Tangled in a Web of Lies (19 page)

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Authors: Jesse Johnson

BOOK: Tangled in a Web of Lies
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“No you’re not. You don’t even know what sorry means,” I say beneath my breath as I turn around.

I find Micah, nervously watching me as I eye the tools they have laid out on a work bench. The first thing I see is a soldering iron, propped on a stand, already plugged in the wall. I can practically smell the heat coming off of it.

I avoid looking over at Odin. I notice that Cole is practically drooling with anticipation as he watches me pick up the pencil shaped iron from the stand. I quickly touch the tip of the iron with my finger, and it burns like hell.
Fucking perfec

I turn back toward Jaime, and try not to grin when he breaks down sobbing, begging me not to hurt him anymore.

“I’m gonna fuck you Jaime. The same way you fucked me. And I’ll be honest with you, I hope it fucking hurts!” I touch the hot tip to his jeans, just to the side of the zipper, and it quickly burns a hole in his denim material, exposing his boxers. The need for retribution burns through me, pressing my hand further as the cotton material of his boxers burns away. His testicles exposed, I bring the smoldering hot soldering iron down on him.

“No. no. NO!!!” he screams violently, trashing in his chair as I touch the iron to his balls, scorching the skin before piercing through his left testicle. I don’t stop until the iron touches down on the chair beneath him.

The stench of burnt flesh reeks in the air around me. Jaime lets out a blood curdling scream. It pierces my ears, but I have not one ounce of sympathy for him.

Odin moves from the side of the room, taking Jaime in a head lock. He uses his free hand to cover Jaime’s mouth, muffling his high pitched sobs.

Odin’s eyes are so full emotion, they capture me. I pull the iron from Jaime’s lap, and go to pierce his heart with it. But Odin’s hand darts out to stop me.

“Not like this, Lila. He ain’t getting off this easy.”

I feel shattered with disappointment. I want so badly to end this. I want things between me and Odin to be okay. I try to jerk against his grip, but he doesn’t let go. Tears prick my eyes, and I quickly I let go of the iron in his hand, and turn to leave. I don’t want anyone to see me cry.

Odin doesn’t let me get far, catching my wrist and pulling me around to face him in the middle of the room. I can feel everyone watching us. My first reaction is to pull away, but then Odin pulls me into his chest, finally able to hold me. I lock my arms around him and melt into pieces.

“Give me a minute,” says Odin, over my shoulder to the guys who are still watching us for a reaction. Jaime’s cries are more like silent screams around the bandana Cole has just ties back around his mouth.

“I don’t care if you have to pump this bitch up full of donor blood and steroids, don’t lose him!” Odin’s eyes are wide, as he instructs Cole to keep Jaime conscience.

Odin walks me into the back room. The second we’re alone his lips slam against mine. I guess I proved myself in the other room. I push my tongue into his mouth, and he groans. His fingers tangle in my hair, and I can feel his cock, hard against my belly, pushing through his jeans. I wish he would take me right here, but he doesn’t.

“I love you baby,” Odin says in a harsh whisper, pulling away from me and gazing into my eyes. “I’m sorry.”

I can tell just by his look, that he will never forgive himself for any of this.

“I love you, too. Please don’t let this tear us apart anymore than it already has. I just want to be with you.”

He nods, then kisses me again. I sigh in relief, my arms wrapped tightly around his neck.

“How’s your hand?” He asks, pulling away to glance at my bruised fist.

“It’s fine.”
It fucking hurts like hell, but I’ll get over it.
I slide the brass knuckles off my swollen, blood covered fingers and tuck them in my jacket pocket.“Cole’s going to take you back to my place. Don’t wait up, it’s going to be a long night,” he says.

I nod my head. “Finish this and come home to me,” I say, gazing into his eyes.

Odin nods, and then lays one last kiss on my lips before he gestures towards a sink. “Get cleaned up. I’ll go get Cole.”

I don’t want to let him go, but I do as he says. I can hear Jaime screaming when the door opens. Bad night to be him, that’s for sure. I wash up and Cole still hasn’t come back yet, so I step back into the warehouse quietly. No one notices me, and I watch as Cole uses battery cables to electrocute Jaime. His wicked screams echo over the loud music.

Odin stands over Jaime with a set of pliers. It’s strange and almost disturbing that I feel absolutely nothing as I watch Odin literally pull Jaime’s remaining teeth from his head.

Cole turns, and finds me lingering at the door still. He smiles at me, then turns to pat Odin on the shoulder. I can’t hear what he says, but Odin glances towards me and nods. Then Cole makes his way over to me.

“That was fucking awesome!” he says as he holds his fist out for me to bump. I wince as I gently hit my knuckles with his. “I’ve never seen a girl get down like that. It’s fucking hot!”

I roll my eyes as I follow him outside. The fresh air feels good, and the stars shine bright, no street lights to dim them.

“You got any bud?” I ask Cole, not quite ready to hop into the van for the long ride home.

“Yeah.” He digs though the van a moment, and hands me a lit joint. I lean up against the fender, and take a hit, blowing it into the cool fall air. I can still hear heavy metal, and the sound of screams coming from inside the warehouse as I sit, casually inhaling.

“Seriously though, where did you learn how to throw a punch? That was better than any porno I’ve ever seen” says Cole when I finally pass him the joint back.

“Do you think my hand is broken?” I ask, pulling my swollen fist from my jacket pocket. It’s a dark shade of red, and easily twice the size of my other hand.

“I’d say definitely put some ice on it,” Cole says sarcastically. I laugh, taking the joint back from him. “I think I got some Vicodin in the van.”

“Considering I almost killed myself a few days ago with a bottle of Valium, I’ll pass.”

“After the shit you been though, I don’t blame you. Anyone would lose their cool after that. Odin’s in there losing his shit right now, in a different way. But tell me straight, do I gotta worry about you?” Cole looks me dead in the eye, asking me if I have any plans to attempt death again as he hands me the joint.

I take a long hit, inhaling as a loud shriek comes from inside the warehouse. I smile sadistically. “No. For the first time in a long time, I’m think I’m good.”

“Fuck yea!” says Cole with a grin. We put out our joint and I climb into the van, careful to use my left hand to buckle myself in.

The ride back is dark, and quiet. I rest my head against the back of my seat while Cole drives. I feel numb, other than my hand which hurts like a son of a bitch right now. Part of me is contemplating hitting Cole up for those Vicodin after all.

“You know Lila, I really wish you would have said something a lot sooner about all this. Could have saved Odin a lot of shit, that’s for sure.”

I want to punch Cole in the face as the words fly out of his mouth.

“Yea, I’ll try to keep that in mind next time I get raped!” I snap at him.

“I’m just sayin’, it really bums me out you didn’t trust me enough to come to me in the first place.”

I stare at Cole. The thought had never crossed my mind. In a way it’s kind of sweet. But I don’t say anything.

“We’re a family Lila. You’re with Odin, you’re part of my family. We protect each other. There are no secrets between us. Anyone fucks with us, we fuck their shit up! You didn’t need to try and hide it, we’re all here for you. Jaime is learning a hard lesson about what it means to fuck with my family tonight.”

A smile crosses my face, not just because I know right now Jaime is getting exactly what he deserves, but because Cole just called me family.

“I got an old school bully, you want to go kick his ass for me?” I joke. Cole laughs, and it lightens the mood a little. “You got another joint? My hands fucking killing me.”

“That’s what happens when you go all Jaxon Teller on a motherfucker!”

I laugh hysterically while Cole pulls out another joint, and lights it.

“What can I say? Some people need a good dent in the face, or a hole in their balls,” I say, taking a long hit off the joint.

“What you did tonight was fucking brutal, I’m proud of you! But it ain’t shit compared to the hell your man’s going to unleash on him.”

I nod, knowing that Cole is exactly right. “Fuck him,” I say, taking another long hit, and passing the joint back to Cole.

Cole unlocks Odin’s front door and holds it open for me. I step inside and turn on the lights. Cole sets his keys on the counter, making himself right at home. It feels weird to offer him anything, since he seems more comfortable in Odin’s house than I am.

“Should probably get some ice on that hand. I’ll check the bathroom for something to wrap it with.”

I nod at Cole, grabbing a bag of frozen veggies. I lay it gently across my knuckles.
Son of a bitch, that fucking hurts.

I’m exhausted, and cold, and my hand is throbbing. The hot tub outside is calling my name. I step outside and turn the porch light on so Cole can find me. I turn the bubbles on. Stripping down to my bra and panties, I submerge myself beneath the foam, propping my frozen veggie wrapped hand up on the side.

A few minutes later, Cole comes out with some first aid supplies.

“You look cozy,” he says, kneeling on the steps at the side of the tub.

“Free to join me, if you want.”

“Odin would shit a brick if I crawled in there. Especially, since I never wear underwear.”

That was a little more about Cole than I really needed to know.

“Suit yourself,” I say indifferent, resting my head back and staring up at the sky.

Cole sets the first aid supplies down, and pulls off his hoodie. I feel a little uneasy as he unzips his pants. Odin would be pissed, but I figure as long as we don’t touch, Odin has nothing to be upset about. He might not be especially trusting of me right now, but surely he trusts Cole. Cole lights another joint, stepping into the tub and sitting across from me. I’m careful not to look until he’s sitting.

“What’s the plan for Rick?” I ask, taking a hit.

“That’s history.”

I roll my eyes. You’d think in light of the situation, I’d be deemed worthy of knowing what the hell they plan to do to him.

“He’s gonna know exactly what happened. None of us are safe.”

“I ain’t afraid of that fuckwad!” says Cole, all cocky like.

“That must be nice,” I sneer, knowing damn well what Rick is capable of. I’m terrified.

“I told you Lila, you’re family. You don’t have to worry about Rick. He’s our problem now.”

I close my eyes in frustration. “That’s funny. Odin said the same thing.” I open my eyes, careful to avoid looking at Cole.

“You know Odin would jump off a fucking cliff for you, right?” Cole seems pissed.

“Yea,” I whisper.

“I’m not kidding. The shit that happened, is fucked up. No one should have to live through that. But there ain’t a fucking thing my brother wouldn’t do for you. He’d sit in Jaime’s chair tonight, if he thought it could take back what happened to you.”

My heart clenches. Cole’s right.

“I know. But you can’t protect someone all the time! You can’t follow them everywhere they go, believe me, Odin tried. Shit fucking happens, and I did live through it! And the second Rick realizes Jaime is gone, if he hasn’t already, I’m going to be the one he wants sitting in Jaime’s chair. I’m glad you’re not fucking scared, but I’m motherfucking terrified. If I was smart, I’d get the fuck up out here, and run! Shit, I’d be half way to Mexico by now. Odin is the only reason I’m sitting here. I know he’d do anything for me, and I fucking love him. But make no mistakes, I’m scared shitless! And you’re whole ‘don’t worry about it, we’ll handle it’ bullshit, doesn’t make me feel better!”

I’m raising my voice. I don’t know what the hell just came over me, but now I’m fuming. I stand up to leave, flashing Cole my ass in a thong as I move to get out of the tub.

His hand reaches out and grabs my wrist.

“Hold up,” he says, wrenching on my arm.

“Fuck off!” I pull my hand away from him, irritated.

“Jesus fuck, will you just hold on a second,” he says, standing up and exposing his cock.

I try not to look, but he’s hung like a horse and it’s hard not to stare.

“Sit down,” he commands, like he has the power to tell me what to do. I lean against the edge of the tub, defying him purposely but giving him a chance to talk. He sits back down, making it less awkward.

“If I tell you this, you can’t say a word to anyone,” he says. “I’m fucking serious Delilah, not even Odin. The guys find out I told you, It’ll be my hide.”

I cross my arms and nod, agreeing to keep my mouth shut.

“When the Kings want to send a message, they take a victim, fuck him up, and leave him in a barrel in the desert. Not just any barrel, a purple oil drum with golden crowns on it. They take a piece of skin off the victim, and they send it back to his crew with coordinates tattooed on it. Of course by the time the crew finds their buddy on the map, there ain’t nothing left but a molten blob of used-to-be-human, mangled beyond recognition, missing a patch of flesh.”

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