Sword of Mercy (4 page)

Read Sword of Mercy Online

Authors: Sydney Addae

Tags: #b, #shifter romance, #shifter paranormal romance, #shifter series, #interacial romance, #wolf shifter romance, #alpha male werewolf paranormal erotic romance, #shifter romance kindle books

BOOK: Sword of Mercy
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“You’re missing the point,” Angus said,
shaking his head. “Instead of asking what La Patron is doing about
the problem, ask what is it about these lands that allow the Liege
access to come and go at will.”

Ulric stared at him and nodded slowly. “Good
point, I will research the history of the lands to discover if
there is a link. I shall delay going after Lancaster until I know
more of his security.”

Angus nodded. “Good idea, if I hear anything,
I’ll let you know.”

Jaw clenched, he raised and pointed his
finger. “And so you know, I am aware La Patron is not the Goddess,
but he has a close relationship with her. Pity she favors him to
the point she does not respond to the rest of her servants.” He
shifted and walked into the forest with his pack


Chapter 4


“I cannot believe how big they’ve grown,”
Renee, Jasmine’s sister, said watching David and Adam run after
each other around the large nursery.

Jasmine smiled with pride and placed her
fingertips to her temple. A low, dull throb behind her eyes robbed
her of energy, she needed to lay down. “They are a hand full, no
doubt. Some days I get tired just from watching them.”

“Auntie Nay, Auntie, look.” Renee walked over
and handed her aunt a picture she had been drawing. Not to be
ignored, Jackie followed and lifted a puzzle she’d just finished to
show Renee as well. Both girls stood next to Renee, their eyes lit
with adoration as they stared up at their relative. Jackie’s long
black ponytail had escaped the band and fell down her back in a
messy fall. Wrinkled jeans and a tee shirt were her favorite
outfits. Jackie was laid back and comfortable.

Renee, Jasmine’s diva in training stood with a
perfect ponytail as if she’d painted every strand in place. Despite
her use of paint, not one drip or splotch landed on her clothes.
With Renee everything matched and remained in place.

“Oh my, this is beautiful, Renee, you are a
great artist. And Jackie you did such a great job on this, I’m so
proud of both of you.” Renee dropped to her knees and hugged them
both causing the girls to squeal as their faces lit with

“Me too,” Adam yelled changing directions as
he ran into Renee’s outstretched arms. Jasmine watched David walk
slowly toward the group, stretch forth his arms and offer his aunt
a hug. Renee grabbed him close and placed several kisses on his
face, which he wiped off as soon as she released him. Jasmine and
Renee laughed at his actions.

Victoria walked into the nursery and a chorus
of “Nana” rose from the children. Pleased by their response to her
entry, Victoria ushered the four close for hugs and kisses. Renee
returned to Jasmine’s side with a huge smile of satisfaction. This
visit had been delayed a month because of the mating ceremony and
both sisters were happy to see each other. It had been too

“I’m jealous, they are so cute and smart and
loving. Don’t know how you keep having such great kids, but I’m
glad you do.” Renee hugged her with one arm while watching the
scene with Victoria.

“Rose is pregnant.” Jasmine dropped that bomb
and waited for her sister’s reaction which didn’t take

Renee screamed and tightened her hold. “She
is? That’s so awesome. I’m going to be a grand-aunt. No drop the
grand, aunt sounds a whole lot better and more me. And you? A
nana?” Renee laughed.

“Not funny, but I’m excited for them. Rone’s
so happy he’s driving Rose crazy with all his hovering. She begged
Silas to give him something to do outside the building so she could
get her work done.”

“Did he do it? I mean I can’t see Silas
changing things around for someone,” Renee said.

Jasmine waved off her comment, she’d heard
similar ones whenever they talked on the phone and wouldn’t
tolerate them in person. “Get over the Christening thing, you know
that was a serious situation. In the end he was right, so stop
coloring him with that event.”

“I know. It still stings how he just shut me
out. Anyway, did he do it for Rose?”

“Yeah. Rone is working with the new Alpha
trainees on the opposite side of the compound. He manages to come
by once a day for lunch, which is way better than before. Rose
doesn’t need any additional stress, she’s scared

“Scared? Why?”

Jasmine remembered Renee didn’t know her son
and his wife were products of breeders with different concerns.
“She had some spotting early on, the doctor said it was nothing.
But she’s a first time mom.” Which had scared Rone to the point he
demanded Rose remain in bed for the duration of the pregnancy even
though the doctor told them it wasn’t necessary.

“Hmm, can’t help with that. I’ve never been
preggo. But I’m happy for them too. What about Rese and Dannielle?
They trying?”

Jasmine laughed at the idea of her controlling
son and his independent mate having pups anytime soon. Those two
spent a week deciding where to live, another week on how to
decorate their space and another arguing over Danielle returning
home alone to pack her belongings. They were oil and water, two
hard-heads in love and lust who kept everyone entertained with
their lively debates.

“Trying? I don’t know, but nothing yet.
They’re taking time to know each other first, a den will come
later. At least I hope. Cam and Lilly don’t seem to be interested
in starting a den, so I’m glad Rose and Rone are getting started.”
Her voice dropped to a low whisper as the pain in her head

“You okay?” Renee asked, touching Jasmine’s

“No, my head hurts like someone’s having drum
practice.” She rested her face in her palms to close out the

Renee draped her arm around Jasmine’s
shoulders. “Take a pill and lay down a while. Mom and I’ll stay
here with the kids. Go on, take a break, we got this.”

Jasmine watched her mom on the floor with the
girls lying on each side doing their own thing while David and Adam
played some kind of game with a ball and agreed.

“Silas, my head is hurting, I’m
going to the room to lay down for a few minutes. Mom and Renee are
here with the kids.”

“I felt your pain earlier and
tried to siphon it off so you could enjoy your visit with your
sister. It still pains you. Go rest, Sweet bitch.”

Jasmine smiled at the hint of playfulness in
his words. The man still aroused her with a few simple sentences,
she suspected that would always be the case. “Mom, my head’s
bothering me, I’m going to lay down.”

Victoria nodded. “Feel better, we’ll be here
for a while. Jacques is in the lab and says he’ll be there the rest
of the day helping Matt.”

Renee squeezed her shoulder before she walked
over to the boys, bent low and started talking. Seconds later she
had the ball and the game was on. Pleased everything seemed in
order Jasmine left the nursery and headed for the suite she shared
with her mate, Silas.

The fragrance of gardenias washed over her the
moment she entered the living area curing the throb in her head
instantly. Fatigue took its place, her legs grew heavy as she moved
toward the bedroom. By the time she reached the doorway placing one
foot in front of the other became a struggle. Blurry eyed, she made
it to the bed in the middle of the room, exhaled and fell face
down. The moment her head hit the mattress the lethargy lifted.
Energized, she pushed up on the bed, looked down and gasped at her
face reflected in a pool of water. Unbound, her hair caressed the
sides of her face, making her eyes appear larger and her lips
fuller. Struggling to stand, she noticed her black trousers and
multi-colored blouse were replaced with a sleeveless long white
gown that brushed against her bare feet. Jasmine wiggled her toes
against the cool grass and looked around the forest surrounding the
small pool.

Green leafy trees offered shade. A small creek
wound through the middle of the land and fed the pool. Fragrant
grass and flowers of various colors gave the setting a surreal
feel. The temperature seemed a perfect lukewarm blend for comfort.
This had to be a dream or something, she’d never smelled or seen
anything like the sights in front of her, plus she didn’t own
anything like the gown she wore. And she would never be without
feet coverings in a strange place.

“What is going on?” she whispered and jumped
when she heard the echo of her words.

“Jasmine, mate of Silas Knight, the Patron,

Jasmine tried to move, to see the face with
the sweet sounding voice, but couldn’t. No matter how many times
she commanded her legs to move, or her head to turn neither

“Thank you. Where am I?” Her gaze flitted
around the limited area of the forest.

“I am the Goddess of La Patron and all wolves,
you are with me. I must speak with you on important issues,
therefore you will not be allowed to interrupt. Afterward, you will
return to your mate to discuss the matters I share with

Jasmine nodded.

“Positive, nurturing energy flow through
females, as such you will be my emissary for this next, critical
mission. Asia must secure her mate’s loyalty to the nation
immediately. The two must merge completely and become a Sword in
truth, otherwise victory is not certain. Asia must lead in this.
You must lead in this. Be merciful, your nose will lead to
understanding. This is a time of testing. Taste the truth and
embrace it, reject the lies, and ride the wave of change. Change is
on the wind.”

Jasmine blinked as the words vibrated in her
head and grew louder and louder until she wanted to scream. She
closed her eyes and repeated the Goddess’ words until they
imprinted beneath her lids. A whirlwind of power swept around her,
lifting her hair, her gown and sending tingles across her skin and
then stopped.

Gasping for breath, she flopped over on the
bed. Chest heaving, she sought Silas through their link.


“What’s wrong?”

“I just had a meeting with the
Goddess and it was fucking fantastic.”

“I’m on my way.”

Chapter 5


I’ll be back in a few minutes,
continue without me. When I return I expect a full update,” Silas
said to Matt and Dr. Passen, the two were working on decoding some
information Hawke had sent last week. Silas believed it would help
them locate the next Liege stronghold in the states and wanted that
information posthaste. But his mate meeting with the Goddess
trumped everything, he needed to be with her to process whatever
riddle the Goddess left behind.

Yes, Sir,” Matt, Davian
–Jasmine’s ex-husband’s mate, said turning back to the computer as
Silas left the lab. Anxious over his mate’s condition, Silas kept
their link open and scanned his mate for any abnormalities. He’d
been summoned by the Goddess numerous times through the years and
knew how her visits upset his biology. Being human, he hoped
Jasmine recovered soon with no permanent damage. He moved quickly
down the halls and took the lift to their floor. Moments later he
entered their suite.

Jasmine?” The smell of gardenias
hit hard and he took a step back to block the strong aroma.
“Jasmine?” he called again, worried she’d been overtaken by the

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