Sweet Temptation (3 page)

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Authors: Maya Banks

BOOK: Sweet Temptation
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ngelina glanced over at Micah as he roared into the parking lot of his apartment complex. Of course it wouldn’t have occurred to him to take her to where she was staying. He wanted to bawl her out on his turf.

She had to suppress a smile as he turned to her, his scowl still in place. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t expected stiff resistance. He was Micah after all, and it would take more than one night to make him see her as anything other than David’s little sister.

“Inside,” he directed as he opened his door.

Angelina reached for the handle and hopped out of his truck before he could come around to collect her. She met his gaze evenly, and his scowl deepened as he clasped her elbow and guided her toward the building.

At the door, he fumbled with the keys, shoved it open and herded her inside. He flipped the lights on, and she blinked as she glanced around.

The place looked so sterile and uninviting, as if no one really lived here. It reminded her of her own hotel room, where she lived out of a suitcase and never made herself at home.

It wasn’t the Micah she was used to. She’d spent a lot of happy hours at his, David’s and Hannah’s house. But then Hannah had made it that way.

Her mouth drooped, and she wiped at it in an attempt to remove the unhappiness that arose when she thought of David and Hannah.

Micah dropped his keys on the coffee table then spun her around to meet his gaze.

“Now suppose you tell me what the fuck is going on here, Angel.”

She smiled at his use of the nickname he’d given her. Butterflies danced in her stomach until she was left with a queasy sensation. How much to tell him? What was she supposed to say?

I’m running, Micah. To you. I need you. I love you. I’m scared. I love you. I want you to love me too.

None of it seemed like a good idea. She sounded desperate and not in control, and the last thing she wanted to do was face Micah with any disadvantage.

“Why are you so angry?” she asked in an effort to diffuse some of the explosive tension.

His jaw twitched suspiciously. “Okay, let me start with the basics here.” He dropped his hand from her elbow and began counting off on his fingers. “One, what the hell were you doing in The House? Two, why didn’t you immediately divulge your identity when I walked up? Three, what are you doing in Houston? Four, why didn’t you tell me you were in town? Five, the coincidence of you showing up at the same club I frequent is staggering. I don’t believe for a moment you didn’t know you’d see me which brings me back to number one.”

“Wow. Just wow, Micah.”

She trembled with anger. Her fingers curled into fists at her sides as hurt and an old sense of betrayal washed through her all over again.

No longer able to keep eye contact with him, she turned sharply, her chest heaving. It was more difficult than she’d thought. She wanted to lash out at him, ask him why he’d left her.

He turned her around again, cupped her chin in his hand and forced her to look at him. “This can’t come as a surprise to you, Angel. How did you think I’d react? Don’t look at me with those hurt eyes and play the victim here.”

She tried to step away, but he held her firm.

“Tell me something, Micah. If the mask had stayed on, would you have taken me home and had sex with me?” she taunted. “You wanted me. You can’t deny it.”

His eyes blazed with a mixture of heat and anger, as though he remembered all too well his reaction.

They were interrupted by a knock on the door. Micah scowled and then shot her a warning stare. “Don’t move.”

She shrugged and watched him walk away. A sigh escaped, and her shoulders slumped downward. Damn it, none of this had gone the way she’d planned. She hadn’t intended him to find out her identity the way he had. Maybe the entire idea had been stupid, but she’d wanted to make him see the woman she was before she revealed her identity.

A moment later, he returned, her keys jingling in his hand. He slapped them down on the coffee table next to his.

“Damon had your car brought here.”

She nodded.

He stared at her for a long moment, and then he closed the distance between them, this time turning her away from him. His fingers trailed over her back and pulled at her shirt.

“Are you all right?” he asked quietly. “Did I hurt you badly?”

She sucked in her breath when his palm met her bare flesh and soothed over the welts that still heated her back.

“No, you didn’t hurt me,” she said huskily.

His hand stilled on her back, and he hastily arranged her shirt. There was too much tension emanating from him. It was thick and unwieldy between them.

She turned and without giving him any warning pushed into his arms, hugging him tight. He tensed even more but didn’t push her away.

“I missed you so much,” she choked out.

“Hell,” he muttered as he wrapped his arms around her.

“Why did you leave?”

It burst from her before she could call it back. She rested her forehead on his shoulder thinking how badly she’d screwed up this entire reunion.

He grasped her shoulders and gently pulled her away from him. “Listen to me, honey. You and I have a hell of a lot to discuss. I want you to sit down and talk to me, okay?”

She allowed him to guide her down onto the couch.

“Are you hungry? Thirsty?”

She shook her head.

He retreated to an armchair diagonal to the couch and sank down with a heavy sigh. His unruly hair dangled below his ears, and he dragged a hand through the slight curls until it pulled them away from his face. The diamond in his left ear glinted in the light, an earring she’d given him for Christmas. Would he even remember that fact?

“I couldn’t stay, Angel. You of all people should know that.”

“No, I don’t know that. Or maybe I do and I’m still angry,” she admitted. “I had no one, Micah. You, David and Hannah were my only family. They died and you left. Can you even try to understand how that made me feel? I was alone, scared to death, and my world had been turned upside down.”

“You had the force,” Micah said gruffly. “They never turned their back on family. They would have done anything you needed.”

Anger heated her veins, and her pulse thrummed fiercely. “Would they? They all thought David betrayed you, that he was leaving with your wife when they had their accident. They weren’t lining up to offer me anything. To them I was the sister of the cop who betrayed another cop, and I couldn’t tell them any different. I couldn’t tell them the truth about what Hannah was to both of you because then I would have been betraying

He stared at her, his eyes raw with regret. “God, Angel, I’m sorry. I won’t lie. I wasn’t even thinking about you or how it must have looked when David and Hannah died together. I just had to go or go crazy. I couldn’t stay there after losing them both. I never thought ...”

He closed his eyes. “I never meant to hurt you, Angel. You’re David’s sister. I should have taken care of you, protected you. How did you—?” His voice cracked. “How did you make it? What did you do?”

She blew out her breath. “I didn’t intend to make this a guilt fest, Micah. What’s done is done. I survived. I was angry and hurt, maybe more than I thought. Seeing you again brought it all back. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blurted it out like that.”

She stood, rubbing her hands down her pant legs. “I should go. It’s late.”

He rose abruptly, his eyes flashing ominously. “We aren’t finished, Angel. Not by a long shot. You still haven’t told me what you’re doing here, why you were at The House, and what the hell you were doing naked in front of all those damn people.”

She smiled faintly as she watched the tension creep back into his face. Despite the fact that he’d abdicated any responsibility toward her, he seemed suddenly gripped by the urge to protect her from all the big bad wolves out there. Only he was the biggest, baddest wolf, and she didn’t want to be protected from him.

“I think it’s best if we don’t discuss that,” she said in an even tone.

His mouth gaped open and then his lips snapped together in anger. “You don’t get to decide what we do and don’t discuss. You’re not going anywhere until you give me some answers, baby doll.”

It made her positively quivery when he got authoritative. She’d always loved that about him, his alpha take-charge attitude. She craved him and that power, had been drawn to it since before she understood what exactly it was that attracted her to him.

Part of her wanted to acquiesce, to offer her submission and give herself over to his keeping, only she knew better than to think it was what he wanted from her. Oh, she knew he wanted her obedience, but he wanted the obedience of a child, not of the woman she was. He was bent on seeing her as the teenage sister of his best friend—a friend he’d shared the woman he’d married with.

“I’m well aware that you’re a man used to getting your way. But this time, I’m afraid you’re destined for disappointment. You wouldn’t like my answer anyway, so it’s better to end tonight on a more positive note.”

He stared at her in utter disbelief. When she started to move toward the door, he stepped in front of her, his eyes narrowed to slits.

“Oh hell no, Angel girl. That isn’t the way things are going to work. You have a hell of a lot to answer for.”

“I don’t answer to you, Micah,” she said evenly. “You don’t want anything from me. You’re not ready to offer me anything. When that changes, we’ll talk.”

She glimpsed his astonishment as she scooped up her keys and headed for the door.

“Angel, damn it!”

She opened the door and hurried into the night, ignoring his command for her to get her ass back inside. She didn’t stop until she got to her car, and she refused to look up, knowing she’d see Micah standing there.

Doors locked, she cranked the engine and backed from the parking spot as Micah pounded on her window. With a quick glance in his direction to make sure she wasn’t going to hit him, she accelerated out of the lot and left him standing in the dark, staring after her.


ngelina let herself into her hotel room and tossed her keys onto the bed. The interior was dark and somewhat gloomy, with only a dully lit lamp to offer illumination. It certainly wasn’t the best of accommodations, but this would be the last place someone would look for her. At least she hoped.

She trudged into the bathroom and turned the hot water on in the sink. A shower would feel good, but she didn’t want to erase Micah’s touch or to relieve the slight heat that was still present from his whip.

She washed her face, brushed her hair and pulled it back into a ponytail. A glance in the mirror told her she looked tired. Hollow-eyed and worried.

She stripped out of her clothes, left them on the floor of the bathroom, and walked nude back to where her suitcase lay on the bed. She shoved it off, not bothering to pull on a shirt. Bed was calling her name, and she didn’t waste any time answering.

She lay on her belly, letting the draft from the rattling air conditioner blow over her back. Dreamily, she closed her eyes and relived those moments before Micah discovered who she was, when for a while she’d been his to command.

He’d wanted her, wanted her desperately. She’d seen the lust in his eyes, felt the tremble of his hands on her flesh. The barely restrained power she’d sensed boiling within him had been like a drug to her. Addictive, alluring. Intoxicating.

She’d always known how it would be with Micah, and it seemed she’d spent most of her life waiting and wanting. She’d entertained herself with vivid fantasies of him capturing her, of him forcing her to his will. His possession.

She shivered, her belly clenching as she remembered every single sound he’d made, his breathing, his words. His lips on hers, his taste. How he felt.

Longing didn’t begin to cover the magnitude of her feelings. She needed him as she’d never needed anyone else. David and Hannah were family. David was her brother, and Hannah was as much a sister to her as she could be. But Micah? From the beginning, she’d separated Micah into a whole different category. One forbidden to her but no less tempting.

If it would bring David and Hannah back, she’d give up any hope of having Micah. Micah had loved Hannah deeply, and as much as Angelina herself loved Micah, she’d stand on the outside looking in forever if it meant having her family again.

But they were gone. She and Micah were left. She knew him like no one else did. She knew his secrets, his desires, the man behind the easygoing façade. She could give him what he needed, but would he ever decide she was what he wanted?

“No guarantees in life, Angel baby,” she whispered, smiling sadly as David’s words floated from her lips.

A sound at her window made her freeze. Then she laughed and buried her face in her pillow. What a jumpy moron she was. She was on the fourth floor of a shabby hotel. Who’d be at her window? Spider-Man?

She had to quit flinching at shadows and looking over her shoulder at every turn. Okay, so maybe continuing to look over her shoulder was a good idea. She couldn’t afford to be too careless, even though she knew she’d covered her tracks well. She hadn’t lived in a cop household for years not to learn anything about stealth and evading.

There was no reason for anyone to know she was here. She’d ditched her car, bought another under an assumed name, used cash, and no one in Houston apart from Damon Roche and Micah Hudson knew what her real name was.

Tomorrow she’d start her job search. Thanks to her Hispanic heritage, she could pose as an illegal immigrant and get a job that paid under the table. She had funds stashed, but she couldn’t afford to lean on those unless absolutely necessary.

And God willing, it wouldn’t be necessary. She could start a new life here. Nothing was left for her in Miami. Micah never needed to know about her problems. She didn’t want him to be with her for any other reason than she was what he wanted.

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