Teague (15 page)

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Authors: Juliana Stone

BOOK: Teague
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“You’re so damn beautiful.” His hand slid over the scar on her lower abdomen. Shit. She’d forgotten about it. “So small and—“ He slid a finger inside her and all thoughts left her. “So tight.”

Oh God. It felt so good.

“So fucking wet,” he whispered bending over her so that he could see her face. “Do you like that?” he asked, rotating his finger inside her, while his other hand slipped underneath her ass. He tilted her slightly and the pressure intensified.

“Sabrina?” he asked, a wicked grin on his face.

She nodded because she couldn’t answer. If the house were on fire right now, she wouldn’t be able to call for help. No way in hell. She couldn’t think or speak or do anything beyond drowning in the pleasure this man was giving her.

Sabrina couldn’t take her eyes off him. A light sheen of sweat covered his body, enhancing the contours of his chest and abs. The light from the moon cast shadows across him, emphasizing his jawline and that incredible mouth. They lent an air of danger, an air of excitement. They made everything feel magical.

“I want you to watch me,” Teague said as he slowly knelt before her. His height put him at the perfect vantage point. Right there. Right between her legs. He slid his hands up her legs, massaging her knees and then her thighs, before pulling her closer to him.

“There we are,” he said, eyes no longer on Sabrina’s face, but on her most private area.

Heat rushed up her body. Suddenly tense, Sabrina tried to close her legs, but Teague wouldn’t let her. He kissed her knee, a gentle caress. “It’s okay, Bree. We’ll go slow. Unless you want me to stop.”

Oh, but she didn’t.

She relaxed and bit her bottom lip as he eased her legs open for him once more. His gaze was heated and an answering fire erupted in the pit of her stomach. “I’m going to taste you right now, Sabrina. Right here.” His fingers swept across her wet folds, scraping her clitoris and eliciting a sharp hiss from her.

Teague smiled. “You smell so good.” He kissed her knees and slowly made his way up her inner thigh. “I know you’re going to taste even better.”

All conscious thought left Sabrina as she watched him get closer and closer until his mouth was on her. She moaned, unable to tear her eyes away as Teague used his tongue and his lips and his fingers to work her over until she thought she was going to come apart.

Oh God. She’d forgotten how good this could be.

“I can’t,” she whispered, shaking her head, her knees trembling “I’m going to…”

“Come for me, Bree. I want to watch you come while my mouth is on you.”

Breathing heavily, she leaned up on her elbows so that she could see him better. And what a sight it was.

His muscles. That tattoo. Those dark eyes watching her. His mouth buried between her legs.

He sucked on her clitoris—hard—and she bucked madly, that pressure deep inside her building until it was ready to fly.

“Come for me Bree.”

“I am,” she managed to say just before her orgasm erupted, rolling over her and leaving her a quivering mess of hot, wet flesh.

By the time she recovered, Teague was standing and she had her first real look at his impressive erection.

“I figure we’re about halfway there,” he said, his voice low and raspy.

“Only half?” she asked breathlessly.

“Maybe not quite.” There was that grin, that sexy no-holds-barred grin. And she laughed, sitting up and gripping the table with her hands because she was still weak.

“Come here,” Teague said stepping back and giving her some room. Sabrina stood, thankful that she didn’t fall and she sighed when he pulled her into his arms. The man was solid and warm and so damn masculine that she felt like a china doll beside him.

“We’ve got a problem though,” he said, his voice warm against her ear.

“Huh,” half drunk and body still buzzing she nuzzled his neck.

“I’ve got protection but it’s over at my place.”

Sabrina smiled and looked up at him. “No. We don’t. Louise left us a present.”

“Did she?” he murmured, sweeping a kiss across her brow.

Sabrina nodded and pushed away, aware that his eyes were on her as she walked over to her pile of clothes. She stood there for a few seconds, staring down at the soft cotton. Maybe it was the night air or the fact that shadows caressed most of her body. Or maybe it was just Sabrina reclaiming the sexuality that had always lived inside her.

Whatever it was, Teague’s harsh breaths were worth hearing when she slowly bent over—total stripper move—and retrieved the foil packet from the folds of her dress.

She turned and walked back to Teague, reaching for and massaging his cock while she ripped open the condom with her teeth. Carefully she pulled it over him, enjoying the feel of hard skin beneath soft.

“I’ll have to send Louise a thank you note,” Teague managed to say through gritted teeth.

Sabrina stared down at him, her own breaths erratic, suddenly shy and more than a little unsure. It was one thing to let him go down on her, but this, this was much more intimate.

“Hey,” Teague said softly, his hands on either side of her face. “We don’t have to do this.”

“If I said no?”

He didn’t hesitate. “I’d kiss you goodnight and head back to my place.”

She swallowed thickly. “You’re a good man, Teague Simon,” she replied, glancing up at him. “But we’re only halfway there and I want to hit the finish line.”

With that, Sabrina pushed him back onto the chaise lounge and then she climbed on top of him. She didn’t say a word and neither did Teague. Slowly she slid her body over his, taking him in as far as she could.

The feel of Teague inside her was bittersweet, but she pushed all conscious thought away. She only wanted to think with her body. Only wanted to think about how wonderful it was to be here with him.

Slowly she began to move, enjoying how Teague filled her. Enjoying how his body stretched hers to the limit. Enjoying the

Sabrina rode him until the veins in his neck stood out and the grunts of pleasure that fell from him got louder. She rode him until that pressure began to build inside her, until the both of them slammed against each other as desperately as the waves that broke along the beach.

When they came, it was a shuddering, moving, hot, and sweaty affair. It was guttural and basic and so damn fulfilling that it brought tears to her eyes. Sabrina bent forward, resting her head on his chest, listening to his pounding heart and knowing that hers sang the same song.

Moments passed—many moments—and still he was inside her. Still she didn’t want to leave. Still she didn’t want to give up what he’d given her.

But they couldn’t stay this way forever and when Sabrina lifted her head and met his gaze, everything went quiet. No more beating heart or breaking waves. No more breaths falling frantically or bodies moving against each other.

There was only Teague watching her.
her—all of her.

“You’re crying,” he said roughly, his long fingers wiping away the tears from her cheeks.


Something flickered in his eyes. “Why?”

Did she share this with him? What this had meant to her?

“I forgot what it’s like to feel alive.” Her words were so low she wasn’t sure that he could hear her. “I forgot what it’s like to
feel lonely or sad or hopeless. I forgot how amazing sex is. Thank you,” she whispered, suddenly cold and vulnerable and unsure. She would have gotten up and left but he pulled her back to him and she couldn’t turn from his warmth. Not yet.

Teague kissed the top of her head. He exhaled and murmured, “You’re welcome.”

All the pain that Sabrina had held inside for so long came crashing to the surface. She couldn’t stop the flow of tears but then she didn’t have to. Teague held her for as long as she needed him to and then he took her inside and cleaned her up.

He got dressed and waited until she was in her pajamas and then, with a kiss, he rested his forehead against hers.

“I should go,” he said.

I don
’t want you to.

He swept his mouth across hers once more and was gone before she opened her eyes.

Sabrina turned off the light and slid onto the sofa. She grabbed a pillow and crushed it to her chest, eyes on the lake beyond the windows. She wasn’t sure how long she stared off into the darkness, not really seeing anything.

She’d slept with Teague Simon. She’d had sex with a man who wasn’t her husband.

It had been wonderful and scary and she had no idea what tomorrow was going to bring, but for now she was content. For now there were no more tears.


Chapter Seventeen


Teague opened one eye and found a pair of golden brown ones staring right back at him. He immediately tensed, muscles bunched and ready for whatever was coming.

“I thought you were dead,” Harry said, his voice trembling, his little face pinched and white.

Stand down.
Teague rolled over and rubbed his eyes tying like hell to loosen up.

“You scared me.”

The little guy looked so upset that Teague reached for him and patted him on the shoulder—a little awkwardly, but hell, give him points for trying. He was still getting used to having kids poking about his business.

“It’s okay, bud. I was just sleeping.”

“I poked you but you didn’t move.” Harry frowned, his anxiety forgotten. “Were you dreaming?”

Teague grinned, thinking about dark hair and blue eyes. “Something like that.” He got to his feet and headed to the bathroom. Harry followed him, his sandal-clad feet shuffling along. He leaned against the door jam and after a few seconds Teague turned slightly and took care of business.

After Teague washed his hands, he leaned against the sink. “How’d you get in?”

“You left the door unlocked.”

“Huh,” Teague replied, reaching for his toothbrush. He was being pretty lax in the security department. “Any particular reason you’re here?”

The little guy’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. “You didn’t forget about the boat did you? You said you’d take us in your big one.”

“Nope,” he replied, spitting out his toothpaste.

“Good, because Mommy’s singing and everything. It’s gonna be a good day.”

Teague grabbed a pair of cargo shorts from his bag. “She’s singing is she?”

“Yep.” Harry was busy rifling through Teague’s black equipment bag as if he had every right to, but Teague didn’t have the heart to stop him. “She can’t sing really good. Daddy used to tease her about it.” Harry giggled. “But I just pretend that she sounds like she’s on the radio and then she smiles and sings more.”

“Smart man,” Teague replied, coming up alongside the little boy.

Harry looked up at him. “What’s this?”

“That, my friend, is a camera.”

Harry could barely lift it and he frowned. “It’s not like Mommy’s.”

“No, I suppose it isn’t.” In fact most people didn’t own this kind of gear. It was made to withstand the elements and to take pictures where no camera had a right to be. He hadn’t touched it in months.

“You should take some pictures of the boat and the islands and everything,” Harry shouted, jumping up and down and nearly dropping the expensive camera.

Teague retrieved it before that could happen. He fingered the buttons and checked the lens. What the hell, he thought, and grabbed its case.

“You ready?” he asked Harry.

“Oh yeah,” the little boy shouted. “Ready Freddy!”

Teague grabbed his sunglasses and wallet, and slipped his aviators over his eyes as he followed Harry into the sunshine. Morgan was jumping rope on their deck and when Bingo saw the boys, the little dog took off at a run and didn’t stop until it slammed into Teague’s legs.

Teague climbed the stairs to Sabrina’s place and when he laid eyes on her, damned if his heart didn’t skip a beat. She was dressed simply in faded denim cutoffs, a plain white tank top and blue flip flops. Her hair was pulled up into a ponytail and those big eyes of hers shone. The only makeup she’d bothered with was gloss on her lips.

“You look good enough to eat,” he said without thinking.

“Ew,” Harry said, making a face. “That’s gross.”

Sabrina’s eyes widened a bit, her cheeks stained a pretty pink color, and Teague fought the urge to draw her up against him and let her know exactly how hungry he was.

“Harry, please get Morgan from the deck. I want the two of you to go to the washroom before we leave.”

“But I don’t have to go,” Harry said stubbornly.

“Harrison. What do we always do before leaving on a trip?

“Take a pee.”

Sabrina shook her head. “Exactly. Now get to it.”

Harry scampered off to do his mother’s bidding and Teague watched as she licked her lips nervously, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ears. She picked at an invisible piece of lint and cleared her throat. She was doing everything but looking up at him and he moved closer, tugging on her chin so that she no choice.

“Hey,” he said quietly. “We’re okay, right?”

“We…yes, we’re okay,” she replied softly. “I just…last night…I’m kind of embarrassed. I mean, we’ve only known each other a few weeks and I…I’ve never…I think it was a mistake,” she said in a rush.

That pretty pink blush was now a deep red. He was going to have to shut this down right now.

“Last night wasn’t a mistake, Sabrina. Last night was about two people who needed to be with someone who mattered.” He needed her to understand and he hoped like hell he was making sense.

She tore her eyes from his, but Teague angled his head so that she couldn’t escape him. “Hey, I need you to know this. When it comes to women, I’ve never been the guy to stay…and trust me, last night I didn’t want to leave you. That’s a new one for me.”

He ran his thumb along her bottom lip. “I don’t know what this means, what
means exactly. But what I do know is that I would have spent the entire night with you. I wanted to have you again, Sabrina. I wanted to be
you again because when I was inside you, all the noise stopped and a little bit of the darkness in my life disappeared.”

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