Taming the Wildcat (Sargosian Chronicles) (15 page)

Read Taming the Wildcat (Sargosian Chronicles) Online

Authors: Bethany J. Barnes Mina Carter

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Taming the Wildcat (Sargosian Chronicles)
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Roz wanted to be the man she thought he was. The man he was in her eyes.

He smiled to encourage her. “You’re so…what?” he teased lightly as he ran the back of his finger down her cheek, tracing the path of a stray tear.

She gave a little laugh and gathered herself visibly. “I’m so humbled.”

She blinked her eyes as if she needed to clear away the tears to see him, and his heart swelled in size, filling with more love for her with each passing moment. “I’m humbled and honored…you really did all of this for me?” He heard a tremble in her voice as she spoke.

She laid her hand on his cheek and he turned his face into it, trapping it there with his own, kissing her palm. He nodded, since he couldn’t seem to get any words past the lump in his throat.

“Oh Roz—it’s so beautiful. You’re beautiful!” Her voice was a soft caress to his soul, and her words eased the worry he felt, over whether she’d like what he gave her.

He leaned forward to capture her lips in a soft, lingering kiss, but she pulled back to look at him. Now, he was worried again. She never pulled away.

“I love you too, Angel. More than you could ever know.”

He suddenly found himself locked in her arms as she planted happy, noisy kisses all over his face. Okay, he was good with moving targets, but this was different. She had the biggest smile plastered on her face and he couldn’t help but smile back.

“teach me—”
“how to read it?” She pulled him up onto the bed with her, twisting so he lay between her and where the shawl was spread out.

He chuckled and kissed her to stop her from landing butterfly kisses all over his face. By the time he lifted his head, they were both breathing raggedly. “Sweetheart, now and for the rest of my life I’d do anything for you. I love you.”

He leaned down to claim her lips again, and knew for the first time in his life he meant those three little words.

Finally, the Wildcat had been tamed.

About the Author:

Mina Carter was born and raised in Middle Earth (otherwise known as the Midlands, England). After a slew of careers ranging from logistics to land-surveying she can now be found in the wilds of Leicestershire with her husband and young daughter…the true boss of the family.

Suffering the curse of eternal curiosity Mina never tires of learning new skills which has led to Aromatherapy, Corsetry, Chain-maille making, Welding, Canoeing, Shooting, and pole-dancing to name but a few. A veteran Star Trek RPGer, she’s run both games and groups of games but now finds her home in Bravo Fleet, one of the internet’s oldest Star Trek simm groups.

She juggles being a mum, working full time and writing, tossing another ball in the air with her cover artwork. For Mina, writing time is the wee hours of the morning before anyone wakes up and starts making demands, or any spare minute that can be begged, bought or conned.

Her first stories were penned at age 11, when she used a stationery set meant for Christmas thank you letters to write stories instead. More recently, she wrote for her own amusement and to save on outrageous monthly book bills. Now she’s totally addicted and needs her daily writing fix or heads roll!


About the Author:

A fiery-tempered stay at home mom by day, Bethany J. Barnes is really a superhero in disguise. Equally at home creating fantastical worlds and the men and women who inhabit them, or driving armed across county to collect a hot male (her gorgeous horse, Tristan), she’ll happily wrestle rattlesnakes, rescue baby owls or perform strenuous casting tests for male leads in her stories. An active RPGer, B.J. (as she’s called by close friends) is equally happy writing hot paranormal or steamy sci-fi, and is the mainstay of many online games. An accomplished photographer, B.J.’s specialties are scenic, portrait, concert, rodeo and equine photography. She’s dabbled in wedding photography, but has no patience for Bridezillas.

A self-described romance writing, photograph taking, horseback riding, book reading, movie watching, music listening lunatic, she dreads writing about herself and would rather write about hot, muscled heroes and the heroines that are strong enough to stand up to them.

Some of the varied jobs she’s had include: running her mother’s dog boarding business at the early age of seventeen, video store clerk (fed her movie addiction), model, auto detailer, veterinary technician for a large and small animal clinic (horses, dogs, cats and even a few camels once!), rattlesnake catcher (for relocation), horse trainer, riding instructor, horse transporter, executive assistant, photographer and now finally, author.

Now living on the outskirts of a small town near Boise, Idaho, she’s accomplished at least two of her lifelong dreams: The first one was to design her dream barn for her beloved horses, Devon, Tristan and Ransom. The second dream was to become an author. She lives with her husband, son, twin daughters, three cats, three horses and one dog.

“Taming The Wildcat,” the first book in the “Sargosian Chronicles,” is her first book, co-authored with best friend Mina Carter.

Please visit Bethany at:

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