Taming Casanova (4 page)

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Authors: MJ Carnal

BOOK: Taming Casanova
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Chapter 6

“I want you.” Andi begged him to touch her.  When his hand slipped under the waistband of her pants, she th
rew her head back.  His fingers slipped into her, easing in and out, her body spiraling toward an earth shattering orgasm.  Her hands fisted in the sheets.  “I’m so close.”

“Let go, Andi.” His strong hands continued their glorious assault and his thumb pressed into her clit.  Her world stopped.  She screamed as the most powerful orgasm of her life overtook her.  She couldn’t catch her breath. 

“Andi!”  Caleb yelled her name and her eyes snapped open.  “Wake up.  Are you ok?”

Andi looked around the room in a panic.  “What?”

“You screamed.  Are you OK?  Jesus, you’re covered in sweat.  What’s wrong?”  Caleb ran his hands up and down her arms. 

face flushed.  “It was a dream.”  She covered her face with her hands and let out a sob.

Confused, Caleb looked at Jena and shrugged.  “Go back to sleep honey.  I’ll sit with her for awhile.”  Jena kissed Caleb on the cheek and shut the door behind him.

“Some dream you had.”  Jena laughed as Andi’s eyes went wide.  “Rumor has it that he’s back from his photo shoot this afternoon.  He wanted to be back for Ryan and Layla’s welcome home party.  You may want to get that skimpy bikini out.”

“Jena!”  Andi wiped her tears and giggled.  “I have to figure
out how to get him out of my head.  I can’t just be a conquest.  It will ruin everything.”

“Who says you’d be a conquest?”  Jena laid down next to her and brushed her hair out of her face. 

“Casanova likes more than one woman at a time.  He’s a walking man whore.  He’ll crush me.”

“Andi, he just hasn’t bee
n with the right woman yet.  We can’t help who we love.  It’s out of our control.”

Andi shook her head.  “I don’t love him.  I can hardly stand him.”

“I’ll remind you of that on your tenth wedding anniversary.”

Kevin settled into the lounge chair and sighed when he felt the sun hit his face.  The weather had finally warmed enough to be outdoors enjoying the pool and all the perks LA had to offer.  The last few days he had spent in rainy Oregon for his photo shoot had been wonderful but there was nothing like being home. 

Ryan and Layla had been home from the hospital for one day and had already wanted to celebrate with friends.  Kevin’s heart had almost burst at the seams when he saw his namesake sleeping the day away in his crib.  His tiny arms flung over his head and his face, angelic in every way, relaxed in pure joy.  He wanted to wake him just to hold him but knew the wrath he would face from both Ryan and Layla would not be worth it.

He laughed as he glanced to the chair next to him.  Ryan was sound asleep, snoring in the late afternoon sun. 
Layla was yawning while she stood with Molly and Sophie discussing diapers and all things baby.  Mark was manning the grill, his legendary steaks well on their way to perfection.  Lily was stretched out across the pool staring at whom?  He couldn’t tell.  But her gaze was focused the exact place his hand landed.  Andi and Steve.  Where the hell was Amber?  Kevin growled and sat up.

laugh echoed through the backyard as she shoved Steve into the frigid water.  When he surfaced, he jumped back onto the side, soaking Andi in the process.  She squealed and ran but he was in pursuit before she could take a couple steps.

“No.  Steve.”  Andi screamed as he carried her to the side of the pool.  “Please.  Don’t.  I’ll do anything.”  But her words went unanswered as he jumped back into the water with her in his arms.  When they both broke the surface and laughed, Kevin made eye contact with Lily.  She frowned.

“Come here.”  Kevin mouthed and she stood up to make her way toward him.  “What’s up, lil bit?  You look pissed.  I thought I was the only one that brought that fire out in you.”

She laughed and sat in his lap.  “Steve is hot.  Andi is moody.  Not a good match.  And I would seriously like to get my claws in that hunk of meat.”

Kevin tickled her.  “Does someone have a crush on Mr. dark and mysterious?”

“Shit yea.  Look at him.  His eyes scream fuck me.”  Lily sighed.  “And Amber is a fool for cheating on him.”

“What?”  Kevin’s eyes snapped to hers.

“I heard through the rumor mill that he caught Amber in bed with someone.  Or he heard she was.  I don’t know.  All I know if that perfect ass has my name on it and I will cut a bitch to get it.”

Kevin watched as Andi wrapped herself in a towel and ran inside.  Steve watched her every move before heading to the grill to check on Mark.  “I’ll be right back.”

Kevin walked into Ryan’s quiet house.  He had officially lost his mind.  He was stalking her.  “I’m an idiot.” He said to himself as he walked down the hall toward the nursery.  He would check on the baby one more time before getting another beer and heading back out to the pool.  He heard Andi whispering and stopped at the door.

“You are so beautiful little one.”  Andi rubbed his tummy.  “Your little lips are perfect.  You’re gorgeous.  You look just like your daddy.  You need to wake up and come play with me.”

Kevin smiled.  “Gorgeous like his daddy huh? Have a thing for Ryan do you?”

Andi rolled her eyes.  “Caveman.”

He stepped into the room and
spoke against her neck.  “I’ll let you in on a secret.  He’s married.”

She flinched away from him.  “It’s a shame.” 

He followed her down the hall, watching her perfectly toned backside sway as she headed for the kitchen.  His body immediately stirred.  His heart pounded.  It was time to make a move.  She hopped up onto the kitchen counter and picked at the appetizer tray.

“Want a beer?”  Kevin buried his face in the fridge. 

“How’s Lily?”  She continued to pick.

“She’s fine.  Do you want a beer?”

Andi put the food down and looked at him.  “I’m shocked that you have been sniffing around the same woman so much.  The solo woman thing isn’t getting old?”

“Stop.”  He twisted the cap off the bottle and handed it to her. 

“What happened to the shiny rollercoaster ready to take everyone for a ride?”

“Andi.”  He growled.

“I haven’t seen the ‘now serving’ sign lit up over your head for awhile.  The log ride must be getting cozy.”  Andi smirked.

“Shut up woman.” He took a large swig of his beer.

“Come to think of it, I haven’t seen you with anyone else.  Awww.  Is Kevin Jr happy with just one woman?  Somebody mark this date on the calendar.  Kevin is…”

Kevin’s lips crashed against her
s.  His perfect lips were like silk. He wrapped his left hand in her hair and pulled while his right hand yanked her body against his.  He tasted of mint and heaven. His tongue begged for entrance and with a moan, she allowed it.  He deepened the kiss, tongues dueling, teeth scraping, bodies grinding.  The heat overwhelmed her. The kiss was wrapped in lust but underneath the desire, there was something more.  Love?  It couldn’t be.  His heart hammered in his chest and his breathing sped.  Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, anchoring herself to him.  When her second moan sounded, he couldn’t help himself.  “Andi.” Her name left his lips on a whisper.

“Kevin.”  Her legs wrapped around him and she nibbled at his neck. 
“What are we doing?”  She panted.

“Stop talking.”  His fingers dipped underneath her bikini top and found the piercing that had been torturing his
dreams.  He pulled and her head fell back.  “I want to see it.”

Her head nodded frantically.  Heat pooled between her legs.  “Yes.”

He untied her top and moaned when her tanned breasts spilled out.  The piercing taunted him.  He ran his fingers over her nipple and her legs trembled.  “Perfect.”  His tongue circled it and she whimpered.  She had told him once that she could come just by playing with her piercing and he intended to find out if that was true. His teeth grabbed the ring and pulled lightly, rolling it in his lips.

“Oh my God.”  Andi grasped the edge of the counter so hard that her knuckles turned white. 

His voice was strained.  “Can you come like this?”  He pulled again.

Her eyes shut and she bit her lip.  “I’m almost there.”

He smiled.  The woman was going to be his undoing.  His cock strained against his swim trunks.  He wasn’t sure just playing with her nipples wouldn’t make him come too.  He had never been so turned on in all his life.  He bit the edge of the piercing and pulled hard.  Her hands grabbed his hair and pulled his mouth closer. 

Her bre
athing was coming in short bursts.  He knew she was close.  “I was kidding the day on the boat.  Oh my God.  Shit.  I just wanted to torture you.”  Her body hummed with excitement.  “I haven’t been with anyone since I got the piercing.  Oh my God, Kevin.” 

He pulled one more time and she shattered. 
Her legs shook, her body trembled and as she called out his name, he grabbed himself and squeezed, willing the orgasm that was roaring toward him to stop.  She slumped against him and bit his shoulder. 

Too late.  He exploded, weeks of built up frustration and fantasy surging forth, reminding him that this woman
was different.  She hadn’t touched him and he had found more pleasure in this moment than he ever had before.  He groaned and tried to step back but she pulled him against her, rubbing her body against his, feeling the heat of her grind against him.  “Andi.”

“Think they’d miss us if we disappeared into the guest room for an hour?” 
Andi’s eyes twinkled with mischief.  “Please, Kevin.”

The back door slammed and they jumped apart.  “Hey Andrea.  Where are you?”  Steve’s voice got closer and
Andi’s eyes widened.

“Go.”  Kevin whispered and handed her the bikini top that had fallen to the floor.  She knocked the beer off the counter in her race to leave the
kitchen and Kevin chuckled.  “I got it.  Go.”

He bent over to pick up the glass that had broken when Steve stepped into the doorway.  “Whoa.  Need some help?”

“I got it.  You’re barefoot.”  Kevin smiled at him.  Yep.  Score one for Merck. 

“Have you seen Andrea?”  He looked down the hall and back at Kevin.

“Sorry, man. I haven’t.” 

As Steve walked away to join the others by the pool, Kevin chuckled. 
This was a competition he was not going to lose.  He had waited forever for a moment like that and there was no way that Steven Wainwright was standing in his way now. 

Chapter 7

“What’s up with you?”  Caleb settled into the couch and looked over his reading glasses at Kevin.  “Women trouble?”

“No comment.”  Kevin flipped through the channels on Caleb’s flat screen.

“Why are you here again?”  Caleb leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees.  “Is there something you need to tell me?”

“I want to date your sister.”

Caleb swallowed his water wrong.  “What’s your definition of date?”  He choked out his words.

“Take her out, asshole.  Dinner.  Something.  Alone.” 

Laughter echoed from the front porch and made Kevin and Caleb look up.  Muffled voices got louder as they approached the door.  Kevin recognized
Andi’s voice.  But one was distinctly male.

“Give me a break.  I would win every single time.”  Andi stepped into the foyer and stopped dead in her tracks.  Her face blushed and her heart raced.

“What’s up Wain?”  Caleb stood and hugged Steve.  “What brings you all the way out here?”

I ran into Andi at a radio function at the hospital.  We grabbed a burger after work.”  Steve walked toward Kevin and extended a hand for him to shake.  “How are you, bro?”

“I’m feeling a little sick actually.”  Kevin stood to leave.  “I was just on my way out.”

“Why don’t you stay for awhile?”  Andi walked into the living room.  “Have a guy’s night.” 

Kevin stared her down.  The heat from his gaze made her weak in the knees.  The room became silent.  She guaranteed you could hear her heart double timing it in her chest. 

“I have somewhere I need to be.”  His voice was quiet but his body language was completely possessive as his stare shifted to Steve.  “Have a great time with lover boy.”

Andi ground her teeth. 
“Let me guess.  Bambi needs a backrub.” 

“Nope.  Candy needs a lick.”  Ke
vin shook Caleb’s hand and ground his teeth. 

Andi followed him to the door.  “Don’t
forget to video tape it.  You may want to watch it back and see what you could have done better.”

Kevin grabbed her and pulled her out the front door.  Shoving her against the side of the house, he leaned down, his mouth
just inches from her’s.  His voice was husky and full of lust.  “Don’t ever doubt my skills, doll.  You got off and all I did was suck on this.”  His hand reached under her scrub top and pinched her nipple.  “If you need a reminder of what a real man can do, give me a call.”

With that, he turned and made his way down the driveway.

“What the fuck was that?”  Steve threw himself onto the couch Kevin had just vacated.

Caleb ran his hands through his hair and yanked.  “Not my place.”

“That dude is wound tight.”  Steve grabbed the remote but stopped when he noticed Caleb’s glare.  “What?”

“Where is Amber?” 

Steve’s face turned grim.  “She’s been out a lot with her friends.”

“It’s none of my business, man, but you’ve been engaged a long time.  I can’t wait to marry Jena.  What’s the hold up?” Caleb set down his manuscript to give Steve his full attention.

Steve shut his eyes and laid his head back on the pillows.  “I’ve asked her to nail down a date for two years.”

“She’s too busy nailing everything else.”  Andi cringed when she heard the anger in her voice.  “I’m sorry.  I should
n’t have said that.”

“I don’t know that for a fact.  Talk is cheap, Andrea.” 

“You should talk to Moretti.”  Caleb was tired of seeing his friend hurt.  And knowing that they had kept things from him for so long was weighing heavily on him.  If Jena was cheating, he would want to know.  “I learned my lesson a long time ago. I’m not sticking my nose in anyone’s business.  I just think it would do you some good to talk to him.”

His face mirrored the agony happening inside of him.  He felt the betrayal without knowing the story.  Andi took his hand and held it.  “I’ll go with you.  Whenever
you’re ready.”

Steve stood up without saying anything and headed for the door.  Andi
ran after him.  “Steve, wait.”

He stopped at the edge of the porch.  “
I’m going to find Amber and ask her one last time if there’s something she needs to tell me.  I’m tired of this shit.”

“Please calm down before you drive.”  Andi reached out and grabbed his arm but he flinched away.  “Come back inside.  It’s starting to rain.  Amber will be there in the morning.”

“Will she, Andi?”  Steve took a deep breath.  His eyes were red.

Kevin cleared his throat and they both jumped.
  “Everything ok?”

“It’s fine.”  They said in unison.

Kevin pointed to the carport.  “I’m on the bike so I’m going to wait out the rain.”

Steve stepped into the downpour and held his arms out to his sides.  “
I’ve got to go track down the woman that’s going to wreck me.”

“I’m going in.”  Andi stomped into the house.

“Wait.”  Kevin grabbed her hand. 

She sighed in defeat.  “What do you want, Kevin?”


“What?”  Andi shook her head.

“I don’t think I stuttered.  I think you want the same thing.”  Kevin pushed his body against hers.  “Tell me you don’t.”

Andi stepped back but he followed her.  “Look. 
I’m tired of the bullshit. I have no doubt it would be fun but I don’t want to fuck around.  Especially with someone who has been with more people this week than I have in my lifetime.”

“Why are you always so hateful?”  Kevin took a step back.  “You
may think you know my past, but don’t try to pretend to know who I really am.  You’re judge and jury, Andi.  I was guilty before the trial even started.”

She put her hands on her hips.  “What the hell does that mean?”

“It means that it’s been months.  Months!  You’re too wrapped up in your hatred of men to see what’s right in front of your face.”

“I don’t hate men.”

“Then it must just be me you hate.”  Kevin shoved his helmet on his head and stepped off the porch.

“Where are you going?  It’s pouring.  You can’t ride in this.”

“I can go out there and get cold on my way home.  Or I can sit here and let you torture me some more. I choose the cold.”  Kevin jogged to his bike.  In one fluid movement, he straddled the seat and the engine roared to life.

A tear fell down
Andi’s face.  She was falling in love with him and there was nothing she could do to stop it.


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