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Authors: Unknown

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“I enjoy dominating women. I enjoy giving them the pleasure they crave. The

relationship between a dom and a sub isn’t easy to explain. It’s something you have to experience to fully understand.”

“What do you get in return?”

“I think you’ll understand once we begin.”

“Now?” I asked.

Things were moving at the speed of light. Just thirty minutes ago I’d been in the lobby fretting over my cheap clothes, now I was wondering if I’d shaved my legs this morning.

I looked down and tried to inspect my long limbs.

“If you like,” Mr. Quinn said.

“Of course, we still haven’t decided on a safe word. I’d understand if you need time. This is not a world for the timid.”

The word timid touched a nerve with me. The last thing I wanted was to be seen as weak.

My whole life people had written me off as a little girl. I was twenty-two, at my physical peak, and tired of being treated like a child.

“If you’re prepared,” I said, challenging him, “then, I guess I am too.”

“You guess?”

“I’m ready,” I said confidently.

“Good. I could tell when I saw you…”

He stopped and looked down, lost in his thoughts. Settling on something, he looked back up at me. A new, steely-eyed look crossed his face.

“About the safe word. Pick something random. A word you won’t forget.”

“And a word that wouldn’t normally come up during sex,” I added.

“Yes. Of course, this won’t be normal sex. I think you’ll find yourself questioning your ideas of normal and abnormal once we begin.”

Listening to him talk was like being under the influence of a drug. He had a way of making- what I would later find out was called, BDSM, sound exotic and introspective.

He was right, it was.

I learned more about myself from my time with James, than I had in all of the time before he entered my life.

“Red,” I said. “Red for stop; red for no more. Green for go.”

He nodded. “Red is good. Before we start, you should understand that BDSM is more than spankings and ropes. There’s humiliation, demeaning language, not to mention the sex toys. Some of which…. Well, we’ll work up to that. I just want to make sure you understand the world you’re entering into.”

In truth, I had no idea. James was right when he’d said you have to experience BDSM to fully understand it, but my curiosity was getting the better of me. I was dying to start.

“Do you understand?” he asked.

“Green,” I responded.

He considered me for a moment, then said, “I’m going to give you commands and you will follow them, understood?”


“Stand up.”

Obediently, I rose.

“Walk over to my desk.”

On shaking legs, I walked to his desk, my back to him. It suddenly hit me that we were about to have sex. We’d spent so long formally discussing the matter, that it’d felt like a business transaction. In a way it was business, but it was also personal.

It was impossible for me to separate sex and my personal feelings. Maybe BDSM would teach me how to focus on the pleasure of sex, while ignoring my hang-ups and anxieties?

I hoped.

“Let your hair down,” James commanded from behind me.

I pulled the pin free and shook my head. My long blonde hair fell down below my

shoulders. It was messy and wild like I’d just rolled out of bed.

James ran his hands through it gently. His fingers ran over my scalp, then down the long lengths of my hair. It felt nice. My nerves calmed for a moment. Then suddenly he gripped it roughly and pulled my head back. His mouth was by my ear; his face an inch away from mine. I could feel his hot breath on my neck. I began to breathe heavily.

“Bend over,” he whispered.

I tried to nod, but he still held my hair tightly. I began to protest, then remembered it was a game. I couldn’t keep a smile from my face as I tried to pull free from him. He held my hair in his fist firmly and I couldn’t move.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“I’m trying to-”

“Did I give you permission to speak?”

He was completely in control. He could hurt me or force me down and take me from behind if he wanted. The possibilities were endless. The loss of control, the danger, it all swirled around inside me creating an intense sense of anticipation and desire. Not knowing what he would do next turned me on in ways I didn’t fully understand.

James turned me around and pulled me closer, then pressed his body against mine. He looked straight into my eyes.

“Are you a little girl? Is this too much for you? Do you want to stop?”

I didn’t answer. His words, his intensity, his body pressed so close to mine- it drove me wild. I felt a dull throbbing between my legs. I was wet and desperate to feel James inside me. I wanted his hands on my body, his demands, his abusive words, all of it and more.

James hesitated. I had the impression he was waiting to see if I would use the safe word. I felt a bit insulted. I was loving every moment of this- so far. Besides, I had no intention of quitting this early in the game.

I moaned and waited for instruction. He released his grip on my hair and said: “Bend over.”

I took my time, rubbing my body against his as I turned. I could feel his large cock through his pants. The throbbing between my legs began to spread through my body. I needed him inside me more than I had ever desired anyone or anything before.

With my back to him, I bent over the desk. I turned my face to the side, resting against its cold surface. I could see my breath fogging the desk’s shiny wood finish. When would he begin? I felt as if I would go mad if I had to wait any longer.

“Lift up your skirt,” he said.

Still bent over the desk, I pulled my skirt up around my waist. I wore a pair of simple black underwear, no stockings. I was completely exposed to the room and Mr. Quinn.

I felt the back of his hand gently brush my thigh. Goose bumps broke out all over my body. A soft cry escaped my mouth. Then, came the blow.

He spanked me once. The sting was sharp. The air left my lungs. The pain mingled with the pleasure I felt nicely. The two sensations seemed to enhance one another. The pain intensified my arousal and my arousal softened the pain, turning it into an entirely new feeling. I felt as if I’d discovered a sixth sense.

I pressed my palms flat on the desk and bit my lip. James lingered behind me. It was our first time together and he was apprehensive. He took a minute, waiting to see if I would use the safe word.

“Do you want to quit?” he asked.

At first the question confused me. We’d spent a lot of time discussing the point of the safe word and the ‘blurred lines’ of BDSM. Then I remembered how he liked it when girls said no and meant yes.

“Yes sir,” I said, remembering how he disliked being called sir.

Still, he hesitated. Did he really think I’d forgotten the rules already? Looking over my shoulder, I shot him a pointed stare.

He stood behind me motionless. I was beginning to grow angry. Later, I appreciated his caution. It showed he took our dom/sub relationship seriously. I didn’t realize how new I was to this form of sex play, but James understood. He knew how often beginners forgot the rules in the heat of the moment.

Besides, we’d only just met. He was careful to make sure I was comfortable within the boundaries of the game. Consent, however, was not an issue- I wanted more.

“Green,” I whispered.

His face grew serious. I watched as he raised his hand in the air and brought it down against my ass. The pain was sharper than the first time.

“Again,” I pleaded.

Suddenly, he was pulling my underwear down and spanking me over and over. My skin felt hot. I knew it would be red with his hand marks. I moaned and gasped for breath.

“Do you want to quit you whore?” His voice sounded raspy and deep.

“No sir,” I said, trying to provoke his anger.

“Did I give you permission to speak?”

Then, his finger were inside me. He played with my clit, rubbing my g-spot. I arched my back and cried out. His fingers moved quickly, pinching and massaging me, first roughly, then gently. It felt amazing.

Then, as quickly as he started, he stopped. I chanced a look over my shoulder. Mr. Quinn was gone. I begin to rise, but quickly laid back down over the desk when I saw him emerge from a closet.

He carried something in his hands. He moved in front of me and bent down so I could see what he held. In one hand was a whip, in the other a long length of rope.

He let me get a good look at them. The rope was brown and old. It looked like any other rope you’d find in someone’s shed. The whip was long, black leather with a shiny handle.

The rope looked like a tool, but the whip had a lethal kind of sexiness to it. The sight of it excited me.

It was clear he wanted me to understand what they implied before he moved on. I laid my head back down on the desk- a sign that he should proceed.

He took my wrists and stretched them out in front of me. He knotted the rope around them tightly, then secured them to something on the floor beneath his desk.

My limbs were stretched out straight in front of me. I pulled once to test the strength of the rope- I was tightly secured.

Mr. Quinn stood and let the whip unfurl at his side. It was longer than I had imagined. He stretched it out and pulled on the end of it. Then, he snapped it once. The whip cracked and echoed through the silent office.

My heart began to beat quickly. For a second, I considered using the safe word. The whip looked painful, but my curiosity got the better of me.

He moved behind me. I felt him touch me with the rope once, gently. The leather had a design woven onto the surface; it felt reptilian against my skin.

The anticipation was maddening. I was scared of the pain, but I was even more terrified that this would be my breaking point. The game had suddenly changed. I was more

concerned about proving to myself what I was capable of handling, than I was Mr. Quinn.

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted when the whip cut through the air and met my flesh. It made contact first with my thighs, then again on my ass.

The fear I had drained out of me. It was replaced with a burning desire for more. My skin burned as if it had been stung by bees. It felt sweet and sharp when combined with the orgasm still building momentum inside me.

He whipped me again. I lost count of how many times. Every time I felt the lash, the aching between my legs grew. I imagined I could still feel his fingers on my clit.

Then he was spreading my legs open. I felt his cock, thick and hard. He entered me fast, like a hot knife. He gripped my hips as he fucked me.

I felt like every cell of my body was awake: I could feel his large hands on my hips; the lingering sting of the whip on my skin; the ropes on my wrists and best of all- his cock entering me again and again.

The ropes cut into my skin as I pulled against them. The burning enhanced the pleasure, so I pulled harder.

James fucked me roughly. The force of his thrusts echoed through my body. I felt pleasure and pain radiate through me and grow to a tipping point.

When I climaxed it was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. I felt as if a great force of energy flowed through my body. Something hidden inside of me had awoken. I never wanted the moment to end, but I could sense that James was on the verge of cumming.

“Come inside me,” I half-pleaded, half-commanded.

James complied with a final, animalistic groan. I rested against the desk, exhausted. If the ropes hadn’t been securely fastened around my wrists, I would’ve fallen to the ground.

I felt James pull my skirt down, then walk in front of me. I watched as he untied the ropes. His chest heaved and his hair fell wildly in his eyes.

When he untied me, I stepped back and rose on shaky legs. My arms and shoulders were sore- not to mention my stinging flesh, but the pleasure I felt was indescribable.

I had to brace myself against the desk as a chill shot up my spine. Little earthquakes of tiny orgasms still echoed through my body.

I wiped a bead of sweat from my forehead and noticed James was watching me. He

began to tuck his shirt into his pants in an attempt to collect himself, but he still had the relaxed, magnetic aura of a person who’s just finished having sex on him.

If someone was to walk into the room it would be more than obvious what had just transpired- well, not entirely obvious. James quickly put away the ropes and whip. The only evidence they had been used were the lash marks on my skin.

I rubbed my wrists. Red burn mark circled my flesh.

“Let me see,” James said gently.

He took my hands and ran his fingers over the markings. Then he brought my hands to his lips and kissed the burns. It was a sweet, intimate gesture. His lips felt cool and soothing; the pain seemed to diminish.

He looked up at me. His eyes had returned to the cool green I’d first noticed when we initially met. When he met my gaze he seemed to withdrawal. He dropped my hands and walked behind his desk.

“Miss Jacobs,” he said clearing his throat, “I think you should take the rest of the day off.”

I nodded slowly. I was curious to see what other toys he kept hidden away in the closet, but I was feeling overwhelmed.

He pulled out a checkbook, quickly filled it out and ripped off a check. His eyes took on a steely look as he held the money out to me. I wondered what he was hiding behind those green eyes.

Timidly, I took the check. I didn’t dare look at the amount- I was too scared.

“You’re paying me already?” I asked.

“Yes, I was pleased-” he stopped abruptly as if he’d said something embarrassing. “I would like to see you tomorrow. If you decide to come back.”

“Why wouldn’t I come back?”

It was then I realized I wasn’t the first girl he’d had this experience with. The thought filled me with jealousy. I remembered the other girls in the lobby. Had the receptionist sent them away? Or were they still waiting to be auditioned by Mr. Quinn?

The thought of having to share him made me rage. I’d only just met him, but I was his student- his submissive, I wasn’t about to share him.

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