Sweet Spot: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (Bad Boys of Summer Book 2) (11 page)

Read Sweet Spot: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (Bad Boys of Summer Book 2) Online

Authors: Winters,KB

Tags: #Baseball romance, #Bad Boy Sports Romance

BOOK: Sweet Spot: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (Bad Boys of Summer Book 2)
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None of it seemed to phase Trey. As much as he hated the media—he was a natural with his fans. I’d halfway expected him to bitch about the attention or the interruptions, but he was incredibly gracious and kind to everyone who stopped us.

We’d capped off our sight-seeing tour with a couple of ice cream cones and took them to a relatively abandoned part of the waterfront and took a rest on a park bench.

Trey smirked over at me and dropped his eyes to my hand as it rested against my stomach. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking, but I swiped my hand away. “Right there with ya. Coach is gonna kick my ass tomorrow if I let all this slow me down.”

I laughed. “Coach Robinson’s kinda a hard ass?”

Trey shrugged. “Not really. He’s actually been pretty damn chill about all this.”

“This being…?”

He glanced over at me. “Just all the media shit and the lies, gossip, rumors. The whole front office and coaching staff have been really pro. I don’t know, I figured they’d be like my old team. They were super fuckin’ into me when I was hot, but the last year or two, well, shit happens. Ya know?” He paused and pointed out a large hawk circling the sky. “Damn, he looks big enough to carry away a small kid!”

I laughed and felt myself tipping to one side, almost as though my body took over and decided to lean into him. Trey’s other arm was resting along the back of the bench. All I’d have to do is relax back and let him gather me against him. So far, I’d managed to avoid too much physical contact with him. Our hands or arms brushed together at a few points during the day, and any time he took a picture with a fan, he’d insist on getting me in there too, introducing me as a famous reporter from Oklahoma City. I was sure it was just a ploy to get his arm around me, but it made me smile nonetheless.

“Anyway, what was I—oh—right, well my old team got pissed and then it was like all the stuff they’d ever wanted to say just came out in one big wave. It was pretty nasty toward the end.”

I ducked my chin, overwhelmed by the solemnness in his tone. “I’m sorry, Trey. That sounds awful. I mean, to have all your teammates turn on you.”

He shrugged but I caught him flexing his jaw. “It’s fine. I mean, I could have handled it—if they’d kept me on.”

I cocked my head. “Are you sorry they traded you?”

Trey glanced over at me and considered my question for a long minute. After a while, he grinned softly. “Are you interviewing me, Ms. Crawford?”

I sat up straighter and my cheeks flushed with warmth. I was glad my sunglasses were blocking my eyes. I was sure if Trey could see them, he’d see my guilt. I still hadn’t told him about the orders to get an exclusive with him. I knew nothing he said off the record could be used. But I couldn’t help but want to get as much information about him as possible. I told myself it was for the sake of the story—getting the feel of him—but as the afternoon rambled on, it was getting harder to explain away my interest in getting to know everything about him—especially when the things I really wanted to ask had nothing to do with the exclusive story Mr. Jones wanted me to write.

“Just kidding, Jo.” He laughed and nudged me with his shoulder. “I’m not mad they traded me. I was…at first…but now…” He paused and gave me another long stare, his eyes searching for mine behind my oversize shades. “I’m pretty damn happy with the way it all turned out.”

He reached over and dragged his fingertips up along the side of my cheek. My heart pounded so hard in my chest, I could feel it in my earlobes. “You’re so fuckin’ beautiful, Jo.”

“Trey—” the protest came out as a pitiful girlie whisper.

There it went. I was gone—powerless against him. All of the reasons why kissing him would be a big mistake faded from my mind and the only thing left behind was aching desire for him to take me in his arms and kiss me the way I knew he could.

Trey leaned in and pressed his lips to mine and I sighed into the sweetness of the kiss. He lingered for a moment, as though he was tasting me, and then he pulled away. I whimpered, not nearly ready for it to be over. He kissed me again, harder—more urgent. “Damn girl! I need to get you alone. I’m not going to be able to control myself if I kiss you one more damn time,” he said, his voice a ragged whisper.

My eyes fluttered open and I licked my tingling lips, lapping up the taste of his kiss. “Don’t you have practice?”

Trey glanced around the waterfront. The sky was filled with clouds as the sun was about to set. It would be damp and dusky out soon. He dragged his eyes back to mine. “I got all night, baby.”

I sucked in a sharp breath at the dark hunger in his face and nibbled at my lower lip. I wanted him. There was nothing I could do to stomp down the heat radiating between my thighs. I knew I should run. Get my ass up and book it back to my hotel, bar the door, and throw my ass into a cold shower, but I also knew I couldn’t. I had to finish what we started. I needed just one night with Trey.

He took my hand and ran his thumb along the inside of my palm, tracing little circles that set my skin on fire. He grinned as I shuddered against the flurry of pleasure radiating over my body. Flurry, my ass—it was a fucking firestorm. He leaned in and whispered in my ear. “My hotel isn’t far from here.”

I nodded. Just one night.

I could hate myself in the morning.

Chapter Fourteen


Trey and I walked back to his hotel—with a noticeably quick pace—and the entire time my mind was in an argument between my body and my brain. I knew I was walking into the proverbial lion’s den, but with each footstep, my brain was losing the fight. Trey kept his arm wrapped around me and the fingertips on my side, tracing lightly up and down between my hip and ribs, won out and short circuited the last of my brain waves.

Trey grinned over at me as we reached his hotel, an enormous, glittering high rise in the heart of the city, and opened the front door for me. “Last chance to run,” he teased, his tone so smooth and confident—I wasn’t about to race away down the sidewalk.

I swallowed hard and ducked in through the door. His sweet little chuckle followed me into the hotel. I blinked a few times, trying to get my eyes to adjust to the brightly lit lobby. It was a sharp contrast from the darkish night we’d just left behind. Soft, jazzy music piped through the space that was decorated in a sleek, contemporary flavor. I worried that maybe I was out of place with my street clothes and messy, windblown hair. Trey, on the other hand, retained his effortless swagger and started off towards the elevators, tucking me back against his side as though we’d been together forever.

My whole body sizzled and I smiled to myself as I realized that everyone was looking at us as we crossed the hotel lobby. It was a little unnerving to get so much attention when we were out on the street, with fans approaching Trey for pictures and autographs, but now—with his arm around me—the attention thrilled me. The women we passed were probably envious, wishing they were the girl on his arm. The men were probably jealous of him, thinking he could get any woman he wanted.

Which, was apparently true.

I shoved the sour thought out of my head and smiled up at Trey as we rounded the glass elevators and waited for one of them to arrive. It didn’t matter who he’d been with before. Or who he’d wind up with after. For the moment—I was his—and I was going to relish every drop of the experience. “Everyone is staring at us,” I whispered, keeping my smile fixed in place.

He laughed and met my gaze. “I don’t even notice it anymore. Especially not when I’m with someone as damn beautiful as you are.”

Without another word, he leaned down and kissed me on the lips. It was a sweet kiss but the ending lingered a moment longer, like a silent promise of the steamy night that lay ahead.

“Damn…” I whispered under my breath.

An elevator dinged and Trey broke away with a dazed grin. “Come on.”

We stepped onto the elevator and I jumped as we started going up. The entire elevator was enclosed with thick glass, the shaft was glass as well, and as we rose up—too fast for my taste—I could see all the way down to the beautiful lobby as it got smaller and smaller. “Damn!” I gasped, my stomach swooping and dropping at the fast rise.

He laughed and wrapped me into an embrace so I wasn’t looking down anymore. “You afraid of heights, gorgeous?”

I nodded, cringing slightly. “Little bit…where are you? The top floor?”

Trey chuckled. “Nearly. I wanted a view of the waterfront and the front desk clerk was all too happy to hook me up.” He looked down and flashed me a wink.

“Oh. Let me guess, it was a female clerk that checked you in, wasn’t it?” I paused and he nodded. “What, did you sign her bra?”

“Can I plead the fifth?” he replied, grinning.

I groaned. “You’re shameless. Have I mentioned that?”

“You have. But…” he lowered his lips to my ear and his hot breath sent shivers down my back all the way to my panties. “I think you like it.”

I wanted to argue, to tell him that his cock of the walk attitude was the
sexy thing about him, but before I could object, he turned his head and caught my lips with his. All of the breath in my lungs was sucked out in a whoosh as he backed me up against the glass wall. A secret thrill went through me, thinking that all the people below, in the lobby, would be able to see us making out up against the elevator wall. For some reason—and I’d never been kinky or voyeuristic—it was damn sexy to think about other people watching us like that, pressed up against each other, unable to wait another minute to pounce on one another.

Trey’s kiss deepened as he parted my lips with his tongue and slipped it inside my mouth. Exploring. Conquering. A moan vibrated at the back of my throat and he ground his hips against mine, leaving no doubt that he was just as eager as I was to be alone together.

His hands slid down my sides, taking in my curvy hips. When they reached my ass he groaned with pleasure and the sound vibrated through me. I whispered his name against his throat with hungry desire. I was like an animal in heat. And we were still in the damn elevator!

His dark eyes cut to mine and I struggled to keep my heavy lids open. I wanted to lose myself in him, in the moment, as the fantasies that had been playing in my mind started to come to life right in front of me. Not that I’d ever admit that I’d had fantasies about him. His ego was already too much out of control.

He grinned at me, like he already knew, and I smiled up at him. “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing,” he replied, his voice thick. “I’ve just been thinking about getting you all to myself, baby, since the day I landed in Oklahoma City.”

His statement caught me off guard. Of all the women he probably had in his face, day in and day out, he was locked on me? “Oh, really?” I walked my fingers up the front of his shirt.

“Damn straight. You didn’t happen to pack those cowboy boots, did you?”

I giggled. “No. Silly, they didn’t fit in my suitcase…”


“I don’t dress like a cowgirl for all of my interviews, you know. You were pretty special.”

He laughed, the deep sound filling the elevator. Before he could reply, it glided to a smooth stop and a soft buzz let me know we’d arrived on his floor—93. He wasn’t kidding about wanting a view. I bet it’d make me dizzy. Although, something told me I wasn’t going to have long to admire it.

And I was right.

As soon as we were inside his large, sprawling room, I had about three seconds before he started undressing me, to take in the sweeping view of the Seattle skyline as the city became draped in darkness. He came up behind me as I stood at the floor to ceiling windows and wrapped his hands around my waist. His huge fingers crept under my shirt and slid up my stomach, raising my thin tee shirt until he reached the edge of my bra. I sucked in a nervous breath as he pulled my shirt up, over my head, and tossed it aside. His hands were warm on my skin and sent shivers vibrating all over me. I couldn’t help but wonder what those fingers would feel like inside me. They were so thick and strong.

Trey’s eyes followed his hands in the reflection of us showing in the shiny, semi-reflective, windows. Our eyes met and my stomach swooped just like it had in the elevator. This time it had nothing to do with an altitude climb. The look in his eyes was startling—like a wild animal ready to pounce on its prey. He was hungry. Ready for the feast. And I was excited to be the main dish.

Ready for every delicious second of it.

At least, I thought so.

I’d never been with a man like Trey before. He was the polar opposite of every other guy I’d been with. I usually fell into the classic nice guy routine. Bleh! The guy at the bar that tells funny jokes, laughs at his own cheesy line, and acts the total gentleman. There’s nothing wrong with those kinds of guys. But…dammit! They always left me feeling like I had an itch left to scratch. Hell, half the time I’d finish myself off when they went to go hit the shower, because they just hadn’t quite
me there.

Something told me that wasn’t going to be the case with Trey Delgado.

Trey grinned at me, his smile sparkling and alive with mischief and heat. “What are you thinking about?” he asked, lazily tracing his finger around my navel before dropping an inch lower to toy with the button on my jeans. “You look distracted.”

I glanced over my shoulder to the real Trey, not his reflection, and smiled. “I’m not.”

“You’re not gonna tell me you’re a virgin, are you?” he asked with a soft chuckle.

I scoffed. “No. Although I’m sure you’d like it if I was.”

He laughed. “Baby girl, I want you any way I can get you. It doesn’t matter who’s been with you before. I’m gonna make you forget about every single one of those sorry fuckers.”

My own laugh died on my lips when he whipped me around and pressed me against the cool window. He crushed his lips against mine and his tongue slipped past my lips and circled the tip of my own. I groaned into his mouth and his hands went to work on removing the rest of my clothes with startling accuracy. I tore at his tee shirt, desperate to get his hot skin against mine. And damn he was hot! He gave me a half-cocked grin before pulling it off with one hand and letting it drop beside my discarded clothing.

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