Teacher's Pet Complete Series (23 page)

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Then he would turn me around and order me to take off his pants. I would resist at first, act like I was appalled, and gather the courage to tell him no, to not make me look too eager. But eventually I’d give in. Get my fingers on to his zipper, pull it down with my teeth and slide his pants down along with his boxers. His cock would spring out in front of me…

“Are you okay?” Simon’s hand was on my shoulder.

. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. There was drool at the corners from thinking of wrapping my lips around his cock. My tongue started to tingle and my nipples had hardened. I pulled at my shirt so they wouldn’t show. “Yes.” I nodded. “I’m fine. Why?”

“Well, I told you to grade those papers a while ago, Ms. Minnelli and you’ve been sitting here staring at them for at least twenty-minutes. How do you expect us to get out of here at a decent hour if you keep daydreaming on the job?”

Hearing Simon’s voice and the tone that he took snapped me out of my fantasy in a hurry. But it was his voice in my ear that had started it all in the first place. Irony never failed to amuse me. “Well, it’s not like you can leave anytime soon,
Mr. Foster
. Your next applicant could be here at any moment, and you won’t get her to sleep with you, much less be your assistant, if she sees how rude you are to the last one.”

I turned my chair around to look at Simon’s face. He was red with fury and maybe a little embarrassed. I wanted to hit him where it hurt, and it was the only thing I knew to say that would do it—trivializing what we had as some sort of fetish.

Simon straightened his face, looked up and walked away, glancing back at me with his eyes narrowed. Someone had come in and stood at the top of the steps leading down to the lecture floor. Simon straightened his tie and
, he was his stoic self again. I didn’t look up; I didn’t need to. I knew it was most likely an applicant. I could hear the sound of her heels click-clacking on the floor.

I turned and finally looked, catching a glimpse of her legs as they walked toward Simon’s desk. The girl had a body women would kill for. She wasn't skinny by any means, was fairly well endowed in her hips and her ass, but her stomach… well, that was nearly flat. She wore a red summer dress, short and curve-hugging, with long raven tresses down to the middle of her back.

I could hear the two of them talking on my left, and the longer the conversation went the more my stomach churned. It didn’t matter the topic of discussion, because once the girl started to giggle, that was it. I felt myself getting irritated. I snatched my MP3 player from my bag, unraveled my earphones and shoved them in my ears. I wondered how this one would do with Caroline. If she thought I was bad, wait until she got a load of her. She’d have to pay her off a million dollars.

Time seemed to fly by once I drowned the two of them out. I graded the tests, finished the training book I’d made for my replacement and got things to prepare for my exit. Feeling accomplished, I stood up and looked around, realizing that other applicants were waiting and sitting in seats.

“Ms. Minnelli before you go…” Simon and the brunette were still talking to each other. She was sitting on a table swinging her feet like a two-year-old, but the tone seemed to have changed in the discussion. For one, she was no longer giggling. “I’d like you to—”

“Look, I really don’t have time,” I said, “She’s obviously a good candidate or you wouldn’t have talked to her for this long. So just hire the girl already. It’s not like I have any real say in the matter, and I need to get to home, so—”

“Point taken, but if you would just hold on for a minute. This nice young lady here was just telling me she had a message for you. Maybe the next time someone needs to send you a message they can use modern means, like email or text. Something that wouldn’t be such an interruption for you while you’re performing assistant duties,” Simon said through his teeth. Something was wrong.

I took a good look at the girl. I thought I’d seen her around campus before, but I wasn’t sure. “So what’s the message? I’m in a hurry.”

“So you’re Lynn, huh?” she asked, looking me up and down.

“I am. And who might you be?”

“Well, I have no idea what he sees in you, but he told me I would find you here and to tell you that he wants you to meet him at that Abuelo’s restaurant downtown, at seven o’clock sharp.” She said it with her hands on her hips, popping her gum like a streetwalker.

“Who are you talking about? Who wants to meet me?”

“Well, Dane, of course. And I would consider yourself lucky if I were you. He paid for the message to be delivered but he wouldn’t give me the time of day.”

I couldn’t believe this. “Get out,” I shouted. The applicants looked up from whatever they were doing—listening to music, having conversations. Everything stopped, and all eyes were directed at me. The girl got out of Dodge pretty quickly. Not saying another word, but with a smile on her face. Damn it, Dane totally did this on purpose.

“Get out.”

I heard Simone’s voice from my right, barely above a whisper, but I turned anyway so I could hear him more clearly. “I said get out of my class Lynn, now!” This time he shouted loud enough for all to hear. I didn’t realize he was talking to me until I heard him say my name. “Get out!” I grabbed my stuff and quickly left.


I walked down the hall back to my room. I had a lot on my mind that I had to sort out, and I really didn’t feel like being bothered. The conundrum with Simon and I, for one, and the trouble Dane had caused just to get his rocks off had me in the doghouse yet again.

Any other girl would love to have been caught between two men, especially ones as gorgeous as the two of them. Their deep crescent-shaped dimples, their strong, chiseled bodies, the way they oozed with charm without any effort. I guess I should’ve felt flattered, but I wasn’t.

At five thirty I found myself pacing back and forth, wearing a hole in my dorm room floor. Sonja wasn’t there, thank goodness. I didn’t feel like laying any problems that heavy on her shoulders. She had enough to carry for the sake of a friend, so I needed to handle this one alone—figure things out for myself and get them right without anyone’s influence. I knew that meeting Dane was the wrong thing to do, so I didn’t need confirmation. I had to do what I had to in order to live with myself, because at the end of the day it was me, and me only.

I really wanted to see if I could get this whole thing settled. Be strong in Dane’s presence. In the past I had been weak. I needed to step it up, accept responsibility for my actions; let him know we either weren’t an option or go full steam ahead. Either way, I had a plan to get what I wanted.

Lesson # 9
A moment of heat can last a lifetime

“I knew who it was by the way that she stood. Her height, the way she moved and the way she held herself.” -Simon Foster


I wasn’t sure where my anger came from. I had every intention of making amends with Lynn (maybe even inviting her to escort me to the party), but the moment I saw her my emotions got the best of me. How fucking pathetic is that? I’d always prided myself on being a self-controlled person, but here I was acting like an immature little girl, bitter and ruled by my emotions.

If she would just stop looking at me like I did something to her. Like it was me that split us up, or like I was the reason she fucked someone else. It was infuriating to see how this scenario unfolded. How a woman I once thought could get close to my heart could fall from grace like an angel banished from heaven.

The chemistry between us was a blessing and a curse. Whenever we were together, whether there was anger involved or not, I felt a strong urge to touch her, caress her, feel our skin come together and create the brilliant sparks I’d only known to happen with her. And now it was lost… we were lost, and so was I.

I didn’t want a new assistant, but I didn’t have much of a choice. I didn’t want to go through tiring scores of interviews or fake “happy to be here” smiles of potential hires, with their overdone makeup, tight jeans and body-clinging dresses to impress me.

That shit turned my stomach. The level of attention that these girls needed today and the feeling of entitlement was mind-blowing. I knew it needed to be done. Lynn was on her way out in more ways than one, soon to be out of my life forever. So it was probably a good thing. That way it would be a clean and definitive split, not this awkward force of wills to see which one of us broke before ripping each other’s clothes off and fucking.

To think what I had contemplated: asking her to the party, burying the hatchet by escorting her to the house to meet my family. My mother would’ve been furious, without question. She’d insisted that I bring a date, but what she really meant by that was for me to bring Katelyn. The only girl that she’d ever approved of.

Mother hated surprises. She wasn’t too fond of me dating women from families outside her preapproved social circles. She was controlling. I knew that; it was a trait that I’d inherited. They didn’t call her the Dragon Lady for nothing.

I was working on my bike in the garage. Just tinkering around, something I liked to do when I had a lot on my mind and it was too wet outside for me to go riding. The damage from the accident wasn’t too bad. There were several deep scratches in the paint, exposing chrome, quarter-sized dents on the tank and the exhaust, but nothing I couldn’t fix or send to the shop for minor repairs.

It was an uncomfortable night, nearly sweltering hot, so I opened the garage door to take advantage of the breeze. I had on my tattered jeans, no shoes and no shirt, trying to keep cool, when a car pulled into my driveway. I put my wrench down and wiped the oil off my hands with a dirty old rag from my workbench. I shielded my eyes from the headlights. They were bright and shining directly at me.

The car stopped and idled for a moment before the driver finally cut off the ignition. When the headlights dimmed, I could see the car was a dark blue, or maybe it was purple, Audi convertible Spyder, with someone… a woman behind the wheel, taking her time getting out.

The woman opened the car door and stepped out, one long, shapely leg at a time. “Shit!” I said under my breath. I knew who it was by the way that she stood. Her height, the way she moved and the way she held herself: beauty and grace… trouble.

“How are you, handsome? Long time no see.”

It was fucking Katelyn Turner. No doubt she was here because of my mother.

Not only was Katelyn my ex, she was
ex in my life that I was seconds away from marrying after college. I opened my mouth and shut it. Not wanting to say what was exactly on my mind. It was provocative and inappropriate for the time. I took Katelyn in from her head to her feet. She was wearing a snow-white pea coat and a very short skirt, but all I could see were legs leading from it to fire-red heels.

I met Katelyn while we were both attending Berkeley. Before I graduated and later taught there as a professor. She was impressive from the day that I met her. A tall, determined, business-minded law student who happened to be drop-dead gorgeous.

She was the total package—on paper, at least—so she fit right in with my family. My parents loved her to death, my sister thought she was great and her exuberance for sex was off the fucking charts. We did it every chance that we got. But for me, the lust never turned into love, and the love she had for me was never enough.

So I realized marrying Katelyn would’ve been a mistake. Of course there was pressure from our families, but in the end cooler heads had prevailed. But to look at her now made me want to rethink that decision. All I could do was stare as she walked toward me now. Slow and like a model, graceful and poised. I felt my cock stiffen in my jeans.

Katelyn was five foot eleven, but with the heels we stood the same height. Something about that got me off. Her hair was short, in a pixie-style cut, the left side long, the other side clipped. The left ends swooped under her chin. She was a dark brunette; her hair was almost black. She had sultry brown eyes and smooth, flawless skin; a lighter shade of olive was her color.

“What are you doing here, Katelyn?” If I sounded hostile it was because I was tense. I knew what this woman could do to me.

She placed her right hand on her hip. “Humph, now is that any way to greet your long-lost love? And here I was thinking you’d be happy to see me. I guess I have to be careful what I assume.”

“You were never lost, and definitely not for long. I knew exactly where you were. My mother updated me every chance she got. Where you were, what you were up to, any promotions you’ve earned. It’s like you never left. Believe me, I was informed.”

“Aw, isn’t Mom precious. She’s always so concerned about her daughter-in-law’s wellbeing. I’ll call her once I leave here—that is, if I still have the energy.”

I shot her a sideways glance. “Is that how you found me? She told you where I lived?”

“Of course she did, handsome. I’m good, but I’m not that good. If I just showed up unannounced at your door by any information I gathered on my own, that would make me a bona fide stalker, and you know I’m not the type to do that sort of thing.” She batted her lashes at me rapidly.


“No, of course you’re not the type.” My words were laced with sarcasm. “So, to what do I owe the pleasure, counselor? I’m not in any legal trouble. Am I?”

“Well, it has come to my attention…” Katelyn sauntered toward me; she raised her hands to her coat, pinching open one button at a time. “… that a certain handsome man with incredibly alluring eyes and rock-hard bod found himself in a social predicament and now he needs a date to the white party.”

Katelyn pinched the last button on her coat. It fell open to her sides. She pulled the opening back until it rested on her hips, baring the ample, tear-drop-shaped fullness of her breasts. My eyes followed the curves of her waist to her thighs. She had on a pair of high-cut red lace panties, the same fire red as her shoes.

She pressed her breasts against my chest and bent to whisper in my ear. “You see, this man I’ve heard about needs my help something awful, at least from what I’m told. So if you happen to know who he is…” She nibbled on my ear. “… and if you could be so kind…” She ran her lips along my jaw line. “… direct me to him. I’d like to put in my bid for the job.”

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