Taken By The Pack (2 page)

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you play nice and give us everything we want.” The plot had gone perfectly so far. Danny wanted them anyway. A little blackmail and they’d all be happy.

“I won’t have to suck wolf dick, will I?” Danny tensed.

Brandon leaned over him with a grin. “You’ll suck or fuck whatever we tell you to. And

believe me, we’ll take some pictures for proof. Call it insurance.”

“Find his cell and take pictures of the porn with him. Email it home.” Justin had no desire to expose Danny, but they needed the leverage. And Justin knew once the sex and the real push for what they wanted came out, he’d need real evidence already in the bag.

Brandon grabbed the cell from Danny’s jeans pocket and scrolled through the existing

pictures. “No need. I’ll just forward these pictures. Danny you were wild in college. You should lock you phone so no one finds them.” Brandon turned the screen so Justin could see it.

The picture clearly showed Danny smiling as he licked a set of balls on one cock while

holding another in his hand. It was even date stamped. “You’re making this so easy on us.


“Don’t!” Danny made a grab for it.

“Oops. I just sent it to your entire contact list.” Brandon held it out of reach. “Let’s see what else you have.”

“No, you didn’t. You jerk!” Danny rushed Brandon and knocked him to the floor.

“Oh nice. Hot young men. College. We really should’ve gone.” Brandon let Danny get

his phone back.

Justin shrugged it off. “To be a tattoo artist like your dad and work in his shop, you didn’t need college. And I got my job at the tourism bureau without it. They sent me to some seminars.

Danny just needed to get away. Far away so he could suck dick and kiss men.” Justin walked to them and stood over the pair. “So you have experience with more than one man at a time?”

“You didn’t send it to everyone. Thank God!” Danny punched buttons on his phone. “It’s

locked now.”

“We have what we need. Proof of your preference is in our email. Now, you can’t say we

forced you or it was your first time.”

Brandon chuckled. “Yeah, you’re smiling way too hard in this picture, Danny!”

“Must be hard to be back in the closet.” Justin ran his fingers through Danny’s black hair.

“All the porn in the world isn’t the same.” He guided Danny to his knees.

“You’re blackmailing me for sex? You two can go to the Pipeline and get all the ass you

want. Probably an orgy in the backroom.” Danny pulled back.

Justin leaned down and kissed Brandon then he kissed Danny. “If you want to go that far

back in the Pipeline, we’ll take you. I bet you were popular in college. This must be hell. Frozen hell. Don’t worry about why we do what we do. You do what we want, whatever we want, until we decide to let you go. Or we’ll put that picture up at the Pipeline and on every gay guy’s phone in Alaska. I don’t need to send it to your brother for the family to find out.”

“You’ll be so popular!” Brandon gripped Danny’s cock and stroked it to tease him.

Danny groaned.

“We don’t need to blackmail you to fuck you. That’s pretty damn obvious. So you just

enjoy us for now. You’re our charity case.” Justin couldn’t continue it for long. Brandon was man hungry. Every member of his family was a shifter, and during the full moon, he needed to hunt, to fuck in either form and to live wildly.

Justin’s mother was human so he had a little more self-control. But years of wanting to

sample Danny in bed, despite how much he loved his wild Brandon, refused to be tamed. High school crushes were silly and should fade, but this one hadn’t.

Still holding Danny’s hair, Justin pulled him in to suck his cock.

Danny hesitated. Justin could feel Danny weighing his options. Danny wasn’t dumb. He

knew there would be another piece, a true blackmail-worthy demand. “You might as well enjoy the sex. We’ve already got the dirt on you. I promise, nothing freaky or shifty.”

“We like humans.” Brandon squeezed Danny’s sac.

Moaning, Danny gave in and sucked Justin all the way down. Clawing up Danny’s back,

Justin threw back his head as he gasped at the sensation. He’d underestimated Danny’s need for men and his experience.

Fighting for control, he fucked Danny’s throat and pulled back. He and Brandon had been

primed since they had hatched this plan. Now Justin couldn’t control it.

He pushed Danny off and down. “My balls. Bite them.”

Danny did but not hard enough.

“More!” Justin urged.

Brandon coached Danny like he was a virgin. “You can’t hurt him, human. He’s stronger

even in human form. We’ll have to go easy on you.”

Danny nipped then sunk his teeth in, pulling one direction and then another. He slapped

and pinched the sac while his mouth went for the sensitive tip of the cock. Scoring it with those teeth, he had both hands on Justin’s balls as his mouth abused Justin’s cock.

“Come all over him,” Brandon said.

Justin felt the click of release just as Danny fisted the base of Justin’s cock, pressing the balls to the shaft so tight Justin couldn’t be in control. Those rough human hands squeezing him and Danny’s sharp teeth working the tip, Justin came in a howl. When the pounding in his veins eased off a bit, Justin opened his eyes. Danny had cum on his chin, neck and shoulder.

There was also a smile on his face.

Brandon used his fingers to dab the cum on Danny’s chin and feed it to their human

captive. “That’s a start.”

Justin nodded to the bed.

Chapter Two

Brandon licked the cum off Danny’s chin and moved up to kiss him. “Is that the first

cock you’ve tasted since college?”

“Yeah. Almost a year. Why did you two wait so long to blackmail or sexmail me?”

Danny kissed Brandon’s neck.

“We don’t need you for sex. We have each other, and if we choose to share or play, we

can find plenty who are out and eager.” Justin tried to sound distant.

Brandon looked up at his lover. It was a big lie. Justin had had a crush on Danny since

high school. Macho, quiet and sexy—Danny was hot. Brandon was in on Justin’s lust. But it had never worked out for them in high school.

“But it’s fun to play. You wanted us in high school, Danny. I caught you staring at

Justin.” Brandon led Danny by his cock to the bed.

“I looked at every hot guy. You, too,” Danny said.

Using his superior strength, Brandon pushed Danny onto his hand and knees then he sat

in front of Danny and stared him down. His cock throbbing, Brandon needed release as bad as Justin had, but he loved sex games. Fresh meat to play with made it better. The moon had him aching.

“See, Justin. You were right about how much Danny wants us.” Leaning back on the

headboard, Brandon smiled as he watched Justin walk up behind Danny and squeeze those firm ass cheeks.

“When he experiences our combined skills, he might never want us to leave.” Justin

dipped his head down.

Brandon couldn’t see, but whatever Justin did made Danny tense then press back with a


“Don’t fuck him yet. I want his full attention.” Brandon wagged his cock to tempt Danny.

“Is that the game? I’m your sex toy, but I never get off?” Danny inched back.

Justin grabbed the lube and poured some on Danny’s crack. “Don’t be silly. We’re teases, we’re animals at times, but we’re not assholes.” Justin thrust his thumb in Danny’s rear for emphasis.

“Damn!” Danny shook for a second.

“But you should wait. You made us wait until now. And we had to kidnap you. Closet

cases deserve to beg.” Brandon used his foot to torment Danny’s cock.

“Please.” Danny leaned forward to get Brandon’s cock.

Brandon held Danny back. “You know, Justin, I don’t think that thumb will be enough to

keep him busy. I saw a toy in the nightstand.”

“No!” Danny protested. “I’m sick of rubber. I want the real thing.”

“It’s your own fault. We kept expecting to see you sneaking in the back door to the

Pipeline, but you never came.” Justin worked his thumb in Danny.

“Someone will talk,” Danny groaned.

Brandon eased forward and let Danny within reach. Danny sucked Brandon to the base

and fucked himself, rocking eagerly back on Justin’s digit. Brandon saw the pleasure in Danny’s face as he sucked Brandon’s balls and dipped down to tongue his asshole.

“Damn, he’s good,” Brandon said.

“Did you fuck every gay guy in college?” Justin bit Danny’s ass cheek.

Brandon felt Danny tense. “Easy on the human, Justin. He’s not used to us yet. Don’t

worry, Danny; you’ll get off once you tell the truth.” Brandon stroked Danny’s hair. Those gray eyes were arousing. Danny was so hot no man could resist.

Releasing Brandon’s cock, Danny took a deep breath. “You already ransacked my house.

You know I’m gay. You knew in high school. What do you want me to confess about?”

“You’ll know when you’re ready. We just had no idea you’d be so good at this.” Justin

pulled his digit from Danny.

“Fuck me!” Danny arched his ass.

“That’s not nice. You need to service your guests first.” Brandon pulled Danny back

down, but before he let Danny’s lips touch the cock, Brandon asked, “You wanted us both in high school, didn’t you?”

Danny stared him dead in the eye. “Hell, yes. But if I knew what game-playing-freak-

fucks you were, maybe not.”

Justin pressed on the bite mark he’d left while Brandon chuckled. “And we thought you’d

understand. Being different is hard. We had to keep our shifter secret in high school. It was too dangerous. We still have to keep it from most people. We thought we could trust you.” Brandon rubbed his cock along Danny’s lips.

Danny paused, seeming to ponder the intense situation. “Sorry, I know what it’s like to be different, but you’re blackmailing me. Breaking into my house and taking over.”

“So far you’re enjoying it. Maybe, you’ll love all of it. Who knows? But you’d better

play nice because we can take whatever we want with our superior shifter strength. Hell, Justin could shift right now and do you freaky. Mess you up. Respect the power. It’s just our nature.

Not that we’d actually ever do that. We’re not attracted to humans when we’re in wolf form. It’s just good to remember the sort of power you’re dealing with. Animals can get wild.”

“That’s not what I’m in to.” Danny tensed. “Why don’t you let me in on the whole deal?”

“You don’t want to suck me off?” Brandon taunted. “You look so slutty in those pictures.

Don’t you want to sample me?”

Danny groaned. “Screw it.” He sucked Brandon hard and fast.

“Finally, he’s in gear.” Justin rubbed his cock between Danny’s cheeks. “So tight.”

Danny deep-throated Brandon who was in heaven tapping the back of Danny’s throat.

“He could go for days.”

“Make him swallow it all,” Justin encouraged.

Danny tried to suck the balls in, but the width of Brandon’s cock wouldn’t allow it.

Brandon knew Justin meant the cum. Danny would learn in time to give them what they wanted, if he wanted to keep screwing a couple of wolves for fun.

Danny moaned, and it set Brandon off. “Don’t move! Swallow it,” Brandon shouted. He

held Danny’s head.

The sensation of Danny swallowing made Brandon shake. Danny’s tongue slid along the

underside to tease his balls. Brandon thrust out of reflex then tried to pull back. “Let go.”

Danny released Brandon’s shaft but went to work on his sac, licking at the tender skin

underneath and teasing Brandon’s asshole again. Satisfaction coursed through Brandon as

arousal spread to other places. That bastard knew exactly what he was doing.

“You’d better fuck him before I do,” Brandon said to Justin.

Danny kissed his way up Brandon’s stomach and chest, spending time on his neck before

finally claiming his mouth. Brandon kissed him back, tongues tangled, and he let in his feelings now that his animal needs were appeased. But Danny’s needs were growing as their kiss


Finally, Brandon pulled back. “Condoms?” he asked.

“In the bathroom cabinet,” Danny answered eagerly.

Justin walked away, and Danny looked after him. Brandon pulled Danny back to the kiss.

“We’re just warming up; pace yourself.”

“It’s been so long,” Danny said.

Brandon laughed. “No sex but your hand or a toy for a year and
the freaks?”

Danny rested his forehead on Brandon’s chest. “Sorry about that. I didn’t mean it. My

head is spinning. This all feels unreal.”

Justin walked out with a big box of rubbers. “He was ready for us.”

After dropping the box on the bed, Justin slid one on.

“I think we’re ready to reward him a little.” Brandon reached back and spread Danny’s


Justin lubed their human and kissed Brandon’s hand.

“It’s the right thing, isn’t it?” Brandon asked.

“Oh yes, very right.” Justin squeezed Danny’s muscled ass cheeks. “He’s pathetic with


“Need! Yes. Now!” Danny insisted through clenched teeth.

The silence told Danny he’d pushed when he should’ve begged. These two were nothing

like the guys in college who were happy to get some hot guy in bed for fun. These two had a plan and wanted him to play along.

Justin slapped Danny’s sac, and an intense spark shot through his body. Danny couldn’t

help it. “Yes!” he moaned.

“Told you he likes it our way. He’ll love anything.” Justin smiled.

“So fuck him already,” Brandon said.

“Please!” Danny urged. His needs were clear, but his head swam with contradictions.

Would they out him? In high school, Danny avoided them. He’d lusted after both of them but kept his distance the entire time. One slip was all it would take, and everyone would know.

Now, it was all out of his hands which both terrified and exhilarated him. “I’ll do

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