Tablet of Destinies (56 page)

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Authors: Traci Harding

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‘Over the next few weeks there will be several conferences held,' Brian wound up his address. ‘At the end of which we hope to emerge with governing bodies for each of these new territories. I wish to stress at this point that from now on every human, regardless of race, is welcome on any of the allied planets represented by this ruling body. It is my greatest wish that, in the not too distant future, we shall all have a place that we are proud to call home.'

The applause resonated through the room, the city, the star system and throughout the galaxy — a harmonic convergence of hope and release. Humankind had come of age.


In the darkened, frosty remains of the Nefilim's grand city on Nibiru, Shala and Micah joined the Devas and their kindred in the temple dedicated to their Solar Logos.

It is done,
Micah advised the Devas.
All our possessions in the material world, we have renounced. And this plane of matter, saturated by emotion, is now in the hands of those more equipped to comprehend it.

Then let us move on,
Sacha decreed, relieved that the Devas' work in the earthly realm was also complete.

Time to start the long journey homeward,
Psyche concurred, reaching into her stomach and ripping open the fibre of her being to create a path between realms.

Sacha touched each adept in turn, on the crown, whereupon the energy centres of their subtle bodies withdrew into the central heart chakra and all trace of their physical form vanished into a single orb of celestial light.

One by one the soul-centres trailed each other down the otherworldly passage to be reunited with kindred souls in the causal universe, where Anu's revitalising rays still shone down brightly upon the fair city of Nibiru.


All the highlights of the performance on Centre Stage were over and most of the residents were heading home during the fireworks display to hear Nova's final broadcast, although a good crowd remained in the park to view it on the big screen there.

When Brian, Rhun and company finally made it to the family gathering the party was in full swing.

‘Not too shabby,' Maelgwn commented, handing the Governor a drink on his way through the door.

‘Well, we've not received any assassination threats yet, so we figure that all the delegates were pleased by the outcome.' Brian was beaming, already a little tipsy from the day's festivities.

‘I told him this Lahmu stunt would work wonders,' Rhun boasted, as he urged his uncle into the house, so that he wouldn't hold up the traffic.

‘We're not too late to catch Nova's final broadcast, are we?' Candace kissed Maelgwn's cheek as she and Sybil entered behind their two fairly merry male companions.

‘Not at all, you've time to spare.' Maelgwn gave Sybil a squeeze and then let her go to greet Zabeel and his fiancé.

Cordella had shed years since their last meeting. Dumuzi's firstborn Delphinus daughter had needed no prompting to end her mortal life, once Zabeel had tapped into his past-life as Marduk and proven her destined to join the ranks of the Chosen.

‘Cordella, you look wonderful.' Maelgwn kissed her hand.

‘I feel wonderful,' she said sincerely. ‘Thank you … Father.' She tried the name out for size and it felt a little odd.

‘Welcome home, Cordella, your kindred have missed you.' Maelgwn smiled warmly as he attempted to close the door on Zabeel. ‘I don't know about your choice of husband though?' he ribbed, as Zabeel struggled against his father to get back in.

‘It's a done deal, Dragon.' Zabeel was amazed by how easily his father could hold him off.

‘He comes from a very good family, I hear,' Cordella defended on her beloved's behalf.

‘Well, that's true,' Maelgwn considered, while Zabeel rammed the door with his shoulder to no great effect. ‘He could use a little building up, though,' he teased.

‘We really do need to teach our father some manners, Zabeel.' Rhun came to his younger brother's rescue, and Cordella was forced out of way of the all-in brawl.

‘No more sons, Tory!' Maelgwn cried out, being soundly defeated two to one.

‘No more anything, period!' she yelled back at him from the kitchen, where she and Rhiannon were preparing food.

The sound of a baby crying spurred everyone to laughter, thinking someone was being funny.

‘Alright, who brought a baby?' Brian posed aloud and then looked at his wife's belly. ‘Junior?' he queried, adding to the amusement.

The cry was heard again and louder this time.

Maelgwn's eyes turned towards the stairs. ‘It's coming from the nursery,' he uttered softly, hesitant to speak out loud, lest he was wrong.

Tory came darting down the hallway past their guests to meet her husband on the staircase. Their smiles were the only sign of their hopes, as they raced each other to the nursery.

In the double crib lay the two newborn babes, naked and screaming for a feed.

At the sound of their cries, Tory's breast filled with milk and tears of relief flowed from her eyes. ‘My babes.'

The elated parents rushed to touch the vision and hold it, to be certain it was real. Maelgwn wrapped Avery in blankets and cradled him, as Tory cuddled Lirathea, kissing her head repeatedly.

Maelgwn could barely see for his own tears as he gazed down upon the fair twins with eyes of violet just like their mother's. ‘Praise the Goddess I married you, Tory Alexander. Had I had my way —'

‘It was a team effort,' she insisted. ‘You, me …
. And what a team we make.' She leant over and kissed him, loving Maelgwn all the more for their trials and cherishing the twins tenfold due to their recent absence.

‘I've learnt all I care to about the past and the future. It's time I started living for the present.' Maelgwn sniffled back his emotion, resting his forehead against Tory's. ‘You and the twins are my quest, and my reason for being from now on.'

Tory smiled to second his sentiment. ‘Until death makes us one,' she vowed.


Well, peacekeepers, that's about all we have for you from Kila. We trust you have all found cause to celebrate and that you look to the future with hope and wonderful expectations. The time for this rebel DJ to hang up the headset permanently is finally upon us, but I feel no sadness that my task is at an end, for this is day we've all been striving for. Mission accomplished, I bid you all peace, love and prosperity. And remember …

Heaven and earth were your parents

and starlight flows in your veins.

Let awareness be your home,

honesty, your divine power,

and character, your magic secret.

Make carelessness your enemy,

benevolence, your amour,

and righteousness, your weapon.

Use unclouded thought as your strategy,

right action, as your miracle,

and understanding, as your means.

Desire only to seize life's opportunities,

fulfil your potential,

and follow your heart.

May the Logos shine through you all

and shower you with blessings,

forever and ever, Amen.

Bailey, Alice A.,
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire,
Lucis Publishing Company, London, 1925.

Blavatsky, H.P.,
The Secret Doctrine,
Theosophical University Press, 1988.

Bletzer, June G.,
Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary
, Donning Co, Virginia, 1986.

Powell, A. E.,
The Solar System
, Health Research, 1985.

—The Etheric Double,
Theosophical Publishing House, Illinois, 1996.

—The Astral Body,
Theosophical Publishing House, Illinois, 1996.

—The Mental Body,
Theosophical Publishing House, London, 1967.

—The Causal Body and the Ego,
Theosophical Publishing House, Philippines, 1993.

Purucker, G. de,
Occult Glossary,
Theosophical University Press, 1996.

—Galaxies and Solar Systems,
Point Loma Publications, California, 1987.

—Hierarchies and the Doctrine of Emanations,
Point Loma Publications, California, 1987.

—Invisible Worlds and their Inhabitants,
Point Loma Publications, California, 1987.

—The Doctrine of the Spheres,
Point Loma Publications, California, 1987.

—The Hierarchy of Compassion,
Point Loma Publications, California, 1987.

—Death and the Circulations of the Cosmos: Parts I & II,
Point Loma Publications, California, 1987.

Sitchin, Zecharia,
The 12th Planet,
Avon Books, New York, 1976

—The Wars of Gods and Men,
Avon Books, New York, 1985

—The Cosmic Code,
Avon Books, New York, 1998

—When Time Began,
Avon Books, New York, 1993

Special Note

Poem in DJ Nova's final address inspired by ‘A Warrior's Creed', by anonymous Samurai, fourteenth century.
Source: Blum, Ralph,
The Book of Runes,
Angus & Robertson Publishers, Sydney, 1982

This book being written was a miracle, and made possible by the gracious efforts of many — my family and friends primarily, with whom I feel sure you are all well familiar. Still, this year several new friends have aided me to make the deadline.

Many, many thanks to Mo (our wonderful nanny), and her husband, Ken, for securing me a few precious hours each week in order to type this tale, whilst at the same time nurturing my daughter's creative potential. Thanks also to Shane and Wendy for their amazing cuisine, which enticed Dave and myself away from the computers every once in a while and ensured we both had a social life.

If my husband wasn't so damn wonderful, he wouldn't keep scoring a mention, but as David continues to defy the imagination with his patience and support, it just wouldn't be right if I didn't acknowledge his mammoth friendship which makes life worth living and ever more amazing.

Thanks to Mum for her healing and for giving us a taste of city life every now and then.

My praise and thanks always to my wonderful agent, Selwa, my editors, Sue and Steph, and all the guys and gals at HarperCollins who make an author's lot a very enjoyable one indeed.

I would also like to thank all my avid readers for their emails of praise and support. I hope this new adventure is well worth the wait.

About the Author

Traci Harding lives on a quiet acre of bushland on the Hawkesbury River, with her exceedingly talented husband, David, and their beautiful two-year-old daughter, Sarah.

After the success of The Ancient Future Trilogy, and the overwhelming reader demand for more adventures with Tory Alexander and co., Traci Harding is currently sitting in her office overlooking the river and mountains beyond, in deep contemplation of the continuing affairs of the ‘Chosen Ones'.

Book One of the Trilogy,
The Ancient Future: the Dark Age
was published in 1996; Book Two,
An Echo In Time: Atlantis
was published in 1997; and Book Three,
Masters of Reality: the Gathering
in 1998. A stand-alone book,
The Alchemist's Key
, was released in June 1999.

Her new trilogy The Celestial Triad began with
The Chronicle of Ages
and continues with this book.

Feel free to write to Traci Harding at the following email address: [email protected]. Or visit her on the World Wide Web at the site of ‘Artisus':˜hardingd

For information about Traci Harding and her books, plus all the latest science fiction news, visit ‘Voyager Online': — the website for lovers of science fiction and fantasy.


The Ancient Future Trilogy

The Ancient Future: the Dark Age
(Book One)

An Echo in Time: Atlantis
(Book Two)

Masters of Reality: the Gathering
(Book Three)

The Alchemist's Key

The Celestial Triad

Chronicle of Ages
(Book One)

Tablet of Destinies
(Book Two)


The Cosmic Logos
(Book Three)

An imprint of HarperCollins
, Australia

First published in Australia in 2001
This edition published in 2011
by HarperCollins
Australia Pty Limited
ABN 36 009 913 517

Text copyright © Traci Harding 2001

The right of Traci Harding to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her under the
Copyright Amendment (Moral Rights) Act 2000

This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the
Copyright Act 1968
, no part may be reproduced, copied, scanned, stored in a retrieval system, recorded, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

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National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication data:

Harding, Traci.
Tablet of destinies: book 2 of the celestial triad.
ISBN 978 0 7322 6683 7 (pbk).
ISBN 978 0 7304 9974 9 (epub)
I.Title. (Series: Harding, Traci. Celestial triad; bk 2).

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