Sword of the Gods: The Chosen One (77 page)

Read Sword of the Gods: The Chosen One Online

Authors: Anna Erishkigal

Tags: #Fantasy, #Romance Speculative Fiction

BOOK: Sword of the Gods: The Chosen One
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“There is more.”  He
reluctantly pulled himself from her embrace.  “Come…”  He tugged her past the
galley, decorated with flowers and set for dinner for two, to their sleeping

“What did you do to
the beds?” she asked. 

He'd disassembled the
four bunks, knocked out the supports that would have prevented the mattresses
from touching, and reassembled two frames to make a single large bed big enough
for the both of them.  He'd lined
room with flowers, as well.  And
tallow lamps.  Dozens of tiny clay lamps to light up every corner of the room
in a soft, romantic light.  He'd darted back only minutes before the ceremony
started, his wings enabling him to pull off a feat of romantic engineering no
human could have accomplished without missing the ceremony. 

“Does it meet your
approval, my love?” he asked, pleased at her reaction.

“Oh, yes!” she cried. 
“Now … kiss me…”

His surprises done for
the day, Mikhail gave himself permission to do what he'd been wanting to do
ever since he'd opened his eyes and found a beautiful young woman on his ship,
unable to speak his language, but able to communicate all he needed to know
simply by placing the palm of her hand upon his cheek. 

Wrapping his arms
around her waist, he kissed her like a thirsty man drinking cool, clear water
from a spring.  Ninsianna moaned and fumbled with his buttons as she removed
his constricting jacket off.  It slid down to the floor.  Slipping his hand
down the back of her shawl, he cupped her firm, round buttocks in his hands and
pulled her closer, gasping with pleasure as she rubbed her abdomen against his
manhood.  He used the convenient handholds to lift her so that her body would
align with his.

Two buttons from his
dress shirt hit the floor as she gave up trying to manipulate the unfamiliar
fastenings and simply broke the threads.  She pressed her lips to his chest,
tugging at his shirt as he kissed her from earlobe to collarbone.  Feathers
rustled with pent-up desire.  He groaned and nipped her ear as she slid his shirt
the rest of the way off. 

Slipping her shawl
off, he marveled at her breasts, her brownish-pink nipples standing erect and
ready for his inquisitive tongue.  Ninsianna gasped as he bent down to suckle
first one, and then the other, simultaneously working apart the button and
zipper to his pants.  Kicking off his boots, he nearly fell over as she reached
beneath the waistband and touched his manhood.

“So that’s what this
is all about?” she asked, fondling the tip of his erection with her tantalizing
healers hands.

“If you keep doing
that,” he shivered with pleasure, his wings slapping against the wall as they
involuntarily convulsed.  “This will be over before it has even started.  I
want to be sure that you're satisfied.”

She stood like a fine
marble statue, her eyes glittering with desire as he touched the delicate
string which held her loincloth to her hips.  This was not the rawhide string
she used every day, but one braided with flowers and the first stalks of grain
from the summer harvest, a prayer to She-who-is that their union would be a
fertile one.  Slipping down her loincloth and marveling at the sight of her
furry mound, he quivered in anticipation as she slid his underpants the rest of
the way down. 

It was Ninsianna, as
always, who took the lead…

“Are you ready?” she
led him towards the bed.

He lay her down
beneath him as though laying out a fine silk scarf upon the covers, supporting
his weight on his hands and knees so he wouldn't crush her.  With the
upper-level bunks now gone, he'd room to flare his wings, a more natural mating
position to a winged creature such as himself than scrunched up at his sides. 
Advice given by his tipsy elderly friends flitted through his mind.  Urgency
lit a fire in his belly and burnt like wildfire through his veins.  He fought
to keep control as Ninsianna explored his body with her fingers and
instinctively tilted her hips up to meet him. 

“Ninsianna … have you

“No,” she blushed.

“I'll try to be
careful.”  He kissed her to increase her level of arousal.  “There might be a
little pain at first.”

The shadow of fear
crossed her face as stories about first-time pain clouded the moment.  She'd
never done this before.  Heck … he couldn't remember if
ever done
this before!  He was afraid he might hurt her badly enough that she would be
afraid of future matings.  He would delay his own satisfaction and pleasure her
without breaking the barrier that would transform her from maiden into married
woman.  Kissing her until the cloud of fear left her eyes, he kissed down her
neck, past her breasts, and down to her abdomen, caressing her inner thighs
with one hand. 

“That tickles,” she
giggled, squirming beneath his touch as he awkwardly ventured into uncharted

He nibbled on her
belly-button, relishing the tremble of muscle beneath her soft skin.  Taste. 
He licked her sensitive naval, his tongue darting into the tiny cavern and
eliciting a giggle of delight.  Flowers.  Whatever she'd bathed in this
morning, she smelled of flowers and the scent of soap root he would forever
associate with her.  As his lips moved down towards her furry mound, she
grabbed his hair and pulled him away from the ticklish area.  Working down a
second time, he paused, moving his hands across her thighs, closer to the folds
of her feminine mysteries, to give her time to grow accustomed to his touch.

Ninsianna moaned as he
kissed her inner thighs.  His manhood was so hard it hurt, sending insistent
shudders through his body as his libido attempted to override his
self-control.  Determined her first release would be a pleasurable one, he
reined in his own desire.  She shifted, opening herself fully to his inquiring
tongue.  He kissed the folds of her female mystique and spread them apart so
his tongue would have access to the tiny, throbbing mound pulsating in
anticipation of his touch.

Looking up the length
of her abdomen, her beautiful, golden eyes glittered with anticipation as
watched him pleasure her.  She placed her palms on either side of his face and
nodded.  Watching her eyes, he licked her little mound, watching her expression
as shudders wracked her body.  Her scent changed.  Grew muskier.  More earthy. 
As though she were fertile earth waiting for him to plant his seed.  She threw
back her head and arched her back, pushing his head down further towards the
part of her body screaming for release.   

Suckling the tiny
mound to increase her level of arousal, he couldn't help but smile at the funny
little happy noises she made with each lick of his tongue.  He sent a silent
thanks to his two elderly friends who had suggested such a thing in the first
place.  Truth be told, at the time, he'd thought it … obscene.  It was their
advice he relied upon now, not instinct, as he gently slid one finger into her
feminine mysteries to give her time to adjust to the feel of him inside of her
body.  She stiffened, and then relaxed as she realized there was no pain. 

“Mikhail.”  She
hesitantly arched her hips to give him greater access.

Wait.  He must wait
until she became acclimated to his touch.  He pushed down the insistent
twanging of his manhood and focused on what
was feeling.  She tilted
her pelvis to meet his tongue.  Wait.  He gently stretched the thin membrane
that partially obstructed the entrance to the mysteries within.  He waited
until she began to move herself along his fingers to satisfy her own desire. 

He could sense she was
close to release by the way she writhed and made adorable little mewling noises
like a kitten seeking out its mother's breast.  Removing his fingers, he licked
her mound until she began to shudder.  Her sweet orgasm exploded onto his
waiting tongue.  Panting as though she'd just run a marathon, she sighed and
stretched out spread-eagle on the bed, grabbing his hair and pulling him back
up to kiss her on the lips, a satisfied smile upon her face.

“So that's what that
was all about…?” she asked with a husky voice.  “That didn't hurt at all.”

“That was just the
teaser.”  He kissed her as his throbbing erection pressed insistently into her
abdomen.  “Are you ready for the main event?”

The shadow of fear crossed
her face as concern about pain made her fret.  He caressed her until she became
aroused a second time.  Wait.  He suppressed the frantic twang his manhood
shrieked throughout his entire body and took her to the edge.  He wanted her
aroused the second time so desire would override the pain his
first entry would cause as he broke her maiden head.  She pleaded for release
from the torturous pleasure he was giving her.

“Please, Mikhail!” 
She gasped for breath as she tried to capture his manhood with her hips. 
Frantic with desire, she bent up and sank her teeth into his neck as she
grabbed his buttocks and pulled him closer to her hips.  It was time.

Maneuvering his
manhood to the entrance of her feminine mysteries, he maintained eye contact as
he rubbed it against her wet, moist entrance until it had become thoroughly
bathed in the juices of her desire.  Her warm wetness made him shudder in
anticipation.  The wetter he was, the less he would hurt her. 

Memory loss
beautiful thing.  Nothing about this felt familiar.  He was relying entirely
upon the embarrassing advice his friends had given.  Pausing to make sure he
was lined up so awkward movement wouldn't increase her pain, he kissed her and
pushed through the barrier preventing his entrance.  She froze as he slid with
a single, smooth movement into the place some ancient god had designed so
mortal creatures would fit together.

“It hurts,” she
whispered, pain clouding her eyes.

He forced himself to
remain still.  Wait.  He must wait until
took the lead or the mating
would be … would be …

A shadow flitted
through his memory and was gone.  He must wait for her to bond properly with
him or the lifemate bond would be incomplete.  She kissed him, causing the
errant thought to fly out of his mind.  Wait.  He must wait or he would hurt

Keeping still, he
deepened his kiss until he felt her body relax around his manhood.  She began
to writhe, adjusting to the feel of him inside of her as she moved herself
along his shaft.  Distracting her by nibbling down her neck, he arched his back
and slowly slid partway out, then even more slowly back in until the full
length of his manhood had been absorbed.  He felt her shudder, pain mixing with
pleasure as she cried out and moaned.

The sensation did things
he was certain he'd never felt before.  Wings slapped against the sheets,
feathers flying as he instinctively tried to carry them into the air.  Wishing
desperately to climax together, he held onto a shred of self-control long
enough to coax her ahead of his own desire.  The feel of her moving against him
caused warmth like he'd never experienced before to emanate from his heart, out
to his outer extremities, and into his brain. 

She cried out.  Her
muscles clutched his manhood as she began to climax a second time.  Stars
exploded inside his mind.  He cried out, feeling his consciousness slip beyond
the confines of his mortal shell as, just for a moment, he experienced what it
must feel like to be a god.  His mate.  For life.  In his mind, he shouted his
intentions to the universe that come what may, nothing would ever part him from
her.  Not even death.  Exhausted, he collapsed against her, shifting his weight
to one side so he wouldn't crush her.

“Ohmigod,” she
panted.  “That was…..”

“Amazing…..”  He
silenced her with a kiss.

“Tell me that you love

“I love you more than
life itself,” he pulled her to his chest and entangled his legs with hers. 
“And I shall never be parted from you.”  He couldn't remember his past, but he
was certain that he'd never felt so happy in his entire life.

He shifted one wing so
that it covered them both.  With happy exhaustion, they drifted off to a
pleasant, dreamy sleep in each other’s arms.



~ * ~ * ~
* ~ * ~



Chapter 9

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