Read Temptation, The Complete Serial Series 1-4 (The Temptation Serial Series) Online

Authors: Casey L. Bond

Tags: #NA contemporary romance serial

Temptation, The Complete Serial Series 1-4 (The Temptation Serial Series) (16 page)

BOOK: Temptation, The Complete Serial Series 1-4 (The Temptation Serial Series)
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“Smile at me.”

I tried my best.

“You look constipated, Brook. Smile. A genuine smile. Think of how
looked at you when he came out his door.”

That did it. I remembered his face, the surprise, the broodiness. I smiled.

“Good. You’re done for now.”

“Thank God.” I pulled myself out of the water and flopped onto the grass. I didn’t care if I got paint on the grass. Willy would be mowing it later that week.




Rose’s sister Wanda, owner of the illustrious Wanda’s Lounge where the
officer groping allegedly took place, was also in the restaurant for lunch. She made her rounds from table to table, making sure to stop at ours.

She plopped down beside me and smiled. She’d dyed her hair an orange-red that somehow suited her freckled complexion. “Word is, you’re a performer.”

Morgan piped up, her face brightening. “She’s amazing! You should hear her sing and see her dance. She’s so—”

“That’s enough, Sin.” I kicked her shin under the table. Hard.

“Ouch!” she squeaked, her eyes wide with anger.

I smiled at Wanda, who watched the pair of us with a grin. She leaned over. “I know most people around here say you’re a stripper, but I’ve seen those shows and I know
what you do. If you want to shut them up and show them what you’re all about, I’ve got a stage with your name on it.”

“I don’t know…”

Sin piped up. “Please, Brook. Shut the gossips up!”

“We won’t be staying much longer,” I gritted out.

“All the more reason to leave the place with a memory of you,” Wanda challenged with a wink. “Friday’s open.”

“Friday? As in four days from now Friday?”

“Yep,” she said, popping her

I glanced at Sin, who nodded, and then to Rose and Willy, who had turned around in their seats and were both giving me a thumbs up. This was a complete set up. On a sigh, I acquiesced. “Fine. Friday. One very short performance, and I’ll need some music.

“Done. You tell me what you need and I’ll make it happen.”

She reached over my plate and snatched up my cheap phone, entering her contact information. “Text me.”

I promised to do so and Wanda stood up. Before moving to the other table, she loudly announced to the entire restaurant that Brooklyn Harris, Vegas Super Star, would be performing a Burlesque number on Friday at ten PM. Holy shit. She turned to me and winked. “Wouldn’t want you to change your mind.”

Word sure did travel fast around here. Who needed newspapers, Internet, or social media when you had Wanda’s big mouth?

I was the only occupant at the Inn and Out, judging by the keys on the pegboard behind the ridiculous-looking woman who stood across the counter from me. She chewed her gum like a cow chewed cud. Thick. Rolling. Revolting.

“Has anyone rented here recently?” I questioned, looking around the tiny office.

“Just a couple of girls who’ve apparently decided to take up residence here in Swift Rapids. We don’t get much traffic through town.”

“Why do you stay open?”

She narrowed her eyes. “Why do you ask so many questions?”

“I’m inquisitive, that’s all. Was one of the women named Brooklyn, by any chance?”

She pursed her lips before telling me, “I think so. Do you know her or something?”

I smiled. “Yeah. I’ve been looking for her.”


“Why do you ask so many questions?” I threw back at her.

She snorted and asked what sort of room I would like. “What room did Brooklyn stay in? She has impeccable taste.”

The clerk rolled her eyes and handed the key to room one-thirteen to me. “Most of the rooms are the same. This one is special, though. Better dig the quarters out of your car.”


She laughed. “You’ll see.”




The only information available in the ugliest room I’d ever seen in my entire life was a pamphlet advertising a local restaurant: Lyra’s. I was famished, so I asked the lovely hotel clerk to point me in the direction of Lyra’s and set off down the sidewalk. It was only eight blocks away, and I hadn’t had time to exercise this morning due to the drive in to town.

At almost noon, Lyra’s was busy. Of course, the smells emanating from the place were absolutely mouth-watering. I hoped the food was as good as it smelled. A bell dinged when I pushed the door open and every head turned to see who was walking in. Every set of eyes then zeroed in on me, the new guy, the outsider. I expected no less.

And then, as if by magnetism, my eyes were drawn to Brooklyn Harris. Her hair was short, but longer on one side. It was dark now, but there was no mistaking those lips, those eyes, and the shape of her face or body. It was Brooklyn.

A plump waitress sidled up to me, asking where I’d like to sit. There were no seats anywhere that I could see. I looked toward Brooklyn, who nodded in my direction. Her friend Morgan turned around and then scooted out of her booth and sat beside Brooklyn, pinning her in.

Over the sounds of clanging pans, dishes clapping against counters, and customers chatting, Morgan yelled for “Rose.”

Rose was apparently the name of my waitress, because she left me to stand alone to attend Morgan. After a few words, she promptly returned. “They’ve offered to let you sit with them if you want. The place is pretty full. I didn’t realize that when I asked you where you’d like to sit.”

“Um. Sure. That was nice of them.”

Rose smiled. “You’re not from around here. Just passing through?” She led me toward Brooklyn.

“Something like that.”

I eased into the booth, giving Morgan and Brooklyn a smile. “Thank you for letting me intrude. I just got into town and I’m starving.” Rose placed a menu in front of me and told me she’d be back in a flash.

“We’re sort of new here, too,” Morgan confided. “As small a town as Swift Rapids is, the locals definitely seem leery of outsiders. We’ve been there, huh, Brook?”

Brooklyn was busy studying me. Did she recognize me? Morgan didn’t. Though I’d worked hard to change my appearance. Morgan nudged her and I stared down at the words on my menu, not that I comprehended them. My heart thundered in my ears.

“Yeah. We have.” Brooklyn cut into her salad, spearing some lettuce and part of a tomato.

When Rose returned, I also ordered a salad and a glass of water. Morgan chattered away at how pretty the river and rapids were, about the few shops in town, and how I just missed the Strawberry Festival.

Brooklyn was quiet. She studied me. Was she intrigued?

I always knew it would be like this. She would want me immediately.

And she did.

Morgan giggled. “I’ve been telling you all of this stuff, but I didn’t get your name and I’m not sure you got ours! I’m Morgan and this is Brooklyn.”

“Brooklyn? I thought her name was Brook.”

Waving me off, Morgan explained, “Just her nickname.”

I nodded. “I’m Archer Jennings.”

“Where are you from?” Morgan asked.

“Ohio,” I lied. “I was on a business trip to D.C. and decided to take the scenic route home. To tell the truth, Swift Rapids is beautiful. I added a few vacation days to the trip just so I could enjoy the solitude. Life gets hectic sometimes.”

Brooklyn muttered, “True that,” which made me laugh and caused her to smile back at me.




Archer Jennings was strange. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something was off. Maybe he was just tired from his trip. Maybe he was just a weirdo. And for some reason, he looked familiar. It was enough to make my hair stand on end.

He blew out a harsh breath and squeezed the bridge of his nose just beneath his black-framed glasses. With dark brown hair that was tousled and thin lips, he was nice looking. Nice body, for sure. But something still bothered me.

He smiled at me. “What is there to do for fun around here?”

Morgan beamed at me and then at Archer. “Come to Wanda’s Lounge at ten o’clock Friday evening and you’ll find out.”

I elbowed the bitch. Hard. “Ow-wuh!”

“You deserved it. You’re worse than Wanda.”

Archer smiled. “I guess the Inn and Out is the only place around, too.”

Morgan and I burst into a fit of laughter. “You’re staying

He smiled, revealing a dimple in his left cheek. “Unfortunately. The bed is round and vibrates if you feed it money.”

Morgan couldn’t get her breath. “Brooklyn lovvvved the bed.”

“I hate you, Sin,” I giggled, throwing a piece of lettuce at her. She ducked and it landed on the tile floor. “I hated that bed with a passion. And the bathroom. You might need sunglasses.”

“Please tell me you weren’t in room one-thirteen,” Archer said, his eyes widening.

That made us laugh even harder.

“OMG!” Morgan said, wiping tears from her eyes. “This is too funny!”

Archer and I laughed and I felt more at ease about him. His wide smile seemed genuine. When did I start taking up the small town pack mentality of shunning outsiders? It was at that moment I decided to hang out with Archer if he wanted a friend.

“If you want to hang out while you’re in town, here’s my number.” I scribbled down the pre-paid cell’s number on the corner of a napkin and tore it off, handing it over to him. Morgan looked surprised by my willingness to help a brother out.

Archer took the piece of napkin and tucked it in his pocket. “Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind. And thanks for letting me sit with you.” We needed to leave so Morgan could torture some more pictures out of me, so we told our new friend goodbye and clapped Willy on the shoulder on the way out. He shot an uneasy glance toward Archer. “Everything okay?” he asked.

“We’re fine. He’s just new in town. Not that I’ve been here long, but I know what that’s like.” He nodded in understanding but glanced back at Archer’s head, unconvinced. “Sure, Miss Brooklyn.”




I’d just finished texting Wanda with what I would need for Friday’s two song performance when Colt pulled into his driveway at six o’clock on the dot, so I ran outside to meet him. He was OCD about being punctual, so I knew he would change and be outside in just a sec. I wore yoga pants and an oversized t-shirt, with my hair beneath one of the ball caps I stole from him. It was dark blue with the Swift Rapids Police Department badge on the front.

BOOK: Temptation, The Complete Serial Series 1-4 (The Temptation Serial Series)
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