Taking The Heat (20 page)

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Authors: S.D. Hildreth

BOOK: Taking The Heat
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“Thanks for making breakfast,” I said, “It’s really good.”

With his coffee cup dangling from his index finger at the height of his chin, he turned toward me, raised his thumb in the air, and smiled. There was something about Otis that was completely comforting. He had an almost magical presence that only became apparent after being around him for a while. I suspected I was no different than most people, and at least initially was very intimidated by his size and stature. After I was able to relax around him, I realized he was not only much different than every other
I had met, but truly unlike
I had ever met. He was the type of man I’d never get sick of being around, and always looked forward to seeing.

“Holy shit! Devil looks after his own. Hot fucking damn!” Cambio howled.

“What’s going on?” Otis said as he spun his bar stool around.

Cambio walked in my direction as he began to respond.

“That was the vet on the phone. That pup had some chip in his neck. He gave me the name of the fucker and his address,” he paused, placed his hands on either side of my face, and kissed me lightly on the lips.

As our lips parted, he gazed into my eyes and then kissed me lightly again. He turned to face Otis as he tossed his phone onto the bar.

“He said some states require vet’s to turn in someone they suspect is abusing animals, and some states don’t. Well, Kansas does. He said he struggled with telling me who this guy was, and finally decided he’d rather live knowing the guy got what he deserved than live wondering if he’d continue to abuse animals after getting his wrist slapped by the court. He made me promise not to kill him. Can you fucking believe it? Must be living right,” he said as he slapped his hand against the bar.

“Give me the fucker’s address, I’ll have it all taken care of by the time you get home,” Otis said flatly.

“Shoulder’s feeling better already,” Cambio responded as walked to the other side of the bar and began shoveling eggs into his mouth.

“You told me in the hospital you were a changed man,” Otis chuckled.

“You said you saw the light,” he raised his hands in the air, spread his fingers and began waving his hands back and forth, “I don’t want you ruining that, Brother.”

Cambio dropped his fork onto the plate, “I’ll tell you just like I told her. I haven’t got one fucking doubt that I died and was resurrected. Believe me or don’t, I don’t give a rat’s ass. And when I died, I went to some place that sure wasn’t like hell. Confirms my life’s been lived in accordance to what the man wants to see.”

He extended his index finger and pointed it upward, “I might be changed, and in some fucking respects I might be different, but I’m still a fucking Sinner.”

Otis nodded his head once, “Good to know.”

On the previous night, when Cambio explained everything about being a changed man and seeing the world and its offerings through different eyes, part of me was elated while another part was somewhat disappointed. I don’t know whether or not it was a result of growing up around my brother, or from lacking a father figure, but the male bravado-macho-tough guy types had always appealed to me. In thinking of Cambio being a softer, more passive biker, I was slightly dissatisfied. I felt as if I was forfeiting part of what made him attractive to me. Having him continue to be the hard, tough, take no shit person he had always been, yet continue to be sweet to me would be the best of both worlds. I guess now that he had cleared things up, I would no longer be left to wonder just who it was I was falling in love with. Being a Selected Sinner was one thing, being a
was another. Clearly Cambio intended to be both. In my opinion it was exactly where he belonged.

I looked up from my plate and nodded my head, “Amen.”






and being
are two totally different things, and they’re worlds apart. Although I have always perceived myself as being brutally honest, I’ve never been a person who I would consider to be open. Volunteering information about myself, my past, or my life’s experiences isn’t something I have ever been comfortable with.

After spending the day at Shane and Kace’s pool sunbathing and swimming, Cambio and I had taken a shower, and were relaxing on the bed. The fact I had not been open with Cambio about my past was beginning to bother me, and I was seeing my lack of willingness to have previously volunteered any and all things about myself as dishonesty.

I rolled onto my side and rested my cheek on the palm of my hand, “I need to tell you some things about me. About my past.”

He tilted his head my direction and grinned, “I don’t care about your past. I mean I do, but not about past relationships or anything. I really don’t.”

“It’s not that,” I sighed.

He rolled onto his side and rested his head against the pillow, “Okay, let’s hear it.”

“It’s a bunch, so let me finish, okay?” I asked.

He blinked his eyes and nodded his head once.

“I told you about my brother, but I didn’t tell you
. My parents, they were killed when I was a baby. Well, my father killed my mother and then killed himself. I was three. I lived in an orphanage on and off until I was a little older, and then we were placed in foster care. The foster family we lived with wasn’t a really good one, but it was all the family I have really ever known. He was a preacher and she was a housewife. They had their own children, and they had other foster children too. The uhhm, the older kids mistreated the girls. You know, they messed with us, sexually,” I took a shallow breath and tried to decide what to say next, not feeling comfortable just yet about revealing the fact I was repeatedly raped as a little girl.

“I’m sorry about your parents. And I’m sorry about your foster family. People can be so inconsiderate sometimes,” he placed his hand under my chin, lifted it slightly, and continued, “I’m sure growing up without a family was tough. Just know that, well, know that I’m here for you. I know it sounds cheesy, but I am. I’ll do the best I can to make up for everything you’ve missed out on.”

I grinned as I pressed my cheek against his hand, “Thanks, I know you will. And yeah, it’s still tough, you know not having a family. No Christmas, no Thanksgiving, no birthdays, I hate it. Jack was all I had, and with him gone, well, I guess I’ve just got you. I’m just glad you have a family.”

He released my cheek from his hand, rolled onto his back, and stared at the ceiling, “Well, I guess I should tell you something about me. I
parents; real good parents to be honest. I’ve been back from the war for almost 5 years, and I’ve seen them once; right after I got home. Haven’t seen them since.”

“Oh wow. Can I ask why?”

“You know, all this time, I kind of wondered. I told myself for a long time I was just busy. I knew better, though. I haven’t been home for a holiday, nothing. Hell, I quit even answering their phone calls. I’d ride up to see my grandfather, and sometimes I’d ride by their house, but I wouldn’t stop. Guilt, I suppose. I mean if you want to be specific,” he glanced my direction and immediately shifted his eyes back up to the ceiling.

“Yeah, I’d guess it’d be the guilt,” he said under his breath.

“About what?” I asked, confused as to what specifically he’d be guilty about.

He stared at the ceiling and continued to speak in a monotone voice, “The war, killing, living through it all, fuck the list goes on and on. You know, I was medically discharged from the Marines, because of the PTSD. They said I was too fucking crazy to continue to fight. Too crazy to be a Marine, kind of funny when you think about it. That’s probably the biggest thing, the fact I was discharged. So maybe it was guilt and a little embarrassment.”

“But you were honorably discharged, weren’t you?”

“Yeah, sure was. Complete with commendations and medals. But my father’s era doesn’t understand. Maybe that’s why I talk to my grandfather, because he doesn’t argue with me about it.”

“Have you tried talking to your father about it?”

“Nope. I’m thinking maybe I will now, though,” he tilted his head to the side and stared.

“Here’s an interesting statistic about PTSD, veterans, and their mental health. 22 Veterans a day commit suicide. That’s one every 65 minutes, all day, every day, 365 days a year. It’s fucking sad. I didn’t want to be another statistic, so I dealt with my PTSD the best I knew how. I surrounded myself with people who didn’t ask questions, and tried to be nice to the people I liked and mean to the ones I didn’t. I went to my mental health at the Veterans Administration when I needed to, and I figured I’d skate through life doing what I was doing. Now that all this has happened, and with you mentioning family and all, it all seems wrong.”

“So they don’t even know about…about you being shot?” I asked.

He licked his lips and stared blankly, “Nope.”

I sat up on the bed and gazed down at him, “You probably should.”

He turned his head and gazed up into my eyes. After lifting his hands in the air, he reached for me as he spread his fingers wide. Naturally, I reached for his hands and interlocked my fingers in his.

“I will. And you’re going with me when I do. We’ll ride up there as soon as I can stand the pain,” he responded, “Okay?”

I nodded my head, “Okay.”

The thought of meeting his parents was terrifying and exciting both. I realized part of why he may want me to accompany him was for comfort and probably to keep his parents from being too harsh regarding his extended absence. No matter what his reasoning was, it excited me to meet them, and to make another step in the direction of being in a permanent relationship with him. As he pulled me down on top of him, I realized just how much I enjoyed simply being in his company.

“I uhhm. I really like you,” I said as I landed against his chest.

I really like you?

Seriously, Sydney?

Did you just say that? Out loud?

I sounded like a complete juvenile. For a grown woman to tell a grown man she
really liked him
was probably one of the most meaningless and utterly ridiculous statements that could have been conjured up. Before I could give any explanation for my childish behavior, he wrapped his arms around me, pressed his cheek against mine, and rested his mouth against my ear.

“I passed that stage a long fucking time ago,” he breathed into my ear.

I exhaled and relaxed into his arms. Exhausted from spending the day in the sun, and completely relaxed by the comfort he provided me, I quickly fell into a state of bliss as he continued to breathe into my ear and hold me against him.

I closed my eyes and thought of where I’d came from, what I had accomplished, and just where I may be going. I wondered if he might be doing the same, and if so, what he felt the future may hold for us.

And slowly, I fell asleep in the arms of the man I was deeply in love with, but obviously too afraid to tell.






I pulled my mouth from his cock, licked the tip, and continued to stroke it with my right hand. I reached down with my left hand and slid my middle finger along my pussy and held it in the air for him to see. Although
needed no confirmation, my glistening finger provided it. I was completely soaked. As my heart began to race even more, I shifted my gaze from my finger up and into his eyes.

“You make me so wet. Just stand there. Don’t move,” I breathed as I stood from my knees.

He stood with his back to the wall, and gripped his rigid cock in his hand.

“You might have to bend your knees a little, but I’ll do all the work,” I said eagerly as I bent over in front of him and rested my hands on my thighs.

As I attempted to back up into the tip of his cock, his hands gripped my hips and guided me in for a perfect landing. Although I knew the thirty minutes of kissing, a half-assed blowjob, and my wandering mind had me beyond ready from a
standpoint, the size of his massive cock and the fact my pussy was absolutely tiny left me wondering just what complications we might encounter from a
standpoint. No matter what they may be, I was willing to try and work through them. I eagerly reached between my legs and guided the tip of his cock against my dripping pussy lips. As the tip began to penetrate me, I opened my mouth and groaned.

“Oh God. Take…it…slow,” I gasped.

Without responding, he slowly slid his cock from inside me. What little relief I felt was immediately followed by disappointment. I wanted it back inside me. Before I had a chance to release my lower lip and speak, he slowly began to slide it in. I bit into my lip a little more and rolled my eyes back so far it hurt.

Although every woman who enjoys sex wishes for her man to be well endowed, we all have our limits. Although no one in their right mind wants a man with a dick the size of a Vienna sausage, one the size of a baseball bat is even more useless. The best, I suppose, would be to have a man with the largest possible cock that would
fit, and slowly work it into place.

Cambio’s cock was the size of my wrist, and without a doubt, had a few inches that would never see any action inside of me, regardless of our efforts. As I rocked back and forth on my heels, slowly working my ass closer and closer to his hips, he began to moan. I continued to bite my lip, breathe through my nose, and refused to forfeit the fight.

“Holy fuck you’re tight,” he groaned.

I might have a tight pussy, but unless he was fucking a Hippopotamus, his cock would completely fill any pussy he attempted to shove it into. As I finally found a rhythm that seemed to work, I felt myself relax slightly. Things were beginning to come together. I released my lower lip, continued to buck my hips back and forth, and spoke my mind.

“Your…cock’s…huge,” I said between my choppy breaths.

“It feels like…I’m being fist-fucked…by a midget,” I groaned.

“Okay, I didn’t need to hear that,” he sighed.

“Just…take it…slow,” he breathed.

“I’m good now,” I sighed.

As I continued to work my hips back forth, his cock began to slide in and out without much discomfort. In fact, it felt incredible. After about the third full stroke, I relaxed with him fully inside of me and had an orgasm beyond compare. By anyone’s account, I had lasted roughly as long full of his throbbing shaft as he did when I sucked his cock. For that reason, and that reason alone, I felt no need to advertise what I had done. After relishing in the feeling of having a much needed orgasm and regaining my sexual composure, I began to rock back and forth on my heels. Although this method seemed much less sensual, and a little more boring, it suited me; at least for now. 

After a few quiet moments of slowly rocking back and forth, I felt proud I had lasted for a length of time without having another orgasm. With my mind fixed in the feeling, and my body becoming accustomed to the feeling, his cock, and the entire sexual situation, I felt as if I might last long enough to make him reach climax. Still bent over and teetering the balls of my feet, I opened my eyes and exhaled.

A hand slapped against my upper thigh, slid upward, and gripped my hip.

A hand gripped my other hip.

Oh shit…

He slowly pulled me rearward, until my ass pressed against his hips.

“Fuck this shit, I’m done dicking around,” he said under his breath.

“Okay…” I squeaked.

Sorry, I thought I was doing pretty good.

He forced himself in and out of me, but not without using some caution. I bit my lip again. The momentum of his thrusts increased with each stroke. I braced my hands firmly against my knees as my eyes bulged and my lower lip became my own personal chew toy. His cock began to hit spots inside of me I had no idea even existed.

Good spots.

My legs began to shake. My knees felt like rubber. One of his hands began to fondle my right boob. His fingers found their way to my nipple. Twisting it in between his forefinger and thumb, a tingling sensation shot between my nipple and hyper sensitive clit. I felt his cock began to swell inside me.

Oh dear God, that feels unbelievable.

As his swollen cock continued to slide in and out of my sopping wet pussy, the sound of our flesh on flesh began to resonate through the room. To me, there was nothing sexier
than skin slapping skin. I felt my pussy begin to contract into an orgasm. As he must have sensed my point of climactic bliss, he held his cock in place as I exploded into a thousand little pieces of
what the fuck just happened.

My body shaking and my pussy convulsing, the orgasm lasted for an eternity. His cock somehow swelled a little more. Shocked that I could actually
it, my eyes widened and I began to shake. My hands slipped from my knees and onto the floor.

As I felt his cock pulse inside of me, filling me with his warm cum, one last surge of climactic heaven filled my soul.

“Oh my God, that….was…incredible,” I breathed as I attempted to stand on shaky legs.

“That was far more than incredible. Holy shit,” he gasped.

“What?” I grinned.

“Nothing…” he sighed.

I did my best to turn and look over my shoulder. His face was covered with a smile. A smile I had yet to see. A smile that not only covered his face, but one that exuded even from his eyes. He raised his hands to his face and pressed his palms into his cheeks.

?” I asked.

His breathing still slightly labored, he exhaled a breath. Along with it came his thoughts, “I just really like you.”

I shifted my gaze to the floor and stared down at the carpet as I felt his cock begin to become flaccid inside of me.

“I passed that stage a long fucking time ago…” I said flatly.

As I chuckled to myself for my quick witted nature in quoting what he had said earlier, I realized I had truly reached the point of no return.

I reached between my legs with my right hand as I pulled myself away from him. As I cupped my hand against my pussy, holding the proof of his satisfaction inside of me, I turned to face the man I loved. With still shaking legs, I looked up and smiled.

He released his cheeks, placed his hands against my face, and bent at his waist. After a long, sensual, much needed kiss, our lips parted. He gazed into my eyes and blinked. He pulled my face to his, kissing me again passionately. My head began to spin and my mind reeled as the tension inside of me built. Again, our lips parted.

He gazed into my eyes for a long moment.

“What?’ I breathed.

He pulled my face to his and again kissed me passionately. Lost in the kiss, I began to feel as if I had been lifted from my feet and was floating in the space before him. I had never been kissed the way he kissed me. I had never felt the feelings I was feeling. This, to me, was completely and utterly new. As our lips parted, I fought for my next breath. I gazed into his eyes.

He narrowed his gaze as his mouth curled into a smile, “I think I’m falling in love with you, Sydney.”

in love?

I passed that stage a long fucking time ago.

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