Taken by the Beast (3 page)

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Authors: Natasha Knight

BOOK: Taken by the Beast
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“Are you fucking crazy?” she yelled, struggling to free herself.


“You can’t do this!”

“I can and I am.”

He lay one leg over the backs of hers and gripped her waist with his left hand, holding her to him. When he reached beneath her to untie the drawstring of her pants, she fought him with all she had, but it only served to harden his cock as he pulled her pants down to her knees, revealing lacy, pale pink panties beneath.

“Stop. You have no right!” She kicked and wiggled like a slippery fish. “At least leave my pants on. Please!”

“No,” he said, feeling the lace of her panties with the tips of his fingers before taking them down.

She groaned, squeezing her legs and buttocks together.

“Relax your muscles,” he said, circling his palm flat over the full, lush mounds of her bottom. He was going to enjoy this much more than he should.

He lifted his hand and brought it down hard.


* * *


Kayla gasped. It was surprise and sound more so than pain, but she knew that was coming. He struck again, this time on the opposite cheek.


“Relax your muscles; your real punishment won’t start until after you’ve done that.”

He struck twice more and she tried to wriggle free, but he only clamped down tighter with his leg and arm.

Two more strokes hit their mark.

“Please! It hurts!” she begged.

“Soften.” Four slaps followed, swift and hard.

He stopped for a moment and rubbed her buttocks, giving her time to consider her position, naked from the waist down over this stranger’s knees, being spanked. Her face flushed red with embarrassment and she was suddenly as aware of his rock-hard cock pressing into her belly as she was of the warmth spreading between her own legs.

“Kayla, I’m doing this for your own good. Men are going to come after us. Bad men who will not hesitate to hurt you. I need to trust that you will obey me without question.”

“You’re doing it for
own good and from what I can see, you’re the only bad man. Did you save me from getting raped so you could just do it yourself?” she cried, sorry the moment the words left her mouth because he rained blows down on her harder than what he’d already done.

“I’m no rapist,” he said, his voice quiet but final. “But I will discipline you.”

He alternated between her buttocks and thighs, the surprise factor gone now, replaced with hot pain. She’d never been spanked as a child, much less as an adult, and it was more humiliating and painful than she could have imagined. But at the same time, there was something else. She cried out and in her struggles, her legs came apart and she wondered if he could see the pink of her sex, which she knew was glistening now. She was turned on; how could she be turned on? It hurt like hell. But she couldn’t deny the fact. And she knew what it was, why it was. He had complete power over her. Something inside her gave way and as much as she knew she’d never admit it, this act of his forced her submission. She let her knees bend and gave herself over to it. She cried while he held and spanked her. He shifted her when she relaxed her body so her hips were lifted higher and she was sure he’d see her sex now, swollen and wet. Her only consolation was that his hand probably stung as much as her bottom did.

“Stop. Please. It’s enough, I promise. I promise,” she begged, not sure what she was promising at all.

“You will obey me in all things without question, is that clear?”

He slapped several more times and she was panting to answer. “Yes. Ow! Yes, yes.”

“Yes, what?”

Yes, what? What did he want? “Yes, I will obey.”

“And what happens if you don’t?” He didn’t let up, even as she struggled to answer.

Shame battled with defiance, but she forced the words out. “I get spanked.”

“Good girl,” he said, the slaps changing suddenly to caresses over her scorching hot bottom and thighs.

She sniffled, unable to wipe her nose, her eyes. The floor beneath her face was wet from her tears and all she could think at that moment, even upturned as she was on his legs, her bottom exposed, punished, was that she didn’t want him to see that her eyes were red and puffy from crying.

You’re stupid, Kayla.

He stood her up between his legs and she looked down at her feet, still sniffling. He pulled a tissue out of his pocket and wiped her eyes. She was fully aware of her vulnerability, standing there, hands bound behind her back, pants and panties down around her ankles. Her thighs felt sticky and she couldn’t help but glance quickly at his crotch where his cock bulged against his jeans as if begging for release.

“Turn around.”

“What?” she asked, her voice small as a fresh rush of shame made her clit throb anew.

“Turn around,” he repeated. The fact that he sounded almost bored only added to her heightened state, making her wonder what was wrong with her.

She searched his face and part of her considered running or refusing or something, some act of defiance. Something to make clear she didn’t want this. But logic intervened. They were deep in the woods; she had no idea where or how far they were from civilization. She’d seen him turn into a beast and kill, but somehow knew he wouldn’t hurt her, not like that. And besides, that part was too much to process now. She turned and stood with her back to him. She didn’t know what to expect, but nothing happened for a few moments. She squeezed her eyes shut as she imagined him at eye level with her bottom, which was probably red and covered with his handprints.

He untied the belt from around her wrists and every time his fingers touched her skin, she felt heat, like they singed her. She remained as still as possible, but splayed her fingers out to cover as much of her bottom as she could. His hands took hers lightly and moved them to her sides. She stood still, just as he’d positioned her. Likely looking over his handiwork.

“Turn around and look at me,” he said finally.

She turned and imagined how red her face was, probably as red as her bottom.

“Pull up your panties.”

She swallowed. Could this be any more humiliating? She reached down and took hold of both panties and pants and began to straighten.

“I said panties, Kayla.”

She glanced at him, then quickly dropped her eyes. She pulled her panties up and waited for the command to continue.

“Now you may pull your pants up.”

She wanted to hurl insults at him, but instead, tugged her pants up and retied the drawstring.

“Would you like me to hold you?”

Was he fucking serious? She contained herself and forced a “no.”

“Then thank me.”

She blinked a few times. That did it. He was a lunatic.

His expression and the bulge in his pants told her just how much he’d enjoyed spanking her. It took all she had to control the stupid part of her that wanted to challenge him. In the end, it was fear of the pain and the image of him turning her back over his knee and continuing with her punishment if she didn’t say those two damned words that made her give in.

“Thank you,” she spat out, narrowing her eyes and refusing to drop her gaze. She wouldn’t let him see just how he affected her.

“Go take the pills. I’ll make something to eat.”

“I’m not hungry,” she said, even though she was starving. “And I have to use the bathroom.”

“I’ll take you outside; no facilities here, I’m afraid.”

“You don’t have a bathroom?” she asked.

“It’s not exactly a vacation home,” he said, unlocking the door.

She swallowed the Advil and grabbed some tissues out of the box on the counter. “I’m not cleaning myself with leaves,” she said and walked past him.

Elijah led the way around the back of the hut. “You can go here, I’ll turn around.”

God, she hated this, but she had to go. She was glad she hadn’t peed when he’d been spanking her, although it would have served him right. Fucker. She was going to make him pay.

Once she was sure he wasn’t looking, she squatted and relieved herself, cleaned up, and walked inside, ignoring him altogether.

“Where do I sleep?” she asked.

sleep on the bed, princess.”


“Yes, we. I need to check on a few things before I sleep. I’ll lock the door behind me and I have excellent hearing, so don’t get any ideas.”

“How long are you going to be gone? What if there’s a fire or something?” she asked, realizing how unlikely that was, but not wanting to be alone.

“I’ll be right outside and there won’t be a fire. You sure you don’t want to eat something?”


“Suit yourself,” he said, and walked out the door. She heard the lock turn behind him. Looking around the cabin, she checked the box for a weapon, anything she could use if he tried something tonight. Although she knew he wouldn’t. He’d saved her from exactly that just a few hours ago.

Nausea at the memory had her clutching her belly and she went to the bed. Lifting the sleeping bag, she checked for bugs then climbed in, moving to the farthest corner and turning her back to the door. She closed her eyes, suddenly incredibly tired. Her bottom burned, her wrists were sore, and her head still hurt. She just wanted to sleep.


* * *


As soon as he was outside, Elijah adjusted the crotch of his pants. He’d gotten hard spanking her, but spanking had always turned him on. It was like a kill. Whenever he shifted back to his human form, he’d have to relieve his erection. He’d read somewhere that men got hard during battle and he knew it was true. It was some basic, primal instinct and it was worse in wolves.

Chapter Three



When Kayla woke, it was to the sound of birds outside. Spring was the best time of year. She felt warm and safe and smiled as she blinked her eyes open. She stared straight ahead at the wall, three beams of light coming in through the holes that had been drilled there.

Remembering where she was, she realized where the warmth was coming from and the arm that was draped protectively over her now felt like a weight too heavy to breathe beneath.

She had her back pressed into him, the wall of his naked chest rising and falling as he breathed. His legs were tucked behind hers and he held her to him. Her eyes grew wide when she felt the stiffness between his legs. Should she move slowly, try to creep away?

She vaguely remembered the nightmare, crying, followed by him sweeping her close, telling her to go back to sleep. He’d held her and he’d been gentle; that much she remembered, more as feeling than memory.

He moved. “Good morning,” he said.

She pushed his arm off and wiggled to the other end of the bed before turning to him. She didn’t respond.

He looked at her, stretched and yawned. “You always have bad dreams?” he asked, turning to her.

“Only since I met you,” she answered, trying to act cool, detached.

“Funny,” he said, pushing the sleeping bag off.

He was naked but for a pair of tight shorts that concealed little. When he caught her looking, she flushed red and dropped her gaze.

“I usually sleep naked, but left these on as a courtesy,” he said, smiling.

“Are you waiting for me to thank you?” she asked. She sat up and combed her fingers through her hair.

He ignored her and looked at his watch. “I’d like to be on our way in the next ten minutes.”

“On our way where?” she asked, climbing out of the bed while he pulled on his jeans and t-shirt. “I need a shower, fresh clothes. Where are we going? And who are you running from? Besides the police, I mean?”

“It might serve you well to remember last night’s lesson,” he said.

She flushed red, embarrassed, even as another part of her reacted differently to his words.

He folded the sleeping bag and secured it to the duffel bag, packing bottles of water and some of the canned goods. He opened the door. “If you need to relieve yourself, now would be the time,” he said, gesturing for her to go ahead of him with a nod of his head.

Once that was finished, he locked the door and they began to walk.

“I’m not exactly wearing hiking boots,” she complained, but followed.

“I can carry you if you prefer,” he offered, glancing at her.

She glared at him. “Where are you taking me?” she asked.

“To my car,” he said.

“Which is how far, exactly?” she asked.

“Are you going to talk the entire time?”

“I’ll stop as soon as you answer my questions. I wouldn’t want to be a pain in your ass, since you’re forcing me…”

He stopped and grabbed her so fast, she was shocked into silence. Her eyes went wide as she stared into his, the gold in them suddenly clouded.

“Quiet,” he warned.

She nodded, a shiver shaking her once. Her mom used to say those shivers were the hand of the devil on your shoulder. In this case, it was the grip of the werewolf.

He let her go and she walked a pace behind him, wanting to keep distance, but knowing not to take too much, knowing not to try him. The forest smelled good; the trees, the soil, all of it, so different than the city, which she almost never left. The ground was damp and the sound of birds calmed her. She focused on that sound, trying not to jump at every broken branch or noise.

“You can tell if there’s something following us, right? I mean the animal side of you. I don’t know what animals are in these woods, but I don’t want to become something’s breakfast.”

He turned to her, smiling. His expression was almost amused. “Don’t worry, I won’t let anything eat you,” he said.

“Speaking of breakfast…” she began. Her stomach growled as if to verify.

“You didn’t eat anything last night,” he said, stopping immediately. He set the bag on the ground. From inside, he withdrew a granola bar and handed it to her. “It’s all we’ve got for now, but I promise you a warm meal this evening.”

“Thank you,” she said, taking the granola bar and unwrapping it. “Aren’t you going to eat?”

“No, I packed the bars for you. Would you like some water?”

“I don’t suppose you have coffee in there,” she said, taking the bottle he held out to her. She realized something. “What are you going to eat then?” she asked.

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