Sword of the King (28 page)

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Authors: Megan Derr

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Sword of the King
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Turning back to Blaze, Rafael laughed at the expression on his face. "We were all thinking about this in the kitchen."

"I won't deny that," Blaze said, cheeks going darker. Rafael traced the line of one cheek with his thumb. Beside Blaze, Erie rumbled inquisitively, and Rafael shifted his gaze. Blaze all but vibrated in place surrounded by them. "Do it," Blaze said softly.

Rafael smiled, then cupped Erie's jaw in his fingers and drew him in for a soft kiss. Letting go of his chin, Rafael lightly ran his fingers along Erie's skin, admiring the way he was nearly too hot to touch, and how he tasted of smoke and metal, so different from the wintry flavors of Conway. Drawing back, Rafael remarked, "So that's how fire tastes."

Erie growled as Blaze laughed. Stepping back again, Rafael motioned towards the house. "As much as I would love to continue this here, I think it's time we moved inside. Living room, dragons, and take your toy with you."

"Toy?" Blaze demanded, then yelped as two hands landed on his ass before the dragons hauled him across the yard and into the house. Rafael followed more leisurely, stepping inside and locking the door behind him before settling on the couch to enjoy the floor show.

He'd been right about how beautiful Blaze would look at the mercy of the dragons, how breathtaking they would look working together to drive Blaze wild. If he had the Mordred to blame for the dragons being able to take a human form, Rafael would always give that Clan his full support.

Blaze whimpered as Conway kissed him, his hands tangling with Erie's on Blaze's hips. "So what's it like being trapped between fire and ice?" Rafael asked, voice husky. Blaze just looked at him, green eyes bright, hot, and his pupils blown wide. His head fell back to rest on Erie's shoulders as Conway feasted on his throat.

Drawing slightly back, Conway took Erie's mouth in a playful kiss, and Rafael half thought he saw steam when fire met ice. Erie rubbed harder against Blaze, leaving smears of precum across his skin. Blaze jerked, then pulled away, helplessly trapped between them. "Dragons!"

The dragons growled in reply, amber eyes bright as they glanced at Rafael.

"Fuck him," Rafael ordered, finally losing his own pants, lazily fisting his cock and stroking it as he watched Erie kiss Blaze deeply pulling away to take the lube that Conway handed him. Turning Blaze around, Conway devoured Blaze's mouth before he drew back, panting, and pushed Blaze's head down, growling.

Blaze gave a husky, ragged laugh, but did not protest the non-subtle hint. He braced his hands on Conway's thighs and bent to take his cock, moaning loudly as Erie's fingers breached him at the same moment.

"Lovely," Rafael breathed, aching for the moment he sank his own cock into that fine ass. There wasn't an inch of Blaze that wasn't fit and trim; he was as much a weapon as the dragons.

Even if currently he was beautifully submitting to every single thing done to him. Erie growled loudly as he removed his fingers and lined up his cock, thrusting in hard, making Blaze groan around Conway's cock.

"Do it, dragons," Rafael ordered, and with matching growls they began eagerly to fuck Blaze, matching their thrusts, keeping Blaze going wild with kisses, bites, caresses, and rumbles of encouragement. Blaze just took it, as natural and enthusiastic as a lover could dream. Rafael moved off the couch to get close and personal. He kissed each dragon in turn, enjoying the sharp, contrasting flavors of fire and ice, the way they both tasted of metal. He bent to press a kiss to Blaze's sweat-slick back, smoothed his hand along his spine before moving below to fist his cock. "Beautiful," he breathed.

Looking up, admiring the image the dragons made, sweaty skin, damp hair, amber eyes wild with lust and happiness. "Come, dragons," he said, and bent to brush his lips across Blaze's ear. "But not you."

Blaze made a frustrated moan around Conway's cock, and Rafael chuckled. The dragons roared as they came, and Rafael could see Erie's nails biting into Blaze's hips hard enough to draw small trickles of blood.

The dragons withdrew, and Rafael turned Blaze over on the rug, admiring the sweaty, well-fucked view before him. He bent to drop a kiss on Blaze's mouth, tasted Conway on him and groaned. Pulling back, he lifted Blaze's legs and lined up his own cock, sliding easily into his already-slick ass. "You're really quite beautiful," he murmured.

"You're the pretty boy last I checked," Blaze gasped in reply, and Rafael bent to kiss him again as he began to fuck Blaze in earnest. Blaze met him thrust for thrust, nails digging into his back, swearing and groaning, every sound and movement driving Rafael higher and higher. He was only hazily aware of their surroundings, cognizant of the dragons but of very little else, lost in green eyes and the eager body joined with his.

The world briefly turned white when he finally came, and the only sound that registered was Blaze calling his name. When he came back to his senses, he was aware of Conway pressed up behind him, and saw Erie curled around Blaze, the four of them tangled together in a hot, sweaty heap on the floor. Rafael pressed a drowsy kiss to Blaze's mouth. "I hope you realize that you won't be allowed to part ways with St. George."

Blaze laughed. "I'm not in a hurry to leave. Not sure I could walk right now anyway." He squirmed free enough to wipe spit and come from his face, rolling his eyes at the bloody marks on his hips. "I thought just owning a dragon was exhausting. I need a fucking nap."

"Mmm," Rafael agreed absently, more interested in admiring the ripple of muscle, the telltale bruises and scratches from the dragons. Blaze always looked good, but he looked better thoroughly fucked.

A hand covered his face, pushed him down to the floor. "Stop looking at me like that," Blaze groused. "My ass has been pretty well used for a bit, and my mouth didn't exactly get a light workout either."

Rafael laughed, pushing away his hand. "Stop talking like that or you'll have only yourself to blame."

Laughing with him, Blaze said, "I want my promised nap."

"Then you shall have it," Rafael said, and tugged him to his feet to lead him to the bedroom, leaving the dragons curled together on the floor.

 "So what are we doing the rest of the day?" Blaze asked as he stretched out on the bed, groaning loudly.

"We have to go into the city. I've set people to get the warehouses sorted out, and they'll be bringing in loose dragons to see what we can do. Some, we may be able return to their normal lives. Others will need masters, and I want you to help me find suitable candidates. That will probably take all week."

Blaze nodded, and started to say something in reply, but the words turned into a yawn. Rafael chuckled softly, and pressed a soft kiss to Blaze's cheek as he dozed off. Curling up around him, Rafael closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep again.

They woke a couple of hours later, and Rafael chuckled as he listened to Blaze groan. "Feeling okay?"

"Fine," Blaze said. "Sore, but fine. I need a shower."

"Me too," Rafael said. "I'd offer to share, but we'd be there all day."

Blaze smirked and climbed out of bed, and barely avoided hitting Conway with his foot. At some point while they slept, the dragons had crept into the bedroom to sleep on the floor at the foot of the bed. He shoved at Erie with his foot. "Up, you lazy dragon. Time to get cleaned up. We have work to do."

Erie growled, but obediently stood up and shifted, then allowed Blaze to drag him out of the room to bathroom down the hall.

Rafael woke Conway and, after he had shifted, hauled him close to give him a brief kiss. "Come on, dragon. We have to get a shower." Leading the way his bathroom, he got the water started and climbed in once it had warmed.

Conway rumbled happily and began to wash off, cheerfully washing Rafael as well. "You seem mighty pleased with yourself, Conway."

"Raf happy. Blaze and fire happy. Boss gone. Friends."

"Yes," Rafael said. "It's hard to believe, isn't it? I hardly know what to do with it all."

Conway rumbled and went back to getting them clean.

When they finished, they found Blaze and Erie in the kitchen fixing sandwiches for lunch. Rafael went to the fridge to grab a bottle of water. At the bar, he tugged Blaze close and kissed him. "Hi."

Blaze shook his head, amused but pleased. "Alec called me a few minutes ago."

"Alec? Why would he be calling us?" Rafael grabbed a plate from the stack on the bar and began to put his own sandwich together, piling roast beef onto slices of rye, then adding lettuce and tomato and mustard. Taking a seat, he cut the sandwich in half and took a bite.

"Said he and some other exiles were interested in helping you and Amr," Blaze said with a shrug. "He said that he knew this area, and being close to the clans would just cause trouble for everybody, so it would be better if they came here rather than going to Amr. Whatever you're doing, they want in."

Rafael sighed and set down his sandwich. "I don't know what I'm doing, not really. Short term, I want to help all the dragons my brother abused. But dragons are bred to pit, and without pitting ... well, there's any number of uses for them, but no one else in the abnormal world is going to trust us. Getting them to change their minds is not going to be an easy task, and pulling in people like Alec is going to draw even more unwanted attention."

Blaze shrugged. "Wasn't like we didn't already know it was going to be a long road. Stabilizing St. George and subduing the other syndicates will keep us hopping for a long time. I'm sure by the time that's done, we'll have a better idea about the rest." He flashed a grin. "First rule of the pits:  focus on the fight in front of you."

"Wise words," Rafael said, smiling faintly. "Very well. When are Alec and these friends of his coming here?"

"Said I'd call him back, since I knew we were busy with the other syndicates this week."

Rafael nodded. "Tell him Saturday, then. By then I'll have met with a few syndicates and sorted out the dragons. That will give me more information to work with when I meet with him and these other ... what did he call them, exiles? We'll also have to meet with Amr and Ken at some point, since we will all benefit from staying abreast of one another's activities."

"You got it," Blaze said, and picked up his phone from the counter. Flipping it open, he hit a button and after a moment, started talking.

When he hung up again, Rafael said, "At some point this week, we'll also need to find a new place to live. I'm not staying here, and I'm not staying in Leo's old place."

Blaze nodded. "You have the pick of the city, so that should be easy enough. Who are we meeting with first, and when?"

"Stone," Rafael said. "Which reminds me: we'll have to go shopping to get you new stuff to replace all you've lost. Clothes, weapons, whatever you want. I want my second in command to have whatever he wants."

The words made Blaze frown for a moment, and then realization filled his face. "Second in command? Me?"

Rafael laughed. "Well, yes. Haven't I more or less been saying that all along? There's no one else I trust. Though, if you prefer just to be my boy toy—"

"Oh, shut up," Blaze said. "I'm just helping you get the ball rolling, there are people far more suited to being your second than me. I'm just a pit fighter."

"You're my second in command, and the position is for life, so get used to it." Standing up, Rafael curled his fingers around Blaze's bicep and tugged gently.

Blaze obediently stood, laughing softly as Rafael kissed him, wrapping his arms around Rafael's neck and kissing him back with enthusiasm. "Yes, boss," he said when they finally drew back.

"Rafael works just fine," Rafael said. "I'm not a syndicate boss. Whatever I am, whatever we are, I don't want to be like the syndicates."

"I don't think you have to worry about that," Blaze said, snickering softly. "How many bosses do you know of who sleep with their second and dragons? I don't know of a single boss who even has a dragon."

Nearby, both dragons growled, making their opinion of bosses as masters very clear. Rafael laughed, and the sound seemed to provoke the dragons to movement. They abandoned their sandwiches and pressed up on either side of Rafael and Blaze, nipping and kissing and licking whatever bits of skin they could reach.  Rafael kissed Conway, then Erie, then Blaze again, going back and forth between them, the two men and two dragons a tangle of bodies in the middle of the kitchen, sharing and enjoying each other.

Finally Rafael pulled back, flushed, mussed, and aroused. "We need to go or we'll never leave. If everyone is done with food, let's get going. The sooner we work, the sooner we play."

"Yes, my lord," Blaze said, smirking and darting out of Rafael's reach when he lunged. He shoved his phone into a pocket of his jeans, then picked up his gun, and checked it over before slipping it smoothly into his shoulder holster. The dragons growled on either side of him, and as one all three looked to Rafael.

"Ready?" Rafael asked.

"Definitely," Blaze replied, and Rafael stole one last quick kiss from each before leading the way outside.

About the Author

Megan grew up a military brat and traveled extensively with her family. She is now firmly settled in Ohio, with two roommates and their six cats. She has always been book obsessed, and writing obsessed since she first gave it a whirl in college. Romance and fantasy are her primary obsessions, but she’s game to write just about anything and enjoys a challenge. She is a sucker for stories of enemies becoming lovers. When not writing, Megan is drinking too much coffee, reading still more books, and harassing family and friends, or otherwise doing whatever possible to avoid editing.


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