Taken in Hand (20 page)

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Authors: Barbara Westbrook

BOOK: Taken in Hand
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Adam pulled him into his arms and helped him over to

the bed to sit down. Chad resisted at first, but Adam was

insistent, making soothing noises to him as he led him to the


“He was going to retire in six months. Already had a

camper bought for him and his wife. He was going to go

fishing every day, he said. Maybe take along the grandkids.

Did I tell you he had three grandkids?”

“Shh…don’t think about it anymore now, baby. Just

try to relax a minute.”

“He was doing his job, though. Can’t say he wasn’t

doing his job. He probably fucking saved Benjamin and Paul,

you know? If he hadn’t been there, they would’ve walked

right in on the killer.”

“I know, baby. He was a brave officer.”

“Damn straight he was. But why in the hell didn’t he

call for backup?” He slammed his fist down onto the

mattress beside him again and jumped back up to his feet.

“Goddamn it, he knew better than that.”

“Chad, you need to calm down.”

“It was Jeremy. I fucking know it. Damn it, why did

that sick fuck have to kill him? He was going to kill both of

them, you know, both Benjamin and Paul, and they were

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sitting in the living room tonight, right across from us.”

“I know, baby.”

“Is it because they’re gay? Is that it? So their lives—the

lives of all those men who were killed held less value

somehow? Someone thought they didn’t have the right to

love who and how they wanted to, enough to kill them for it.

Are you kidding me?”

Adam caught hold of his arm. “Chad, listen to me. I

want to help you, but you have to let this go.”

“How can I let it go? How can I? I’m a police officer,

Adam. Sworn to protect and serve. Well, how the hell did I do

that tonight, huh? You tell me.”

“Chad. Be quiet.”

He turned his head toward Adam wonderingly.


“Be quiet and listen to me. Do you trust me?”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“You’re falling apart, Chad. Let me help you.”

Chad shook his head and wrapped his arms around

himself, shivering. “You know what one of the last things

Phillips said to me when they gave me this assignment? He

said this case was giving him an education. He made a little

joke about cock cages.” He laughed and even he could hear

the hysteria in it. “Pretty good, huh?”

“Listen to me and shut up,” Adam said sternly, pulling

Chad around to face him. “Stand up and take off your


“I…why do you want me to…”

“Just do it. Now, with no more questions.”

Chad got to his feet almost in a daze, but slowly

unbuttoned his shirt. Adam watched him steadily, as he took

off his shirt and then his pants, urging him on firmly when

he hesitated. When he’d stripped completely down, Adam

directed him to the long, leather upholstered bench at the

foot of the bed. Chad had never really noticed before how tall

the bench was, almost even with the top of the raised

footboard. He would actually have to hoist up his hips a bit

to sit on it.

“Sit down here on this, and I’ll be right back.”

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Chad eased up onto the bench, and found that only

the tips of his toes were still in contact with the floor. He sat

quietly until Adam returned, holding a length of rope in his

hands and a bottle of water. He nodded at Chad as he came

up to him. “Lay down on your back, Chad. I’m taking


* * * *

Those weren’t the only things he brought over to the

bench. On his way back into the bedroom, Adam stopped by

the chest of sex toys by the door in his bedroom.

As he straightened up from digging in the chest, Chad

looked up at him with a puzzled frown. “What are you doing,


“From this point on, you call me Sir. Understood?”


“Is that understood?”

Chad shook his head. “C’mon, Adam. I’m not in the

mood for this.”

Adam stepped beside him and took his hair in his

hands, jerking his head back to look up into Adam’s eyes.

“I told you to call me Sir. Did I stutter?”

“No. Okay
. Sir.
Is that better?”

“Lie down on your back, boy, feet on the floor. Do it.”

Chad lay down with only one more sullen look at him.

Chad had never been easy, never been compliant. Adam was

taking a chance with him, but he thought he knew what

Chad needed, and he had to be the one to give it to him.

He positioned Chad so that he was on his back, his

ass right at the end of the bench, his legs hanging

awkwardly. “Chad,” he said softly as he folded his arms over

his chest. “I’m going to tie you down, but I won’t leave you

for a second, okay? I’m right here with you, and I’ll take care

of you. You trust me?” He wound the rope over his chest and

arms and then back under the bench. He brought it back

over his waist and then his thighs.

“Y-Yeah, but I don’t understand. What if Johansen

comes over?”

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“It’s three o’clock in the morning, Chad. No one is

coming over. We’re alone, and I’m in charge. Understand?”

“I understand, I guess, but what are you

Chad’s voice sounded so young and confused Adam stopped

to drop a kiss on his forehead and smooth his hair back

from it.

“I’m taking care of you, baby. I’m going to help you.

You need to realize you’re not at fault because you’re not in

charge of the whole fucking world. You’re not even in control

here, are you?”

Adam finished tying Chad down by wrapping the ropes

around his calves and pulling his ankles back tightly against

the legs of the bench, spreading and securing them, leaving

his crotch open. He stood up to survey his handiwork. “Very

nice. Very sweet.” He noticed approvingly. Chad’s cock was

stiff and hard. On some level, his body was approving of

what was happening.

He stripped off his pajama pants and stood naked by

the bench. Chad watched him every second. He gripped

Chad’s shaft and pumped it slowly up and down. A sharp

intake of breath came from Chad’s lips as he finally seemed

to realize just what his situation was.

“Chad,” Adam said softly. “You have to let go of all of

this. All of the guilt and the terror and the anxiety you’re

feeling. I’m going to take it from you, all of it. In return,

you’re going to give me your control. Understand?”


“You no longer are in control. Try to get up, Chad.” He

watched as Chad wiggled a little in the ropes. “You can’t do

anything I don’t let you do from this point on. Your power is

gone, baby. It’s history, and I’m taking over.”

“No,” Chad shook his head. “No, this is crazy. Let me


“Submit to me, boy. You need to learn a few lessons,

and I’m going to be the one to teach you. Not every decision

depends on you, baby. As a matter of fact, nothing depends

on you here. Not when you’re submitting to me, because now

it’s all about me and what I want, and you’re going to give it

to me.”

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Chad’s eyes grew wider as if he suddenly realized how

helpless he really was. He struggled in his bonds, first just a

little and then violently, but he was too securely tied to hurt

himself or do much more than exhaust himself. Finally,

panting for breath, he looked up at Adam, his pupils blown

and his face red. “Please.”

“Please what, baby? What is it you want? You can’t get

out of this with your strength and you can’t talk your way

out of it, but you don’t have to worry. You trust me. You

know I’d never harm you. Isn’t that right?”

Chad nodded, raising his head and trying to look down

his body toward his dick, which was still being firmly jacked

by Adam’s hand. Drops of pearly pre cum glistened on the

head, and he groaned.

“Words, baby. Tell me you trust me.”

“I-I trust you, Sir. I do, but I need to get up. Please let

me up.”

“No. I like you right where you are. Right here where I

can take whatever I want.”

Chad’s head fell back with a groan, but his cock was

even harder, if possible. “Tell me your safe words, Chad.”

“Uh, my safe words? You mean the red and yellow


“Yes, baby. Very good. Are those your words?”

Adam fondled his balls, and Chad dropped his head

back on the bench, breathing hard. “Yes, Sir. I guess so. Can

I say red now? Please?”

“You can if you really want to. We haven’t even really

started yet, though. Are you sure you want to?”

, I don’t want to.”

Adam could see that Chad still considered this as a

contest of wills. He had to realize what it really was and

submit to him. He had to break him down first. It was the

only way to then put his boy back together again.

“There’s no need to be embarrassed, baby. There’s only

you and me here. Put this in my hands and let me take care

of you. Realize that you belong to me now. All you can do is

to submit to me. Do you submit, baby boy? Do you give me

all the control?”

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Chad looked up at him and sighed. “I can put it all in

your hands? I don’t have to do anything?” Adam heard the

longing in his voice, and it made a strange butterfly feeling

start up in his chest. The short talk he’d had with Cole

before they left the first time had helped put some things in

perspective for Adam.

“Yes, baby. Nothing you can do anyway. So of course,

you can put it in my hands. I’m taking it all from you. I’ll

take care of you, just like I did the other night. You’re mine,

aren’t you?”

“Y-Yes, Sir.”

Adam smiled, pleased that Chad was finally

submitting properly, finally beginning to let go. If he didn’t

lose some of this rigid control and anxiety, it was going to

consume him and tear him apart.

He bent down to lick the pre-cum from the head of

Chad’s shaft, and Chad stiffened into a human rod. “Oh

God, I’m going to come.”

“No, you won’t, because I haven’t given you

permission. You belong to me, and you can’t do anything I

don’t allow you to do.” He pulled out a cock ring from the

supplies he’d gathered earlier and slipped it over Chad’s

balls and onto his shaft.

Chad raised his head again to look and then fell back,

panting. Adam leaned over his face to make eye contact with

him, and he looked back up with a different expression on

his face. “Thank you, Sir,” he said, and Adam hummed


“That’s right, baby. I’m taking care of you. Now where

was I?” He bent back down and licked up the length of

Chad’s shaft to the tip and with a sudden motion, swallowed

him down, deep throating him. Holding Chad’s cock at the

base, he bobbed his head up and down, enjoying the

interesting noises Chad was making.

He moved around to where Chad’s ass hung almost off

the bench, his legs spread apart and open for him. He

spread Chad’s cheeks apart, circled his rim with his tongue,

and stuck it in and out of his little pink hole over and over

until Chad was babbling and incoherent. It sounded a little

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like he was begging to come, and Adam pulled away for a

moment to allow him to recover a little. When his cries

changed to little mewling sounds, Adam returned to eating

him out, and listened as he fell apart all over again.

When his cries had grown truly frantic, Adam stopped

and came around to his head. He leaned over and kissed

him. “Did you want to ask me something, sweet boy?”

“Oh, God, please. Please fuck me, Sir. Please, please

let me come.”

“Mm, you beg so pretty. Tell me first, baby. Who’s in

charge here?”

“Y-You are. You are, Sir.”

“And whose baby are you?”

“You’re-you’re in charge, Sir.”

“Whose baby are you? Say it, Chad. Who do you

belong to?”

Chad’s eyes grew even wider, and he shook his head,

“No,” he groaned. “Please don’t make me say that.”

“No? Then I’m afraid you haven’t earned it yet, boy.”

He looked down at Chad’s cock, rigid and a dark, angry red

in his cock ring, leaking copious amounts of pre-cum. He

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