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Authors: W. Ferraro

Taking the Fall (30 page)

BOOK: Taking the Fall
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But it didn’t change the fact that she knew what she was feeling.

With one final check of her appearance in the rearview mirror, she turned to Sammy in the backseat who was absolutely bouncing in her seat.

“Now remember Sammy, you need to be on your best behavior; that means no running, yelling, or touching anything. There are going to be lots of people and I’m sure lots of expensive things. Please remember that when you let your fingers use their curiosity.” Her little girl mouthed the last ten words in sync as she said them.

“Gee Mom, it is only like the hundredth time since we got up this morning that you’ve said them,” sighed Jess in the front seat not bothering to look up from her smartphone.

“Yeah, Mom, I got this. I want to play with Leah,” Sammy said boisterously.

“Remember what we talked about Sammy because you can be so . . .”

“ . . . annoyingly in everyone’s face,” Jess said snidely as she turned to look over the headrest at her sister in the backseat.

This turned into back and forth name-calling.

Like she wasn’t nervous enough.

“Girls! Enough! What I meant to say,” Molly said diffusing the bickering with an increase in the volume of her voice, “is that Leah may need a little bit of space so Sammy just wait for her to give you the okay that she would like to play, okay?”

They all exited the car; Molly grabbed the two items from the backseat and made her way up the walk. Repeating another time or two for the girls to behave and not embarrass her, she took in all their appearances once more. Jess was in her jeans and thankfully, a modest solid blue top. Sammy was in a fun baby pink dress with tiny bows of purple, blue, and green throughout. Looking down, her own choice had been a gold shimmery light sweater and black slacks and her favorite ballet flats.

Molly took the step that led to the front door. Stepping into the covered entryway, she noticed the wrought iron and wooden bench that sat just off to the left of the door and the beautiful springtime themed wreath that hung with pride on the large glass storm door. She could tell these touches were all Bianca, and even with her growing nerves, it somehow told her that it really was okay for them to be here. They would not be infringing.

She was just about to reach for the bell when the door swung open. The smile that greeted them was nothing less than devastatingly handsome and extremely ecstatic.

“It should be against the law for three beauties to be kept waiting!” Mason opened the door, quickly allowing Sammy and Jess to pass before freeing Molly from what she carried and welcoming them into a boisterous house.

“Oh no, Mason, I can carry them,” she said as she entered the huge foyer.

“Nope, Dennison rule, woman shouldn’t carry anything if there is a capable man around.” He smiled, continuing to show his beautiful white wide smile and a full set of adorable dimples.

Molly smiled but also looked at Jess and the redness that overtook her face. Molly knew she wasn’t the only Jenson female defenseless to the Dennison charm.

Then all thoughts of any other Dennison were void from her mind as Hunter joined them in the open space.

He only had eyes for her, and she knew the stomach flips she was experiencing now were for a completely different reason.

“Hi,” he said, placing his hands in his pockets and settling for remaining four feet away. She so desperately wanted some sort of touch, but always the gentleman, he was following her lead. “Hey Jess, hey Sammy, hope you girls are hungry. Bianca has enough to feed an army out back.”

“Is Leah here? Can I ask her to play?” Sammy bounced to Hunter jumping excitedly as she waited for a response.

Hunter said with equal excitement, “She is out back and has been asking for you since early this morning.”

“I’m just going to head out back, with these, if you gals want to follow me,” Mason said as he kept his bounty away from his brother.

“If those are . . .” but Hunter couldn’t finish his thought as Mason gave his older brother a wide berth, quickly weaving his way through the large home, with Sammy right on his heels.

Jess followed slower but ensured that Mason remained in her eyesight.

Molly and Hunter were alone . . . finally. It had seemed like forever to Molly, even if it truly was only twenty-four hours.

Hunter looked over his shoulder before turning and breaking the distance that separated them. He reached for Molly and engulfed her in his arms. With his face buried in the side of her neck, he mumbled against her skin, “God, I’ve missed you, beautiful.”

She wasn’t the only one feeling like that. She wrapped her arms around him a little bit tighter.

“I didn’t want to get up this morning. My bed smelled like you and like what we did,” he whispered huskily.

She felt her cheeks redden.

“Talk about heaven on Earth.” He continued to nuzzle and kiss her neck, and even though she knew where they were, she couldn’t bring herself to stop him because if felt so damn good.

He created such an erogenous trail leading to her mouth that by the time he got to her lips, it wouldn’t take much for her to need new panties. When he reached his destination, he slowly tortured her. His mouth sought what she was so easily willing to give. His tongue swirled around hers, tasting her and marking her taste buds. His lips fitted to hers perfectly and the hands that he’d kept at her waist, now held her ass cheeks high and tight against his pants zipper where he displayed his effect of their coupling.

But if they had any hopes of leaving this foyer, Molly knew one of them had to keep their senses. She really didn’t want it to be her, but he seemed not to care if someone caught them in such a questionable position.

And as usual, he read her mind. “I don’t care if anyone sees us. I’m not going to hide how I feel about you to my family so you might want to get used to it. Besides, I come from a strong line of intuitive readers, so remember that. The only reason I showed such restraint when you got here was for your daughters’ benefit, not mine. I know how you want to ease them into the knowledge of our relationship. But I want the world to know you are mine.”

Regardless of how many times they have talked about it, to hear him make such a declaration made her want to scream from the rooftops with excitement.

“I want the same thing,” she whispered looking right into the clear blue beauty of his eyes. “In fact, why don’t we plan on telling them tonight?”

Hunter searched her face, as the enormous smile spread across his face and that gorgeous sexy dimple-faced her. “You’re sure? I don’t want to rush you, but I love the sound of that idea.”

She placed a soft kiss on his lips before saying, “I’ve never been surer of anything.”

They continued to kiss as hands continued to roam, and before too long, Molly was physically pushing him away from her so she could right her clothes and gain some composure.

Hunter ran his hands through his hair several times before fixing the fit of his pants and clearing his throat. “This is going to be the longest couple of hours in my life. However, since I’ll have to be on my best behavior in regards to touching you, at least I’ll be able to stare at you and think of all the things I plan on doing to you in the future, and I do mean the very near future.”

Molly knew the tingle she was feeling had nothing to do with what had just occurred but rather what she knew would be in store for her.

If the front of the Dennison family home was remarkable, it was nothing compared to the back.

The design of the home had changed some over the years, but only to reflect the growing family of the beloved owners.

Leading out from the three-season porch inside was a large tri-level deck; the first level ran the width of the house and contained a large seating area with a sectional style sofa and three matching freestanding chairs all around a refurbished pallet table. A large flat screen television sat in the corner giving the feel of a fully functioning living room, just outside in the wonderful and warm spring air. An expansive built-in outdoor kitchen with open grill and sink divided the seating area from the sunken next level. A large table with more than enough chairs for the entire family and all their friends sat waiting. It was decorated to rival any full-fledged holiday with bright spring colors and equally lovely dishes. Finally, the last level, which was smaller in space, housed a couple of plush chaise lounge chairs, one which was where Jess and her precious phone holed up before it dipped down into stairs. Off the bottom step, you could choose to head to the plush green grass or the stone path, which led to the enormous in-ground heated pool encased in a high black fence.

Off to the side in the field of green, waited an unused volleyball net and a bocce ball course. The other side had kids’ toys and a good size swing set, where two young girls were happily swinging next to each other.

“Molly girl! I’m so happy you and the girls could come!” Bianca came over and hugged Molly.

“Thank you very much for having us,” Molly answered, returning the wonderful embrace.

“Those pies looks fabulous!” Bianca declared turning and pointing to where the pies sat on the table full of food.

“I cry foul, though!” Mason whined from where he stood with Casey and Jamie by the grill. “Not fair that she brought cherry when we all know it is Hunter’s favorite. Shouldn’t majority win, most Dennison’s are apple lovers.”

“I brought an apple, too, Mason,” Molly answered with a laugh in her tone.

Bianca told her griping son to hush as Mason gave a thumbs-up and a cheesy smile.

“Don’t you dare mind him. You didn’t need to bring anything. Please come in and make yourself at home and help yourself to anything.” The always regal matriarch patted Molly’s hand one more time before stepping away to where her oldest son was offering her a chance to hold her youngest granddaughter.

Molly watched as Bianca’s form moved with plenty of grace, even in her sixties. The short stylish gray hair that was as much a staple to Mrs. Dennison as was her constant smile. She still had a petite and slender figure that she passed to her daughter, but for such a slight woman, she had the mentality to stand in front of her line of six-foot-tall sons. She was the epitome of a Mama Bear.

“Want something to drink? Ice tea or lemonade?” Hunter asked quietly, from next to her.

“I’d love some,” Reed said as he came out on the deck. Placing a kiss on Molly’s cheek, he acted as if her presence wasn’t anything but completely expected as he continued on his way to where his mother stood.

“Now, how about you?” Hunter said with a wink.

Smiling, just because, she answered, “Iced tea, please.”

“Hi, Molly,” Delaney said surprising her friend as she gave her a hug. “It’s so nice to see you here like this.”

Molly returned the welcoming embrace and started to feel her nerves lessening.

Delaney’s husband, Gage, wasn’t far behind his wife and gave Molly’s cheek a kiss before saying smugly and a little too loud, “About damn time.”

“Smooth, Gage, real smooth,” Hunter said, as he handed Molly her drink, took a long pull of his beer, and rolled his eyes.

Molly couldn’t help but look down as her cheeks reddened at the blatant remark. She knew that Gage had already known but to be called out still had her going red.

Delaney gave all her attention to her husband. “I really can’t take you anywhere, can I?” She turned back and placed a hand on Molly’s waist. With a quick squeeze, she said, “We couldn’t be more thrilled and happy for you two.”

“If you don’t mind, we’d like to keep it hush for today so we can tell the girls tonight,” Hunter said in a quiet tone as he stood next to Molly.

She wanted so badly to touch him in some way, and by the look on his face, he too was struggling with their casualness.

“Good luck with that. You two might want to stay as far away from each other as possible, then, because from where I’m standing, there might as well be a flashing neon heart above you for all the waves you’re giving off,” Casey answered as he clapped a hand on Hunter’s shoulder, as he, Mason, Jamie, and Reed joined the group.

Mason, who slid between Delaney and Molly, placed a hand around each woman’s waist but placed his head on Molly’s shoulder. “Another available beauty swept out from under me . . . when will it be my turn to get the girl?”

Hunter extended his arm around Molly at the same time Gage mirrored his actions and they simultaneously smacked Mason on the back of the head.

“Maybe when you take that shower we’ve all been begging you to do.” A petite brunette came out the open slider, quickly removing the beer bottle from Jamie’s grip and taking a long chug before giving it back, without so much as a word.

Bree Dennison might look tiny, but she was anything but. Her long dark brown hair hung in loose curls, her small tight body showed the strength that her clothes couldn’t hide. Like her brothers, she had bright blue eyes and the friendliest of friendly smiles, but most of all, she had the confidence that came with the Dennison name. She was definitely a force to be reckoned with.

“If you all are done kibitzing, I have food and you all should have full plates,” Bianca said as she stood next to Grady as he followed his wife’s instructions.

BOOK: Taking the Fall
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