dangerous? If she’s as perfect and beautiful as you and Cody let on, I might become captivated by her. If you’re gone too long, we might forget we’re playing a game. What if we fall in love?” he teased.

Travis retorted, “Keep reminding yourself she’s mine and don’t play the game unless it’s absolutely necessary. Time’s awasting. I have to tell her and Nate good-bye and get on the trail. Take care of them and the ranch for me. If something happens and I don’t…”

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