Taken by the Trillionaires

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Authors: Ella Mansfield

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Taken to the Trillionaires


Book Two
of Ménage for Mankind


By Ella Mansfield


Copyright 2013

Kindle Edition, License Notes


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One hundred years after the decision to outlaw childbirth and move to a more humane form of procreation, the earth has very few females left. Most of those are unable to become pregnant, due to a faulty system. Four trillionaires, Travis, Austin, Cody, and Bo decide they will form a partnership to purchase one of the few breeding females that are left. They plan to treat her like a queen, but they knew they must insist on her loyalty.

Erin is told one week before her auction that she, like her friend April, will be sold to the highest bidders. She can’t believe her parents would stoop so low just for a few trillion dollars. She has no desire to marry men she’s never met, and when she realizes there are four of them? She’s more reluctant than ever!


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Chapter One

Travis looked around the table at his three friends, watching them watch the blonde waitress walk past. “She’s old,” he announced in a bored voice.

“She’s one of the few women left,” Austin protested. Austin was your typical tall dark and handsome man, with hair that stuck up a tad in the front. He was also a real estate agent, who rarely took time away from his phone. “I’m sick of my hand and all of the fake crap they manufacture to help us get off. I’m ready to have a real woman in my life.”

Travis nodded. “Me too.” He held his breath for a moment, wondering how his friends would react to his suggestion. “How about a breeder?” He kept his robotic arm on the table, hating the feel of it, but thrilled the technology had been there to provide it. He’d lost his arm when he was still a boy, living in one of the child agencies. He didn’t remember ever having his right arm, but he’d felt acutely different his entire life. Thankfully, his clients didn’t particularly care if he had two good arms or one.

Three generations back, it had been decided that there was no need for women to go through the difficulties of childbirth any longer, so they’d gone to a “pod system.” The eggs were removed from women in a painless procedure, and only the smartest men were allowed to donate sperm. The eggs were fertilized by injecting one sperm into each egg, and the embryos were then placed into a pod. It saved women from the dangers of childbirth.

It wasn’t until they were ready to start the second generation of babies, when the first of the girls born in the pod came forward to donate their eggs that they realized their mistake. Yes, they knew that there had been less girls than boys born, but it had been a few years before they realized how frail the pod girls were. And even worse? Every single one of them had been sterile. The doctors were uncertain why it had happened, and they didn’t know what to do to prevent it. Now, all the surviving women were in their sixties and up, and there was no hope for any more females to be “born.”

Cody, a seven foot tall professional basketball player, turned to him with a look of surprise in his eyes.
“A breeder? You got a breeder?”

“Not exactly.”
Travis rested on his forearms on the table, his eyes going between his friends as he explained. “A colleague of mine recently formed a trust for the purpose of buying a breeder. There are four of them, and they share her equally. There’s another auction coming up for another virgin breeder. I want us to do the same thing.”

Bo cut in for the first time. He was the youngest of the group,
and had made his first trillion before he turned twenty by designing the game Mario2199023255552. Now, at twenty-six, he still dabbled in game design, but only because he enjoyed it so much. “How would that work for us?”

Travis realized he had the full attention of the other four men and pulled out the hologram of the woman in question. He handed it to Bo on his right. “Her name is Erin. She’s twenty.
Grew up in a small religious community in Wisconsin that refused to stop having babies the normal way, so she’s as fertile as a woman can be.”

All the men listened but stared down at the
holo as it came past. “She’s beautiful,” Cody whispered.

Travis grinned. “She is.” He waited until he had the hologram tucked back into his folder before talking again. “Here’s my idea. We buy a house together. I’m thinking a ten bedroom house…each of us would have two bedrooms, our own living area, and she would have two bedrooms of her own. Every night she goes to a different man. If she has a baby, it doesn’t matter who the father is, because we all share. We want her to have as many children as possible, of course.”

Bo nodded, the interest on his face palpable. “Of course.”

“I think she’ll go for in the neighborhood of six trillion. That would mean each of us putting up about one and a half. I think we should be prepared to pay eight to ten trillion for her. I know it’s a lot of money, but we can afford it.” He looked from one man to the next. “Who’s in?”

“I am,” Austin announced. He leaned back in his chair with a half grin on his face. “A breeder. I’ve dreamed my whole life of having a breeder.”

The others all nodded. “Let’s do it,” Bo said.

“She’s worth at least that much.” Cody smiled. “Austin? You find us a house tomorrow.”

“I think I know just the one. It’s up in McKinney, but that’s only a five minute commute to Dallas, so I don’t think it’ll hurt any of us.” Austin looked down at his phone.
“Yeah, still available. It’s on twenty acres. Let’s make it happen.”

“When’s the auction?” Bo asked.

“Two months. We’ll fly up together. They’re doing the auction in Madison, so we’ll go up and come back same day.” Travis looked around. “I have a contract. My friend, Bill, said when they initially signed their contract, it was with the understanding that any girls would be auctioned off to the highest bidder, and it didn’t even take them a week with their breeder to regret that. I want to make sure we don’t put that in there. Agreed?”

The other men nodded. “I like the idea of the business of selling off women, because the money would be huge, but I certainly couldn’t sell mine,” Austin said. “Let’s leave that out.”

Travis handed out the contracts he’d put together to the other men and they all read through them and signed them. Once he’d collected them all and put them into the folder with the holo, he stood and shook hands with his three friends. “Nice doing business with you.”


Erin sat propped against the head of her bed, angry as could be. She couldn’t believe her parents had decided to sell her off to the highest bidder. What were they thinking? She’d been raised to have morals, and she was being sold to live in a ménage marriage?

Her parents had given her the news the previous week, and she’d been so angry, she’d run. It had taken hours to find her, and now she was locked in her bedroom. She had access to her room and her bathroom and nothing else. Food was brought to her three times a day. She was pretty sure her mother would be bringing the food this evening, and she was going to try to talk her into
changing her mind. Her mother was, of course, the weakest link.

The door opened and, sure enough, it was Mandy. Erin stood as her mother put the food onto her computer desk. “Mama, you know how I feel. I can’t believe you think that selling me is a good idea. You’re a woman. Would you be happy in a ménage marriage?”

Mandy sighed. “We’ve been over this, Erin. We need the money. We’re about to lose the house. We’ve set up the arrangement so you won’t be sold to more than four men, you can’t be resold, and one of the men has to marry you on the spot. We’ve made it as good for you as it was possible to make it.”

“But, Mama, you’ve taught me that it’s wrong to give my body to a man outside of marriage. How can you ask me to do this? I would be having babies and not knowing who their father is for the rest of my life!”

“We don’t have a choice, Erin. I’m sorry.” She handed Erin a book, which Erin flipped over in her hand. “This is an explanation of ménage sex. You need to read it so you understand that things that could happen.”

Mandy opened the door to leave. Just before she closed the door and locked it from the outside, she said, “Tomorrow we’ll drive to Madison for the auction. Make sure you take a shower and wash your hair.”

The door was closed behind her, and Erin heard the key turn in the door. She wanted to scream. What were they thinking? How could they do this to her? She sat down and ate the dinner that had been left for her before starting to read the book. Within a few pages she was shocked. Her parents really thought she’d do all those things?


It was late the following afternoon when the door opened again. “Are you ready?” Mandy asked, her voice as serene as ever.

Erin wanted to scream at her and demand she change her mind, but she could see there was no point. And Erin had to admit, if only to
herself, some of the things she’d seen in the book had intrigued her. They had intrigued her enough that she’d touched herself
for the first time. In just a few hours she was going to learn what it felt like for a man to stick his penis, or cock as the book had called it, inside her.

She followed along behind her mother and got into the car. Her father was driving her to the coliseum in Madison while her mother stayed behind with her sisters. She couldn’t help but wonder if her sisters would be sold when they were of age. Would they money her parents received from her be enough? Or would they get greedy and want more and more?

She had showered as she’d been ordered and had brushed out her raven hair until it shone. She may not want the marriage, but she wasn’t going to stand on a stage looking anything but her best.

The drive took an hour, because the community had no cars with flying ability, so they were forced to follow the roads that had been built hundreds of years before.
They drove to the back door of the coliseum and her father rapped three times sharply. An odd looking man with multicolored hair came to the door and opened it wide, exclaiming over how beautiful Erin was.

Erin didn’t feel beautiful in her old green jumpsuit that was the uniform for the females of the compound. Her father stepped in behind her, saying little. Of course, he never said much, she thought resentfully. He was an ass. He hadn’t said a word to her since he’d told her she had to stay in her room until it was time to leave for the auction.

“Follow me! This is the room we’ll get you ready for the auction in. My name is Xavier.” The room was full of beautiful elegant dresses and there was a chair where she could sit. He looked at her father. “Are you staying, or do you want me to wire the money after the auction?”

“Just wire it.” Her father turned to leave without a word of farewell. Erin wasn’t surprised, but she was still hurt. He cared nothing for her, except for the money she’d bring in.

Xavier turned to her as soon as he left, his eyes not missing the hurt look on her face. “Don’t worry, pumpkin! We’re going to find you some awesome men who are going to treat you like a queen. Strip down to your underwear now. We need to measure you and see what dress to put you in.” When she didn’t immediately start unfastening her jumpsuit he laughed. “Don’t be shy. It’s just a few of us in here, and we were all hand-chosen because we just aren’t interested in women.”

Erin quickly undressed, closing her eyes in embarrassment. She’d never taken off her jumpsuit in front of another person before, not even her mother. Once she could clothe herself, she’d been taught that she must be modest at all times.

Once she stood before him in just her undergarments, he stood back for a moment. “You have a beautiful body, Erin. The men are going to go nuts for you!” He took a measuring tape and began measuring her everywhere. Once he was finished, he turned to a rack of dresses, and went through them one by one until he found the one he was looking for. It was a short red dress, meant to show off her figure. She’d never worn anything red in her life, and was excited to see the pretty outfit.

Xavier helped her put it on and had her turn around for him. “Oh, that’s perfect for you, baby.
Shows off all your curves just right!”

He knelt down and removed her shoes, running off saying, “They’ll do your hair and makeup while I find just the right shoes to go with that.”

Two men stepped up to her. One began unbraiding her long hair while the other started dabbing lip color and eye shadow on her. Within five minutes they both stepped back to declare her perfect. Xavier hurried back with a pair of shoes that startled her. They were high heeled shoes, something that had been against the rules in the commune. She’d seen them, of course, but she’d never tried to wear them.

She took a few steps before stumbling. Xavier shook his head. “You’ve got five minutes to get used to them before we have to go out front for the auction.”

Erin took careful steps around the room, hoping she could master the strange shoes before she had to walk in them in front of people.

After a bit Xavier took her arm and said, “It’s show time, honey. I’ll be on stage with you the whole time. Try to look happy to be there. You’ll bring in more money that way.”

“But I’m not happy to be here,” she said.

They were the first words she’d spoken since entering the building, and he shook his head at her. “That’s sad, baby.
Very, very sad.

He led her out through a door and onto the stage in the huge room. She looked out over the sea of faces and realized the place was standing room only. She leaned over to Xavier and asked, “How many auctions are you holding tonight?”

He looked at her and laughed. “Just yours. All these men are here to see you.”

She climbed the stairs to the stage on wobbly feet, and stood where Xavier pointed for her to stand. He walked to the microphone and picked it up with a flourish. “Here she is, gentlem
en. Erin Peters is twenty years old. She’s never been married, and according to the profile her father filled out, she’s never even had a boyfriend. She’s as pure as the driven snow, which I’m sure will thrill all of you.”

At the men’s cheers he stopped
and smiled at her. “Turn for them, Erin, so they can see your beauty from every direction.”

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