Tangled (13 page)

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Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary, #Red Hots!, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Tangled
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shit. He didn’t have to. He always had his pick of women and if he tired of them, he moved on to the next

one as fast as possible.

So why didn’t he want to move on to the next one? What made Scarlett so damn special that he was

desperate to keep her around?

He felt a connection with her. And it wasn’t just a sexual one either though the sex between them was

explosive. She always put up a little fight, as if she didn’t want anything to do with him until he wore her

down. It took nothing for him to wear her down, either.

He figured she liked the fight. He knew he enjoyed the battle.

But she still wouldn’t let him all the way in. After that one night when she’d shared a few facts about

her life, he’d thought he had her. That she’d capitulate and open up completely. Didn’t happen. No, more

than ever she was closed mouth, quiet and only saw him to get her groove on.

Lord help him, he wanted more than to get his groove on. He wanted to establish a relationship with


Trevor Braxton did not

Drake had kept calling him until a few days ago. Voicemails, suggestive text messages, the works. In

the past Trevor would’ve been tempted, and he would’ve done something about it. Like meet up with




Drake and fuck his brains out. Deep down inside he could admit he
tempted. That night with Drake

had been pretty mind-blowing.

But he couldn’t do it. Couldn’t be unfaithful to Scarlett even though they hadn’t established any type

of boundaries with whatever they were doing. This realization shocked the hell out of him.

Scarlett Goldsmith had turned him into a different man. A better man. Now if she could only open her

eyes and see that, see him.

When it came to him, her eyes were still tightly closed.

He waited for her outside the theatre, the warm gush of the Santa Ana winds whirling all around him.

The end of summer always brought the winds and the heat. Almost everyone complained and definitely

everyone worried, afraid that those winds would bring fire and often they did.

Trevor didn’t like the fire part, but he had to admit he didn’t mind the hot wind. It heated his skin, his

blood, made it boil and feel so damn alive. The wind caressing his skin at this very moment invigorated

him and he paced outside the back door, waiting for her to come out.

She was taking forever. He glanced at his cell phone for the time, wondered if she was doing this on

purpose. It was pissing him off,
was pissing him off and he didn’t appreciate her distant behavior any


There needed to be a change. And he was going to demand it. Tonight.

The heavy metal door suddenly creaked open, startling him from his thoughts and he watched, dry

mouthed as Scarlett walked out into the heady warm night. Her hair, that gorgeous wild curling hair,

swirled about her head and with a look of disgust, she smoothed her hand over it to calm it down.

It didn’t work. He loved her hair. It gave her an uninhibited air. She wore jeans and a simple black

tank top, a thin silver chain curling around her slender neck and big silver hoops hung from her ears.

Nothing special, nothing outrageous yet she looked damn sexy. The denim emphasized the length of her

legs, the cotton top hugged her breasts and nipped in waist.

She was sex personified. His every fantasy come to life. And he wanted to indulge in her, sink deep

inside her and stay there.

For as long as she’d let him.

“Trevor.” She sounded surprised to find him waiting. “I thought you left.”

“I think you wanted me to leave.” He stepped away from the building so he faced her head on. “We

were supposed to get together. You agreed last night.”

She shrugged and took a couple of steps. She was completely out of the light that shone from the side

of the door, casting her form in shadows. “I’m tired.”

Something in the tone of her voice told him otherwise. “Liar.”

“It’s been a long day.” She visibly bristled. He saw the shake of her shoulders, the straightening of her

spine. She always stood taller when she was angry. “I’m exhausted.”



Karen Erickson

“Too exhausted for me?” He sounded wounded. He cleared his throat, pissed at himself.

But she did this to him. Made him reveal things he normally didn’t show. Like emotions.

She sighed, long and loud and she went to him, walking closer and closer until she was right in front

of him, her head tilted back so she could look into his eyes. He yearned to reach out and touch her but

something told him to hold back.

Not yet. Be patient.

“I talked to Drake yesterday.”

Nerves made Trevor’s stomach clench at her abrupt comment.

What the hell? The only thing they could have in common to talk about was him, or the two of them


Jesus. Is she going to dump me? For fucking Drake?

“What about?” He hoped he sounded casual but inside, his nerves tangled around themselves and his

temples were pounding.

“He said you’ve been ignoring his calls.” Her voice was soft, not accusing, which made him relax the

slightest bit.

“I’m not interested in him,” he said tightly, clenching his hands into fists so he wouldn’t touch her.

Yet. “I want you.”

She exhaled, he heard the catch in it and her dark brown gaze locked on his face. “What if you could

have both of us?”

“What?” Confusion flooded his brain.

“Together? Would you be interested then?” She bit her lower lip, her gaze skittering away from his

and he reached out, cupped her chin and forced her to look back at him.

“What the hell are you talking about?” His entire body was tense, his breathing ragged. She stared at

him, her lips parted and he saw the nerves there on her face. The apprehension.

“The three of us together, for one night doing whatever you want. Doing whatever any of us want.

How does that sound to you?”

Like pure trouble. He shook his head. “When?”

“Tonight,” she whispered.

His mouth dropped open. “Are you kidding me? Why?”

She shrugged. He realized he still held her chin and that she hadn’t pulled away from him. “Why not?

I thought it might be something fun for us to do.”

A threesome with Drake? The guy you used to have a major crush on.” He watched her

carefully. “For all I know he could be a guy you might have a crush on. Hell, I don’t know. Sorry but this

sounds like a major mistake.” His hand dropped away from her and he turned, unsure of what to do next.

God. Why did she spring this on him now? It made no sense. It came out of nowhere.




Scarlett constantly kept him on his toes. Sometimes he liked it.

At this very moment, he wasn’t sure.

“I want to do this. I want to do this for you, for us.” Her eyes pleaded with him. “I trust you, Trevor. I

wouldn’t do this with someone I didn’t trust.”

Her words blew him away. That he had her trust meant more to him then he could express. He stared

at her in wonder—saw the tentativeness written over her face, her expression unsure.

“You trust me.” It was a statement, though in his heart, it was a pounding, startled question and

disbelief filled him when she nodded silently, trust shining there in her eyes. “Why?”

“Because you put up with me when no one else will, no matter how hard I try to get rid of you. And I

do try. I try even when I don’t realize I’m doing it.” She smiled at him, and it socked him right in the gut. “I

want to give this to you, Trevor,” she whispered. “Please let me.”

He didn’t know if he believed her. She wanted to give this to him? Or did she want this for herself?

“We’re supposed to meet Drake at the club. He’s off early tonight,” she continued as if she already

had it completely mapped out.

Trevor believed she did. “How does he feel about this?”

“He’s for it. As long as you are,” she said carefully.

Yeah, he bet. Drake had been after him ever since that night, relentless at first with his calling and

texting. It had begun to taper off but the idea of them all being together filled Trevor with apprehension.

What if this night gave Drake more hope? Belief that they might have a chance together? In Trevor’s

mind, they didn’t. He didn’t want Drake.

He wanted Scarlett.

“Are you doing this just to please me?” He had to know. Did she believe that he’d rather be with a

man so she was giving him this in order to keep him around?

“No.” She shook her head, her wild curls sliding over her shoulders. “I want this. I want it with both

of you.”

He couldn’t help it. He started to laugh. “This is fucking surreal.”

Her brows lifted, and she crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Have you ever done something like

this before?”

“What a threesome? Well yeah, but it has happened a lot more naturally than this.” He waved his

hand around, gesturing at nothing. “You’ve got it all planned out.”

“Drake said the same thing,” she whispered, suddenly looking very worried.

“Yeah, well, Drake’s right.” He couldn’t resist her any longer. Grabbing Scarlett by the arm, he

dragged her to him, forcing her to drop her folded arms. “Let’s go to that club and see what happens. Let it

unfold on its own.”

She smiled at him, her expression pretty and relieved and it took his breath away. “Really?”



Karen Erickson

He kissed the tip of her nose, the nerves jangling inside. He chose to ignore them. Focused instead on

the woman in his arms. “Really.”



Chapter Eight

The club was packed, the line to get in endless as usual. Trevor and Scarlett walked right up to the

door to find Drake manning it, a friendly smile curving his lips when he saw them approach.

The happiness on his face was unmistakable. He let them right in, a suggestive look passing between

them. The heat in Drake’s brilliant green eyes reminded Trevor of the moment they shared together. How

surprisingly good it had been…

He glanced at Scarlett who watched him with knowing eyes. And he was struck by how good it was

between them, too. Better than good, he viewed what he and Scarlett shared as perfect. He had a feeling it

might be explosive for all three of them.

“Want a drink?” Trevor spoke directly in her ear so she’d hear him.

She nodded, her hair brushing his face, soft and sweetly fragrant. “I think I need one.”

Hell, so did he. He was always up for some liquid courage when the going got tough. The potential of

tonight had tough written all over it.

“You look like you’re being led to your death,” Scarlett told him once they’d approached the bar.

“I look that good huh?” He smoothed a hand over his head, felt the faint layer of sweat that had

formed on his forehead. It was hot in the club, but the sweat was also caused by nerves.

She nodded. “Can I admit something to you?”

He shrugged. “Sure.”

Placing her hands on his shoulders, she leaned into him, going on tiptoe so she could whisper in his

ear. “I’m excited. I can’t wait to be with the two of you. I want to watch you and Drake together.”

Her words made his dick hard. Little Miss Voyeur was ready to come out and play. Well, for her the

playing was the watching. And though he didn’t mind a little watching, he also definitely wanted her


“Baby, if we’re doing this, you need to be a willing participant,” he whispered back right before he

nipped her earlobe with his teeth.

She shivered, sidling even closer to him. “What exactly do you want me to do?”

“You want play by play?” He glanced around. They were surrounded by people. The bartender was at

the other end of the counter handling orders. It was going to take awhile before they got their drinks, which

was par for the course at this place.


Karen Erickson

He smiled. “You’re just going to have to wait and see though I’ll admit I have my limits.”

“Limits?” She sounded intrigued.

“Well yeah. I don’t want to share you too much with Drake. Certain parts of you are mine.” Ah holy

shit, he meant it, too. Any other woman and he wouldn’t have had a problem sharing. Hell, he’d done

exactly that.

Trevor recalled the last time he’d had a threesome, a few years ago. He and a friend had picked up a

woman while spending the weekend in Vegas and brought her to his hotel room. They’d fucked all night

long, even doing a double penetration that had made the woman go absolutely wild.

He wondered if Scarlett would be willing to go for a double penetration.

Hell, he wondered if he’d be able to deal with it. He wouldn’t want Drake to take her ass. He hadn’t

even done that yet. But Drake buried deep inside Scarlett’s pussy?

He felt like the biggest, most macho jerk ever but he considered that pussy his.

“That sounds kind of romantic, Trevor. I thought romance wasn’t your thing.”

“I can be romantic.” If she could hear his thoughts, she’d definitely not think he was romantic.

She laughed, a tinkling like a bell and he stared at her, became engrossed in her. Her face, her smile,

her sparkling eyes. The wild dark hair, her pouty, pretty mouth and creamy smooth skin he desperately

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