Tales Of The Sazi 02 - Moon's Web (4 page)

Read Tales Of The Sazi 02 - Moon's Web Online

Authors: C.t. Adams . Cathy Clamp

BOOK: Tales Of The Sazi 02 - Moon's Web
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Alek had apparently realized how little they knew and was annoyed. He shook his head and let out a frustrated sound. His hands had closed into fists.

"Tell our parents to find us a new teacher 'cause otherwise we're going to end up dragon food or worse." he snarled. A small smile turned my lips at nearly the same time as Bobby's.

"And you, Vera?" Bobby asked as his lid blinked up again over the red iris. The teen couldn't seem to take her eyes off Bobby. With every upside down blink of his reptilian orbs, she flinched.

"Never do anything to make our parents or Alpha have to call you." This time Bobby smiled, showing broad white teeth that didn't seem the least bit menacing. But both Vera and I knew better.

"Very good. Now, Vera, why don't you call your mother to come get the lot of you. I think the Giambroccos have had enough excitement for today, hmm?"

Vera quickly went to the phone and called home. I glanced at Sue and then fought through the layers of haze in my brain to think a question into her head. What happened here? Who left these kids with you?

Her brow furrowed for a second and she closed her eyes. Then she shrugged and responded the same way. They just showed up on the doorstep. The car pulled away from the curb before I could see who it was. But I couldn't just leave them in the snow. They knew my name and said I was supposed to watch them. They hadn't even had dinner yet, Tony. I couldn't just leave them outside.

Great. That probably meant that all the steaks in the freezer were gone. I needed to eat. It had been too damned long since I'd gorged on that deer— especially with the scent of fear so heavy on the air. I wasn't going to ask for more details until they were gone, but I was going to find out who dropped a bunch of werewolf kids at my house to stay the night.

Chapter 3

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I let Bobby handle gathering the children's belongings and getting them ready to leave while I went and said a proper hello to my wife.

Sue was standing in the bedroom, glancing around for anything the kids might have missed when I entered and shut the door behind me. She started at the sound and turned around suddenly.

"Oh! You startled m— ."

Her voice fell off. I let all the intense feelings I'd been tamping down show in my eyes. She was looking really good. I stopped right in front of her and reached up one hand to brush back a few strands of hair that had covered one eye. My fingers traced slowly down the line of her jaw. I watched her shiver in the soft light. The need to touch her was impossible to ignore. Electricity tingled my skin, teased along my hand and flowed up my arm. Her eyes were suddenly wide and panicked. A light hot and sour soup smell rose and blended with her summer forest scent. The same desire and hunger that I felt burned right under the surface.

"But what about the kids? They're just outside."

My hand slid behind her head and I pulled her toward me slowly. My words were a whisper as I watched her shudder with pleasure. "That's why I shut the door. Welcome home." I tilted my head and pulled her mouth to mine. A moan escaped me as the teasing tingles became raw need. My arms wound around her and pulled her tight against me. Electricity became fire as we fed at each other's mouth. Blue light danced just behind my eyelids and I knew that my eyes were glowing. Our tongues tangled while magic began to swirl around us. It filled the room as I tore my mouth from hers and moved it to her neck. My hands slid under her shirt to caress her curves. I licked the scent from her skin and rolled it on my tongue. I showered her neck with little kisses and nips that left her legs shaky. Her voice was breathless. "Oh, God! I'd almost forgotten how good this feels. I've missed you so much!" Her arms tightened and her fingers dug into my shoulders.

I couldn't answer. I couldn't even think enough to form words. There was only light and heat and that intoxicating scent that was driving me wild. I shook my head, trying to clear it. I didn't want to get so wrapped up that we ended up having sex and missed the parents arriving. I planned to have a little chat with them. The pain in her leg was washing away in the pleasure of my touch, but I knew it would be back. Nobody hurts my mate without a price.

Her fingertips reached up and smoothed through my hair, raising another series of shudders in me.

"We'd better stop now." I said, but I didn't want to. I pulled back and looked into those drowning deep green eyes and kissed her once more, softly. We stood like that for a moment, our lips just barely touching, the knowledge of what lay ahead hanging in the air.

A car horn honked outside. That, and the sudden scampering sounds in the living room, shattered the crystalline moment.

"Why don't you lie down, Sue. It's been a long night. I'll be back in a few minutes to tuck you in." My eyes reflected the humor in my voice. I pulled away from her and stepped to the door. Her responding chuckle was throaty and warm.

"I'd like very much to be tucked. Hurry back." She walked toward me again with a sultry sway. She reached out and traced an electrifying pattern on the back of my hand and I had to shake my head again and take a deep breath to convince myself to leave. Better change subjects or I would drown in the need.

"When did you learn to speak Russian?" It had been nagging at me.

She stepped back and sat down on the bed. "I only know a few words. Lucas thought I should learn a bit—

mother, father, sister, brother and some household things, because quite a few of the pack members are immigrants. And I had plenty of time to study. I learned some food words and what letters go where in the alphabet. That's about all."

I pursed my lips. "Great. You'll have to teach me. Apparently, my new counterpart doesn't speak very good English."

She nodded and stretched out on the bed invitingly and closed her eyes. I started to move toward her. I wanted to touch her skin, kiss her mouth, cup her breas—

No! Control, Tony. Keep it together! I had other things to do. Taking a deep breath, I walked out of the bedroom, down the short hallway, and found Bobby standing by the front door. I was still a little hot and bothered, but the icy breeze from the open door cooled me down a bit. I started past him to talk to the driver of the car as the kids were finishing gathering their things. Bobby stopped me with a sharp look. Fine, I'd wait until the children had said their good-byes. They each apologized to me in quiet voices and solemnly shook hands with Bobby. They thanked him for sparing Denis. Both the apologies and appreciation were genuine. The horn honked a second time. Steam rose in clouds from their mouths as they ran down the walk and greeted their family with hugs tight enough to crush. Bobby and I watched through the closed storm door. With a start, I recognized the woman as the one called Alena before she disappeared behind the foggy layer of ice that formed on the glass.

I started forward once more. No, damn it! They were going to get a piece of my mind. Bobby's grip on my bicep stopped me cold. "Don't do it. They were only following instructions. They won't understand why you're upset."

"Who the hell would give them instructions to leave a bunch of kids with a complete stranger?" I snarled.

"Only Nikoli would know where you live and that Sue was home," said Bobby ominously. He waited to see my reaction. His eyes were angry but I didn't think it was because of Sue having to babysit. There was something wrong with that scenario but I couldn't decide what. In a second it hit me between the eyes.

I frowned. "Wait a minute. I didn't even know you'd arrived until the middle of the hunt. Alena was on the bus with us. How would she know to bring the kids here before we left?"

Bobby's brows raised. He'd apparently been thinking the same thing. "Exactly."

"I think I'll go have a chat with my pack leader," I said with fire in my voice.

"I'm going with you."

"Like hell you are! This is my problem, Bobbo."

His eyes were cold and deadly. "I almost had to kill a child tonight, Giodone. I wouldn't have enjoyed it much. Nikoli is going to get a piece of my mind about his lack of training of our young. And he'll be damned lucky if I don't turn him over to the council for damages."

His arms closed over his chest and the burning coffee of his anger rose from him in a cloud.

"I also don't like being spied on. He had to have bugged something or someone to know we were in town." I nodded my head. Good enough. I grabbed my coat and had just turned to tell Sue what was happening when the pain hit.

"Christ Almighty!" I screamed. I dropped to my knees and put fists to my temples with gritted teeth but it didn't help stop the ice pick of pain being driven into my brain. Bobby bent down to check on me until he heard a scream and a crash from the bedroom. He leapt to his feet and sprinted down the hallway. I didn't know where it had come from but the migraine was even making my eyeballs pound. At least I made it to the bathroom before I vomited. The sudden movement caused a new wave of violent pain and nausea. I didn't dare turn on the light. It was as bright as the mid-day sun in the windowless room. I glanced in the darkened mirror and didn't like what I saw. My steel blue eyes were squinted almost shut, and my face was pale and drawn beneath recently dyed brown hair. Death warmed twice would be an improvement.

I heard Bobby whispering to Sue down the hallway. My hearing had sensitized to the point that his soft murmuring was like standing next to the big speakers at a rock concert. I grabbed a pair of pillows from the couch and covered my ears. Sue was suddenly gone from my mind. I couldn't hear her; couldn't feel her. But every time I tried to stand to get to her I lost balance and got dry heaves. Sparkles danced across my vision and continued even after I shut my eyes tight.

I've had a couple of migraines before. Not often, thank God. You usually have a few minutes of warning before the pain really hits. This was like nothing I'd ever felt before. I told myself I could get through this. I knew I could.

Bobby came out from the bedroom looking grim. He seemed to know to speak in a whisper. I hesitantly removed the pillows from my ears.

"We need to get a healer in here. Both of you are in bad shape. All I can tell is that it's something magical. You stay here with Sue. I'll go get the pack healer. It's not something a human doctor can handle." I stood up and fought through the pain to stare at Bobby with a tight expression. The sparkles were still there but I could stand without falling. I'd spent my life in the mob. I'd been beaten, shot, cut, and had my throat torn out. I could get through a headache. As Dad used to say, "Headaches are all in your mind." Still, I winced as my own voice reached my ears. "I still have a score to settle with Nikoli, Bobby. I'm going with you."

Bobby looked at me with exasperation. He's tried to talk me out of stupid things before and hasn't succeeded yet. "You're in no condition, Giodone. It would be better for you to stay here with your wife."

"Probably." I said as I reached for my coat once more. I shot him a look of annoyance that cut through the pain. "And don't call me that."

He started visibly. This was the second time he'd called me by my old name. He's smart enough to know better. The only thing I could think of was that the thing with the kid had toasted him more than I'd originally thought. He's not normally so careless. I certainly couldn't afford him to be. There's still an APB out for me. One slip of the tongue and some wanna-be snitch might place an inconvenient call to my old nemesis on the homicide squad.

Bobby's scent turned to cloves with the sharp tang of worry. His face went blank and he nodded. His scent faded as well as the snake in him took over. He was back to his professional self. My vision was still dark edged and fuzzy but I could see. I rummaged around in the drawer next to the door and found a pair of wrap-around dark sunglasses. That helped a bit with the sparkles.

Next, I went to the darkened bedroom. Sue was out like a light. Apparently Bobby had used his Sazi magic to put her under. I wasn't thrilled with the idea of him doing it, but I didn't want her to endure this kind of pain unnecessarily. If I'd let him, he'd probably have done the same for me.

I went to the closet and pulled out a pair of shooter's foam earplugs and stuck them in my ears. It helped, but only a little. The screaming of the refrigerator compressor dulled but I knew that voices would still be uncomfortable. I tried not to think about the noise of weekday traffic.

I reached back into the closet to retrieve one of my guns. Bobby eyebrows rose a good inch as he watched me strap on my inner pants holster.

"You're going to go armed into your own pack den?" He sounded bemused. Sunny oranges glided over his worry.

"You showed me the key, Bobby. Heart and then head." My voice was flat and burned metal chased away the citrus. I nipped open the cylinder of the Taurus three inch snub nose .38. Five .999 fine silver bullets filled the chambers. I swung it shut sharply and turned to him with a grim expression. "I've been practicing ever since you left the island. I used a bunch of paper targets Carmine left at the house and figured the proportionate distances with a measuring tape. My speed has improved over sixty percent at fifty yards." He raised his brows and let out a low whistle. "It wasn't too shabby to begin with. Were they confirmed lethal zone hits?"

I didn't even dignify that with a reply. I just shot him a withering glance. He shook his head again, almost sadly. "Truly a shame you're a three-day. But just remember— I can't allow you to kill unless it's in self defense. I'll put you down without a second thought." I stopped and stared at him, trying to catch his scent. He looked away first and walked out of the room. The black pepper gave away the lie. I knew he would do it— but not easily.

I holstered the revolver and untucked my sweater to hide it. Then I pulled out the box of hand-loads. I grabbed another ten rounds, quickly removing each bullet from the box by the casing. I swore lightly when one silver bullet scorched my hand as I dropped the bullets in my pocket. At least I'd had the sense to reinforce the pockets of all my pants with thick canvas. My scarred thighs were living testament to being careless, and once was enough.

I stepped out into the lighted living room and swung on my winter coat. I was dressed all in black and the heavy bomber jacket completed the outfit. I was as ready to see Nikoli as I was going to get. Bobby was waiting by the door, still looking like this was a bad idea. I stared at him through the mirrored sunglasses, even though I knew he couldn't see my eyes.

"They think I'm the lowest dog on the totem, Bobby. I've been called 'puppy' and 'whelp' and been told to bury bones. I'm nobody's pet. They're about to learn that this yearling has teeth."

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