Taming Megan (2 page)

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Authors: Natasha Knight

BOOK: Taming Megan
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At 4:30, she moved to said corner, her heart racing, the beginning twinges of embarrassment creeping through her belly even as she stood alone in the room with no one to bear witness. Not yet anyway. Her legs were heavy as her bare feet stepped across the carpeted floor. She stopped inches from the wall, looking at it with contempt, then forcing herself to take that final step so that her nose would touch the flat surface. She placed her hands by her side, not sure what to do with them and couldn’t help a glance back at the mirror. She looked small standing there, her skin glowing with the light tan of the start of summer, the pink panties not so much covering her bottom as accentuating the full, round, soft cheeks. Cheeks that would soon pay the price for last night’s misstep. She shivered and went to turn up the thermostat as the telephone rang.

It was probably Jake. She ran to answer and didn’t check the display before picking up.


“Are you feeling as crappy as I am?” It was Josie, one of the women Jake particularly disapproved of.

“Oh, hi Josie.” Megan checked the time, 4:36. She was supposed to be standing with her nose in the corner.

“You in trouble with hubby?” Josie asked, her tone joking. The way she said ‘hubby’ bothered Megan but she couldn’t figure out why.

“He was kind of pissed, huh?” Megan asked, wondering what her friend would make of her current situation, knowing there was no way she would tell her.

“Kind of? If he got any redder, he was going to blow! You’re a grown woman, you don’t have to put up with that you know.”

“He was just worried about me. About all of us, Josie.”

“He acts like he’s your dad.”

“It’s not like that. Listen, I have to run…”

“What, did he take away your phone privileges?”

Megan took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, trying to keep in mind that Josie had just come out of a relationship where her boyfriend had been cheating on her. She had to be patient. Besides, Josie was one of her oldest friends. Or at least the one she had known the longest. There had always been a strange thing between them, not quite competition but something Megan hadn’t ever been able to work beyond. They had grown up in the same run-down neighborhood, had done things together Megan wished she could forget, and somehow, no matter how Megan managed to distance herself from her beginnings, Josie always showed up, even following her on her move across the country.

But she was being selfish now. Josie needed her to be a friend. This was just her way of coping with her own loss especially seeing that just over a year into their relationship, Megan had married the man of her dreams. Megan imagined it would be hard to take given Josie’s circumstances.

“I’m sorry, I really have to go. I’m burning dinner,” she lied. “I hope you feel better, Josie.”

“Well, have a nice dinner I guess.”

“Bye.” Megan hung up before she could get another word in and rushed to her corner as she heard the garage door open signaling Jake’s arrival.


* * *


Jake smiled when he walked inside. The scent of his favorite meal filled the house. He set his briefcase down on the kitchen counter and opened the oven door, eyeing the bubbling lasagna layered with Megan’s homemade sauce. The girl could cook. And bake. With his help, she now owned the cupcake bakery she had been working at when he first met her. And he was going to get fat as a result of it if he didn’t watch it.

Jake closed the oven door and picked up the mail, making his way into the study, not actually sure how he would find her. She was nervous, he knew that much. Her call was evidence enough of that. But that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Although he didn’t want her to be afraid of him and he didn’t think that was it. This was new for her and even though his last relationship had some elements of domestic discipline, it wasn’t like what he was planning with Megan. Jake knew what he wanted for their marriage. Megan’s naturally submissive nature was one of the things he’d been attracted to in the first place. And he knew it was what she needed. She had not had guidance or any sort of authority figure for most of her life. These first lessons would likely be difficult for her but he would be there with her.

He opened the study door and entered, pleased to find her just where she should be.

“I’m proud of you, Meg,” he said, walking up to her.

She turned but kept her place at the wall and he could see her eyes had already reddened and her lashes were wet. She had the clearest blue eyes he’d ever seen, accentuated by thick, black lashes. Eyes that looked pretty even when she cried. He placed his hands at her hips and brought his lips to the back of her neck. “You doing ok?” he asked, kissing her softly. He had to remember he needed to punish her first.

She nodded, leaning into him when his hand snaked around to find her taut nipple. Her breasts were full, not large but perfect as far as he was concerned.

“Lasagna smells good,” he said.

“Thank you.”

“You didn’t make my favorite meal to win any favors, did you?” he asked, that hand that had just pinched her nipple now finding its way down over the flat of her belly and farther, two fingers slipping into the waistband of her panties to tease her already swollen clit.

She pressed her hips into him and lay her head back onto the crook of his shoulder. She let out a moan when he pressed her clit between his fingers, opening her eyes when, a moment later, he pulled his hand from her panties.

“Are you trying to soften me up, Meg?”

She gave him a coquettish smile. “Of course not.” She paused. “Sir.”

Her expression and the tone of her voice told him just how much a lie that was. He was willing to forgive her that though. But he couldn’t give her the upper hand now. This moment was crucial.

He stepped from her and she looked surprised. He could see her waver, unsure whether to follow him or remain as she was. “Have you been standing here like I told you to since 4:30?” he asked.

“Yes… well, I started to but then the phone rang and I picked it up thinking it might be you.”

He signaled for her to face the wall and walked toward his desk, looking through the envelopes he had brought in with him. “Who was it?”

She hesitated. “Josie.”

He stopped, forcing a deep breath in. Josie was trouble. He couldn’t understand how Megan couldn’t see it. It was clear as day to him.

“I appreciate you telling me the truth and for the future, just know that I won’t call you when I’ve told you to stand in the corner at any given point in time so no need to answer the phone.”

She turned to look at him. “Are you mad?”

He set the mail down and met her gaze, studying her. Megan was a pleaser. It was good and bad. But one thing he knew was that she couldn’t stand the thought of him being angry with her. It disrupted something inside her. He wondered where that stemmed from, if it was just the nature of the submissive mind.

No, it wasn’t just that. He’d always been drawn to submissive women, but she was different, sweet, her innocence authentic.

He smiled and shook his head, slipping his jacket from his sounders. “No, Meg. I’m not mad.” But proper corner time hadn’t yet begun as far as he was concerned. “We’ll set the clock now for half an hour before your spanking. I have a little work to wrap up anyway. Face the wall please and this time, take your panties down to just below your hips.”

He waited while she shot a quick, worried glance his way. He could see her taking a deep breath, probably telling herself to stay calm. But the next thing she did surprised him. She turned to face him but didn’t meet his eyes. She shook her head fast once, wrapping her arms around herself, covering herself. She stayed like that, her gaze at her feet. He watched as a tear slid down her cheek but she didn’t make a single sound, didn’t try to talk her way out of it. There was no attempt to be playful or to seduce, no nothing. She just stood there, waiting, almost as if she were unable to obey.

This was unexpected. He went to her, gathering her to him. She let him, her body soft, not resisting him in any way as a quick sob escaped her. He held her tight with one hand and cupped the back of her head with the other.

“Hey, shh…” he coaxed. “It’s ok, Meg,” he said. “Look at me.” He lifted her chin. “Megan,” he said. She opened her eyes and met his. “It’s just us, you and me. It’s ok, you can do this. I’m here with you.”

She searched his face but still did not speak. After a few moments, she nodded, tucking herself tighter into his embrace, her arms folded between them. She then stepped back into the corner. He watched as she slid her fingers into the waistband of her panties but when she hesitated for too long, he went to her and placed his hands over hers. He held her as he slid them down over her hips, waiting until she widened her stance enough to hold them where he had set them at the tops of her thighs. He gave her hands a small squeeze.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“Now put your hands at the back of your head for me, Meg.”

He stepped back, watching her closely as she clasped her hands at the back of her head. She didn’t move when he stepped away and settled into his seat behind the desk.


* * *


Megan stood facing the white wall, trying to understand what she was feeling, trying to make sense of what had just happened. She had tried to seduce him, he was right. The lasagna was only the start; the rest of it, well, it wasn’t even a conscious thought. Her instinct was to get out of punishment even though some part of her, the part she was not wholly familiar with, wanted it. Wanted to have his authority and wanted to obey it. It was something she didn’t understand. She was a modern woman. She had never submitted to any man’s attempted dominion over her before, but she wasn’t sure if anyone had really tried. Jake was different than other men but there was more to it than that, surely.

This line of thinking was confusing. She would come back to it, let it sit for a while and then return to it. For now, there were other things to consider, like how her body was physically reacting. Her arms were tired already but there was something else brewing. Specifically, something between her legs. Her clit throbbed and she was damp. The fact that her panties were pulled down was, on the one hand, humiliating, while at the same time so completely erotic. The fact that she stood punished, shamed, in the corner for her misstep of the evening before, the fact that he now held her accountable and didn’t let her off the hook, the fact that he was perhaps watching her or, even more interesting, ignoring her altogether, excited her like she had never imagined it could. She had been dreading this time all day. Dreading this more than the physical spanking he would give her but she was at the same time absolutely and wholly aroused.

Jake’s phone buzzed, signaling the end of her half hour. Megan turned to him. Dropping her arms, she took a step.

“Did I tell you to come out of the corner?” he asked, his tone neutral.

She stopped. “The bell rang,” she began, but he cut her off.

“Did I tell you to come out of the corner?” he repeated.

“No, sir,” she said, turning back to face the wall. They had talked about proper address when she had agreed to give this a try. He had wanted it and she had felt fine with it. Even now, saying the word ‘sir’ felt somehow right. Megan shook her head at herself. What would Josie think of her if she could see her now?

“Good girl,” he said. She heard him rise. “You may turn to face me. Keep your hands where they are.”

She turned to find him leaning against his desk rolling up his shirt sleeves. She swallowed, finding something in that simple act so dominant, so sexy. He was preparing to spank her. She looked at him, his lean, muscular build. He was 6′3″, and the top of her head reached to about the middle of his chest. His dark brown hair fell over one eye and he brushed it back. His eyes, they were gorgeous. So blue she still remembered how she had embarrassed herself the first time she had laid eyes on him and had been unable to look away.

“Now tell me why you’re going to be spanked tonight, Megan.”

“Because I drank too much last night and broke my promise.”

Jake nodded, going around his desk to open a drawer. She watched as he retrieved the small wooden paddle and took a seat on the couch. He then reached his hands out to her.

She had seen that thing once. She’d even felt it on her bottom when he had jokingly swatted her with it. It had hurt and he’d only been fooling around then.

“Come here, honey.”

“Are you going to use that?” she asked before she took a step.

“I’ll use my hand first. That will just be at the end. Come here.”

Well, she supposed his hand would be more forgiving than the paddle. She walked over, her step slow, her eyes on his hands, his big hands. Megan swallowed and went to stand between his knees. He took her hands in his, his thumbs massaging her palms.

“I don’t want to tell you who you can and cannot see, but that Josie, I don’t trust her.”

“I’ve known her forever, Jake. I can’t just abandon her, not when she needs me.”

He shook his head. “Do you see a pattern, Meg? Every time you’re with her, we end up in some sort of argument…”

“Discussion,” she adjusted.

“Fine, discussion. Either way, just keep your eyes open around that girl.”

She nodded, not entirely doubting what he said but not able to fully accept it either.

“All right, come on, let’s get this done. Over my knee.”

Her heart began to pound harder as she looked at his lap, wondering how she was going to do this with any grace at all. Not that there would be any grace once she was actually in position. There wasn’t any elegance in being turned over your husband’s knee and spanked with your panties down around your ankles and your bottom bared.

“Let’s go,” he said.

Jake tugged on her wrist and Megan placed one knee on the couch, slowly lowering herself over his lap and placing her hands on the floor.

“Next time, I’d like you to braid your hair,” he said, collecting the long tangled curls and setting them over her shoulder.

Megan stared straight ahead, every part of her tense.

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