Take a Risk (Risk #1) (16 page)

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Authors: Scarlett Finn

BOOK: Take a Risk (Risk #1)
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Lifting her from the couch he carried her into the bedroom and literally threw her onto the bed then stripped off all of his own clothes, while staring down at her with feral eyes that were beyond reason. When she began to take off her own shirt, he seized her hands and threw his weight down onto hers, holding her immobile.

‘I’m going to do that myself,’ he said and bit into her lip, then her earlobe.

The sting of his teeth made her wince but he didn’t apologise. He elevated his weight enough to grab the neck of her shirt and rip it apart. That sound did something to her and he must have noted her reaction from before because a satisfied pant cascaded over her chest when he tore away her bra then he took one of her nipples into his teeth and bit into it.

‘Pain,’ he said, tugging the nipple tight until she squealed. He released her and lapped the peak. ‘It’s only temporary.’ Blowing against the dampness he’d caused, the spear of pleasure made her arch. ‘We cause it in those we care about without intending too.’

‘You were defending my honour last night,’ she whispered, stroking his shoulders. ‘I am thankful that you feel so deeply for me. I’m just very protective of patients.’

‘I understand that,’ he said. ‘But you’re going to have to understand that I don’t want to share this body.’

‘You don’t have to, you’ll never have to,’ she said. ‘But what I do requires me to talk about intimate things with other men. I don’t discuss my own intimacies, I only discuss theirs. This, our time, is entirely private. And you are the only one who gets to share this side of me.’

‘I’ll come to terms with that. But give me time to do it, don’t always expect me to be understanding of other men getting erections while they’re alone with you.’

‘It’s not sexual.’

‘Maybe not for you, but it might be for them.’

‘Colt, this is what I do. You will have to get used to that. Just as I will have to get used to what you do. I’ll have to make accommodations for that.’

‘Enough talking,’ he said, kissing her and pushing his tongue against hers, filling her mouth and her mind with the ideas of how having him inside her again would feel.

For now he only played with her breasts, fondling and stroking, then kissing every inch of them in circles of increasing circumference. His fingers skimmed down the centre of her abdomen and she anticipated them in her centre. Instead, he spent time circling her belly buttons, pushing into it and massaging the disc, which transferred a spiral of arousal down to her intimate opening.

The bulge of his penis rubbed against the cotton of her skirt and she tried to wriggle to bring the hem up, but he kept her wrists in his hand, above her head, so her hands were out of commission. Her whimpers became more impatient and only then did his finger begin their journey downward again. The button in her skirt was unclasped and he dispensed with the zip, but spent an inordinate amount of time massaging her outer thigh, then her inner thigh, without touching her centre.

‘Colt,’ she breathed and tried to force herself upward, but his weight pressed further down until she actually struggled to catch her breath.

‘I like to see you writhe and whimper,’ he admitted. ‘It turns me on to know that you’re desperate for me to satisfy you. I want your mind clear, thinking about nothing except me inside of you.’

‘I’m thinking,’ she said. ‘I’m definitely thinking about that. Please.’

‘Not yet,’ he said, moving his hips to rub his dick on her thigh. ‘Are you thinking about that?’

‘Mm hmm. Yes.’

‘Open your eyes and look at me.’

When she did as she was told the darkness in his eyes and the twist of pleasure on his own mouth moistened her further. He was enjoying this, kneading the length of his shaft against the flesh of her quaking thigh, which she tried to move aside. That exploit only prompted him to stop moving and slam down onto her. The breath left her body and she gasped in for air. He kissed her throat, using his head to force her chin up. He licked the column he’d kissed, then rubbed his face on her damp skin.

‘You’re a lucky girl, you know that,’ he said, taking hold of her breast again. ‘I’m going to make sure you spend the rest of your life craving the ecstasy that only I can give you. Your pleasure will be delivered by me, in every way imaginable. Sex will be part of your everyday diet and I guarantee you that I’ll deliver each and every time.’

‘In your own time,’ she murmured, groaning at the flood of unsated desire that was livid within her.

‘Do you feel that desperation now? Feel what it is to be desperate to sate your lust?’

Keeping still was a distant memory. Her eyes closed again and he let a fingertip touch her opening. She wondered if this was how some of her patients felt. To be aroused yet unable to accomplish release must frustrate them beyond belief.

‘Pleasure me, Colt, please.’

Gently, a finger slid in, but his body remained pressed to hers, clamping her hips down, which made it impossible for her to respond to the action with anything other than a moan. Another finger joined the first and they pushed in deep and curled, tickling that cushion inside her.

Panting was the only way to get oxygen and he moved his fingertips back and forth, bringing her closer and closer to the brink of that ecstasy that he’d referred to. Then his fingers came out of her, his body lifted and bam, in less than a heartbeat his dick filled her up and she was screaming in climax.

Colt knew what he was doing with a woman, he knew what he was doing with her, and as he pumped into her and she lifted to meet his thrusts. Orgasm wasn’t the only cliff her hormones fell over.

Opening her eyes, she saw the intention in his eyes, and it was every bit as enamoured as the intensity of emotion she felt. How it had happened so quickly she didn’t know, but Lyssa was sure she loved this man now and if they got through this, she’d prove her dedication.

Chapter Fourteen



Colt did go out in the morning, and he woke her up before he left to pleasure her. When he returned she’d asked questions, but he hadn’t answered any of them, he had gone around to Ruger’s instead. She thought that he was going to retrieve his brother and return. When twenty minutes went by without a word, she took matters into her own hands and went to Ruger’s door to find out what was going on.

Taking the chance that the door was unlocked, she opened it, and found both men sitting at the kitchen table, just to the left. They were drinking coffee, wearing serious expressions, and apparently righting the wrongs of the world.

‘You ditched me?’ she said to Colt.

‘I’m updating Ruger,’ Colt said.

‘Without updating me? This is my life, my patient, when were you planning on updating me?’

‘I don’t want you to be upset and you don’t need to know the details. It might be best if you don’t.’

‘Why?’ she asked, coming into the apartment and closing the door. ‘What did you find out?’

The men exchanged and look at Ruger shrugged. ‘She’s tough and smart, I’m sure that she can handle it.’

‘I don’t think that it was a coincidence,’ Colt said.

‘What?’ she asked, heading toward the enticing scent of java and helping herself to a cup of it, using a mug from the tree by the coffee machine. ‘What wasn’t a coincidence?’

‘Bobby was shot,’ Colt said. ‘After his date, on his way back to his apartment. His body was found in an alleyway, but it looks like the shot came from the street, possibly from a car. It could be a drive-by, just like at Risqué when you and Suzette were outside.’

‘Do you think that he was aiming for me outside the club?’

‘No. I think he was showing you what he intended to do.’

‘Why would he want to kill Bobby? Why would anyone want to kill such a harmless person?’

‘I don’t know,’ Colt said. ‘I could be wrong, which is why I didn’t want to say anything to you. I just don’t think it’s a coincidence that all of these things happen to one person in such close succession. His obsession has intensified.’

‘But why? Why now? He’s been doing this for more than four months, why would he choose now to—‘

‘How many men have you screwed since this guy started leaving the flowers?’ Ruger asked.

Leaning back on the kitchen counter, she held her coffee mug in both hands. ‘Colt is the only man that I’ve… you think that because I’ve started seeing you that my admirer has taken offense?’

‘Possibly,’ Colt shrugged.

‘But that… that means you could be in danger too.’

‘It’s possible. Chavez says the investigation they are undertaking hasn’t turned up anything at all. So Ruger and I are going to take the case privately.’

‘Wait, you’re back on the case?’ she asked.

‘Don’t worry, I’m sure he’s ok with screwing a client now… especially since you won’t be paying us,’ Ruger said.

‘I never received a final bill,’ she said.

‘Consider it paid,’ Colt said. ‘I never did cash that check you gave me.’

‘I thought you didn’t take barter,’ she said and received a scowl in return. ‘What about the rules?’

‘This guy could be hunting you,’ Colt snapped. ‘Do you expect me to stand aside and let that happen? Ruger and I know what we’re doing. Forget the bullshit from before, this is serious.’

‘It’s always been serious,’ she argued. ‘I don’t want you getting involved.’

‘You don’t trust me to solve this?’ he asked.

‘I don’t trust you not to get hurt. If this guy has seen us together, has seen you, if that’s what has set off this frenzy – if that’s what it is – then he can identify you. I want you in hiding not trying to seek him out.’

‘Maybe you shouldn’t have told her,’ Ruger said.

Colt left his seat, ignoring his brother, and came to her, removing her mug from her hands. ‘I’m not going into hiding. If you have a problem with what I’m doing then walk away from me. But you can’t stop me from pursuing this guy.’

‘Walk away?’ she said. ‘If I leave you, will you promise me not to look for him?’

‘I’m going to look for him no matter what you do. If he has a target on my back as well as yours then I deserve a chance to defend myself.’

‘So that’s what this is? You’re looking out for you?’

‘Look at it however you want. You can’t stop me from doing this,’ Colt said, walking away from her and snatching his jacket from the back of his chair. ‘Ruger and I have to talk to someone, do you want me to take you back to your place, or should I leave you with Blaser?’

‘I don’t need a ride and I don’t need to be babysat,’ she said. ‘Let me grab my stuff from yours and I’ll make my own way home.’

‘You don’t have to go back there, if you don’t want to. I can—‘

‘Where are you going?’ she asked, approaching him, all the while Ruger remained at the table, sipping coffee and enjoying the show.

‘Out. And I’m giving you a ride home.’

‘I don’t want to go home. I want to go with you.’

He laughed. ‘Not a chance.’

‘Why not?’ she asked. ‘If you’re looking out for me then I should look out for you.’

‘Why do you think I’m taking Ruger? He’ll watch my back. You sit at home and I’ll come over later.’

‘Sit at home and wait for you to come over to my house for sex? Will you tell me what happened at this secret meeting?’


‘I don’t think I believe you,’ she said. ‘I want to come.’


‘You can’t tell me that I can’t prevent you from doing this and then you prevent me, that’s unfair.’

‘Life is unfair,’ Colt said, his tension visibly rising.

‘Let her come, what harm can it do?’ Ruger said.

‘She’s the main target. If he’s following her—‘

‘Oh, so I’m a liability,’ Lyssa said. ‘You’d rather leave me somewhere alone like a sitting duck where the loon can take me out without any hindrance.’

‘You’ve got your pepper spray, don’t you? I’ll check out your house, then you lock all the doors and windows and don’t open the door to anyone until I get back.’

‘What if something happens to you and you don’t get back?’

‘I’ll send Blaser over.’

‘This is fun,’ Ruger laughed. ‘You two could keep going at it all day, both of you have an answer for everything. Look, either she comes and you get laid tonight, or she doesn’t and she gripes your ass about it for the rest of the month. She’s right that if she comes we can keep an eye on her.’

‘She has clients this afternoon,’ Colt said.

‘Which means she would have to answer the door,’ Ruger said, leaving the table to rinse out the coffee mugs. ‘Bring her this time, but Lys, we’re making an exception. If you get in the way then we’ll hole you up in an empty apartment and leave you there until this is over.’

‘Leave me there?’ Lyssa said. ‘What’s to stop me from leaving when I’m alone?’

‘The chain we’ll attach to your ankle,’ Ruger said and when his eyes met hers she saw they were blank, nothing of the usual laidback, fun-loving Ruger existed in that stare.

‘Ok,’ she nodded. ‘I would appreciate being a part of this as much as I can be. I’ll cancel this afternoon’s clients and you can let me come with you. I want to be a part of this because I want to help myself too, and the people I care about.’

‘This better not be more of your damn research,’ Colt muttered when she headed for the door.

‘Research on you,’ she said, stopping at his side. ‘You have to learn to trust me.’

Without giving him a chance to respond to her words, she left the apartment and went back to Colt’s to collect her things and begin to call her clients. She didn’t want to slow the men down or get in their way, so she worked quickly, careful not to delay them.

Nerves about what Colt had said began to emerge. She wasn’t scared of being hurt today, Colt would never let that happen. But the idea that she could be connected to Bobby’s death that he might have died because of her turned her stomach. She hoped that Colt was wrong and that it wasn’t true, but her sixth sense told her that Colt wasn’t a man who was often wrong.



‘This wasn’t exactly what I expected,’ she said when they pulled into a wide alleyway lined with service doors for the retail unit shop fronts on the other side of the building.

‘What did you expect?’ Ruger asked. ‘Guns and ammo?’

‘We have guns and ammo,’ Colt said.

‘We grew up with guns and ammo scattered on the kitchen table.’

‘Ok, I get it, you’re both macho men. What are we doing here?’

‘You wanted to come,’ Colt said. ‘Are you having second thoughts? Do you want to stay in the car?’

‘It took us almost an hour to get here. I’m not missing this chance to see what it is you do.’

The men exchanged a look, then Colt turned to her in the backseat. ‘You think that what we do is in there?’

She shrugged. ‘Seeing you in action might be arousing.’

‘Ha,’ Ruger burst out. ‘If you get turned on in there, honey, then there is something seriously wrong with you.’

‘Why would you say that?’ she asked.

‘Because he gets turned on in there,’ Colt said, unclicking his seatbelt and leaving the car.

Now she was too intrigued not to follow. They’d parked at the side of the alley, so she had to shimmy all the way across the backseat to exit on the exposed side of the car. She did it so quickly that she was out of the car and at Colt’s side before Ruger was around the car.

Taking Colt’s hand halted him from moving forward as he’d been about to do. Tilting his head, he examined the point of contact as though he didn’t understand it.

‘I’m not allowed to hold your hand?’ she asked, without releasing him, curious about why this was such an alien thing for him and speculative about what was going on in his mind, thus, what it said about his inner psyche.

‘You can hold my hand,’ Ruger said, offering it.

‘I’m just not used to doing business with a… partner.’

‘You do business with Ruger,’ she said.

‘He doesn’t hold my hand,’ Colt replied.

‘As far as I’m aware he doesn’t suck your dick either,’ she said, with a triumphant smile. ‘Maybe when he does one he can do the other.’

Ruger leaned into his brother’s ear from behind. ‘You’ll be waiting a long time for that, buddy boy. You can hold your own damn hand as far as I’m concerned.’ Slapping his brother’s back, Ruger then left the couple to head for one of the doorways on the other side of the alley.

‘If it’s about professionalism,’ she said, extracting her hand from his only to have him snatch it back.

‘No,’ he said. ‘You wanted us to be in this together.’

‘Come on,’ Ruger shouted, holding open the door. ‘You can do lovey later.’

Crossing the alleyway, hand-in-hand, Ruger let them enter first, then came in at their back. There were metal shelving units lined vertically in front of them, they towered all the way to the ceiling and were jam-packed with all sorts of electronic equipment.

‘Pinch!’ Ruger called from his place at the rear of their group.

‘Come on down!’ someone replied and they began to move through the columns of shelving.

Computer monitors and hard-drives sat interspersed with laptops and webcams. Strange electronic boxes in all configurations lay between them with miles and miles of cabling in all widths and colours coiled around it all like snakes protecting the treasure.

A tall guy, about the same height as Ruger, got up from a long work bench at the front of this space. A steel door was next to the workbench, but it was closed. Monitors lined the wall where he’d been working, they showed what had to be the front of shop from various angles, but there were half a dozen more that didn’t look like any retail space, except she had no time to figure out what they were for because the guy Ruger had referred to as “Pinch” passed them. She, Colt and Ruger followed him to a shelf further along, which held two long, rectangular black sports bags.

‘Everything you need,’ Pinch said, pulling the bags from the shelf and handing one each over to Ruger and Colt. Colt handed him an envelope.

‘You always deliver,’ Ruger said.

‘And you always pay,’ Pinch said, giving her a quick once over then leaving them to go back to his workbench.

Her trio moved the length of the space again and then were back in the alleyway where the men put the bags in the trunk then got back into the car. Though she faltered, she clambered into the backseat and Ruger cranked the engine.

‘That’s it?’ she asked. ‘That’s the big, scary secret meeting that you were afraid to take me to?’

‘No one said it was big and scary,’ Colt said. Ruger took them out of the alley and back into the street to head for home.

‘Why didn’t you want to take me if all you were doing was picking that stuff up?’ she asked.

‘You don’t know what we picked up,’ Ruger said. ‘Maybe we’re going to build a bomb, maybe you were just party to a crime.’

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