Take My Dress Off (3 page)

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Authors: S. Gilmour

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Danielle teased my hair and sprayed enough Rave- Number-Three to burst a hole in the ozone.

“Who knows, maybe we’ll end up there with you,” she called as she climbed into her old car. I secretly hoped not. I didn’t want to become a foursome yet. I needed quality alone time with Mr. Serna first.


The low roar of the Mustang announced its presence before it arrived in our driveway. Chaz was right on time. Maddie was covering a nightshift in the ER so I didn’t have to deal with her recitation of rules. I ran out to the driveway as Chaz pulled in and tugged on the passenger door. It wouldn’t budge.

“It’s jammed,” he chuckled. “My sister crashed it when it was her car. I’ve never bothered to fix it.” I climbed over the door onto the front seat.

“I would have opened the door for you. Just not the passenger door,” he smiled and leaned in to give me a peck on the cheek. His lips were warm and soft. I was glad it was dark so he couldn’t see me blush.

This was a date!

It seemed everyone in town was at the drive-in. I had never seen so many kids or cars! When I was little I would tag along with Dad and Maddie. They would put me in pajamas and I would sleep in the backseat while they had a “date night.” Now I was here on my own date night,
I hoped
. Chaz went to the trunk and took out a brown paper grocery bag.

“Picnic? I asked.



“No way! Are you a virgin?”

“Excuse me?”

He slammed the trunk closed and shook his head. “No. I didn’t mean
,” he laughed. “Have you ever seen
Rocky Horror


“Ah, so you
a virgin,” he smirked.

We left the car and pushed through mingling teenagers. I followed him down to an area with rows of metal chairs in front of a raised stage. The large screen was behind the stage.

“I thought you stayed in your car at a drive-in,” I teased. I was more than disappointed. I had imagined sitting in the private, cozy, confines of Chaz’s car, his arm draped casually around me as we shared a tub of popcorn, our hands occasionally touching as we both reached in at the same time…


I looked over, quickly snapping out of my thoughts. A young man had joined our group.

“This is Spade. We’ve known each other since like… fourth grade right?”

“More like third I think.” He smiled warmly and shook my hand. “Joseph Spader.”

Spade was tall and lean with copper hair and a dusting of freckles across the bridge of his nose. He had that generic boy-next-door look. The look that Danielle always went for but never stayed with very long.

“Spade, this is my friend, Paige. We’re modeling tomorrow in that show I was telling you about.”

Friend? Great. This was not a date.

“That’s bitchin’. I’m totally going to show up and make fun of you guys.”

They continued talking and I turned and scanned the crowd. The seats were starting to fill up with people holding props or dressed in costumes. I wondered what I was getting myself into.

“Hey, Paige.”

I spun around to see Donny dressed in the most bizarre costume I’d ever seen! He was wearing a black leather vest, black opera length gloves, tight black trunks, and fishnet stockings. His big feet were crammed into red platform heels and he had a white face and dark lipstick.

“Holy shit, Donny! Is that you?”

“I’m in the play that gets acted out on the stage as the movie is playing. I’m Dr. Frank N. Furter.”

“Oh,” I sighed in relief. I thought he had lost his mind. “I didn’t realize there was a play too.”

“Oh my God! Are you a virgin?”
Here we go with the virgin thing again.

Chaz turned from his conversation. “She is a virgin.” Big smirk from Chaz. He pushed me to Donny and before I knew what was happening I was being pulled onto the stage.

Donny cupped his hands together over his mouth and shouted into the crowd. “Attention, everyone. We have our first virgin of the night!”

Within seconds people formed a ring around me and started to sing and dance.
Ring around the virgin, ring around the virgin,
they sang. I was mortified. They disbanded as quickly as they gathered and disappeared back into the crowd.

“My dear, you are no longer a virgin,” said Donny as he bowed and pretended to lower a cap from his head. I spotted Chaz in the row of seats below and walked over to him. He couldn’t contain his laughter.

“You knew that was going to happen didn’t you?” I scolded with my hands on my hips.

“It’s happened to all of us, don’t be pissed.” He chucked me under the chin. “C’mon, it’s a tradition.” My body softened. I couldn’t stay mad at those beautiful green eyes. “I’m going to the snack bar, want anything?”

“Surprise me.”

Chaz disappeared into the crowd and I sat down. I peeked into his paper bag. There was a newspaper, two green plastic squirt guns, hotdogs, a flashlight, rubber gloves, toilet paper, toast, rice, and two party hats. Hmm, this night was going to be interesting that was for sure.

“Paige,” called a low voice.

I whipped around to find dark eyes staring back at me.


The “old me” would have melted. The “new me” was annoyed.

“You here with Danielle?” He shoved his hands into the pockets of his Calvin Klein’s and glanced down at me through tousled bangs.

“Nope. Where’s Jordan?” I smirked up to him.

“Not here. I came with Donny.”

I did not want to spend my first date (or whatever it was with Chaz) with Dillon too.

“Shouldn’t you be at home getting your beauty sleep?”

“Shouldn’t you?” I spat. We glared at each other as the excitement of the crowd buzzed around us.

Chaz’s return broke our awkward silence. “I got you a Butterfinger, is that okay?” He glanced back at Dillon. “Oh, hey, Dillon. Donny looks great. You’re not dressed up.”

“I just came to watch.” Dillon studied us warily for a moment. “The show’s about to start. I guess I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

“Later,” said Chaz.

I didn’t say anything.

“You ready to lose your virginity?” laughed Chaz.

I tore open my Butterfinger and nodded. If he only knew.

The show was incredible! Donny was in his element as Dr. Frank N. Furter. Chaz cued me on when to use the props and when to shout out the lines. I couldn’t believe how fast the time went by. Before I knew it the credits were rolling and Donny was taking a bow with the rest of the performers. We packed all of the props back into the bag and went up to the stage to find Donny. When we found him he was taking a drag on a joint with Dillon and the guys who played Riff Raff and Rocky.

“Hey guys, what did you think?” Donny smiled through heavy lids as a thin stream of smoke escaped his lips. We showered Donny with praise and he beamed.

“I’m glad I got to be a part of your de-virgining,” winked Donny. Dillon raised his eyebrows at me. Donny offered the joint to me and I shook my head. Chaz took it carefully from Donny and took a long drag before returning it. I was surprised. I didn’t know Chaz was into that. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. Donny offered it to Dillon and he took a drag and passed it over to me, his dark eyes challenging mine.

“Excuse me.” I turned to Chaz. “I’m going to the restroom. I’ll meet you back at the car.”

“I can walk you,” Chaz offered.

“No thanks, I’ll be fine.”

I didn’t really need to use the restroom but I wanted to get out of the Ring of Weed and away from Dillon. I was dreading the
Almost Paradise
fiasco tomorrow. Actually…now today. I stumbled a few times on the rocky ground and prayed I wouldn’t twist my ankle or Maddie would kill me for ruining her show.
Damn pumps, Danielle was right.
I ran into Marissa and chatted with her for a while. I was on my way to the parking lot when I was confronted by Dillon, again. He was half-hidden in the shadow of a large truck but I could see his eyes glittering in the darkness.

“How long are you going to stay pissed at me, Paige?” He ran his hands through his hair.

“I’m not talking to you when you’re high.”

“I barely had a hit. I’m not high.” He looked around and leaned in closer. “Why are you so freakin’ hot and cold to me?”

“Me? I’m hot and cold? That is the biggest joke I’ve ever heard,” I scowled.

“I can’t tell what you want from me.”

“What I want from you?” I choked back a laugh. “What I want is for you to quit messing with my head, that’s what I want.” I spun on my pumps to turn and make a grand exit but my heel caught in the dirt and I lost my balance. Dillon reached for me and pulled me with him into the shadows. The damp night clung to his sweatshirt and caused me to shiver.

“Are you cold, baby?” he whispered, wrapping his arms around me. He pressed his lips to the top of my head.

I lifted my chin to look up at him. “This is exactly what’s pissing me off, Dillon.”


“This. When I start to fall for you again you pull back. When I pull away you’re right back at me again. You can’t keep doing this to me. It’s not fair.”

He looked down to me and tightened his arms around my waist. “I care about you a lot, Paige, you know that.”

“Does Jordan know?”

“She’s not here.” He cupped my cheeks with his cold hands and leaned down to kiss me. I pushed out of his embrace.

“You need to make a choice. I’m not playing this game with you anymore.”

“It’s complicated, Paige.”

“Really?” My voice was rising. “I don’t think it is.” My heart was pounding and I knew Chaz must have been wondering why I hadn’t yet returned. The last thing I needed was for him to see me like this. I had to get away from Dillon.

“Forget it,” I said and turned away.

“Paige. Wait.”

“I have to go.” I didn’t wait for his reply. I didn’t turn around. I didn’t want to see him standing there convincing me to stay because he was really good at that. Somehow my walk turned from a jog to a sprint. I scanned the parking lot for the Mustang. It was still pretty crowded. Where did we park? I ran into Chaz’s friend Spade and he pointed me in the right direction. Chaz was leaning up against his car talking to Donny. They were standing very close and I thought maybe they were concealing another joint. Donny was still in his costume and looked ridiculous now that the excitement of the evening had faded.

“Finally,” said Chaz as I approached them. “I thought you were lost!”

“We were about to send out the troops,” smiled Donny.

“I ran into a few friends.” It was sort of true, right?

“You seen Dillon?” asked Donny. “I gotta get going.”

“Umm…” I stalled. “I think I saw him by the restrooms earlier.”

“Thanks. See you guys tomorrow.” Donny disappeared into a sea of cars.

Chaz and I chatted about the movie as he drove me home. Then we were in my driveway. I didn’t know what to do. Would he try to kiss me? Was this just a friendly movie date or a real date? Should I hop over the car door? I took off my pumps and tossed them over the door and onto the driveway.

“Hold on, I’ll get you out properly.” He slid from the seat. He came around to the other side of the car as I stood, my bare feet sinking into the old vinyl seat. He helped me over the car door and when I was safely on the ground he leaned against the car and took me into his arms. “I’ll walk you to the door, it’s the least I can do after taking your virginity,” he winked.

“This joke dies after tonight, okay? Promise?”

“Cross my heart,” he grinned. He tightened his arms around me, leaned down, and pressed his lips to mine very softly, very slowly. I was smoldering under Chaz’s patient touch and relieved he was holding onto me because my legs were turning into wet noodles. It was the softest kiss I’d ever had. Dillon always shoved his tongue down my throat as quickly as possible. “You better get some sleep,” he whispered. “Big day tomorrow.”

“Today,” I corrected.


I reluctantly parted from him and picked up my pumps. He walked me to the door. Luckily for me it was unlocked because I had forgotten my keys. I stepped into the doorway. There was a soft glow coming from the kitchen. I wanted to invite Chaz in and sneak him into my room but I knew it was too soon for that.

“Thanks. I had so much fun tonight.”

“I’m glad.” Chaz leaned in for one last kiss which I happily returned.

“Good night.” He gave me a sleepy smile and cocked his head. “See you tomorrow.” He turned and walked back to his car. I closed the door and leaned against it, the vibration of his car rumbling against my back and my heart.

Chapter Four

In less than
twelve hours we were all together again, magically transformed into superstars with makeup and hairspray, standing backstage and waiting for our cue. Donny had his signature black eyeliner thickly rimming his lids. His hair had been sprayed and shellacked into a mohawk and he was bejeweled with chain necklaces and studded ears. He walked around clapping, pumping everyone up, his black fingernails keeping time as Frankie Goes to Hollywood’s
boomed in the background. I leaned against the wall, barely able to breathe in a tight, yellow, strapless, Rampage dress. My long hair was teased and sprayed into a high ponytail pulling ferociously from my crown so tightly I was about to cry. Some of the girls were jumping up and down holding hands. The guys were pale and quiet.

I glanced to my left. Danielle was staring at the floor. Her dark curls were streaked with blue and fell against her shoulders. Her bright pink lips twitched. She always got super nervous before we went up on the stage. She smoothed the neon green tutu over her black fishnet leggings. “This thing itches like a bitch!”

Chaz was next to her fidgeting with zippers at the cuffs of his black leather jacket, his golden locks blow-dried and gelled perfectly off his face. His lids were coated in shiny copper making his sea green eyes even larger. I glanced to my right at Dillon. He looked drop-dead gorgeous and as usual took my breath away. Dillon’s hair was teased and tousled in all directions. His eyes were lightly lined and his lashes darkened with mascara. All the guys hated having to wear make-up (well, except for Donny) but knew it was necessary. A shorter, stockier version of his brother, Dillon was just as handsome but he was quiet and pensive. Donny had a playful, flirty personality that rendered him approachable, Dillon the dark and brooding one. Of course I had to go for the dark and brooding one. Why couldn’t he be more like his brother? Donny always appeared to be having a good time and he possessed a confidence that was not intimidating.

Dillon glanced down to me and gently ran his hand down the length of my ponytail, giving it a quick tug at the end.

“Are we good?” he asked, his eyes softening.

I tried to take a deep breath, “Sure.”

“Good.” He grabbed my hand and raised it to his mouth, lightly brushing my knuckles against his lips. “Let’s do this.”

“Showtime, ladies and gentleman!” shouted Rory from behind the curtain.

“Break a leg, guys!” added Donny.

The show went smoothly. I let go of my frustration with Dillon and enjoyed myself. Chaz turned the wrong way during the Michael Jackson dance, Danielle cursed, and I tried not to laugh. Dillon was amazing as usual and the girls called and cheered whenever he strutted down the runway. I got lost in the music and the clothes and when I was on the runway with the lights blinding my eyes, the music pounding beneath my toes, everything slipped away and I felt like the only girl in the world. I looked into the distance over the audience, not noticing anyone, only aware of how empowered I felt as I commanded everyone’s attention.

We strutted through the sets and caught our breath while a pair of Rory’s professional dancers performed to Asia’s
Only Time Will Tell
. Everyone’s eyes sparkled with adrenalin as Maddie came backstage to tell us how great we were all doing.

Almost Paradise
is up next,” shouted Rory. “Paige, Dillon, you’re up first. As soon as you finish the first verse the dancers enter stage right.” She yelled behind the curtain. “Get the piano player up there now!”

“You ready?” grinned Dillon, his dark eyes gleaming.

I rolled my eyes. “Ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.”

Dillon was wearing a black suit, an electric blue skinny tie, and a black shirt.
Why did he have to be so beautiful?
I had on a matching blue, floor length, Jessica McClintock Gunne Sax dress. It had layers of crinolines and puffed out at the sides. It was ridiculous and Dillon had to help me hold it to get up the stairs.

“We should have practiced with this dress,” he groaned with an armload of crinoline as we climbed the shaky, metal staircase. We walked out to the side of the stage and took our places and our microphones. Thank God they were turned off! The audience looked puzzled as the piano player took his seat. He was going to play along with the track.

Dillon closed his eyes and took a breath. He was actually nervous!

He never got nervous.

Which made me nervous.

The intro began. He slowly raised the microphone up to his mouth. As he began the first verse he picked up my hand and gazed into my eyes. He was really turning it on. I could hear his voice, he was actually singing to me.

My turn.

I looked up into his adoring eyes and then I fell. Not physically off the stage but I fell in love with him all over again and decided I was going to be for these three minutes and fifty- one seconds. Screw his flirting, screw his girlfriend, screw my own insecurities. This was my last chance to feel anything with him and I was going to enjoy it. He slid his hand around my waist and I gazed up at him dreamily as he pulled me to him. I could feel his heart beating against my chest and sweat glistened above his full lips. I snaked one hand around his neck, leaned into him, and we began to move. We slowly rocked back and forth as we declared our love to this sappy song and the audience loved it. He slowly twirled me around then turned me back against him, his hand flat on my stomach as he pressed into my backside. I leaned my head back against his chest and continued to rock with him. When the short musical interlude came he swung me around and set me on top of the piano, the blue dress puffing all around me. I crossed my legs, shoved down the crinolines, and continued to sing as the models paraded down the runway. When we finished the last verse he swept me down from the piano and into his arms. He lowered his head to mine. Oh my God!  Was he going to kiss me on this stage in front of everyone? He pressed his forehead to mine as we held the last word then softly brushed his lips across mine before pulling away. The audience began to applaud as I melted into the stage. I looked to the side. Danielle was staring, jaw dropped, her hand in Chaz’s. He was glaring at Dillon as she pulled him from the stage. Once everyone had exited, Dillon grabbed my hand and escorted me to the stairs. I turned back and looked out to the audience. Dillon’s girlfriend, Jordan, was talking casually with her friends. Did she know he was going to do this? Did he already explain that it was not a big deal, just part of the show?

Dillon helped me get the cumbersome dress down the stairs, sweeping me from the last three steps and setting me down gently. He held me tightly to him for a moment then slowly exhaled as his hands slipped from my body, his eyes the last to let go as he turned and walked toward the dressing room. I stared after him, my body reeling from his affection and sudden absence. I walked past the other models as they hooted and cheered, some made cat calls.

Donny blocked my path. “That was so rad! You two were amazing! When did you come up with that?”

I didn’t even know what

“We did what you wanted Donny, we made it work,” I replied absently. I had to find Dillon, I had to talk to him. I made my way down the hallway. A hand yanked my shoulder back.

“What in the hell?” cried Danielle. “I thought you guys were going to do it on the piano!” she laughed. Chaz stood stiffly next to her loosening his hot pink tie.

“That’s ridiculous. As if, Danielle!”

“Is there something going on I don’t know about?” she teased and winked.

“Nothing is going on, just playing it up for the crowd, right?”

“Looked pretty real to me,” Chaz said flatly.

I looked past his shoulder to see if Dillon was coming out of the dressing room. “Don’t make anything of it. Jordan was right there watching too.”

“I bet she wants to kick your ass.”

“That’s not funny, Danielle. Excuse me. I need to get this horrible dress off.”

I pushed through the human wall of people and made my way to the dressing room. It was alive with energy as models stripped off garments and make-up. A black curtain divided the guy’s and girl’s sides. I glanced to the other side of the curtain. The male models were in various stages of undress. I felt my throat tighten when I saw Dillon wearing only black briefs as he hung up his clothes. I remembered his body pressed to mine, other parts of him pressed to me, his hands on my stomach, his soft lips. Damn him for doing this to me again!

“Hey, you keep staring and I’m going to charge you,” warned one of the models.

Dillon looked over to see who was talking, raised his dark eyebrows at me, and then turned his attention back to folding his pants.

“Alright, sweetie, move along. I needed that dress back like five minutes ago.” Ramon the wardrobe assistant handed me an empty hanger.

I quickly changed and handed the dress off to Ramon. When I exited the dressing room a hand caught my shoulder. I turned to find Jordan with a few of her friends.
Could this day get any worse?

“Paige,” she smiled. Her beady brown eyes didn’t change shape to reflect she was smiling. Like if she was crying or furiously chasing me with an axe they would stay their same small, beady, shape.

“Oh my God! You two were so cute up there!” she said squeezing my hand as if I was eight years old and had just finished a vocal performance of
in my parent’s formal living room.

“Is Dillon still back there? I didn’t see him come out.”

“I think so.” I didn’t relay to her that I had just gawked at her boyfriend in his underwear.

I would love to say that this ended like a John Hugh’s movie. That I walked out of the convention center and Dillon was waiting for me, leaning up casually against a red Porsche 911. (Cue music). That he looked up to me through his tousled bangs, caught my gaze, a lazy smile traveling across his lips as he coolly tossed his hair and motioned me over to him.

But no, that’s not how it ended.

Chaz picked me up in his old Mustang. I climbed over the door and slid onto the faded, cracked, vinyl seat. We rode over in silence (except for The Smith’s
How Soon is Now?
blasting over the engine’s roar) to the “after party” at the Holiday Inn Cantina.

I tried to join in on the festive mood and celebrate a great performance but I don’t think I was fooling anyone. Not Danielle who occasionally nudged me barking, “Snap out of it!” and I was definitely not fooling Chaz. I occasionally caught him watching me from a booth, sitting across from Donny. He sipped slowly on a margarita, absently staring in my direction with a look that bounced between pity and longing.

Dillon wasn’t there. Donny said he had gone off with Jordan and her friends.

Of course he had.

I heard that Dillon and Jordan broke up a few days later. Donny told Maddie that Dillon was going to take some time off from modeling because of the demands of summer training for varsity football. Which was just fine with me.

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